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Hostel is a place where study stay to learn and are expected to improve their studies safe as security is
available in the institution. The purpose of hostel is to provide student access to education, those who
can’t walk/travel to institution daily. But this day’s hostel has been a common fashion. Ekejiuba (2015)
says that a hostel is a building that houses student under a leadership of hostel administrators unlike the
past hostel were made for student whose home were from the educational institutions but recently
many student opt for hostel accommodations and many people have believed that hostel education is a
place that provides better learning opportunities for the student.

There are various factor that determine the satisfaction of students about hostel. They are the building,
accommodation, guidance, learning environment and opportunities and so on in attempting to measure
factors related to student satisfaction with their hostel and how such factor associated to their academic
performance. Gonzalez (2005) explore that student experience in both in class and both outside the
class environment on and off the campus contribute to educational attainment and personality growth,
similar to Zahra (1972) noted that superior students interactions between roommates in different
background and specializations that contributes to a wider students’ knowledge and student outcome
(as cited in Ali & mansoorl 2015).

Scholars have different perspectives on learning in hostel. Khozaei at (2010) as cited in iftikhar and Ajmal
(2015) state that living away from the family for a specific period of time leaves some enduring
experience in the life of the student. In this new life style student learn to live independently and learn
how to compromise with the other students and roommates.

People believe that hostel life has a unique impact on the pattern of student socially and behaviorally
differently. Hostel life has combination of different cultural background and they learn various
knowledge from colleague who represent different cultural identity (shah 2010), similar, Thakkar (2012)
positively advocated for hostel education that hostel life is helpful to change the way a student, Its
effect on the personality behavior, thinking and dressing as well in hostel student are surrounded by
other students of about the same age as they are all those students have different characteristics. In
hostel life all students have to adjust to the other student stayed in the hostel.

Living and learning in the hostel is one of hostel issue in Nepal. The parents either being very busy or
with aim to improve the education their children send their children to hostel which detach the children
from home. Lee (2011) reflects that mostly parents make the decision of pursuing shadow education
with the wish to make learning easy and enjoyable for children however it create financial burden to the
children, increase stress among children and insecurity and child right violation I have applied theory of
attachment because I explored the feeling of student when they are away from home to stay in hostel.

The hostel management reserves the right to match those twin sharing residents without a roommate
with same gender. Any damages to room facilities will be shared equally with the roommate. The hostel
management reserves the right to enter, inspect or spot check the room in the interest of proper
conduct of the residents or the orderly and efficient administration and proper use of the room to
maintain or repair the premises but only in the presence of the resident unless time permit, a written
notification shall be given in advance of the managements intended entry. According to Austin, (1984)
several researchers have explored the relationship between resident all living and satisfaction with the
college experience. Residence hall experience in turn have shown to have positive impact on student
perception of their undergraduate experience mentorship and faculty student relations.

According to Downing college graduate student in collage accommodation live either in college or in
graduate hostel which is closer by as their studies usually require them to remain a Cambridge for
visually the whole year. Student are able to participate as fully in collage life as all other members.
Cooking is not allowed in the room including storing, preparing cooking or consume food to prevent and
pest nuisance. Any damage to hostel property must be reported immediately to the hostel
management. Resident will have to pay for all damage except those caused by normal wear and tear.

There are more collages allocate their student but it is still will not be enough to allocate their entire
student, Therefore, student affairs office must secret the student according/based on the criteria that
student affairs office decide to choose student that are qualified to stay at colleges along their study
according to mark Drunmiond, a service requirements for graduation that program is affective because
it integrates the service component into the curriculum which can quite costly.

Hallack and Paisson (2007) highlight the positive impact at private tutoring as it helps in improving
students learning. It gives opportunities for student making better use of out of school time. The
guidance of teacher’s constructive feedback, collaboration learning opportunities for extra co-
curriculum activities are considered as the positive aspect of shadow education.

Some people considered hostel as place where student get opportunities for learning. They learn from
teachers in addition student learn to live with friends through sharing. However there are same dark
side of the hostel life. Ekejiuba (2015) states that hostellers could acquire many good qualities from their
colleagues and at the same time could be vulnerable to had influence of dubious students. The influence
of bad company and inadequate facilities in the hostels might draw a student backwards from his or her

There are various factors that determine the satisfaction of student regarding hostel education. Ayud ,
Kasson and khozaei (2010) state that the hostel building rooms and other physical facilities influences
the satisfaction of student. The physical factors of the built environment affects the student satisfactions
and the student negativity perceive if their privacy is not maintained. The student face some difficulties
while staying in hostel as we know that the physical facilities also impact on the satisfaction of students,
some studies show that students are not happy with the facilities. Aawyeerr and Yusuf (2012) did a
study and explored that the student are dissatisfied with these facilities as they are grossy inadequate
and as such do not meet with the intended purposes of their provision and meet the growing need of
the students.

Mimert (2012) as acted in Oftoljar and Ajmal (2015) says that the students living in the hostels face
many difficulties and hurdles such as facilities crises, adjustment issues personal helplessness, distress
changes in eating and sleep habits and many other issues. Research suggests that empathy altruistic
behavior, emotional stability will be more in hostel student therefore student face issues will bring
adjust helping with others because there is also distinction in different language lifestyle brief
temperament and other among a brief amount but a part of subsume others, modify with other and
share with other instantly to the room partner. Ali and Mansoor (2015) presented the impact of hostel
education as there are different factors are accommodation, medical facilities & location of hostels,
sports facilities and safety. Out of these seven factors five factors significantly influence on the academic
performance of the students. These factors are accommodation, food facilities inmate cooperation,
library facilities and safely and security. s

According to KMTC this project is aimed at developing a system for keeping records and showing
information about or in hostel. This system will help the hostel officer to be able to manage the affairs of
the hostel. It will show rooms available or not and number of people in a particular room. This will also
provide information on students who have paid in full or still owing. This system will also provide a
report on the summary details regarding fees and bills students are owing. Also include is a user module
for employees or the hostel officer. There will also be an administrator and has the ability to delete, and
edit employee records.

This system will be developed based on software development life cycle with Microsoft visual basic and
My SQL server. Visual basic studio is a good for the development and design of standalone based
programs whiles My SQL is good for database because of its security and its advanced features and

According to Bernard willa (2010) the use of manual system come up with the following problems of the
current system. This was after a research was carried out and questions asked about the system they
were using. The problems with the current system were as follows:

 More human power

 More strength and strain of manual labor needed
 Low security
 Data redundancy
 Difficulty to handle
 Difficulty to update data
 Record keeping is difficult
 Backup data can be easily generated

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