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112 BERS R RAPS AEE J) NC A RR RUA A HRA OR > ASMERS MERE HEEL ER AAAS BL ~ 2 AP AUERL ¢ 100 3748, MBAR: + GEMM 2B AGHA SME, LSI REM BOL MAUR > RAE CF)» RA BAM Ob TERMS RS BR WM) LPR Rak TUR A ER CH) © BAUR AKER ER ER CAINS OP NIE + RM RAR SEAR AALS + BREA RAB AEH AEM TK + FG: ADH n RP RMR Ek FHL MENS» Hama TR: SH RBM RSE + MALE PEM « HARM semis EPR - a R net eS . ‘HACE te MOA BHO AR mH BERD > BRM (5 027) + RASRRE C5 10 53) WHE RL MERION EL 1. Inthe inal___ ofthe soap opera, the te identity ofthe sera killer wil be revealed, (A) reunion (B)principte (faci D)scene 2, The young gil handled the emergency as ally as an adult, She was quite far her age (A) ideal (B) mature (innocent (Diimoginable 3. The customs om that island are Nowhere else can you find any other ene similar to them. unique (W idemica! (Chstressfut (D)voluntary 4. What cally elps us improve isnot emotional comments and complaints but__eriticim, ‘constructive 1B passive (Cultural (Dymiserable 5. Ofall the methods se hs tried in an effort to_her students, the teacher fou material rewards and extra poins mos effective. (A) fascinate (Botransfer (©omotivate Dyrmiiply 6. During the festival, many vehicles will pack into the city and _ the trai (A) fasten [B)block (© promote Dyreieve 7. The victim suffered brain damage asa result ofthe accident, which led lifelong physical dlsabiltes, (A) financial (B) prominent (© permanent Dytiberal 8, Amy is a determined person who would remove every __ that keeps her fom achieving her goal (Adobstacle (B) landmark (©) poteatial (Dyetement 9, Most backpackers like to visit counties where the public___is welldeveloped. (A) decoration [Blexposure (Cdemonstation —_(D) transportation 10, Wit ll he runners equally outstanding, the ree was so ___ tha no one dated to guess the Final (dizzy [Bleompetitive (Clopposite (Dysutticient BREA (a5 10 54) ma: ERM HLH SUBS ME ‘A chameleon is lizard that can change its skin color to blend in with its surmundings, making it iicult (spot. Seientsts have identified 202 species of chameleons al over the world, nearly one-ifth ‘of 11, inhobit Madagascar, an island country inthe Indian Ocean. What's ty remarkable about ‘these creatures is thee ability to adapt to various environments, ranging from deserts rainforests, Their sect HA SME RA MORE bol independent eye movement also enables @ nearly 360-degre field of vision, a perfect adaptation for ‘their ambush hunting strategies. (Chameleons are _12._ for ther exceptional camouflage abilities. It was once believed that these creatures changed color primarily to eseape predators. _13._, recent studies reveal that chameleons ‘change thei coloration for communication purposes, such as expressing anger or fear, attracting other chameleons, or warming them to stay ava. This form of communication, unique to chameleons, highlights their complexity as. species, Adkltionally their lta-fst tongues, capable of captxng prey in a action ‘ofa second, showcase their amazing hunting proficiency. 14, porecived threat, chameleons typically sway back and forth, mimicking « wombling loaf ‘blown by the wind to maintain their safety. This behavior, 1S. their olorchanging abilities, shows a high level of adaptability in these fascinating creatures. Despite these unique survival stategies, chamsleons face numerous threats duc to human activites, emphasizing the urgent need for conservation measures ‘Truly, the chameleons unique characteristics showcase te briliance of evolutionary process. it B)that (which Diihem 12, (A idemiied B)known (exchanged Dheritcized 13,(A) Unfortunately (8) Therefore (©)Simitarly (D)However 14.(A)Inresponse to (B)By way of, Olnease of Diinspite of 15 (A) interacted with B)combined with (©) kept fom (D) separated from ssc ‘ymin, a word derived from “jamming” and “gym,” combines fee musi improvisation with eerste, Developed by group of German seen, ymin _16._ a novel taining concept and an atemative to tational pain management methods. By mersing the energizing rythm of musi with phyiel activity i bins a nique blend of enteainment and hells benefits tothe abe. thas been "sported hat Jymmnin _17._reduees anxiety _17._booss selfconidene, Furthermore, itcan boost ones mood, causing a runes high. This inovaive method makes the exerci routine much more enjoyable and rewactng. “To creat this uigue experienc, sient tached sensors tothe moifiedfitress machines, which generate iferent sounds base on the user's movernnts. These Sensors, software, capture and transmit signals, playing back a distinctive accompaniment from each piece of fitness equipment Thus, the intersetion between motion and sound forms a dynamic, engaging exercise cnvronment. In essence, the participants in the study became music composes, with the machines 10. theieinsiruments. They eneate! mise while exercising? This fascinating connection between technology and fimess has _20.__new possibilities for our physical health, changing boring workouts into colorful, erative activities. Incorporating Jymmin into our fitness routines not only enhances physical well-being but also transforms exercise into a vibrant and artistic experience. 16. (A isolates (i) justifies (C)represents (D):mpresses 17.WWinet only .. ut aso [B)neither...ror (C)not so (0) $0. that 18. (A)connect (Bleonnecting (Cleomested (D0 connect 19.(A)coming across (B)turing against (C) resulting in (D)serving as 20, (A) stepped in [Blopened up (Cllooked into (D)cared for f : y eC He BMG MD EMS ee > URL (5 10.54) NS DLA E HOA + HA MH HR BA RAR RAST OL HASH HARE GML ‘m2 ‘Watching TV is a guilty pleasure for many peopl, ranking as on of hemo! common everyday activites workwide, after work and sleep. Indeed it's no suprise to find oursevesbinge-watching ‘our favorite series or moves, especially after along day. Americans watch around five hours of TV BRERA (8 97) OL: RAGE RHA» AL OO EAE + HH HR TE AL HN Sabha ABE 2a aeueMRUem {As global temperatures continue to rte rapidly and extreme weather events become more frequent, addressing carbon emissions has become an urgent priority. _31. _ One policy that has proven to be highly effective is the implementation of a carbon tax ‘The cathon tax is financial penalty imposed on businesses bused on the amount of fossil fuel consumed to produce their goods and services. 32. When te ax i et ta high enough rate, demand for these goods declines, s they become prohibitively expensive. This motivates companies to switch to cleaner energy sources, which are more cost-effective, In countries with suficienly high carbon tx rates, renewable energy sources rapidly become the preferred choice for busineses, 33. _ Sweden, which boasts the world's highest xrbon tx rat, serves «asan excelent example. Sine implementing the carbon tax in the erly 90s, carbon emissions in Sweden's ‘ansportation sector have dropped by around 11%. By 2021, twenty-seven counties ad implemented an official carbon tx. However, some countries, lke Japan, have st their carbon tx ates too low to make 4 substan impact, When it comes to addressing climate chang, half measures simply won't suffice. _M.__Iesobvious thata wellimanaged carbon tax canbe a big help in encouraging the use of renewable ‘energy. Therefore, sountres should consider this steatogy and adjust their tx levels in a way that really makes a difference in euting down enrbon emissions, (A) This leads toa significant decrease in fossil fuel usage 1B) As carbon emissions increas, so does the tax, making the end products more expensive for (C) fn fact, taking serious setion on climate change is something that needs glcbal cooperation. (D)In response, several counties have enacted emission-reduction polices te significantly reduce ‘hie national carbon emissions. > BRAN (25 24 57) [een 5 35.e0 2 6.8» HAE spss mm Despite the increasing popularity of e-books, print books continue tobe the preferred choice for childeen and toddlers. Even parents who are e-book readers want their children to experience traditional books. They belive that physical books allow kids to better lear about shapes, colors, and animals while also fostering sense of closeness when reading together. nox HAAAERERSMOREMEEL sexe Although the al bok market i mpidy transitioning to digital format, e-bock for children under ight years old have scen minimal growth, They account for less than $% of total children's book sales, ‘compared to over 25% in some adult book categories. Parens often prefer to browse through a children’s book in its entirety before purchasing which they can’t do with digital editions. ‘Some experts argue that converting picture books to e-books decrease the oveal reading experience Junko Yokota, « professor at National Louis Univesity in Chicago, suggests that the physical aspects 4 book, such as its size and shape, contribute to the emotional and intellectual experience of reading. Wider pages may be used to porsay landscapes, while taller formats may be chosen for stores about ‘skyscrapers. ‘This explains why many parenis maintain a “digital double standard” insisting that their children be surrounded by print books. Leslie Van Every, 2 devoted e-book user working fora digital ‘company, is one such parent. She and her husband read on digital devices, but they provide only print ‘books for their two-and-a-hlf-year-ld daughter, Georgia. Van Every cherishes the intimacy of reading, and touching the word together with her child In conclusion, although e-books have gained significant sttenion inthe adult market, print books sill hold a strong appeal for children and ther parents, The hands-on experience of holding and reading prin book, alongwith its potential to crete a bond betwen parent and child, ensres that print books will continue tobe cherished by the younger generation, 35, According to the passage, which ofthe following statements is ue? (A) E-books are giving way tothe rise of print books. (B) Adults insist on spending ther time reading ol fashioned books. (C)Parents believe it a beter idea to surround children with print books. (D)Kids are discovered more and more frequently ata local bookstore 36, What do the two Figures in the second paragraph imply’? (A) Children have a greater preference for e-books than adults. (B) E-book sles for adults are growing ta faster rate, averlook children’s preference for e-books. (D)Chitaten’s population isa quarter of that of the adult population. (© Publishes 37. According to the passage, whats affected by converting a picture book to an ebook? (A) The convenience of reading. (B) The bright spot For bookstores. (€) The landscapes ofa city. (D) The physical perception from reading. 38. What an be inferted from this passage? (A) Parents and their children are both showing a greater preference for reading e-books. 1B) Parents seem to enjoy flipping through pages more than thet children. (C Parents usually choose printed books for their children, regardless oftheir digital preferences. (D Parent appreciate the sensation of touching physical books despite e-books bing more affordable, cH HAH LA OR a eo oH $5920. Rum ‘As exams approach stunts often fel the pressure of time and rely on mulitasking, considering itan effective way to manage their workload. However, can the human brain tuly perform parallel, processing i trequtes conscious thought, especially when the different tasks have different goal? Multitasking is aterm that originated in the computer engineering industy to describe a computer neously and has been used since the late 19% to deseribe human behavior Office workers and students frequently multitask to improve work efficiency, ‘Some psytologss argue thatthe executive conto ofthe bai, the bility to focus on multiple tasks, is impressive, This contol allows people todo tasks while scanning through materials and determining ‘the best way to deal with them. For instance, an experienced secretary is expected to answer phones performing multiple task simul hile responding to emuils or preparing reports. One study even suggests that the ben's ability 0 categorize competing information continues to develop util the age of sixteen orseventen, However, others believe that multitasking often has hidden eosts. While accomplishing multiple tasks may seem more efficient on the suri, research indicates that people experience severe interference ‘when performing several simple tasks simultaneously, let alone complex tasks that requte fll attention, ‘As rest split attention can lead to errs. Moreover, experts suggest that the more students engage jn multitasking, the more likly they are to face academe problems. “Multitasking can also have negative impaets on socal lif. For example, textingduring a conversation ‘conveys disinterest in what the other person i saying and can damage relationships, Therefore, whether sking beneits us remains a question 39, According to this passage, what does the term “hidden cots” refer to? (A) Poor quality of work mal (B) Increased work pressure (©) The unwillingness ofthe bran to multsk (D)No improvement in academic performance 40, Which of the following is NOT an example of multitasking? (A) Dreaming while sleping. 1B) Driving while texting, (C Using the computer while aking (0) Exercising while listening to music 41, Which ofthe following statements regarding multitasking is true? (Ais seen as beneficial to social lie (B)ltoften takes place in office or schoo! environments, (C)Malttasking has more benefits than drawbacks. (D)Enors will definitely occur while multitasking 42, What ean we infer from this passage? (A) The writer opposes multitasking (B)"The writer supports multiasking, (C) The writer is doubtful about multitasking. (D)The writer is indifferent to multitasking. ae CAA ARIE AE MER ect oF SascmDme “The question of whether surfing the Inte counts as reading as sparked a debate as many children novwadays spend hours online. While young readers move fiom site to site, check e-mails and chat, some people argue that they are not reading. However, Elizabeth Birt Moje, a profesor of iteracy a the kids do read while surfing the net, According to her, reading on the web is a sophisticated experience that requires children to process information in various forms University of Michigan, believes such as photos, videos, charts, and graphs. ‘The information that young readers acess is limitless, and Tinks lea to related information, which enriches the reading experience. ‘Moje also noted that proving home Internet access to low-income kids hasbeen shown to improve standandized reading test scores. Without Internet access, these kids would not have had the chance to ‘ead in their fee ime, ‘The more people read, the mote likely they are to develo stronger skills. surfing the web motivates kids to read, even i tis ony fora shot period of time it ean be beneicial “Moje believes that all reading, whether online or affine, ean be useful depending on the type of text and how i is used, However, some experts like Ken Pugh an associate professor at Yale Univesity who studies the brain and reading disabilities, hold opposing views. He arpues that reading is an ztivity that requires focused attention for an extended period of time, When we read «narrative, we cate mental images {o go along with the story, making reading books a mentally stimulating seit thats good fer de brain. ‘But much ofthe reading done online snot the same sustained, focused reading thats done when reading narratives. IPkids spend most of ther time online without exploring texts o staying ona top for an ‘extended period of ime, they may not be getting the fl benefit of reading Pugh believes that children should not be discouraged from exploring the online world, as it ean _retly enhance thei education, For instance, they ean find pietures and inks to more sites when studying rummies o enrich thie study. However, Pugh thinks that is ci lenging to explore the online world if a child is not a good reader. Becoming a good reader takes practice, and reading interesting books is an excellent way to practice 43, What isthe author's opinion on reading while using the Itemer? Wlis overated, (B) Mis debatable (Co lacks mental stimulation. (D) tis a sophisticated reading experience “4, According to the artle, which statement shows that using the Intemet can enhance chikren’s reading abilities? (A) Children navigate between websites, real emails and chat, 1B) Chien must interpret information in various formas sd tothe text (C)Childten create images rel (D Poor childken with Intemet access may achieve better reading test results = OCH He ARE R EMER EEE aa 45, According to Mr: Ken Pugh, how can children improve their reading skills? (A)By immersing themselves in engaging books. (B)By exploring the Internet fora diverse learning experience. (By reading any available text, online or offline. (D By spending focused and extended time reading online 46, What can be inferred from the article? (A) Reading isan important skill and comes in many forms. (8) Books provide better iformation compare to the Internet. (C) The Internet may replace al printed materials eventually. (D) Experts belive thatthe Internet i a major eause of children’s reading isis. BRAD > REM Cb 10 3) RASTA Mn SFMT MEER TATE IIL EARS « Se. ‘When t comes to health and diet, one tpic that always comes up is earbohydrtes (or carbs). Along, with proteins and fats, carbohydkates are a vital mutient found in the foods we ea hat give us energy. ‘Thete are wo main types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Unlike complex eatbs, which have Jonge cains of sugar molecules and tke longer to break down, simple carbs ean ease glucose to quickly enter the bloodstream due to their shorter sugar chun structure. Because ofthis, cits that limit simple carbs have become popula, end fonds containing them are sometimes considered unhealthy, But ae carbich foods relly the enemy, or are they a misunderstood nutient with a had reputation? Catch foods canbe divide into two categories: “good” (whole, unprocessed) and “bad” (refined, processed). The difference between the two Fes in how they are processed bythe body and how nutritious they are. Refined sources of carbohydrates often have parts that contain fiber al nutrients removed, so they are quickly digested and more likely to rise blood sugar levels. Diets high in these refined foods are attociated with serious health problems suchas obesity and type 2 diabetes. Healthier carh sources, such soa and brown rice, have Jonge cain of sugar molecules and are high in fibor and ther rents, ‘hich take longer to break down and provide our bodies with longer-lasting energy Good carb sources, like vegetables, usally contin essential vitonins, mineral ud ther uti ‘that are vital to good health, For dhe most part, choosing “whole” rather than “refined” earb-sich foods ‘isthe best way to ensure that your nutritional necds are met. Steering clear of processed foods like whi bread, past, rice, sweets, and desserts can help keep your intake of simple carbs | ‘whole foods like vegetables, its, nus, seeds, and whole grains isthe key t0 weeding the “ad” foods out of your nutritional garden minimum, ating mex Wiehe EMER SME OER RR seceet 47, What is the main idea in this article? ( 28H » 25) (Eating fowe crt is ely for ox { Some cabs are beter for us than others. (tings of er can case heath problems yA fms of ears are essential for our over eat 48, How does theatre the pasage? REE» 2 3) (By sing static. 1B By giving a cation ©By sharing so. D)By wsing a metaphor. 49.50 Acconting tthe atl, what re wo heath problems hat may be ssid with onsuing too many unhealthy sours of carbohydrates? IH 4 37) 8 and 50 5 Which phrase inthe third paragraph has similar msaning othe word “avoing”? TB» 2 5) RBM + IEA (5 28 7) RRA AM HREM HS SLOAG ASE RAMA EEN” rua > PRRBE (5 8 53) OL RARE OF PRATAP ACERE 1. AES» APREU-F ROLF ARR ANIME Heise OR EAL 2. SSM MBSI RRM ENE + SUMTER PHS + am 38 4 3p T+ BECHER (i 2097) WE RHA BALI AED 120-0929 (wows) « et = AR A) AT UR EIR NR » RTT» 2002 SFP Ae Meh HOLE 38.196 +B) 2022 APES LF 52.296 « BASSE — ARRAY 120 SEES ES» SCORE» 5 — FRR ee he A CONADRUDRS 5 Ba AS PEShOe A CHM STRATE AE = ao

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