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LUQMAN ALHADDAD CONTRACTING src. gue BY gli ttl led (CONTRACTING, MAINTENANCE AND TRADING Byles ySlL_1o cyl ) dae is Employment Contract CR No: 3833.01 ga al sal, ‘This Contract was made on: 0918/2028 Sido ange Between dion gag A. FIRST PARTY: sil a tan | EmployerRepreseniave: LUQMAN AL HADDAD a ae CONTRACTING SPC Nationality: Bahraini find Adaees: Office 10, Building 1711, Road 579, Muraoban oi 605, B.SECOND PARTY: PNA Employee Mr: ISURU UDANA DIVITHURE data uulifeations: Bachelor of Engineering Jud Shcoay Nationality: SRILANKAN raat) cPR: spat Passport no: NS3070S5 Se Now therefore the partes declared having ull capacity to ily acd Li ght td 9, contract and mutually agreed as follows Peak galite 1. That the second party accepted to work for first party as Quantity Major Surveyor(Constr. Project) inthe kingdom ‘of Babrain fora total monthly wages BD 650,000 and his probation period of 3 months and will be evaluated for fixing appropriate salary only after getting the report from the concemed authority on his proficiency in the profession and on the ability to handle works and all related administrative works independently. 2. The duration of this agreement shall be Two years as starting from the date of... a. The Second Pany further undertakes 10 perform the tasks of his job or any other tasks as requested by the ‘employer, as per business requirements and circumstances ‘whether within or outside the Kingdom of Bahrain, ', The two parties hereto have agreed that the second party shall be subject to a probation period of three months can be extend up to sic monthsif both parties agree to. «. The limited employment agreement expires on the date ‘of expite therefore unless the two partes renew it for an ‘extra period on the same terms and cantons 4. The Second Party futher acknowledges that he has the {qualification required to perform the work assigned to him by the First Party €. The Second Party further acknowledges ¢ Papers (employment documents) are true and f. The Second Party further acknowledges bound at the present time by any work a employer, Aah cys an JyQhG, bd gl Jo gl sem F8650.000 + 8 pnt al Pon yall bib at Oi py 343 ly Pe A stig Gdn 3e 9 8 Se Jpoal (Sis Kal ch 9) Lae Ny Dae gs a Ape ag ie ae 85.2 oe Fale he as deg ey eso A BG as hytiy Soy dat lg ge Ly Sa lon galt ee Scape ln als AAD ety le I Ge Das hey gel SOE eal al Be ESO sil Sd ph iy dy DU ae gy ll gy 251 gy ly ABD al a5 Gb (Aga GD GLI LS (ad ink) JG hd JS oa ah JS al andy Aetna ghee go LUQMAN ALHADDAD CONTRACTING see, pabgh DY yLGabl sb yk (CONTRACTING, MAINTENANCE AND TRADING {35 GL gis ) 1g, The Second Party further acknowledges and agrees to terminate any contract of employment with the first party, and that this contrac isthe only contrat of employment in force between him and the frst party h. The employee has to produce his certficates/redentials in original for verification on artival to the concerned authority and i not appropriate shall be liable for legal proceedings binding to rules and regulations prevailing. {All the certificate/credentials willbe in the safe custody of employer and. will be retuned when the employee is fulfilled his obligation or on temintion, i. If the work of the Employee is not found satisfactory Within six months of his local transfer, he will have to go hack to his native country or local transfer at his own cost ‘and all other expenses incwred by the company will also bee bome by him and the employee undertake herewith to render his servies for a minimum period of 6 years, upon the successful completion of his probation period j. The employee is working in poor performance oF not able handle assigned projects independently and) not ‘achieving the employer requirements, the employer have right to reduce his salary and employee have not agreed the reduction of salary, he has right to resign his job within fone month If he did not resign within one month, the reduction will be valid and continuing further salary anc also, he have no right to claim any reduction amount in future 13. Ordinary working hours to be performed by the Team Member shall be forty-eight hours 2 week, and any days in which he is absent from work if without an exeuse or Within the probationary period shall be automatically delucted from his salary, The secon party will do all duties assigned to him in his cvwn best capacity and pledge 10 do all duties ssfactoily in his profession and. in emergency conditions the ‘employee will have to attead the daily pending, works without any delay. The employee acknowledge that all prequalifcation papers arecorect acknowledge that his is the qulifiation required odo job 4, The Second Party is prohibited from trading of any sort carrying on business of any kind whatsoever during the period of this agreement. similarly, the second party shall rot engage either directly or indiecily in any other employment of any kind, parttime or other business of any nature whatsoever during the period of this agreement The second party is prohibited from practicing eny business, director indirect, competing with the fist party’s business activity. 5. The Second Party (Team Member) shall further maintain the work tools, instruments, machines and vehicles his isposal and he shall cary out all necessary procedures 10 conserve and maintain the same, and shall be fully responsible for them. In adition, he shall not neglegt she Se hid ale (sig) OG Sty y AUS E PEN Jy (Cad al) TMG Le ge Sat JS (Cah) UNIS ay bg Joya al Se Salle dee A de oe lay GB GAY US 9 SA Gn seg eT a 5 iv RLM Gg oLtel BL fg? Stal ob ny hate dS Gh y+ asd ML pay le hd i A al Cl Se Tap OS Bay Ga can Bye gh AEN Sf en Sie ese je jpeg ipso le) By ta up ae Ah eA ae Ean) Lab a ag be oped gd BISA dg Ma gee ene LS AL Be ga 6 oF UH Yad hes i i Gg a HESS he cladohB Uae ke 98h op ya oly Jay bya JS Sad ise on Vy ite JSS) gp ED pa GEE tie co da gy Ad gaa Dall cated ny aay ot DLL Ay Ge MEANT Ses SN gs ee ag Biya ys ly ig De al (yy ‘Stn i ig Malin Dye gl Maal ayy csi 4B Ws! gd) Ub als Ube Jal lols 3 CPE a Gh Oe pasty Ean Adele Rapti Ba Se ah Sela sll Dag 90 ch gn AIG Sl En sD TA ie gh an By ast gp te ell ae nn ga PEs eee aD lee diab deal sea aa bo gl oe Halas Doel il ld Gott) ess 4 Bello ANG A Gb AS ic SALT Noe I pind dS ole Al be gl gt phe at J ye Si oe al Joe gle he ae ae gl lh hl le ny US ANGI A ie Wing le aly yaya (Ayal) A) 5 SUS § 0s sity ped a de gn pl fll Gy dilly all Baynes See O58 Oy lang Ql yy lh ot Sha ay hc Malte ode Yt ae tore g feed JAM ued ad SiGe hy ghee jg VOT age agin: 17730064, C.R, #38833 OHM. 579, Block. 605, Murgoban LUQMAN ALHADDAD CONTRACTING see. ph PDI LEU ll (CONTRACTING, MAINTENANCE AND TRADING Bj 35 GL ne cyl ) . equipment, documents, ec, under his disposal at the end fof contract term, and shall repair the resulting. damages from the abuse of machine, car or any work tools under his hnand throughout the contract term, Housing aveommodation Insurance and hcalth care facility will be provided to the Employee as long ase is employed in this Co. according to the prevailing rules! regulations. 6. Upon expiration or termination of this agreement the second party: This contrat is dissolved by itself, without the need to alert or alarm, and the frst party has the right to terminate this contact in following cases 1. Ifthe second party has breached any provision stated herein this contract. 2. Ifthe second party commits any sort of exime 3. Ifthe second party has violated any rules and regulations of the Kingdom of Bahrain ». The second party must notify the first party in writing if Ihe wishes to resign before the expiration date of this contract. The second party will be then responsible 10 handle all fees of employment paid by the first party to private or public sectors, those include; traning. costs, document costs, visa costs. In addition, in this case, the ‘ight to a return ticket is dropped. «In the case of expiration ofthe contract and ifthe second party does not wish to renew this contract, he must notify the frst party before at least three months prior to cexpirations 4. Is not be permitted to take up employment with a ‘competitor or in any business concern engaged in activity similar to those exercised by the company in Kingdom of Balrain and fora period of one year ‘© Must return to the company all papers, documents, catalogues and for other property, which may be in his Possession, relating to the business or affairs of the company, and will aot retain any copies or extract there from: If the second party decide to resign from the service Without justified or legitimate cause, he will be liable to repay and reimburse the first party al costs and expenses incurred due to this agreement. All other expenses towards his employment in Bahrain and expenses of his passage are also to be bore by the Employee. The second party has no right to claim ext, ‘compensations of pay other than the stated tnt oan nh : (fa & RAS Jae) BD yd eB yay cl 98 aw 7h i yk 8 Dayle al Gaya a hed ga AD BO oe ae gh J a4 6, 998 a a eS ge sy SA ay od at) JL gy Seca A (bya SAN hg ey (ig) gh J ADE Eye (Abd) IG LS It BN Dad lly cal (Gp BBE GAS I SN Jal (gly BGO Ge 1 Se gt Db td ty Ui (La Cun) ABI GI 9s J GE atl AB oe EY tay ass at fh feng (gl) Se A yey hd (Jest an) JY GS My foe A AID (pl) gl 8d sich ys PPI os) poy al ee ate ys SBE ABs UG st oh ol gk on ae EN eet PAS YB J ad IS 21g Ja Ag A ga aly gle fal a0 Aa MG ALE J PEAT AS Gl fhe J ch 8S El Ne Gass ETN Sos Vy DMG aD an J 3p IM Gd eo ass GG INST BEIM SO Goat BD ST day Eye BEGD GM CHD gay DS DB a Hy aA nd hala ss I al gy Bla (Bgl) ill 20a Satie see Gilg cme ak ota cha ed 2S Cede gnpaidl pil 550 dl Wa in Jaw ofthe Kingdom of Bahrain TAAYY soa AWE AE GSLs (CR. FRY] P.O, Box: 70522, Sitra, Kingdom of Ryan. E-mail: uqmancontracting@bateleo, Satab gyfhall Sle ihe VO ONT ge 86, Fax: 17730064, C.R, fs 38833 Road. $79, Block. 605, Murgoban LUQMAN ALHADDAD CONTRACTING sec, geet oY gL IL led (contractine, MAINTENANCE AND TRADING Lad yilLsie oi ylis | h, Second party handling projects independently should ‘complete all the following documentations and handed ‘overall documents to the PM/Emplayer properly prior 10 availing termination of contract. 4. Prepare and submit to Projects Manager/Employer the Final bills of projects handled. b. If any site work/telated work pending to handed over to Projects Manager/Emplayer propery. . All ‘AS ited drawings” to submit Client and get approved (copy handed over to Projects Manager/employer. 4. Prepare all subcontractr’s certificates within the agreement and quotation. ‘All documents /ste correspondence will be properly hhanded over to the concemed _person/Projects Managerlemployer 7. Sick leaves 4 The Second Panty in case of disease supported by @ medical certificate issued by a doctor in one of the public hospitals or medical centres in the Kingdom of Bahrain shall be entitled for sick leave each year aecording to the provisions of article (64) of the labour law. . In addition, the first party is not responsible for any ‘medical treatment for the Team member in the private dispensaries and hospitals both within and outside the ‘Kingdom of Bahrain. 8. Annual leaves: ‘The Second Party shall be entitled to a paid annual leave according tothe labour law in the Kingdom of Bahrain at the end of the contract term as defined by average of (30) calendar days per year of service, Air passage 0 native place will be provided t0 the employee after successful completion of the term of contract and if any loal transfer, you are not eligible for the ticket. Hf, not complete the contract agreement to work in this ‘organisation, the employee not eligible for any indemnity ‘and air tickets, also to be compensate to company all his ‘expenses related to him eg. CPR, CRPEP licence etc Any tax implementation in Bahrain, the employee will sole responsible forthe same and the employer will not have any responsibility of the same. 9. Contract law and jurisdiction: DAS Sn JD a gil iG nyc Sa 5D Saad en a AS ee, Se el LN gp J Dall py) | ST eh ee ee i 6 algal ate i Pek 6 daa gi dee / yy Ja gh in gS gra Sy Ua len gg eed ie Bip) Se Up aly deal i jena hapa I goer Sade gt yee Hs i, Saag ARN oe I IBD ch Sy Su, ak de Bs hy DL ye ata gu pla De ita / ale / ged yaeayyn 7 al Hats ope apd a gh gill LD Sey H 38hph Jt Bo sa op Fe (A) AS hy de IS any Fa Sapa an Gh Sa ye he hoe User ye DY shiloh ob ARYL EAS da LAAN tScly Canal gd GG le Sania He dallas, pn Sheba pl te G8 BO) ely ta ely Sa fa gS ae Ay co dl eh Ge la A a ig la byl SE a ae arnt as oh eagle de sl ADD 9 nd 056 arlene Galt gh BD shun gl dala Ln hy Haase play sa) 2515.9 In case of any dispute conceming the enforcement oft rots 7 Cone oay fs rvs stall be elegy SHH SRP Ge 5 DIE Uy ay se ‘courts and law of the Kingdom of Bahra regulations and bslaws set by the company aa TAATENS Ge AWTS OE GSLEAWYT SAY P.O. Box: 70522, Sitra, Kingdom of Babrain, E-mail: lugmancontracting/, LUQMAN ALHADDAD CONTRACTING spo phigh DY (LEU LI kl ( CONTRACTING, MAINTENANCE AND TRADING ByLa5 9 Glo gis } All Bahrain labour laws in effect will be applicable for this as gh AY ok le Ay Jal ppl Laat alt 8 gga ue agreement; whereas the precedence of this article will 2p gill a BLD a ind gh prevail Gua 5 ‘SECOND PARTY (Bisa AN hs FIRST PARTY (a sate) Li all gh ss VAAYY songe NVVT OO VE aaSlb AVY AN JV cyl gayall Glas agi = VOY age P.O. Box: 70522, Sitra, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: 17730091/17730036, Fax: 17730064, C.R. #; 38833 Email: Inqmancontracting@batcleo,com,bh, Flat 10, Bldg. 1711, Road. $19,

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