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CBSE TEST PAPER-01 CLASS- X (Acid Base and Salt)

1. An acid can react with (1)

(a) AgCI

(b) =-log 10]=-(-2)logl0 =2 Na,co,

(c) PbSO,
(d) Na,S0,
2 Which ofthe following gives CO,on heating? (1)
(a) Slaked
(b) Quick lime

R. K.
(c) Lime stone
(d) Soda ash.
3 Plaster of Paris is made from (1)
a) Lime stone
(b) Slaked Lime
(c) Quick lime MALIKS
(d) Gypsum
4 Which is a base and not alkali? (1)
(a) NaOH
(b) KOH
(c) Fe(OH),
(d) None

5 Chemical formula of baking soda is (1)

(a) MgSO,
(b) Na,CO,
(c) NaHCO,
(d) MgCO,
6. What happens to the crystals of washing soda when exposed to air? (2)
7. What is the chemical name of washing soda? Name three raw materials used in (2)
making washing soda by Solvay process?
8. What is efflorescence? Give an example? (2)
9. Why is sodium hydrogen carbonate an essential ingredient is antacids? (2)

10. (a) Name the raw materials used is the manufacture of sodium carbonate by (3)
Solvay process?
(b) How is sodium hydrogen carbonate from a mixture of NH,Cland NaHC0,?
11. Write equations for the following reactions (3)
(i) Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with zinc granules
(ii) Dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium ribbon.
(iii) Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with aluminum powder.
12. (a) An aqueous solution has a PH value of 7.0. Is this solution acidic, basic or (3)

(b) If H* concentration of asolution is l×10 mol L what will be its P4 value?

(c) Which has higher PH value: 1-M HCI or 1-M NaOH
13. What will you observe when: (3)
(i) Red litmus is introduced into a solution of sodium sulphate.
(i) Methyl orange is added to dil HCI.
(iii). Blue litmus is introduced into a solution of ferric chloride
14. (a) The PH of rain water collected from two cities A and B was found to be 6 and (5)
5 respectively. Water of which city is more acidic? Find out the ratio of hydrogen
ion concentration in the twO samples of rain water?
(b) Arrange the following in order (ascending) of their P4 values.
NaOH solution, Blood, lemon Juice.
CBSE TEST PAPER-02 CLASS - XScience (Acid, Base and Salt)

1. The H* ion concentration ofa solution is 1.0x10 m.The solution is (1)

(a) Acidic (b) Alkaline
(c) Neutral (d) Amphoteric
2 An aqueous solution with pH-zero is (1)
(a) Acidic (b) Alkaline
(c) Neutral (d) Amphoteric

3. Setting of Plaster of Paris takes place due to (1)

(a) Oxidation (b) Reduction
(c) Dehydration (d) Hydration
4 The difference of water molecules is gypsum and Plaster of Paris is (1)
(a) (b) 2

MA IKS (a)z
The odour of acetic acid resembles that of
(a) Rose (b) Burning Plastic
(c) Vinegar (d) Kerosene
6. Give the name and formula of two (2)
() strong monobasic acids (ii) two weak dibasic acids

7 Why alkalis like sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide should not be left (2)
exposed to air?

8. Dry ammonia has no action on litmus paper but a solution of ammonia in water (2)
turns red litmus paper blue. Why is it so?
9. Bleaching powder forms a milky solution in water. Explain. (2)
10. A first aid manual suggests that vinegar should be used to treat wasp sting and (3)
balking soda for bee stings.
(a) What does this information tell you about the chemical name of the wasp
(b) If there were no baking soda in the house, what other house hold substances
would you use to treat as stings?
11. Does Tartaric acid helps in making cake or bread flufy. Justify. (3)
12. Explain why? (3)
(a)Common salt becomes sticky during the rainy season.
(b) Blue vittriol change to white upon heating.
13. Acompound Xof sodium is commonly used in kitchen for making crispy pakoras. (3)
It is also used for curing acidity in the stomach. ldentify "X. What is its chemical
formula? State the reaction that takes places when it is heated during cooking?
14. (a) Why does an aqueous solution of acid conduct electricity? (5)
(b) How does the concentration of hydrogen ions (H,0] changes when the
solution of an acid is diluted with water?

(c) Which has higher pH. Aconcentrated or dilute solution of HCL?

(d) What would you observe on adding dilHCL acid to
(i) Sodium bicarbonate placed in a test tube.
(ii) Zinc metal in a test tube.
CBSE TEST PAPER-03 CLASS- X(Acid Base and Salt)

1 Washing soda has the formula (1)

(a) Na,CO,.7 H,0 (b) Na,CO,.10H,0
(c) Na,CO,.H,0 (d) Na,CO,

2 Plaster of Paris hardens by (1)

(a)Giving off CO, (b)Changing into CaCO,
(c) Combining with water (d) Giving out water
3. Which of the following is evolved when Na, CO, is heated? (1)
(a) CO2

R. K.
(b) CO
(c) O2 (d) No
4 A drop of liquid sample was put on the pH paper, paper turned blue. The liquid (1)
sample must be of
(a) Lemon Juice
(c) Sodium bicarbonate
(d) Ethanoic acid.
5. If pH of solution is 13, it means that if is (1)
(a) Weakly acidic (b) Weakly basic
(c) Strongly acidic (d) Strongly Basic
6 Why does not an acid show any acidic behavior is the absence of water? (2)
7. Fresh milk has a pH of 6. What will be the PH value if milk changes into a curd (2)
8. What is the reaction between hydrogen in concentration ion concentration of an (2)
aqueous solution and pH?

9. How will you show that aceticacid is monobasic acid (2)

10. Explain why (3)
() Anhydrous calcium chloride is used in desiccators
(i) Ifbottle full of concentrated H,S0, is left open in the atmosphere by accident,
the acid starts flowing out the bottle of its own.
11. How is plaster of Paris chemically different from gypsum? How may these be (3)
inter converted? Write one use of plaster of Paris?
12. (a)What is the action of red litmus on (3)
(i) Dry ammonia gas
(ii) Solution of ammonia gas is water?
(b)State the observations you would make on adding ammonium hydroxide to
aqueous solution of
(1) furious sulphate
(i) Aluminium chloride?
13. State the chemical property in each case on which the following uses of baking (3)
soda are based
As an antacid

(i) As a constituent of baking powder.

Give the chemical for baking soda
14. A road tanker carrying an acid was involved in an accident and its contents spilled (5)
on the road. At the side of the road iron drain cover began melting and fizzing as
the acid ran over them. A specialist was called to see if the acid actually leaked
into the nearby rive.
(a) Explain why specialist could carry out sample test to see of the river water
contains some acid or not

(b) Suggest a better report name for the word 'melting'

(c) Explain why the drain covers began fizzing as the acid ran over them.

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