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Is Human cloning ethical and should it be allowed?

Discovery and invention have been the nearest confidantes of man in the journey of
civilization and making history. This journey took a divisive turn when it was discovered that
clones of an individual could be created in a lab. All of this started when Dolly the sheep was
created as an experiment.
On the one hand, it opened a doorway for cutting-edge discoveries and inventions, but at
the same time, it also distressed many religious communities across the world. Even today, it is a
burning topic of discussion whether it is ethical to allow clones of different organisms or not.
In the United States of America, the movement to ban human cloning is intensely
endorsed by the leader of the research team that cloned the sheep “Dolly.” However, he alleged
that his technique of creating human embryos for research purposes that aren’t implanted could
not be represented ethically.
This method can be very helpful for infertile couples to have children of their own, by
removing birth defects, extending life, organ transplant, and many medical conditions. Although
cloning of organisms can help us in various ways that we know and do not of. If soon, human
cloning is acceptable, it can open a new chapter of sweeping chaos that may threaten human
Many curious minds and people with illegitimate intentions may take this wonderful
invention of science to a level where unethical, inhumane, and morally unforgivable crimes can
be committed incontestably.
It can be explicitly stated this way that a human clone, when fully grown, will be
identified as the rest of us humans. The dilemma comes in here because it will feel and respond
just like any other human, and will hold all the rights available to another human which do not
permit a person to be a subject of experimentation deprived of their choice.
Things may work out comparatively well if research organizations are allowed to use the
technique of cloning on a restricted and supervised level. However, permitting such experiments
requires extensive care and monitoring, which is a complicated yet delicate task. Moreover, even
if it is allowed, it has serious drawbacks as well. Even a little blunder in this field can lead to
atrocious consequences of gigantic proportions.
For instance, on the occasion of an organ transplant, the body may reject the cloned
tissues or worse it may not even respond to the new treatment. Human nature is the collection of
immeasurable positive and negative energies, and there is always a continuous battle between
Negative energies are always prepared to consume the positive ones to take charge of the
personality and entice an individual to do dissolute acts. Because of this precise reason, humans
created laws and rules to establish a controlled and organized environment. This is the reason
why mankind became more and more civilized over time.
Now, virtually the entire population of Earth holds on to some moral, ethical, traditional,
and religious values. So, the government, scientists, and the public are left with no choice but to
veto the cloning of humans because there is a high chance that a group of people may take
advantage and do inexcusable dissolute acts. Human cloning has boundless advantages as well as
disadvantages. If we are to be certain whether human cloning should be allowed or not, both
sides have solid and valid reasons.
Observably, it cannot be endorsed to immorally use this technique, and on the other hand,
it has immeasurable phenomenal advantages in the field of medicine which cannot be ignored.
Together the scientists, the government, and the community need to come up with a solution, that
can allow this technique of cloning to be used in a way that is ethically appropriate and
medically supportive.

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