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Page 1

Area: Foreign Language/Lengua


Subject: English/ Ingles

Grade: 10

Lesson Title: My Future Plans

Grammar and vocabulary content

 Possessives: review 4. (related to theomancy) a priest that was
 Phrasal verbs inspired by god and gave pieces of advice
 Modals: ability and possibility to know the future -ORACLE
 Future tenses 6. To find water under the ground, we
Interdisciplinary use ... RHABDOMANCY
 Divinations around the world 7. Scapulimancy consiss in
 Inventions reading...BONES
8. Oomancy pays attention to ...EGGS
 Writing predictions
1. In this divination method, someone
 Gender Equality
reads pieces of wood -XYLOMANCY
 Interculturality 2. The art of seeing the future by looking at
 Human beings and the environment rocks - LITHOMANCY
3. Phylomancy pays attention to ...-
Teacher Tip: Before reading, the teacher LEAVES
should ask the students to read the unit 5. It is used to see the future in pyromancy -
contents in the triangle to connect them to FIRE
the name of the unit. Finally, the teacher 7. Ornithomancy consist on looking at these
may divide the students into groups and ask animals - BIRDS
them to brainstorm words related to future
and every subtitle on the triangle in groups. 2)Aeromancy: interpreting atmospheric
While reading, the teacher can ask the condition
students to circle the words they don’t Aleuromancy: divination by means of flour
understand and do some research about Anthropomancy: divination by the entrails
divination methods that are practiced in of dead or dying men or women
Ecuador. Bibliomancy: interpreting a randomly
chosen passage from a book, especially the
Page 2: Communication and Cultural Ceromancy: divination from figures formed
Awareness by melted wax in water

Page 3: Oral Communication

What will happen tomorrow? This is a
question that has always troubled humans.
Today we will discover some methods of Retrieved from: https://www.merriam-
Did you ever look at the sky when you want the-future/divining-the-future
to know what will happen in the future? A Answers:
lot of people have looked at the clouds and 1)a. aeromancy-looking at clouds
precipitation to know how the weather will b. aleuromancy-divination that comes in
be in the future. Yes, aeromancy is like the flour
weather forecast, but in the past, people c. anthropomancy-reading the entrils of
didn't have an app to see the state of the another person
air. Another way of divination you have d. bibliomancy-loking at books
probably tried is aleuromancy. Have you e. ceromancy-reading wax in water
heard or seen fortune cookies? Well, as 2)a. stars, b. Greek, c. arrow d. random, e.
simple as they are when you open one you cards f. 18th, g. hands.
are practicing it. Aleuromancy is the
divination that comes in flour. In the past,
people put messages inside bread or dough
and then baked it.
The next is a practice some people did in Page 4: Reading
ancient times but is surely illegal today. We Teacher Tip: To start the teacher may
are talking about anthropomancy. It is the write the title of the reading “Family life in
divination by reading the entrails of a the future” on the board and ask the
person. Another interesting divination students to think of two or three things that
method is astragalomancy. It is a practice they think will change in the future and
to read by means of small bones or dice. share their ideas in front of the class.
People who practiced it threw small pieces
and the way they fell gave information After the reading the students may organize
about the future. Its name comes from the the main ideas in a mind map and the
Greek astragalos that means "molding" and teacher may ask the class if they agree or
"neck vertebra." disagree with the text. If the class is divided
Next comes a very interesting divination by their opinions, the teacher may organize
method. The root of the word belomancy a small debate.
comes from "bélos" the Greek word for Answers:
"missile, dart, arrow." And it is the same 1)a. T, b.F-Relationships and family will
root for words like problem, hyperbole, and be different than what we have today.
devil. To predict the future under this c.T, d.F- The economy will make it
method, one must draw arrows that have harder to live in an independent house.
messages from a container. If the Bible
comes to your mind when you hear the
word bibliomancy you almost guess the
meaning because bibliomancy is the Page 5: Writing:
prediction of the future by means of looking Teacher Tip: To do these exercises, it is
at books. Exactly, you just need to open a important that the teacher does a review of
book on a random page and what you see the future tense to be sure that the students
belongs to your destiny. A very well-known know how to express ideas in the future.
divination method is cartomancy. Its name Teacher Tip: Exercise 2. The teacher may
already tells us what this form of prediction ask the students to put the life events the
is about. Young women in the 18th-century students want to talk about on a timeline, so
used it often to know information about the use of time expressions is easier.
their future as who their husband would be.
There are many more divination methods
like ceromancy or the art of reading wax
from candles when it falls into the water. Page 6: Language Through the Arts
Chiromancy or the art of reading the lines Teacher Tip: The teacher may show some
on the hand or Lecanomancy that consists pictures of gypsies before the reading so
of the examination of water in basins. students can be clear of the topic they are
talking about and if they have extra
knowledge about the topic, it can be a good B-will be possible and people will normally
moment to talk about myths or stereotypes go to the moon.
and talk about values, specifically about
Teacher Tip.
The group A and group B cards below have
to be cut and each student must get one card Page 7: Oral Communication
so they can go around the class looking for Script
the counterpart that makes sense. Then the A: Hey Mili, how are you? Have you
students can make their own predictions. already made plans for the summer?
They can add cards or change the second B: Hi, Lucas. Oh no. Not at all. Do not even
part of the predictions. say plans. I do not have a clue of what I'm
In addition to cards made by students, the doing this summer, what about you?
predictions below can be used as example. A: Oh sorry haha. May I ask why are you
so stressed out?
GROUP A B: Well, it is because I have so much to do.
GROUP B It is not even summer and my friends have
already organized 3 pool parties, I will
A-In 20 years cars probably attend to 2 beach weddings, my
company will launch a product so I must
B-won’t have wheels and won’t need a coordinate everything before I leave, my
driver. sisters have their birthdays and we meet
like every year to celebrate that. Oh, I
A-In 2040 books almost forgot! My coworkers will make a
farewell dinner and my parents will come to
B-will not be made of paper. visit me for a couple days.
A: Wow, amazing. All of them are fun
A-In 40 years languages activities, but sounds like a lot. You know
what? I just read an article in the New York
B-will be learned by taking a vocabulary Times where they talked exactly about this
and problem people have. They call it the art of
grammar pill. making plans. The author says that it is
common for people to feel overscheduled
A-In the future robots with free time activities.
B: That's my case. What else did the article
B-will do all our household chores say?
A: So, after a study some researchers found
A-In 2030 all the food that if you schedule your free time activities
with friends they will be seen more as tasks
B-will be always nutritious and delicious at and not enjoyable anymore. That's why they
the end up cancelling plans.
same time B: Great. So I am not the only one.
A: Not at all. They said that the culture of
A-In 15 years flights planning-cancelling was already
discovered in 1986.
B-will be faster and cheaper and we will b: Wow, and do they give any solution?
not need visas. A: Become a hermit
B: Really?
A-In 10 years I A: Noo! I'm kidding. You don't have to
avoid meeting people. They say that you
B-will be graduated and have a job in shouldn't plan every single moment and one
something I like. event so close to another. Make your
schedule less stressed. Leave time for
A-In 3000 space trips socializing.
B: So, you are telling me I should be more schedules. In pairs or groups, with other
spontaneous. colors, they can divide the activities they do
A: Exactly! In your free time, you should do during the day into necessary, important,
what you want and not what you must. unnecessary; or from 1 to 5 in importance.
B: But if they invite me to events, I can't say Finally, the students need to answer to the
no. questions: “Is this a well-organized
A: But at the end, you go without wanting schedule?” “How can I improve it?”
to or cancel at the last moment. Answers:
B: You are right. What should I do? 1)a. To make humans’ lives easier. b.
A: The article mentioned a woman who Because managing time today is a problem
explained that to avoid cancelling plans all for many people. c. To help people to
the time, she always asks herself “Why will organize their time.
I go? Do I want to go? Is there a personal
or business reason?" So she accepts only
those invitations she finds important and
she commits to go.
B: I will do that :) I will still go to the Page 9: Oral Communication
events I already accepted this summer Script
because I already gave my word. Anyways, Jessy: Hey guys! what's up? what are you
thank you very much Lucas. listening to?
A: No problem Anna: Hi Jessy! We are listening to the new
single of the Jonas brothers. It's very good!
Retrieved from: Thomas: Yeah, she is making me listen to their music.
on/making-plans-schedule-free-time.html Jessy: haha and how is it?
Thomas: It's not THAT BAD!
Answers: Anna: Oh! Come on! It’s not that bad at
1) all.
1. She doesn’t know how to organize Jessy: I didn't even know they were back
her time when she makes plans. together.
2. No, she has too many social events. Anna: Well, they are! and they are making
3. No, because the free time activities a tour!
turn into tasks and are not enjoyable Jessy: Is it a global tour? Are they coming?
anymore. Thomas: Oh no-no. They are not coming,
4. Not to plan every moment and not but Anna is going to see them perform in...
to put one event to close to the next. where?
5. Because the activities are seen as an Anna: In the WiZink Center in Madrid on
obligation and people don’t enjoy them February 16th at 9:00 pm. They have
anymore. launched many new hits, so it is going to be
6. To make your schedule less awesome.
stressed and to leave time for socializing. Thomas: I will go too
Anna: Really? Are you really going to come
2) Mili-b, Lucas-c, Mili’s friends-c, with me?
Lucas talks about- c, Planning/cancelling Thomas: No, I won't. Sorry haha
culture-a Jessy: Aren't you going to any concert
Thomas: I am a true fan of Adele, and even
though I understand her decision I am
Page 8: Communication and Cultural really disappointed with the news that she
Awareness won't be touring soon.
Teacher Tip: Before reading activity, the Jessy: Oh, won't she?
teacher may take time before the reading to Anna: She confessed that touring doesn't
ask students to draw a schedule of their match with her personality; However, I
week, and write down their routine. Then, have heard she may tour next year.
the teacher can ask students to share their
Thomas: I am going to set off for the US in time discussing, the teacher may ask them
September. So, if there is a good concert on to write down their answers and present
those days I will go. them.
Jessy: Let me see... I have this app where Finally, the teacher may read out loud the
you can check who is having a show. answers, and ask other groups to agree or
Maybe there is one that appeals to you. disagree to create a small debate or
Chris Brown, Diplo, and J Balvin are going conversation.
to perform in Washington.
Thomas: Hmm .. no. What about New
Jessy: Bad luck. The same artists. Página 11: Oral Communication
Anna: Oh, well. You could bump into a Script:
celebrity in New York. Oh my God, you Is 2020 the future we dreamed about?
could meet Harry Styles! There are several reasons to have high
Thomas: It is very unlikely that I meet a expectations in 2020. Inventions and
famous person. However, if I do, I will releases make it possible to believe that
definitely ask for an autograph for you. 2020 will be an exciting year. The
Anna: Thank you Thomas. Thanks. predictions said that in 2020 there will be
Retrieved from: several events that will change the history of humanity. Among them are the
concert-tour-predictions exploration and subsequent realization of
Answers: mines on the moon, robotic lunar bases,
1) cars that will be self-driven, doctors will
a. FALSE. Anna going to travel to Europe. implant chips in the human brain, scientists
b. FALSE. Thomas will travel to the United will produce the first fully synthetic human
States. brain and London will connect to Beijing by
c. FALSE. Anna is going to a Jonas means of a high-speed rail. According to
Brother’s concert many technology predictions, 2020 is going
d. FALSE. The Jonas Brother’s concert will to be a one of a kind year.
be in Madrid in February. Japan will have its robotic moon base, and
e. TRUE. it will set out to develop robots that could
2) create a lunar base for robots. There is no
Present continuous: They are not coming. technological impediment for them to do so.
Going to: I am going to set off for the US in However, the economic factor may stop or
September. delay things.
Will: I will go too. China has the idea of creating a high-speed
rail line. Expenditures and infrastructure,
as well as labor, would be put by China. In
return, of the rights to use the train , this
country wishes to have access to raw
Page 10: Language Through the Arts materials from the countries that benefit
Teacher Tip: Before reading, the teacher from the train. With this ambitious project,
may ask the students to use their phones to China will unite the oriental world with the
do a little bit of research about the movies western world.
that will come out in the future. They can Another prediction about 2020 says that in
include series of streaming platforms such that year the cars will be able to move
as Netflix or Amazon Prime if the students without the need of a person behind the
are interested. wheel. It is the dream of many companies
and technological companies that is not far
Exercise 1. Ideas in notebooks. For this from becoming a reality, but there is still an
exercise the teacher can divide the class obstacle, how to make all cars
into groups of three or four students. This communicate with each other and send
will allow everyone to participate. information when they are so different and
Moreover, the teacher may assign each manufactured by different companies?
student a role in the group. After a limited There is still a long way to go, but a bit of
structure exists to allow that connection.
Experts say that this technology will be a Page 13: Writing
reality, but not yet in 2020. Teacher Tip: Help students brainstorm
With regard to the chips in the brain, they ideas about problems or situations they
will be a reality in 2020. However, we are would like to improve. How could an app
still not going to know the human brain that help them? What would it do? Etc.
well. Because of this, things cannot be done Answers: Answers will vary
as incredibly as in fiction. Page 14: Assessment
There have been many technological Answers:
advances in the last decade, and although 3)Listening- answers will vary.
not all the predictions that had been about Script:
the future have been fulfilled, the amount of The future looks promising and as a
progress made allows us to dream of a challenge for people who develop apps. As
future full of everything that once only cell phones are part of daily life and
belonged in fiction. increasingly perform more functions, the
public asks for more and more uses. For an
Retrieved from: app to be innovative and eye-catching, it has to cover a need that has not been met
echnology_and_science-innovation/t/ before. These are some of the most striking
reasons-will-be-awesome-year/ apps that people expect will be created and
#.XTX4VOhKjIW developed in the future.
Answers: Infant Crying Translator is an app that will
1) a. In 2020 b. Won’t be cars that can translate babies' cries with a staggering
handle alone 92% accuracy. The application classifies
c. Will have a moon base for robots d. the reason for crying infants into 4 main
Will join two worlds reasons. Crying for pain, for sleep, for
e. Will need more time to come out hunger, or for having a wet diaper. The
developers of this app have already
analyzed more than 200 thousand cries of
newborns. This app will make the lives of
parents much more enjoyable and less
Page 12: Reading stressful.
Teacher Tip: Before reading activity, the The second app of the future will be
teacher may ask students to do some Movesum. Users of this app will know how
research about education in the past by many steps they should take to spend the
asking their parents or older family calories of each cake they eat. This
members about education in their time. accompanied by a healthy diet will make
During the class the teacher may ask the sure people stay healthier and more aware
students to share what they know and write of what is put in their mouths.
the main ideas on the board. The sentences The Streaks is the third app that will be
comparing the past and the present can be developed in the future and one that will be
put on a timeline as a good way to review of great help for people who want to leave
grammar structure of simple past and an unhealthy habit, and change it for a
present. good one.
Answers: Companies like IKEA will benefit from apps
Exercise 2) Top to bottom: c, b, d, a … that allow users to experience augmented
or…. reality to visualize before buying how the
Language labs - Won’t be practical furniture will look in their homes.
anymore An application of the future that will help
Desks - Students will seat on collaborative all fans of series and movies alike will be
tables RunPee. With this app, people will receive
Computers- Will be replaced by apps on the a notification and their phones will vibrate
phone when nothing important is going to happen
Teachers with no knowledge of technology: in the following minutes. This will give
Will not be attractive to schools.
viewers time to go to the bathroom, buy The teacher may give the students the
popcorn or make an urgent call. following rubric parameters:
Retrieved from: Fluency, Comprehension, Pronunciation , Accuracy , Coherence
the-future/ Before preparing the dialogue, the teacher
may ask some questions that give an
example of the interaction expected from
the students.
Finally, discuss as a review the future of
Page 15: Assessment education and family structures.
Teacher Tip: Answers: Answers will vary
Exercise 1: Reading-The students may Page 18: Communication and Cultural
work in pairs or groups and find the verb Awareness
tenses and structures in the text. Then the Teacher Tip: Before reading, the teacher
teacher may assign each group a structure may start by asking the students about
and ask them to review the grammar. The soccer and what they know about the next
teacher can monitor that each group world cup. The teacher can also practice
understands the uses and structure of their past simple talking about the last World
assigned structure. Finally, the students can Cups.
take turns moving from group to group Answers:
explaining their structure and learning from 1)It will reach billions of people around the
the other groups. Once the students have world. In addition, the country expects to
visited all the groups, the teacher can assess receive 1.5 million visitors.
their learning by doing some 2)Extremely high temperatures and
comprehension questions or asking for workers’ complaints.
examples. 3 and 4) Answers will vary.

The teacher may also ask students to:

1. Ask their parents or grandparents
about school life when they were young and Page 19: Oral Communication
compare them with their own. Script
2. Observe kids today and compare What will the future be like? What will the
their childhood and the life of children. most important changes be? How different
Answers: Answers will vary. will the world be in 2100? Will everything
be completely different, or will it stay the
same? Which fields will undergo more
changes in the future? If you are a young
Page 16: Project person who is interested in asking what
Teacher Tip: Students may see some changes, there will be in the future. The
examples of horoscopes online in videos or "Horizon 2100" contest is for you. The
read some. The teacher can divide students Center for modeling future concepts of
into groups and ask them to prepare visual Russia organizes the international
material. Brainstorm with students so they competition. What should you do to
will consider a variety of aspects of participate? To participate, you must
people’s lives such as: health, school, jobs, submit a scientific or science fiction article
relationships, hobbies, good and bad luck, or an essay in which you raise a scientific
travel, news, etc. hypothesis or fantastic idea. People from
all parts of the world can participate. The
main objective of the contest is that people
of different countries think and activate
Page 17: Let’s Review their intellect while seeking to develop their
Teacher Tip: Review the vocabulary creativity with ideas about the future.
words for the first activity. Also review the The essays or articles sent by the
future tenses and uses. participants will be reviewed by a jury of
experts from different countries. The
winners of the contest may participate in a people like the music of this last mini album
forum in the capital of Russia, Moscow. The I am making.
essay or article must be written in Russian Alex: Oh, I get it. Now that you mention
or English. Therefore, if you are a creative uploading to the cloud, this article I read
person and you like to think about what will comes to my mind.
happen in the future, do not hesitate to Jimmy: That one about virtual reality and
participate. Perhaps it is in your future to music?
be the winner. Alex: Yes! That one. Isn't it amazing that in
the future out "idols" may not be real? Like
Retrieved from in the article, they mentioned that in the future, singers may be virtual creations that
prensa/estudiantes/como-crees-que-sera-el- perform.
mundo-en-2100 Jimmy: Exactly, like that Japan's pop star
Answers: Hatsune Miku
1)a.F b.T c.T d.F e.T f.T Alex: As a musician do you believe it will
Jimmy: I am sure it is going to work based
on the case of Japan because it is a
technological creation. It is not going to get
Page 20: Reading tired, bored, it won't have to develop its
Teacher Tip: The teacher can start the personal or romantic life, these virtual stars
lesson by stating the questions from Before are not going to travel for tours. They are
Reading to create a conversation, and guide not going to be out of tune if they are not
it until the class comes up with topics programmed to. You know, there are some
related to environmental change and link it stars around the world who are almost
with the values box. perfect, perfect dancers, singers, models,
Answers: Left to right role models, but the level of demand the
Greenhouse gas Seabirds enterprises have, makes them sometimes
Growth of mountains have miserable lives until the point of
Temp increase taking their lives.
Glaciers Crops Alex: You are right. It is definitely going to
Earthquakes take time until people get used to virtual
Floods artists but it is going to happen one day, I
guess. And what do you think about what
the article said of music lasting more on
Page 21: Writing Jimmy: You mean that about the chance we
Teacher Tip: Before writing, have students will have music on platforms and music
discuss ideas in small groups or pairs. won't disappear so fast because people will
be able to listen to it as many times and as
long as they want to? I think that is already
happening. What I find ironic is that even
though a song may stay on the top of lists, it
Page 22: Language Through the Arts is going to be very hard for artists to stay
Answers: famous for a long time.
1) 3 changes: Change of size. Buying Alex: You are right! to stay as celebrities,
snacks. Creation of drive-ins. people will have to do something amazing
very often because of the number of people
who can become stars every day by
Page 23: Oral Communication creating and sharing content constantly.
Script Like you!
Alex: Hey! how is it going? are you Jimmy: Exactly. The power of producing
producing any music these days? music won't be reserved only for
Jimmy: Good good. No! I just uploaded professional millionaire producers and
some records to the cloud. I want to see if thanks to the media and the internet, music
in different languages will reach the make students conscious of the importance
audiences on the other side of the world. of studying hard not only for the final
Alex: The future of music is something I exam, but throughout high school.
definitely don't want to miss. Answers:
2)Because they are important for entrance
to college/university, or to get scholarships.
Retrieved from:
will-music-be-like-in-the-future/The future
of countries
Retrieved from: Page 25: Oral Communication Script
future-of-countries/ Kathy: Danna ... do you know what you will
study after high school?
Danna: Yes, I know already what I am
Answers: going to study. Actually, since we are in our
1) last year. I have already downloaded the
1. Idols may be fictional in the future. document about the process, so I can know
ALEX when the process will start and what to do.
2. Idols may be like that Japanese How about you?
virtual singer. JIMMY Kathy: I haven't got a clue. I think I will ... I
3. I am convinced that virtual idols are think I will study medicine. I really don't
going to be popular. BOTH know. How does it work? Can I study
4. Virtual singers may get tired or medicine wherever I want?
bored. NONE Danna: So, I read about the number of
5. Songs in the future may stay more quotas there are, and they correspond to
time on the charts. NONE the number of students each institution can
6. Real life artists may not stay as have in their first semester classes. That is
idols for a long time. ALEX if you want to study medicine at Central
2) University you need to have a really good
Alex: Isn't it amazing that in the future grade. However, if you apply to study in a
"idols" may not be real? Like in the article, smaller institution, you won't need such a
they mentioned that in the future, singers high score. Anyways, I believe there will be
may be virtual creations that perform. a lot of students who want to study
Jimmy: Exactly, like that Japan's pop star medicine. Do you have any other option or
Hatsune Miku is the medicine your definite choice?
Alex: As a musician do you believe it will Kathy: No, I could also study something
work? like tourism. I think that is an amazing
Jimmy: I am sure it is going to work based career because then I would be able to
on the case of Japan because it is a travel a lot and get to know people from all
technological creation. It is not going to get over the world.
tired,bored, it won't have to develop its Danna: Ok, well I know there aren't as
personal or romantic life, these virtual stars many students who want to study tourism,
are not going to travel for tours. They are so you can actually apply with a lower
not going to be out of tune if they are not score and you may still get into the best
programmed to. institution. Moreover, there may be some
institutions where there may be almost no
students applying for a career so with any
grade you could study those careers. Of
Page 24: Communication and Cultural course, you must be careful not to apply to
Awareness a very small institution for a career that has
Teacher Tip: The teacher may start by few students because universities and
asking the students their plans for their technological institutes determine the
future and what is needed to achieve their minimum number of students to open a
goals. It may be a good moment to talk career. Therefore, if there were very few,
about the values mentioned in the text, and
the institution could close the career and their jobs, so humans will be replaced and
you would have to wait another year. dispensable.
Kathy Yes, I will be careful. Oh my god! 2) To gain control over 3 and 4) Other
Ok, at least I still have this year to decide. answers vary.
What about you? You said that you know
what you will study already. What are you Page 27: Writing
going to study? Teacher Tip: Before reading, the teacher
Danna: I am going to study architecture. I may want to discuss and debate with the
will study hard this year and especially for students the meaning of success according
the final exams. I downloaded a model of to each student. What are different ways of
the exam and I am going to practice every measuring success?
day. Answers:
Kathy: That’s awesome. See you tomorrow 1)-Sample answers:
in class and you can tell me more about it • Exceptional: unusually good; outstanding
there, please. • Transcendental: extending or lying
beyond the limits of ordinary experience
Retrieved from: • Long-term: occurring over or involving a relatively long period of time
educaci%C3%B3n-y-ciencia/3116-carreras- • Overnight: very quickly or suddenly
universitarias-2019-ecuador-oferta-acad • Reward: Recompense
%C3%A9mica-admisi%C3%B3n-senescyt • Improvements: something that enhances
value or excellence/to become better.
1)a. Danna knows what she wants to study
while Kathy doesn’t.
b. If they are too small, the institution may
set a minimum of students and if there were Page 28: Language Through the Arts
very few, the institution could close the Teacher Tip: After reading: The teacher
race and students would have to wait may ask students to do some extra research
another year. on the topic and focus on one specific case,
c.She knows what exactly she wants to and prepare a presentation on the effects of
study architecture. AI on art.

Danna knows that she wants to study The teacher may write some sentences with
medicine. architecture the modal verb “can/will be able to” to talk
Kathy does not have a clue(is not sure about the abilities their inventions as
what) she is going to study next at example.
university. Answers: Answers will vary
Kathy’s first university degree option is
medicine tourism.

2) left to right Page 29: Oral Communication

Medicine electricity Teacher Tip: Listen to an audio about a
engineering clinical psychology family that is planning their next vacation.
Architecture fashion designer Pay attention to the forms of the future and
nursing economics the modal verbs they use.
Narrator: Listen to an audio about a family
that is planning their next vacation. Pay
Page 26: Reading attention to the forms of the future and the
Answers: modal verbs they use.
1)Sample answer-The future may present
an unfavorable scenario for humans Assistant: Welcome to LDL, the travel
because artificial technology may take over agency, how can I help you?
Father: Good afternoon, Miss. Yes. My Mother: Isn't that dangerous?
wife, my son and I want to go on vacation Assistant: No, it is dormant. However, if
but we have not yet decided where to go yet. you prefer to stay away from it, you will or
Mother: Could you give us information fly above it on a helicopter tour. When you
about the trips they offer? go by helicopter, you can see parts of the
Assistant: Of course. Please, sit down. Do island that you cannot go in any other way.
you have any specific budget? Assistant: Then you can soak up the sun on
Mother: We can spend an average of 3000 one of the wonderful shorelines or you can
per person. practice a little bit of golf at one of the
Assistant: That is more than enough. I am almost 15 courses on the island.
going to ask you some questions to decide Mother: I enjoy resting at the beach, but
which place would be ideal for you. they don't. What can we do?
Father: Of course, please do. Assistant: You can rest and lay at
Assistant: Do you prefer hot or cold Kaanapali Beach, while they can surf and
weather? sunbathe. However, even when it is smaller,
Kid: Summer! Napili Beach is really loved by families,
Assistant: Do you prefer the beach or the because the waters are much calmer. There
mountain? you will be able to swim, paddleboard and
Mother: Anyone is fine as long as they have boogie-board.
room to play and a beautiful view. Kid: Awesome!
Assistant: Then they want a place with Father: I really like the plan, will we be
possibilities for activities, right? able to see something else than the beach?
Father: True we want to walk, observe, Assistant: I was just going to tell you about
navigate and any activity. We don't just the Haleakala National Park, that is where
want to spend in a hotel in front of a TV or the world's largest dormant volcano is
sitting on a tourist bus. We like to discover located. The mountain Haleakala's is
the place a bit on our own. higher than 10,000 feet above sea level. If
Assistant: perfect, I think the place for this you go in the morning you will see a
is Maui. beautiful sunrise. So, what do you think?
Family: Maui? Where is that? Will you set out on this adventure?
Assistant: Maui is the most beautiful beach Family: Yes!
in the United States, it is in Hawaii Mother: We love it and when it fits our
Kid: Oh no! Will we will have to spend the budget. We will definitely go.
whole day sitting on the sand, tanning and Assistant: Do not worry the package will
doing nothing? That is so boring! cover all expenses.
Assistant: Not at all. This is the best in Father: Fantastic! We will go straight to
Maui. I promise, once you get in, you will Maui then.
have so many activities to do that time will Retrieved from:
not be enough to get bored.
Father: sounds exciting. So what will we be _To_Do/
doing there?
Assistant: First, you can choose if someone Answers:
will come and pick you up and speed up to 1) Top to bottom- c, f, d, h, b, a, g, e
check-in at the hotel. Or you can rent a car set out: to start a journey
and drive 55 miles from Kahului, where the check in: to register at a hotel when a plane
airport is. The road to Hana is a arrives on an airport
fascinating route with hairpin turns and pick up: to go and fetch someone from a
the drive has some astonishing views of the place and take them somewhere else
island, the beach and the flora and fauna of get in: when a plane arrives on an airport
the place. look around: to explore what is near you, in
Father: We will definitely drive. your area
Assistant: Another activity that you will speed up: to increase speed
love is that you will hike and get on the get away: to leave to go somewhere for a
Haleakala volcano and look around to find break or holiday
perfect photo spots. get on: to climb on board
d. In the east of the country, the
2) temperature will be around 24-25
a. To decide on where to go on their centigrade.
vacation e. On Tuesday there will be a high of
b. He asks some questions 21 centigrade in the evening after a cold
c. Yes, they like the possible activities morning with a low of 14 centigrade.
d. Not the exact price, but it is in their f. On Monday it will be partly cloudy
budget. with 36% of humidity, the temperature will
e. He won´t be bored. feel like 18 centigrade.
f. A beautiful sunrise. Script
Hi, welcome to the morning weather
forecast. I’m Vania, your weather
Page 30: Assessment. presenter. Today, Saturday, March 7th, we
Answers: will be covering your local weather in
3)Reading - top to bottom: b-e-a-f-d-c Ecuador. Now the average temperature is
Nourish: provide with the food or other 17 centigrade. However, let's look ahead.
substances necessary for growth, health, Your 2-day forecast consists of rain, sun,
and good condition and cold. In the east of the country, it’s very
Womb: the uterus humid and hot. There is a chance it will
Life expectancy: the average period that a rain tomorrow, so don't forget your
person may expect to live umbrella! The temperature will be around
Food supplements: a preparation that is 24-25 centigrade. On Monday the
intended to supply a nutrient temperature will go down, but there will be
Undergo: experience or be subjected to a high chance of rain. Tuesday will be a
something very interesting day. There will be a high of
Preventive: designed to keep something 21 centigrade in the evening after a cold
undesirable from occurring morning with a low of 14 centigrade. In the
4)Medicine in the future will treat and North of the country, there will be a high of
prevent illnesses 15 centigrade every day until Thursday and
a low of 6 centigrade. It will be very windy
too. Go out with a jacket and a scarf! In the
south of the country, there will be a lot of
Page 31: Assessment sun the whole day and a high of 25
Teacher Tip: Have the students read centigrade every day. In the capital, the
through the listening activities to know maximum temperature will be 22
what they should listen for. The recording centigrade. Sunday will be mostly sunny,
will need to be played at least three times. however, on Monday it will be partly
Answers: cloudy with 36% of humidity, and the
1)Listening- temperature will feel like 18 centigrade.
a. The average temperature of the Finally, on Tuesday morning there will not
country is 7 centigrade. FALSE. be any kind of precipitation. That is, you
b. The weather forecast is about the can enjoy the weather. Just bring a hat with
weather until Friday. FALSE you.
c. The weather forecast is about the That’s your morning weather forecast,
south, north and east of the country. TRUE thank you very much for watching! I’m
d. There will be a lot of sun in the Vania. Have a nice weekend.
south. TRUE
e. There will be many clouds on Page 32: Project
Tuesday in the north. NOT MENTIONED. Teacher Tip: This project may be modified
2)Speaking in many different ways by using surveys,
a. Today, Saturday, March 17th oral presentations, artistic representations,
b. The average temperature is 17 etc.
c. Let's look ahead, your two-day

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