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FFCGrammar School-MM

Class: A-level
Subject: ST
Period:2003 to 2010
P'aper: 6
Probability M
Evenls Aand Baue such thut P(A) = 0.3, P(B) =0.8 und P( and B) 0.4. Stutc, giving areason )
euch cuse, whetlher events Aund e
) independeat,
nat Dadaenden
() inutually cxcluNive. not mue
Ivan hUws lhree tair dice. enclusíve
show ihal
(| List all the possible scOes on the three divo which give a twlal score of S, and hence
the probability of lvan ablaiaing alotal score ul 5 is [3i

ui) Hnd he probabiliy of lvan biainiag a olal score ol 7.

Racheland Auna play each ouler at badninioa. Each gane resulLs in either awin lor Rachel or a win
tor Anaa. The probability of Rachel winning uhe arst ganeis 0.6. II Rachel wins a particular game,
Ihe probabilily of her winning the next same is 0.7, but if she loses, the probability of hcr winning
Lhe oext ganne is 0.4. By using a tree diagram, or otherwise,
i) ind the condiional probability at Rachei wins the first gume. given Lhat she loses he second.

) tind the probability that Rachel wins 2 games and Joses Igame out of the irst hree games they
play. [4

The peuple livigg in 3 houses are classilicd as childrea (C). purents (P) or grandparents (). he
numbers living in each hUse are shown in the table below.

House numberIHouse number 2 House nunaber 3

4C, 1P, 2G. 2C, 2P, 3G IC, IG

d AlI he people in all3 housS meet lor a pany. One person al he parly is chösen al random.
Caleulste tlhe probability of choosing a grandparent. [2

( A House is chosen ut random. Then a person in thal bwuse is chosen al random. Using u Lree
diagrun, or ulherwise, calcubale the prububility Ihal he person chusen isa grandparent. |3

ilily Given hul Uhe person chosen by he method in pan |l)is a grandpaient, calculale the probability
Lhat here is also parent living in he house.

ln a ce1uin couniey 5-4% of the ppulation is male. Il is knoWn lhal 5% of he males are culour-blind
asd 2%. of lhe fenales are colcur-blind. A person is chosen al sandom and found to be colour-blind.
By uraing alree diugtan, of ullierwise, lind lhe probabilily hat this person is :ale. I6]

When Dun plays lennis, 65% ol his lirst serves go inio Lle correct area of the court. IT lhe icsi serve
Lwes iDu the corTeCt area, his chance of winning the point is 90%. If his fst serve docs nut go into the
corect area, Dun is allowed u secondserve, aud of Lhese, 80o yo intO he correct area. If Lhe second o.758
seve gces inlo lie correcl areu, his chunce of wínning the aint is 60%. If neilher serve goes inlo the
cOsrel atea. Don loses he point.

() DraW °ce uiagranl lo lepieI Lhis iolomatio0.

li) Using your ree diagram, lind Wie prububility hat aloses the jasn. [3)

Cæ) FIGd the cuIlitiunal probability Ihat lDon's licst serle wenl inta he curtel ulva, gi en hat he
luses the jirL. fiw')
Q.7 ol her ulls are ta
Wc) Andrea nd eds a làxi, she riugs onc yf hreu laicoples, 1. B or C. S0
I2xi couipany 4. 30% o B and 20 to ( A laxi troùI COMipany A arrives late 4% of the ime, a taxi
late 17% wfthe line
lroniconpany B arives lale 6% )l lhe ine acd a laai lronn COmpany Carrives

) Find he paubability lhat, when Audearings lut a luai, il urrives lale. o. 12 |3)

( I Giveo lhat Andiea's lasi arives lale, lhid the condiliwnal prububility th she runy conpy 3.
Uemploscf Employed
Maie 206 412
Female 358 3)5
Cern fom this 1rm is chtscn at random Lot 1f r the ewnt thn! the penn i Tnle 2nd tet : b .56o
(hert tht tfh pyrn emlovcd.

[2] Pimy E)= o6 44 2

Pemn E)+ Pm)x PLE)
1 ef ant E independent events Justifv your ansuer. [3

Fv) Civen tnt the person ctoaen is unemployet, find the probahility that the person is feate (21
PF/0)- o.635
Soges cf *tz coatzin tofees and clocolates. Box Acontains 6 toffees and 4chocclate, box B
cotane 5 to nd 3 chocolates, and boxC contain 3 tofes md 7chocolates. One of the boxes
is cheee t adom acd twg eets are talken out, one afer the otber. and eaten.
Fni be probabiliry that tey are boi tofees. [31
Gren tiat fher re both tofees. find the probability that they bot came frcm box A. (3]
The prcbahi litv that Henk gocs s*imming on any day is 0.2. On a day when he gres swimming.
h parilty that TIcnk has burpers for supper i 0.75. On a day when he does not g0 swimming
eprohahilty that he has burgers for suprer is r This informatinn is shnan on the fnllowing trce


no burgcTs


does not go

no hurgers


tEt Civen tht Henk hs burpers for supper. fin! the

probabilitv that he went swimming that cdnv. R(s/e)
Each father in a random sample of fathecs was aSkeu }w olu he was when hus lisiChiid* e
The lolluwing histogram represenis the inlornalion.

l'requeney deusily
(fathes per ycar)

70 (ycars)
i What is the nudal age group?
was born?
and 30 yers old when itheir irst chilJ
(Il) BW My falhers were between 25
il) wW nny 1alhers wete in the sample?
25 and 30 years
chostn at randum fron the group, was beLWen
(lv Fd uie probability Lhal a father. given that he was older Lhan 25 ycars. [2]
ficst child was boran,
old when his
Two ruir dice are thron.
|31 PLA)=
he prubability of even! A.
(() EventA is 'the scores diller by 3 or more'. Find
greater Lhan 8'. Find the prcbabiliy of event B.
( ) Event B is 'the product of the scores is
A and B are nutually exclusive.
not mtu yrcs
W) Stale wilh a reason whether events

Q.14 al lend a Lraäning sssion before a

footbal! maich. If he
Jamie is cyually liikely to auend pr not to mach. lf e dues nol aliend, her o5 - a . 3 .
which plays in the
allends, he is cenain to be chosen for thu leam
for lhe team.
is a probab1lity of 0.6 that he is chosen
chosen for the team.
il) Fiad the probabilily that Jamie is RS)
he was chosen
Jamie allerded the training session, given hal
(ll) Find the conditional probubilily that .3| z0625
Ior he lwain.

0.15 paper clip. Box B contains 7 rd paper ciips

and 2 white
Box A conluns 5 red paper clips and I while fron box A and lransferred lo box B. One papu clip
paper clips. (One paper clip is taken al
box B.
is then taken at random fron
) Fiad the probabilily of 1akingboh awhíte
paper clip from bux Aand a red paper clip from bor

paper clip laken from box B is red.
(l) Fiad lhe probubilily that the
A was red. gilcn lhal he puper clip laken
l, Fiad the piobubility that the paper clip taken (rom box 121
Irom box B is re.
uD 3
aumber of tim=s Ulal a fod papLÍ clip is Lw.i Draw
dy The rrdom varisble X denoles lhe
distrilbution of A.
tuble to show the probabilily

0.16 have sugur n iL. In cUuntry B b5'% uf puople who drisk

ln ceuatry A30 of people sho drink tea people in counlry A who drink lea nd 12 million people in
lea have sugar in i There are 3 millhoa
randum from tiese l3 million people.
cOuntry Bwhodrink lea. A person is chosen al
person chusen is Írom cuunry .
() Find Lhe prubability that Ube 2
chose docs no have sugt n her tea. \53sc-e
(ll) Find lhe probabilily J! Lhe perSon
theif le, id he probablity that the Dersa
Gi en at the person chusndÜCS Ot ha)e sugu in
Is lrom cou:atry B.
ETey dav Flurn tries to phone hls frlend. Every ime he phoncs there is a S0% chance that ns
Iriend will answer. Whis triend nusweTs 3dunus deues nul nlne ainou thal day. Ifhils fricd does
htt answer, Eduardo tries again in afew minutes' tloe. trhis Iriend bas not anwered nlter 4attempts,
Fduardo does not try again on hal cdny.
(I) Daw a free linorm to illustrale this siluntion.

hLobe the numlvr of uninsverd plone calls made by Fduardo on a day. Copy and coiplete
the table showing the probability distribulion ofN. |4|

A dle is biased so that the prohabilityof throwing a 5 (s 0.75 nnd the prohutilities of irowing 1 |, 2.
1, J or ó are all cual.

The die is thrownthrve times. Find the prhahllly thut the resuh is a Ifolliowot hy a5 follhowed PC5)2 o75
by uny ven nuntr.

( ) Find the pobabilitv lhat, oul of 10 1hrows of this die, at lenst 8 throw's result In a 5,

tlliThe die is thrown9) tHmes. Using an appopriale approxim1tion. ind th1c probability that a5 is -0.5 . 5 oe5)x 3
thmwn ore thn 60 tines.

There are three sets of traffic lights on Karinne's journey to work. The independent prolalbililies thal
Karinn: has to sop at the iirst, second and third set ol lights are 0.4, 0.8 and 0.3 respectively.
(0 Drawa tree diagram fo show this infomntion.

(D Fhd the probatbility thnt Karinne has to stap at each of he fiest twn sets of lights but deKIS nol
Iave to stop al the third set.
llD Find the probabilily that Karinne has to stop at exnctly two of the three sets of lights. [3|

(lv ind the probabilitythat Karinne has lo stop at the firstset cof lights. given that she has to slop al o.633
ex1Ctly two ets of lights, [3

Una certain roxd 20 of thevehicles are trucks, t6£ nre buses and the remainder are cars.
() Arandem smple of vehicles is taken. Find the nrobability that fewer than 3 are bUses.
(D Arandom sample of I25 vehicles is now taken. Using a suitable approximation, find the
probability that more than 73 nre cars.

At a zon, ridesnre offered on dlephants, canets and junge tractors. Ravi has money for only one
ride To decide which ride to clhoose, he tosses a air coin twice. 1T he gets 2 hends he will go on the
olerh:ant ride, i he gets 2 :ils He will go on the cAmel ride and il he gets 1of cach he wil) go on he
jungle tractor ride.

ih Find tUe rohabilitics that he goes on euch

of he three rides. 1210HH
ol the rides nre as follows:
The probahilltics that Ravi is frightened on cach
pl:nt ide camel ride ungle tractnr ride

ricdes that Ravi could take and whether or not he

I) DeUw a tully abelld tree diagram showing the (2|
is Irightene.
RavipDes on a rido.

() Find the probahility that he is

frightend [21
prohabilitv that he went on the cnnet rido.
(ly)Gi en that Raviis not frlghlened. find Ihe

Q.22 a normal distribution with mean 0M)

minutes and st:ndard
The tines lor a cerlain car joumey haveclassilicd as follows:
chvi:ntin 7 minules. Journey times
'short' (the shprtest 13 of times).
'long' (he longest 33% of times).
'sandard' (the remaining 34% of limes).
miutog m
chosen car journey takes belween 85 and 10)
U) Fipd the protthililv that i randonly
timcs fos 'stnd:rd jnurneys.
() Find the least and grealest

uufilbis On ahe sids which band face daa afe ntei lisents () a0d 2 are cktiraxd as fotlr*.

R t h of the fIumbess afe caier than

iD Ao Cvens hd excusive? Jusuty your attstwe.

|N At events and Rindepedent: ustify your answer (2)

A Small lam has S duckS and 2 Se Fur of b'Se birds ale to te chosen al randon. The fandn
\able Nrepresents the nunber of geese chosen
Dhaw up the probability disribubon of X.
) show tha E) = and calculate Vr (X).
with probability or the HCSC WI
liy WhenUhe larmer's dog is lt Joose, it chases cither the ducks
thcy will attack the dog
prohabilhty . If the dog chases the ducks there is a probabiity of that
they will attack he dog. Given thal he
Jf he dog chases ihe geese there is a probabilily of thal (4|
dog is not aluacked, ind hc probability that il was chasing the geese.
Raj spins Ue spiuner and rows two lair
Á Tair live sided spner has sides nembred 1. 2. 3. 4.5.
dNe. 13e culkulales his score as lolows.
Dultiplles the ( ) nuniberS showing on
" | |Ihe spinner lànds on n even-numbered side, Raj
he die lo tet his sCore.
udds Ihe iumbets showing on lhe dice lo
" lfthe spinner lands on an odd-Dubered side, Raj
get tis score.
lundd on an even numbered side.
GHen thal Raj's Score is I2, lind he probabil1ly thal the spioner [o!

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