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The Basic Elements of Garments Technology

Chrislyn Llevado

We live in the society differently as other live theirs. Considering that we value diversity in skills
and abilities. We have different interpretation /views on things around us but mostly for common things
we think almost the same as other people. In relation to this, in garment (clothing) category, people
normally view it as just one of our basic needs. As it was viewed that way more production will be
needed to provide one of the basic necessities of an individual. However, not everyone can make it on
their own, just for the sake of having something to wear they should be well made, so that means
people have the knowledge for garments making.

As a part of a community, we perform different roles in garment technology. I’ll start from the
smallest part, myself, as an individual who wore the garments being produced, I just don’t wear any
clothes but I have the preferences on what kind of garments should I wear. When I buy clothes I checked
how it was made, the design of the garment, if they are finely and neatly made. I checked every detail of
the garments since I have little knowledge about garments technology.

As for the people and its society, they became the critic of the product. Nowadays, people and
its society view clothing not just something to wear but it represents their ideas, their beliefs and
opinions. They wear something to communicate what they want to say, not vocally but through
appearance. Now, it is used to represent someone’s culture and tradition.

Therefore, people and society performs an important role in clothing. Clothing represents
different things as we play different roles to clothing.

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