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Chemistry week 4

1. Use the particle theory of matter to explain the changes of state of water. Draw inside the
square diagrams to show the particles in different state

a. Evaporation

Liquid gas

b. Freezing

Liquid solid

2. Which of these is a irreversible change? Tick them

a. burning a mixture of lime or chalk with clay

b. mixing cement with water
c. mixing sand with water

3. Burning a candle is an irreversible change. Burning a candle involves solids, liquids and gas.
In each space below write solid, liquid or gas for the state of material.

a) Many…………………………………. Wax candles are white cylinders

b) In middle is a …………………………………….. wick
c) When you light the candle , the hot wax………………………………..runs
d) Wax evaporates- you can see it as a blue…………………………………………… in the
e) This ……………………………………… wax above the candle burns with a yellow
f) ……………………………………………. Soot is made at the tip of the flame.
g) If you hold a cold plate above the flame,
water…………………………………………………. Collects on it.
h) The flame also produce carbon dioxide …………………………………………………..

4. You are testing vinegar and baking powder to see if the change is irreversible. List the
equipment you would need.

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