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Us: Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to our Senior High School Skills Day Celebration with a theme

Jude: Reviving Excellence through recognizing 21st century learners creativity and talents

Cindy: To begin with let us all rise for a prayer to be followed by the singing of our national anthem and
our alma mater song.

J: Please be seated.

C: To formally open our programme, let us hear the welcome address of our very own SHS Coordinator
Ma’am Anna Lou Namocot. Your hands please.

J: thank you so much ma’am.

Us: I guess we are all set.
C: And now let us witness and be entertained by the mass production number to be given to us by our
Grade 11 Students. Around of applause please.

J: Thank you so much for that amazing performance.

C: Alright, for the guidance of everyone I will now read the mechanics and criteria for judging for the
Booth Display, battle of the quizzers, poster making, photojournalism and oratorical.

J: And now allow me to introduce to all of you our board of judges, first off. We have ______.

Ending part:
Once again we welcome you all to this one big celebration of talents and skills. Let’s enjoy and give our
very best in everything.

This has been your host _________ saying

Thank you and God Bless us all.

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