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TIME: 2.5 HRS. MAX. MARKS: 100
NAME:_____________________________________ ROLL NO:_______
Answer each question (Internal Choice) 5 X 10 = 50
1. a) What is an algorithm and flow chart? Write the symbols used in flow chart? Write an
algorithm and flow chart to print n natural numbers.
b) Write about operators used in C?
2. a) Write about conditional control structures used in C? Write a program to perform
arithmetic operations according to user choice.
b) What is a function? Write the steps involved in working with functions? Explain types of
functions with example.
3. a) What is an array? Write about declaration and initialization of array? Write a program
to sort a set of numbers.
b) Write string manipulation functions in C? Write a program to reverse the given string
without using string function.
4. a) What is a pointer? Write about working with pointer using example program?
b) Explain structure, union and enumerated data types? Write a program using structure.
5. a) Write the functions involved in file operations? Write the steps involved in working with files?
Write a program to write data into a file one character at a time.
b) Write about loop control structures? Write a program to check whether the given number is
Armstrong or not?
Answer any five of the following. 5 X 5 = 25
1. Write the structure of a C program?
2. Write about console input and output functions in C?
3. Write about jumping statements in C?
4. What is a storage class? Write about storage classes used in C?
5. Explain types of functions in C?
6. Write a program to matrix transpose?
7. Write a program to print the sum of harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ...... 1/n
8. Write a program to print the factorial of the given number using recursive function.
NAME:____________________________________ ROLL NO:_____________
SECTION - C 25 X 1 = 25
1. The language translator that is used with C [ ]
a) Interpreter b) Assembler c) Compiler d) JIT
2. What is not a data type in the following [ ]
a) int b) auto c) char d) void
3. Which is not a legal statement in C [ ]
a) int a = 100; b) c = a + b; c) ar = 2 (len + wid); d) ++a;
4. Which is a bitwise operator in the following? [ ]
a) > b) ^ c) - d) ?:
5. Which is a declaration statement in the following? [ ]
a) int sum(int x,int y); b) b = 100; c) x += 10; d) None of these
6. The statement that is used to transfer the control out of a block is [ ]
a) continue b) break c) return d) goto
7. Which is not a looping statement in C [ ]
a) while b) goto c) do while d) for
8. Which is used to declare a constant in the following? [ ]
a) const b) #define c) a and b d) none of these
9. Which is not an operator in the following [ ]
a) ++ b) >> c) sizeof d) #
10. The operator used to access the member of a structure through pointer [ ]
a) . b) & c) * d) ->
11. ; is used to ________________________________________________________.
12. Every if statement must have else, True or False? _________________________.
13. While is an entry control loop, Yes or No? _______________________________.
14. Continue is used to _________________________________________________.
15. #define is used to _______________________________ ___________________.
16. The operator that is used to take the address of a variable is ________________.
17. C is a ___________________________________ ______programming language.
18. Variable is a _______________________________________________________.
19. A macro is ________________________________________________________.
20. Syntax for declaration of two dimensional array__________________________.
21. Type casting means_________________________________________________.
22. The function used to check alphabet or not is____________________________.
23. The preprocessive directive that is used add a header file is________________.
24. A label is a _______________________________________________________.
25. FILE is used to ____________________________________________________.

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