Guide To Measuring Builder's Quantities

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THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICAN QUANTITY SURVEYORS Guide to Measuring Builder's Quantities 1998 First Edition INTRODUCTION Quantity surveyors are increasingly being appointed by contractors to produce bills of quantities for tendering (or negotiating purposes In many cases contractors do not require comprehensive bils of quantities such as those produced in accordance with the Standard System of Measuring Building Work. Bills of approximate or inclusive quantities ‘which can be produced more expeditiously, are often what is required. These bils are generally referred to 8s “builder's quantities” In the past quantity surveyors have used their discretion in meeting such needs. The Association of Sauth Airican Quantity Surveyors decided to produce a guide which lays down certain general rules, principles and norms and appointed the undermentioned committee to formulate a "Guide ta Measuring Builder's Quantities Committee: Prof C H Klopper BA(Unisa) DSc(QS)(Pret) Dip Arb L Akad(SA) ROS MAQS. Mr MJ Martz MSc(QS\Pret) Cert Arb RQS MAQS. Prof H M Sigie PhD|Pret) PREPILnisa) L Akad(SA) ROS MACS. GUIDE TO MEASURING BUILDER'S QUANTITIES GENERAL NOTES Builder's quantties is a technique utiised for the expeditious computation of fairly accurate estimates of builcing costs or tender prices and entails the taking off of approximate and inclusive quantiles. To this end structures are fragmented into elements and components, Quantity surveyors undertaking the taking off of builder's quantities and making use of this guide are advised to acquaint themselves with the specific requirements of the contractor before commencing the work to ensure that the quantities produced in accordance with this guide wil in fact satis the contractor's needs. In cenain instances alternative methods of measuring the quantities are given in this guide and clerity should be obtained which method is the most suited for the specific case, ‘As indicated by it’s tte, the aim with this document isto lay down general guidelines for the measuring of builder's quanthies and thereby establishing @ norm. It should therefore not be construed as boing exhaustive and users are advised to follow the principles contained in the latest ecition of the Standard System of Measuring Building Wark for work not covered in or inferable from this guide. General rules and principles of measuring contained in the last mentioned document have not been repeated in this guide and shall be deemed to be applicable unless specifically otherwise stated SYSTEM OF MEASURING 1.1. tems shail be given for specific requirements of the employer such as notice boards, offices, Procedure of work, securty, Insurances, etc. {in adaition provision shall be made to give the contractor the opportunity to temise his requirements inrespect of preliminaries such as foreman, plant, establishment, etc. Element : Site clearance 2.1 Clearing the ste of rubbish, debris, vegetation, shrubs, etc shall be given es an item, stating the ‘epproximate area to be cleared, and descriptions shall include the removal af trees, tree stumps, surface pavings, fences, wals, etc, Where expedient the removal of trees and stumps may be given separately in number 2.2 Demoition and removal of buildings and other structures shall be given in number stating whether foundations are to be removed ar not, 3° Element : Substructure 3.1. Foundations to walls shall be given in metres, stating the average height above and below ground level, and descriptions shall include excavations, risk of collapse of excavations, keeping excavations free of water, backflling, concrete. reinforcement, brickwork, dampproofing, finishes, etc. Where expedient finishes may be givan separately in square metres using the same measurernents as those for foundations. 3.2. Foundetions to colurmns shall be given in number, stating the average height above and below {ground level, and descriptions shal include excavations, risk of colapse of excavations, keeping excavations free of weter, backflling, concrete, reinforcement formwork, finishes, etc. Where expedient fishes may be given separately in Square metres. 3.3. Ground beams shall be given in metres and descriptions shal include excavations, working space, risk of collapse of excavations, keeping excavations free of water, backflling, concrete, reinforcement, formwork, finishes, etc. Where expedient finishes may be given separately in square metres using the same measurements as those for ground bears, 3.4. Excavations for trenches and holes in material of @ more cificut character shall be given in cubic metres as extra over 3.5 Carting away surplus excavated material shall be givon in cubic metres as extra over. Ito be dumped in @ prescribed place, the location and approximate distance shall be stated 3.6 Ground floor slabs (surface beds) shal be given in square metres (measured over walls) and descriptions shall include filing, dampproofing/hardcore, concrete, reinforcement, finishes, etc. Where expedient finishes may be given separately in square metres using the same measurements 25 those for ground floor siabs, 3.7 Lateral suppor shall be given in accordance with the principles laid down inthe latest edition ofthe Standard System of Measuring Building Work. 3.8 Pling shall be given in accordance with the principles laid down in the latest euition of the Standard System of Measuring Building Wark. Element : Structural frame 4.7. Slabs shall be given in square metres (measured over beams, walls, star and lit wells, etc) and descriptions shall ncluce concrete, formwork, reinforcement, finishes, etc. Where expedient finishes may be given separately in square metres using the same measurements as those for slabs 4.2 Beams shall be glven in metres and descriptions shal include concrete, formwork. reinforcement, finishes, etc. Where expedient fhishes may be given separately in square metres using the same ‘measurements as those for beams. 4.3 Columns shall be gjven in metres and descriptions shal include concrete, formwork, reinforcement, finishes, etc. Where expedient finishes may be given separately in square metres using the same measurements as those for colurmns. 4.4 Stairs or steps shal be given in number as extva over siabs, stating the width and height, the ‘number of fights and landings and if around it shafts. V/here expedient handrails, finishes, etc may be included, 4.8 Structural steelwork shall be given in accordance with the principles laid down in the latest edition of the Stancard System of Measuring Building Work. 46 Pre-tensioned, post-tensioned or other special reinforcement shall be given separately in ‘sccordance with the principles laid down inthe latest edition of the Standard System of Measuring Builaing Work. Element : Walls ete 5.1. Walls shal be given in square metres (measured aver openings) and descriptions shall inctude briclonork, blockwork, stonework, concrete, formwork. reinforcement, fnishes, etc. Where expediont finishes may be given separately in square metres using the same measurements as those for wal. 5.2 Skirtings and cornices shall be given in metres and descriptions shall include finishes. Where ‘expedient skertngs and comices may be included with floors and callings respectively. 10 " Element: cots 6.1 Roof slabs shall be given in square meties measured over beams, walls, star and ift wells, ete) anc

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