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Class : 2A-1
- Gentha Bagoes Pratama / 211311013

Partner - Faris M.T / 211311010

- Hafizh Zyulfikri /201311013

Practice Number :7
: 7/The Semiconductor Photodiode
Module Name

Practice Date : 21 Maret 2023

Reporting Date : 29 Mei 2023



Semester 4
1. Objectives
1) Have observed the effect of incident light on the behaviour of a semiconductor photodiode.
2) Recognise the term ‘reverse leakage current’.
3) Have measured the illumination and polar response of a semiconductor phptodiode.

2. Experimental Circuit

Fig. 2.1 Experimental Circuit

3. Tools and Materials

Quantity Description Specifications Tools Number

1 Instrumentation Module TK2941A
1 Linear Transducer Test Rig TK294 -
1 Lampholder - -
1 Light Transducer Box TK294 -
1 Power Supply +15 VDC - 6
1 Voltmeter Metrix M.15
4. Experiment Procedure
1) Prepare the tools and materials needed.
2) Install the circuit according to the circuit drawing provided.
3) Set the voltage from 0V and measure the current on the photodiode from 100% to 10%
illumination according to table 5.1. For 10% relative illumination, move the light transducer
box to the hole 1 position.
4) Repeat step 3 by changing the voltage value according to the voltage in table 5.1.
5) When the voltage is -15VDC, measure the current with relative illumination from
100% to 0%according to table 5.2.
6) Enter the data in table 5.2 and table 5.1 in the -15VDC section.
7) Rotate the sensor according to the angle in table 5.3, then measure the current.
8) Change the voltage to -20VDC then take the last data in table 5.1.

5. Experimental Data
Table 5.1. Experimental results of Photodiode Reverse Characteristic

Revere Reverse current (µA) for values of Relative Illumination (%)

Bias (V) 100 80 60 40 25 10

0 -8,14 -5,9 -4,62 -3,21 -1,83 -1,42

-1 -6,99 -5,77 -4,76 -2,72 -1,9 -1,36
-2 -6,7 -5,72 -4,35 -2,66 -1,84 -1,62
-5 -5,1 -4,5 -3,77 -2,66 -1,74 -1,55
-10 -5 -4,9 -3,99 -2,99 -1,6 -1,35
-15 -6,62 -5,29 -3,22 -2,2 -1,6 -1,28
-20 -5,44 -4,79 -4,33 -3,43 -1,89 -1,67

Table 5.2. Experimental results of Photodiode Illumination Characteristic

Illumination Characteristics with -15V bias
Relative Illumination Scale Setting Current
(%) (mm) (µA)
100 90,00 -6,62
90 87,30 -5,4
80 84,10 -5,29
70 80,24 -4,34
60 75,45 -3,22
50 69,29 -3,15
40 60,94 -2,2
30 48,71 -1,9
25 40,00 -1,6
20 28,20 -1,38
10 25,5 -1,28

Table 5.3. Experimental results of Polar Characteristics of Photodiode

Bias = -15V
Angle Current
(degrees) (µA)
30 -0,2
25 -0,5
20 -0,8
ACW 15 -1,5
10 -2
5 -2,3
0 -2,5
-5 -2,2
-10 -1,9
-15 -1,6
CW -20 -1
-25 -0,4
-30 -0,2
6. Question and Answer
1. Do the graphs support the theory that the light photons produce extra current of the same form as
leakage current?
Answer : The graph obtained is not equivalent to the diode's leakage curve graph. Instead, it is
a lineargraph.
2. What can you say about the variation in reverse current if the illumination stayed constant but the
bias voltage varied?
Answer : The reverse voltage and reverse current have an inverse proportional relationship. If
the reverse voltage is exceeded by the relative illumination, the reverse current also increases
proportionally resulting in a linear curve.
3. What parameter of diode is used to define this?
Answer : Input Voltage, Reverse Bias Voltage, and Relative Illumination
4. What shape is the graph? Does the extrapolation pass through the origin, if not can you think
Answer : The Graph is Linear
5. Why do you think it was difficult to take a reading corresponding to zero illumination?
Answer : The output signal of the photodiode sensor is minuscule in magnitude, often in the
microrange, thus requiring amplification to facilitate measurement and evaluation of the signal.
6. Why do you think ambient lighting has only a very small effect in this experiment?
Answer : The measurement area is restricted due to the mechanical configuration, limiting the
effectivelight response measurements to angles of approximately 10 degrees.
7. Taking what we have just said into consideration, with your results, can you suggest some uses
forsuch a transducer?
Answer : This can be utilized in reading tools for line-following robots that rely on
detecting andanalyzing light reflections.
8. Can you suggest the principal advantages and disadvantages of the semiconductor
photodiode? Answer : Advantages :
Due to their fast response time and high sensitivity, photodiodes are capable of quickly and
easily detecting and measuring light signals.
Disadvantages :
To obtain an accurate output reading, it is necessary to apply gain since the sensor's output
signal is extremely weak, typically in the micro to milli range, making it difficult to read
without amplification.
7. Analysis

Grafik Perubahan Arus Terhadap

Relative Illumination
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Relative Current (A)


100 80 60 40 25 10

Dari Gambar 1 dapat kita lihat bahwa iluminasi relatif sangat mempengaruhi arus keluaran
fotodioda. Saat cahaya masuk dan diterima oleh fotodioda, arus meningkat. Lebih banyak elektron
dilepaskan dari bahan fotodioda, sehingga arus keluaran fotodioda meningkat berbanding lurus
dengan cahaya.

Pengaruh Relatif Iluminasi Terhadap Arus

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Current (uA)





Relative Illumination (%)

Menurut grafik 2 adalah nilai pengaruh aliran terhadap nilai pencahayaan relatif. Saat iluminasi relatif
meningkat, arus juga meningkat. Arus berbanding lurus dengan iluminasi relatif.
Grafik Perubahan Arus terhadap
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30
-0.2 -0.2
-0.5 -0.5 -0.4
-1 -1
Arus (mA)

-1.5 -1.5 -1.6

-2 -2 -1.9
-2.3 -2.2
-2.5 -2.5



8. Conclusion
Berdasarkan data hasil praktikum dapat disimpulkan:
• Saat tegangan balik meningkat, arus fotodioda meningkat secara eksponensial. Jika tidak, arus
LED akan berkurang dengan cepat saat bias mundur berkurang.
• Ketika cahaya memasuki fotodioda, fotodioda menerima arus yang lebih besar dan
memancarkan elektron dari bahan fotodioda, sehingga arus keluaran fotodioda meningkat
berbanding lurus dengan cahaya.
• Saat sudut cahaya berubah, cahaya yang diterima oleh light emitting diode juga berubah,
sehingga arus keluaran light emitting diode berubah sesuai dengan sudut cahaya.

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