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C::: Botany : ; ,


Freshly Collected, Properly, Sorted and Fixed in Suitable Fixative. When packed it is ensured
that required stage must be present and the material is sufficient for class of 35 student

.Morchella Botrydium Dictyota Spagnum

BMBCM 26. Chaetorphora 8 50. Mougeotia Vegetative A

Algae 27. Chara Vegetative 8 51 . Mougeotia Seal Conj. B
(Myxophyceae) 28. Chara Reproductive A 52 . Navicula B
29. Chlorococcus 8 53. Nitella Fertile B
Per Unit 30. Chiarella 8 54. Nitella Vegetative A
1. Anabena Veg/Repd. A 31 . Cladophora (Fresh Water) A 55 . Oedogonium Vegetative A
2. Chrococcus A 32. Cladophora (Marine) 8 56. Oedogonium Capcells A
3. Calothrix B 33. Closterium 8
4. Gloeocapsa A 34. Codium B
5. Gleotruchia A 35. Colieochaete Discoid B
6. Lynbya A 36. Colieochaete Antherrdial B
7. Microcystis Calothrix A 37. Cotieochaete Antheridial B
8. Nostoc Veg I Netre A 38~ Colieochaete Zyggotic B


57. Oedogonium Hold Fast A

58. Oedogonium Marcrandrous B
59. Oedogonium Oogonial 8
60. Oedogonium Nanandrous B
Microcystis Nostoc 61 . Oedogonium Mixed Stage A
9. Oscillatoria A 62 . Oocystis B
10. Pinnularia 8 63. Pandorina A
11 . Rivularia A Pediastrum
64 Pediastrum 8
12. Scytonema A 39. Cosmarium A
13. Stigonema A 40. Desmides A
Chlorophyceae 41 . A
(Green Algae) 42. B
43. B
14. Accetabularia A 44. 8
15. 8otrydium A
45. A
16. 8ryopsus B 46. A
17. Chlamydomonas A
47. A
18. Closterudin 8
48. c
19. Caulerpa - Texifolia B 49. A
20. Caulerpa - CrasslfoliaBotrydium B 65. Pithophora A
21 . Caulerpa - Polifera B 66. Protosiphon 8
22. Caulerpa - Scalselfernis B 67. Scendesmus 8
23. Caulerpa - Recemosa 8 68. Spongomorpha 8
24. Caulerpa - Peltata B 69. Spirogyra Vegetative 8
25 Chaetomorpha A 70. Spirogyra Seal Conj. 8
C: Botany :;:J
71 .
Spirogyra Lat Conj.
Spirogyra Zygote Stages
Ulothrix Veg.
Ulothrix Sexual
125. Albugo Cystopus Sexual

126. Albugo Cystopus Hypertrophy
181 .
Puccinia Acidial
Puccinia Pycnidial
Melamspora Linseed Rust
Ustillago on Wheat loose smut
Ustillago on Oat covered smut
130. Mucor Vegetative _ • A 184. Ustillago on Barley covered smut 8
77. Ulva Thallus A 131. Mucor Sporangia! Allomyces A 185. Ustillago on Grass B
78. Valonia A 132. Mucor Zygosporic C 186. Ustillago on Whip Smut-Sugar Cane C
79. Vauchera Vegetative A
133. Peonosporic ~~====-a A 187. Cephaelotheca Sorghili on Jowar A
80. Vauchera Sexual B 134. Phytopthora A 188. Tilfetia Trrtlci B
8~. Vauchera Hypnospores Ulothrlx B 1
135. Pilabolus B 189. Clavaria B
82. Volvox Vegetative A
136. Plasmopora B
83. Volvox Daughter Colonies A
137. Plasmodiphora 8
84. Volvox Antheridial [ ] A 138. Pythium Pythfum B
85. Volvox Oogonial A
86. Volvox Mixed Stage A 139. Rhizopus Vegetative A
87. Zygnema Vegetative A 140. Rhizopus Sporangia A
88. Zygnema Seal Conj. A 141 . Rhizopus Zygosporic C
89. Zygnema Lat. Conj. Volvox B 142 Sparofegnia Veget~tive B
90. Zynemopsis 8 143 Sparotegnia Sexual 8 Pucclnia Calvaria
144. Sclerospora B
Phaeophyceae (Brown Algae)
145. Stemonitis B 190. Geaster Star Fungus
91 . CuUeria 146. Synchytrium Prosourson leaf B 191. Phragmidlum B
92. Dictyota Vegetative 147. Synchytrium Sorus on fruit 8 192. Uromyces on Lentil B
93. Dictyota Antheridial 148. Synchytrium on Potato c 193. Uromyces on Pea Geaster B
94. Dictyota Oogonial Fungi -Ascomycetes
95. Dictyota Tetrasporic Fungi-Deuteromycetes
96. Ectocarpus Plurilocular Dictyota 8 149. Aspergillus Euratium A
160. Protomyces B 194. Alternaria A
97. Ectocarpus Unilocular B
151 . Pseudopeziza 8 195. Cercospora B
98. Ectocarpus Mixed Stage 8
99. Fucus. Vegetative v'-'"' r -.,.,...,-----. E 152. Ascobolus B 196. Phyllachora B
100. Fucus. Antheridial E 153. Claviceps A 197. Fusarium B
101. Fucus. Oogonial USA E 154. Erys1phae 198. Aspergillus A
102. Laminaria Vegetative A 155. Uncinula 199. Curvularia Cercospora B
103. Laminaria Fertile B 156. Phyllactinia Morche/la 8 200. Hhelminthosporium B
104. Padina A 157. Morchella D 201 . Colletotrlchum Viruses & BacteriaA
105. Sargassum Vegetative A 158. Neurospora Monilia B 202. Lichen Thallus A
106. Sargassum Fertile Fucus 8 159. Penicillium A 203. Lichen Apothecia A
107. Sargassum Conceptacle only B 160. Peziza A 204. Physda Fertile A

.~. .-.
108. Sargassum Entire plant each A 161 . Spaerotheca
162. Xylarina B -: ;I >
Rhodophyceae (Red Algae)
163. Yeast ""''""r'"'"'m'u"'"'"'' A
. ....
109. Batrachospermum Vegetative A Cell Taphriha Lycoperdon
110. Batrachospermum Sexual 8 164. Yeast Saccharomyces Budding A
111. Batrachospermum Cystocarpic B 165. Lycoperdon 8
112. Compsopogon 8 166. Taphrina B
113. Gelldium B 167. Phyllachora B 205. Parmalia Fertile Foliaceous A
114. A 168. Ustilaginoidea on Rice "Fiase" A 206. Usnea Fertile Pandant A
115. B Fungi - Basidiomycetes 207. Ficus Gall Insect A
116. Porphyra Vegetative 8 208. Spirillum A
117. Porphyra with carpogaina C 169. Agaricus Piteus A 209. Root Nodule with host A
118. Polysiphonia Vegetative A 170. Agaricus Stipe A 210. Strepto Cocci A
119. Polysiphonia Tetrasporic Operate 8 171 . Agaricus Stipe & Pileus B 211 . Virus Corium Solani A
120. Polysiphonia Cystocarpic 8 172. Agaricus Complete B 212. Maarmor Tobaci - Tobacum A
121. Polysiphonia Antheridia C 173. Agaricus Small Forms A 213. Mosiac Tobacl - Tobacum A
122. Polysiphonia Mixed Stage 8 174. Agaricus Amanita 8 214. Nicotiana Tabacum A
Poisnous Mushroom Leaf Curl ofTobbacco
Fungi-Myxomycetes &
175. Bracket Fungus A 215. Caarica Papaya A
Phycomycetes 176. Polyporus A 216. Leaf Curl of Papaya
123. Achiya B 177. Puccinia Uredo A 217. Leaf Curl of Choilles B
124. Albugo Cystopus Conidial A 178. Puccinia Teleuto Ager/cus A 217. Mosiac of Beam B
C: sotany; ,
218. Mosiac of 8rinjal 8 262. Pellia Archegonia B 286. Moss Antheridia A
219. Mosiac of Chillies B 263. Pellia Sporophyte C 287. Polytrichum with capsule B
220. Mosiac of Cucumber 8 264. Parella Vegetative A 288. Moss Archegonia A
221 . Mosiac of Papaya B 265. Parella Antheredia 8 289. Moss Sporophyte 8
222. Mosiac of Potato B 266. Parella Archegoni 8 290. Minimum with cap I anth I arch I A
223. Mosiac of Tomato 8 267. Parella Sporophyt 8 291 . Polytrichum Antheridia A
268. Riccia Flutanus ~..-_.;;.;...:..:= A 292 . Polytrichum Archegonia A
l$.t§•i 269. Reboulia Sexual Parella A 293. Polytrichum Vegetative Plant A
224. Lichen Thallus A 270. Reboulia Vegetative 8 294. Pogonaturum Vegetative A
225. Lichen Apothecia A 271 . Reccardia Vegetative A 295. Pogonatun1m anthlarch . A
226. Physcia Fertile Crustose A 272. Riccardia Sporophyte B 296. Pogonaturum Sporophyte 8
227. Pharmalla Fertile Foliaceous A 273. Riccardia Sexual B 297. Spagnum Vegetative A
228. Usena Fertile Pandant A 274. Riccia Vegetative A 298. Spagnum anth I arch I 8
229. Cladonia Fruitic See A 275. Riccia Antheridia A 299. Spagnum with capsule C
230. Ramalina A 276. Riccia Achegonla A
231 . Graphis Crustose A 277. Riccia Sporophyte B
l:ifUJUM 278.
Targionia Vegetative
Targionia Male
232. Asterella Vegetative A 280. Targionia Female A
233. Asterella Mate I Fertile B
281 . Targionia Sporophyte 8
234. Asterella Sporophyte B 282. Funaria with capsule B
235. Anthocerous Vegetative A
283. Funaria Archegohia A
236. Anthocerous Sporophyte B 284. Funaria Archegonia A
237. Anthocerous Antheridia 8 285. Funaria Vegetative Plant A
238. Anthocerous Achegonia B Spagnum
239. Cyathodium Vegetative 8 Pteridophyta
240. Cyathodium MaJe I Female 8 Rhizome/ Cone/ Sp orophyte
241. Cyathodium Sporophyte 8 Name Stem Root Rhizophore Sporocarp Plant
242. Dumortiera Sporophyte A
300. Azolla A B A
243. Dumortiera Sporophyte 8
244. Fimbriarla Vegetative A
301 . Eql..lisetum A A A 8 A
302. lsoetes C A B A
245. Fimbriaria Sexual 8
246. Fossombroinia Sexual 8
303. Lycopodium A A A A A
24 7. Lunutaria Vegetative 8
304. Marsilea A A A A A
248. Lunularia Gemma Cup 8
305. Pislotum c D D D
306. Regnellidium B 8 B B
249. Marchantia Archegonial Plant A
307. Selaginella A A A A
308. Salvinia B 8 B
Ferns Rhizome Rachis Root
309. Adiantum c 8 A A
310. Asplenium c B A A
311 , Angiopterls c 8 A A
312. Actinopteris c B A B
313. Alsophila c 8 A B
314. Aspidium c B A B
315. Botrychium c 8 8 B
316. 81echnum c 8 B B
Anthocerous Marchantia
317. Chelianthus c B B B
318. Cyathea c 8 8 B
250. Marchantia Thallus B 319. Dryopteris c B B B
251 . Marchantia Gemma Cup B 320. Hymenophyllum c 8 8 B Equfsetum
252. Marchantia Antheridial Plant B 321 . Lygodium c 8 8 B
253. Marchantia Sporophyte B 322. Gleichnia c 8 B B ,_._ __...,...,.----.....---~""'~
254. Notothylus Vegetative A 323. Osmunda c 8 8 B
255. Notothylus Sexual B 32.4. Pteris c 8 A A
256. Notothylus Sporophyte B 325. Pteridium c B 8 B
257. Plagicochasma Thallus A 326. Polypodium c B B 8
258. Plagicochasma Sexual A 327. Plecpeltis c B B B
259. Plagicochasma Sporophyte A 328. Nephrolepis c B B B
260. Pellia Vegetative A c
261 . Pellia Antheridia 8
329. Ophioglossum B B
B ~~~----------~
330. Spenopyilum c B B B Pislotum
c= Botany ....,.
331. Equisetum Prothallus C 380. Piecea Male or Female cone c 425. Material For Cystolith B
332. Fein Prothallus A Rubber Leaf
333. Fem Prothallus with anth. & Arch. B 426. Material For Parenchyma B
334. Fern Prothallus with Sporophyte C 427. Material For Sclerenchyma 8
Gymnosperm 428. Material For Collenohyma 8
429. Material For Oll Cavities B
335. Cycas Leaflets A 430. Material For Xylem Elements B
336. Cycas Rachis A
431 . Material For Pholem B
337. Cycas Ovules A
432. Material For Stomata B
338. Cycas Male I Female Sporophyll A
339. Cycas Coralloid Root A Pieces Monocotyledon Stem
340. Cycas Ordinary Root B 381 . Taxus Stem or Leaf B 433. Asparagus Stem A
341 . Ephedra Male I Female Cone 382. Taxus Male or Female cone C 434. Dracaena Stem B
342. Ephedra Stem A 383. Thuja Stem or Leaf .A 435. Hydrilla Stem A
343. Ephedra Root 0 384. Thuja Male or Female cone B 436. Maiza Young Stem Monocot A
385. Taxodium Stem or Leaf B 437 . Maiza Old Stem Monocot A
386. Taxodium Male or Female cone C
438. Ruscus Phylloclade 8
387" Zamia Leaflets or Petiole B
439. Simlex Stem 8
388. Zamia Female cone one 0
440. Triticum Stem A
389. Taxofolla Male or Female cone C
389A.Cephalotaxus Leaf I Stern C Dtcot & Monocot Roots
389B Cephalotaxus Male or 441 . Achyranthus 8
Female one 0 442. Amaranthus Root 8
Angiosperms Dixotyledon Stem 443. Avecenia Root B
344. Gnefum Stem B
345. Gnetum Leaves B 390. Achyranthus Stem 444. Beet Root B
346. Gnetum Male I Female Cone c 391. Amaranth us Stem 445. 8oerhavia Root B
347. Ginkgo Stem E 392. Aristolochia Stem 446. Bitra Young Root A
348, Ginkgo Owarn Shoot E 393. Avicenia Stem 450. Dahalia Root 8
349, Ginkgo Leaves E 394. Bignonia Stem 451 . Ficus Aerial Root A
350. Ginkgo Male I Female Cone 0 395. 8oehavia Stem 452. Typical Dicot Root A
351 . Pinus Stem Young I Old A 396. Bougainvillaea Stem 453. Helianthus Sun Flower A
352. Pinus Root A 397, Calotropis Stem Young Root
353 Pinus Dwarf Shoot B 398. Casurina Stem 454. Helian1hus Sun Flower Old Root A
354. Pinus Needles A 399. Ceratophyllum Stem 455. Mirabilis Root B
355. Pinus Male Cone B 400. Chenopodium Stem 456. Nodules Root Legume B
356. Pihus Male Cone in Cluster B 401 . Clematis Stem 457. Radish Root A
357. Pinus Female Cone 1st year B 402. Cucurbita Stem 458. Rhizophora Root 8
358. Pinus Female Cone 2nd Year B 403. Elodea Stem
359. Pinus Female Cone 3rd Year B 404. Ficus Stem
360. Pinus Female Old Dry & Mature c 405, He!ianthus (SUn Flower) Young
361 , Abies Stem or Leaf A 406. Helianthus (Sun Flower) Old
362. Abfes Male or Female cone c 407. Jussea Stem
363. Agathis Stem or Leaf A 410. Muehienbeckia Cladode Stem
364. Agathis Mate or Female cone B 41 1. Nyclanthus Stem
Auracaria Stem or Leaf
Auracaria Male or Female cone
Nymphea Petiole
Peporima Stem
..----:: ---. He/ian thus Rhizopors
367. Biota Stem or Leaf A 414. Piper Stem
459. Tinospora Root B
368. Biota Male or Female cone B 415. Pothos Stem
460. Monocot Root A
369. Cedrus stem or needle A 416. Rhizophora Stem
370. Cedrus Male or Female cone 8 417. Salvadodra Stem 461 . Asparagus Root B
37 1. Cryptomeria Stem or Leaf 8 418. TIIIaea Stem 462. Dracaena Root B
372, Cryptomeria Male of Female cone C 419. Tinospora Stem 463. Hydrilla Root A
373. Cupressus Stem or Leaf B 420. Trapa Stem Traps 464. Maize-Young Root A
374. Cupressus Male or Female cone 8 421 . Zanthium Stem 465. Maize-Old Root A
375. Juniperus Stem of Leaf B 466. Orchid Root 8
Tissue & Cell Contents
376, Juniperus Male or Female cone B 467 . Pandanus Root B
377. Podocarpus Stem or Leaf C 422. Material For Plant Cells A 468. Pistia Root B
378. Podocarpus Male or Female cone B 423. Material For Raphides A 469. Pothos Root 8
379. Piecea Stem or Leaf B 424, Material For Spheero Raphides 8 470. Triticum Root A
Dicot Leaves 482. Parkinsonia Phyllode A
483. Rhizophora Lea A
471. Acaccina Melanoxylon Phyllode 8
472 . Avicenia Leaf A Monocotyledon Leaves BMSA-2
473. Bryophyllum Leaf A
474. Citrus Leaf A 484. Agave Leaf A
475. Elodia Leaf A 485. Allium Leaf A
476. Euphorbia Phylloclaade A 486. Dracaena Leaf A
477. Ficus Elastic Leaf A 487. Hydrilla Leaf A
478. Hilanthus Sun Flower Leaf A 488. Maiza Leaf Monocot A
479. Ipomoea Biloba Leaf A 489. Orchid Leaf B
480. Nerium Leaf A 490. Typha Leaf 8
481 . Nymphea A 491 . Vallfsnaria Leaf A


BMSA-1 Wide Mouth Plastic Drums For Storage
Cap. 1n Ut. 10 25 35 50 90
Price in Rs. Each 88.00 190.00 225.00 340.00 675.00
BMSA-2 Long Forceps stainless Steel
Size 10" 12" 15"
Price in Rs. Each 58.00 72.00 108.00
Price in Rs. Each 58.00 72.00 108.00
BMSA-3 Hand Gloves Thick Rubber Price
BMSA-4 Hand Gloves Surgical Price

BMSA"5 Botanical Laboratory Tray

White I Coloured Size 6"x8" 8"x10" 12"x10" 15''x10"
Price Rs. in Each 92.00 128.00 162.00 195.00
BMSA-6 Formaldehyde Bulk Packing-Cost Including Polythene Drum 100% Pure
Packing 5Li. 10Lit. 30Lit.
RateRs. 905.00 1600.00 5330.00
BMSA-7 Formalin Aceto Alcohol (F.A.A.)-Piant Preservative 500ml.
BMSA-8 Cytology Fixative (Carony's Fixative)-For Meiosis & Mitosis 600ml
BMSA-9 Greening Solution to Fix Chlorophyll 500ml


Different double or triple stained slides, showing all details. A vital function of our microtechniques
laboratory is to inspect the accuracy of every slide at various stages of its manufacture in order to
ensure the standard quality which is essential required for teaching the subject. Slide boxes are
changed extra at. cost.

Slides are Supplied Strictly on Approval Basis. Code Value A-15 B-17 C-19 D-21

Algae Cyanophyceae 12. Stigonema WM A 23. Cchlorococcus WM B

13. Scytonema WM A 24. Chara Vegetative WM/Rep. A
1. Anabaena WM A 14. Spirulina WM A 25. Chlorella WM B
2. Aphanotheca WM B 15. Tolypothriz WM B
3 Gleotrichia WM A
ChI o roph yceae
4. Glecapsa WM A
5. Geothecea WM A 16, Acetabularia WM A
6. Lyngbya WM B 17. Botrydium WM A
7. Microcystis WM B 18. BryopsisWM A
8. NostocWM A 19, Bulbochaete WM B
9. Nostoc in root section A 20. Chlamydomonas WM A
10. Oscillatorla WM A 21. Chaetophora WM A
11 . Rivularia WM A 22. Chaetophora WM B Chiorella
C: Botany ;:a
26. Chara Sexual WM B Phaeophyceae Brown Algae 89. Spiral Form B
27. Cladophora WM A 90. Gram Positive Bacteria B
62. CorallinaWM B 91 . Gram Negative Bacteria B
28. Closterium WM B
63. Dictyota Apical Dihotomy B 92. Gram Lacto Spirillum B
29. Codium B
64. Dictyota Oogonial Thallus VS B 93. Root Nodule of lagume TS B
30. Cosmarium WM 8
65. Dictyota Antheridiai Thallus VS B 94. Micrococcus WM B
31. Coteochaete WM A
66. Dictyota Tetrasporic Thallus
32. Coleochaete Antheridia B
67. Ectocarpus Plurilocular WM
33. Coleochaete Oogonium B
68. Ectocarpus Plurilocular WM
34. Desmids Mixed WM B
35. Drapanaldiopsis WM 69. Fucus Thallus TS
70. Fucus Male Conceptacle VS
36. Enteromorpha WM A
37. Fristichella WM B 71 . Fucus Female Conceptacle vs
38. Hydrodictyon WM A 72. Padina Thallus WM
39. Eudorina WM B 73. Sargassum Thallus Leaf TS
40. Eudorina WM A 74. Sargassum Male Conceptacle TS
4 1. Mougeotia WM A 75. Sargassum Female Conceptacle TSB
42. NiteiiWM A 76. Sargassum Bladder TS B
43. Oedogonium Vegetative WM A 77. Laminaria Thallus Receptacles TS B
44. Oedogonium Capcell WM A
45. Oedogonium Macrandrous WM A Laminuria
46. Oedogonium Nannan WM A
47. Oedogonium Oogonial WM A
48. Pandarina WM A
49. Pithophora WM A
50. Rhizoclanium B
51. Spirogyra Vegetative WM A
52. Spirogyra Scalariform A Straptococcus
Conj. WM
97. Vibrocomma B
53. Spirogyra WM B
98. Staphylococcus Au reus I Vlridance B
54. Stigoclonium WM B
55. Ulothrizx Vegetative A Phycomycetes
WM/Rep. WM 99. Cystopus Conidia VS A
56. Ulva Thallus WM A Laminaria
100. Cystopus Sex Organs VS A
57. Vaucheria Vegetative A Rhodophyceae Red Algaes 101. Cystopus Zygote VS A
WMIRep. WM 102. Mucor Vegetative WM A
78. Batrachospermum Vegetative WM A 103. Mucor Sporangia WM A
79. Batrachospermum Fruiting WM A 104. Mucor Zygote WM c
80. Gracillaria Thallus TS B
81 . Gracillaria Cystocarp TS A
82. Prophyra WM B
83. Polysiphonia Antheridia WM A
84. Polysiphonia Cystocarp WM A
85. Polysiphonia Detrasporic WM A
86. Polysiphonia Vegetative WM A
87. Pediastrum WM B
Virology & Bacteriology
88. Bacteria Typical/ Coccus Mucor
Form Basiius 105. Phytophthora Host Leaf TS B
... 106. Peremospora WM B
107. Pilobolus WM B
58. Volvox Daughter Colony A 108. Pythium WM B
WM I Oogonial WM 109. Rhizopus Vegetative WM A
59. Volvox Antheridial Colony WM A 110. Rhizopus Sporangia WM A
60. Volvox Mixed Stage WM A 111. Rhizopus Sexual c
61. Zygnema Vegetative A 112. Saprolegnia Vegetative WM A
WM/Conj. WM 113. Saprolegnia Sexual B
Bacteria Basi/us
C::::: Botany.........,
114. Stemonites WM B 141 . Ustilaso with Host B 170. Marchantia Antheridial Head VS B
115. Synchytrium Host LeafTS B 142. Ustilaso Spores WM A 171 . Marchantia Archgonia Head VS B
116. Synchytrium Prosorus B 143. Uromyces VS B 172 Marchantia Sporophyte VS B
Ascomycetes 144. Ravenilia VS B
145. Melamspora B
117. Aspergillus Euratium Conidia A
118. Erysiphae WM B Deuteromycetes
119. Lycoperdon VS B 146. Alternaria A
120. Morchella TS B 147. Cercospora B
121. Neurospora TS 8 148. Fusarium B
122. Penicillum Condial A 149. Aspergillus A
123. Phyllactinia WM ITS B 150. Cruvularia B
124. Protomyces on Host TS B 151 . Helminthosporium B
125. Peziz Apthecia VS B 152. Colletotrichum Dicot Leaves B
126. Penicillum Vegetative A
153. Lichen Thallus TS A 173. Moss Protonema WM A
154. Lichen Thallus WM A 174. Moss LeafWM ITS A
155. Lichen Soredia WM A 175. Moss Stem TS A
156. Lichen Apothecium VS A 176. Moss Antheridial Head WMNS A
157. Anthocerous Antheridia MM/TS A 177. Moss Archgonia Head VS I WM A
179. Moss Peristome A
180. Moss Plant with Capsule WM A
181 . Notothyllus Sporophyte WM A
182. Notothyllus Sporophyte LS B
183. Plagiochsma Thallus B
184. Plagiochsma Reproductive B
185. Porella Vegetative WM A
186. Porella Antheridial B
127. Taphrina VS 8 187. Porella Archegonial B
128. Uncinula WM B 188. Porella Sporophyte B
129. Xylaria Stroma CS I LS 8 189. Polytrichium Antheridial VS/WM A
130. Yeast Budding A 190. Polytrichium Archegonial VS/WMA
131 . Yeast Cell A •~ii@ilAW 191 . Polytrichium Capsule VS ITS A
Basidiomycetes 158. Anthocerous Thallus LS ITS A 192. Riccia Thallus TS I WM A
159. Anthocerous Sporophyte WM A 193. Riccia Antheridial VS B
132. Agaricus Stipe TS A
133. Agaricus Pileus VS 160. Anthocerous Sporophyte TSILS A 194. Riccia Archegonial VS B
134. Agaricus Stips & Pileus VS 161 . Anthocerous Antheridia WM/TS B 195. Riccia Mature Sporophyte VS 8
135. Agaricus Button State VS 196. Riccia Zygote TS 8
136. Polyporus TS I LS 197. Sphagnum WM A
137. Puccinia Uredo on Wheat 198. Sphagnum Sporophyte B
LeafTS 199. Sphagnum Antheridial 8
138. Puccinia Teleuto on Wheat 200. Sphagnum Archegonial B
139. Puccinia Acidia on Barley Leaf
140. Pucinia Pycnia VS
201 .
--- ---
Targonia Thallus TS

162. Cyathodium Thallus TS 8

163. Funaria Antheridia VS I WM A
164. Funaria Archegonia A Pteridophytes
165. Funaria Capsule LSI TS A
202. Azolla Sporocarp VS B
166. Lunularia Gemma Cup VS 8
203. Adiantum Rhizome TS A
167. Marchantia Thallus TS A
204. Adiantum Root TS B
168. Marchantia Gemma Cup VS A
205. Adiantum Petiole TS A
169. Marchantia Gemma Cup WM A
Puccinia 206. Adiantum Sorus VS A
258. Selaginella Rhizome TS A
259. Selaginella Leaf WM ITS A
260. Selaginella Stem TS A
261. Selaginella Strobillus WMILS A
262. Selaginella Microsporangia A
263. Selaginella Maga & B
Microsporangia WM
lsoetes 264. Cycas Normal Root TS A
238. Lycopodium Stem TS B 265. Cycas Coralloid Root TS A
207. Botrychium Rhizome TS B
239. Lycopodium Apex LS B 266. Cycas Leaflet Pinna TS A
208. Botrychium Root TS A
240. Lycopodium Cernum Stem TS B 267. Cycas Rachis TS A
210. Botrychium Strip TS A 268. Cycas Microsporaphyll TS A
241 . Lycopodium Clavatum B
211. Borychium Prothallus VS B 269. Cycas Megasporophyll TS A
242. Lycopodium Phlegmaria Stem TS B
212. Equisetum Prothallus VS B 270. Cycas Ovule LS A
213. Equisetum Root TS A 271 . Pinus Root Young TS A
214. Equisetum Rhizome TS A 272. Pinus Root Old TS A
215. Equisetum Stem TS A
216. Equisetum Cone TS I LS A
217. Fern Rhizome TS A
218. Fern Prothallus Young B
219. Fern Prothallus with Antheridial B
220. Fern Prothallus with Archegonial B
221 . Fern Prothallus with Sporophyte B
222. Fern Leaf Sori TS A Marsilea LeafTS A
223. Fern Sori WM A Marsilea Root TS A
Marsilea Rhizome TS A
Marsilea Petiole TS
Marsilea Sporocarp TS I LS
Marsilea Sorus WM

Pinus Root Young

Pinus Young Stem TS I LS A
Pinus Stem RLS I LS A
Pinus Dwarf Shoot TS B
Pinus Mele Cone TS I LS A
Pinus Female Cone TS 1 LS A
Pinus Wood TS A
Pinus Pollen Grain WM A
Pinus Ovule VS A
Ephedra Stem TS A
Mars ilea Ephedra Root TS B
224. Fern Prothallus TS B 249. Ophioglossum Rhizome TS A Ephedra Male Cone TS A
250. Ophioglossum Root A Ephedra Female Cone TS A
225. Fern Rachis A
251 . Ophioglossum Spike TS A Ephedra Ovule TS A
226. Fern Root TS A
252. Osmunda Rhizome TS A Ephedra Stem TLS I RLS A
227. Fern Leaf with true Indusium A 253. Psilotum Stem TS A 287. Agathis Stem TS B
228. Fern Leaf with False Indusium A .254. Psilotum Rhizome TS B 288. Pinus Needle TS
229. Fern Ramenta WM A 255. Psilotum Synangia VS ITS B
230. Gleichenia Rhizome B 256. Psilotum Synangia TS B
231. Gleichenia Rachis B 257. Selaginella Root TS A
232. Gleichenia Sporangia WM B
233. lsoetes Stem TuberTS B
234. lsoetes Microsporophyll TS B
235. lsoetes Meghasporphyll TS B
236. lsoetes Leaf TS B
237. lsoetes RootTS B Se/aginella Pinus Needle
C:: Botany .....,.
289. Pinus 3-Needle TS A 331. Potato Tuber VS A 353. Oil Cavities, Citrus Fruit VS A
290. Cupressure Stem TS B 332. Bean Cotyledon TS A 354. Xylem Elements Proto & Meta TS A
291 . Cuprssure Male I Female B 355. Xylem Elements Pitted Vessels A
Cone LS
356. Xylem Spiral & Annular Vessels A
292. Abies Stem TS B
357. Xylem Elements Bordered VesselsA
293. Ginkgo Stem TS B
294. Ginkgo Petiole TS B 358. Pholem Elements A
295. Ginkgo Male Cone TS B 359. Sieve Tubes A
296. Ginkgo Female Cone TS B 360. Unicellular Hairs WM B
297. Ginkgo LeafTS B 361 . Stellate Hairs WM B
298. Taxus Stem TS B
299. Taxus Wood TS B
300. Taxus LeafTS B
301 . Taxus Female Cone TS B
302. Taxus Male Cone VS B
Bean Cotyledon
303. Thuja Male Cone VS B
304. Thuja Female Cone VS B 333. Compound Starch Grains A
305. Thuja Stem VS B 334. Semi-Compound Starch Grains A
306. Cedrus Stem TS B 335. Schizogenous Cavity A
307. Cedrus Leaf TS B 336. Lysigenous Cavity A
308. Cedrus Male Cone TS B 337. Protein Bodies A
309. Cedrus Female Cone TS B
338. Rapnides WM A
310. Cedrus Ovule LS B
339. Cystolith B
311 . GnetumStemTLS / RLS B
340. Tanin Cell B
312. Gnetum Stem TS B 362. Glandular Hairs WM B
313. Gnetum Petiole TS B 341 . Inulin Dahalia RootTS B
363. Stinging Hairs WM B
314. Gnetum Male Cone TS I LS 6 342. Water Storage Cells Silica Deposits B
364. Multicellular Hairs WM B
315. Gnetum Female Cone TS I LS B
365. Wheat Grain TS B
316. Gnetum Ovule VS B
366. Maize Grain TS B
317. Aurocaria LeafTS B
318. Aurocaria Stem TS B 367. Paddy Grain TS B
319. Aurocaria Male Cone B • 368. Stomata B
320. Aurocaria Female Cone B
321. Zamia Ovule B
322. Zamia Petiole TS B
323. Zamia Leaf TS B
324. Zamia Stem TS B

Tissue Slides
343. Apical Stem Meristem LS A
344. Aerenchyma TS I WM A
Angiosperm Cell & its Contents
345. Collenchyma TS I WM A
325. Typical Plant Cell Onion A 346. Sclerenchyma TS I WM A
326. Cucurbita Epidermal Hairs WM
327. Tradescantia Epidermal Hairs WM
328. Allium Root Apex Mitosis
329. Starch Grains Eccentric
330. Starch Grains Concentric

347. Sclerenchyma Fibersmacerate A

348. Chlorenchyma A
349. Stone Cell TS A
350. Glandular Tissue Nectary VS A
351 . Latex Cells TS A
Starch Grain 352. Mucilage Duct Section A Chlorenchyma
Dicotyledon Stem 392. Leucas Stem TS A Monocotyledon Root
393. Mirabillis Stem TS A
369. Achyranthus Stem TS 1 A 434. Maize Root TS A
394. Nyctanthus Stem TS A
Ammaranthsus Stem TS 395. Nymphaea Stem TS A 435. Maize LS A
370. Arlstolochia Young Stem I A 396. Pepromia Stem TS A 436. Maize TS & LS A
Old StemTS 397. Piper Stem TS A
371 . Avecenia Stem TS A 398. Portulaca Stem TS A
372. Begonia Stem TS A 399. Ricinus Castor Stem TS A
373. Boerhavia Stem TS A 400. Ranuncullus Stem TS A
37 4. Nelumbium Stem TS A 401 . Salvadora Stem TS A
375. Bougainvillia Stem TS A 402. Tinospora Stem TS A
376. Brassica Mustard Stem TS A 403. Trapa Stem TS A
377. Cactus Stem TS A 404. Tillia Stem TS A
378. Calotropis Stem TS A 405. Vinca Rosea Stem TS A
406. Vitis Stem TS A
407. Zanthium Stem TS A Maize TS

Disotyledon Root 437. Orchid Root Showing A

408. Avicenina Pneumatophore TS A Velamen TS
409. Boerhevia Roots TS A 438. Root with Root Hairs WM A
41 0 Beet RootTS A 439. Root with Root Cap LS A
Brassica Root TS A 440. Asparagus Root TS A
Dicotyledon Leaves
441. Bryophyllum Leans A
442. Drosera Leaf WM A
443 Dicot LeafTypioal TS A

Calotropis Stem
379. Chenopodium Stem A
TS I Clematis A
380. Cosmos Stem TS A
381 . Cucurbita Young Stem A Brassica Root
TS I Old Stem
382. Cucurbita Stem TS A 412. Cucurbita Haustoria TS A
383. Cuscuta Stem TS A 413. Cururbita RootTS A
384. Ficus Stem TS A 414. Dicot Root Primary TS A DicotLeaf
385. Helianthus Young Stem TS/ LS A 415. Dicot TS Commencent A
of Sec. Growth 444. Dionaea Leaf TS to show Glands A
386. Helianthus Old Stem TS/LS A 445. Ficus Leaf TS A
416. Dicot Root Old TS. A
387. Ipomea Stem TS A 446. Helianthus A
388. Jusaea Stem TS A 417. Dicot RootTS Origin A
447. Cucurbita Leans A
or lateral roots
389. Leptadenia Stem TS A 448. Nymphea LeafTS A
418. Ficus Aerial Roots TS. A
390. Eurphorbia Stem TS A
419. Heliantyus RootTS/LS A
391 . Bignonia Stem TS A
420. Legume Root with nodule TS. A
421 . Nympheae RootTS. A
422. Pananus Aerial Root TS. A
423. Ranuns Root TS. A
424. Tlnospora Aerial Root TS. A
Monocotyledon Stem
425. Asparagus TS
426. Dracaena Stem TS
427. Grass Stem TS
428. Hydrilla Stem TS
429. Maize Mature Stem TS Nymphea Leaf
430. Maize Stem LS
431 . Ruscus TS 449. Leaf Skeleton WM A
432. Smilex Stem TS 450. Mesophytic Leaf TS A
433 Triticum Wheat Stem TS 451 . Xerophytic Leans A
Blgnonia Stem
452. Hydrophytic Leaf TS A 471 . Primary & Secondry Stem B
453. Nerium Leaf TS A TS on Same Slide
-------------, 472. Monocot & Dicot Root B
TS on Same Slide
473. Dicot & Monocot Leaf B
on the Same Slide
474. Dicot Stem TS & LS B
on the Same Slide
475. Monocot Stem TS & LS B
on the Same Slide
476. Primary & Secondary Root B
on the Same Slide
Nerium Leaf Anther
454. Nepenthes Picher TS A Vascular Bundles Type
455. Pepromia Leaf TS A 502. Hibicus Ovary TS B
477 . Radial B
456. Stem Apex LS Origin of Leaves A 478. Conjoint Collateral Open 503. Nelumbium Ovary TS B
457. Utricularia WM A 504. Solanum Ovary TS B
479. Conjoint Collateral Closed B
Monocotyledon Leaves 480. Conjoint Aamphivasal B Type of Ovules
481. Conjoint Aamphicribral B
458. Allium Leaf TS A 505. Amphitropous B
459. Dracaena Leaf TS A Floral Morphology 506. Anatropus B
460. Hydrilla LeafT A 507. Campylotropous B
482 . Anther WM ITS B
461. Orchid LeafTS A 508. Orthotropous B
483. Epigynous Flower LS B
462. Maize Leaf TS A 509. Circinotropous 8
484. Hypogynous Flower LS B
463. Eichornia Leaf TS A
485. Perigynous Flower LS B
464. Monocot Typical Leans A
486. Pollen Grains Different Types B
487. Pollen Grains Germinating 8 510. Axile Placentation B
488. Rose Bud LS 8 511. Basal Placentation B
489. Typical Flower Bud LS B 512. Free Central Placentation B
490. Typical Flower Bud LS B 513. Marginal Placentation 8
491 . Tradescantia Flower B 514. Parietal Placentation B
Monocat Leaf TS
Bud LS Ovary
515. Superficial Placentation B
465. Trapa Leaf TS A 492. Argemone Ovary TS B
466. Tltlcum Wheat Leaf TS A 493. Brssica Ovary TS B Infl orescences
468. Rhizophora Leaf TS A 494. Cassia Ovary TS B
495. Citrus Ovary TS B 516. Receme VS B
496. Corinadrum Ovary TS B 517. Spike LS B
Comparative Study Slides
497. Cucurbita Ovary TS 8 518. Ficus Hypenthodium B
469. Dicot & Monocot Stem on B 498. Calotropis Ovary TS B 519. Sun Flower Capitulum B
The Same Slide 499. Datura Ovary TS 8 520. Cyathium lnfloressence B
470. Hebaceous & Woody Stem B 500. Guava Ovary TS B 521 . Verticellaste Inflorescence B
TS on Same Side 501. Helianthus Ovary TS B 522. Anona Inflorescence B


BMCS In Plant Material with extremely large and distinct Chromosomes A Set of 12 Slides

523. Microspore Mother Cell Preparing

Mitosis Cell Div1s1on Mitosis Cell Division-Onion Root
For Division C Set of 5 Slides Tip Smear Full
524. Leptotene Stage C Set of 5 Slides, 5 Spl. Cytological Events
534. Metabollic Nucleus Stage c
525. Zygotene Stage C 535. Prophase Stage c 539. Chromatin Bridge D
526. Pachytene Stage C 536. Metaphase Stage c 540. Laggard Formation D
527. Diplotene Stage C 537. Anaphase Stage c 541 .Giant Chromosome D
528. Diakinesis Stage C
538. Telophase Stage c
542. Ring Formation D
529. Metaphase-! C 543. Chisma Formation D
530. Anaphase I Telophase-! C 544. Multivalent Formation D
531 . Anaphase I Telophase-11 C 545. Sticky Chromosomes FormationD
532. Metaphase - II C 546. Precocious Separation of
533. Meiosis All Significant Stage Chromosomes D
in on Slide C 547. Polyad Formation D
C: Botany ....,
Embryological Slides Anther Development Capsella Embroyology
Dicotyledonous Embryology A Set of 5 Slides
A Set of 9 Slides
A Set of Following 5 Slides
559.TS Young Anther Showing Mass
548.TS Anther Showing c of Paerenchymatous Cells c 563. One Celled Stage LS D
Micorosporigenesis 564. Two Celled Stage LS D
c 560.TS Anther Showing With Pollen
549.TS Mature Anther With Pollen
Grains Grains c 565. Quadrant Stage LS D
550.LS Ovule Showing c Layers & Sprorogenous Tissue 566. Globular or Heart Shaped EmbryoD
Megagametogenesis 567. Differentiation of Coteledons 0
551 .LS Seed Showing Seed Coat c 561 .TS Anther Showing Microscope
Tetrads c 568. Precotyledon D
Embryo & Endosperm
562.TS Mature Anther With Pollen 569. Bending of Coteledons D
Monocotyledonous Embryology
Grains c 570. Mature Embryo LS D
552.TS Anther Showing
Micorosporigenesis c
553.TS Mature Anther With Pollen
Grains c
554.LS Ovule Showing
Megagametogenesls c
555.LS Seed Showing Caryopis
Endosperm & Embryo c
Types of Endosperm
A Set of3 Slides
556.Free Nuclear Endosperm c
557.Cellular Endosperm c
558.Helobial Endosperm c Sprorogenous Tissue

These are peel sections of plant fossils. With Each Slide a coloured labelled description card Is provided.
Equisetales 17. Arthropits TS 38. Homeophyfon TS
18 . Arthrodendron TS Horneophyton Sporangium
1. Calam ites-T.S.Complete Round stem 39
19. Calamondenron Showing Charastic ·
with over 25 vascular bundles each 40 Psilophyton TS
med rays, prenchyma in the middle ·
showing distinct carinal canal. 41 . Psilophyton Sporangium'
flanked by thicker cells.
2. Calamites- T.S. with branch In 42. Prototaxites Logani Amold:51
20. Asterphyllites
association. 43. Nem(ltothallus Arnold: 51
21 . Neo-calamites TS
3. Stylocalamiles TS
22. Calamites Sporangia
4. Young Calamites TS
23. Calmopitys
5. Extremely You ng Calamites-With all 24. Sphenophylium Piurifoliatum TS Stern
cells of the pithintaot, carinal canals 44 Lepidodendron Sela.ginodes TS
25. Sphenophyllum Plurifoliatum TS Root ·
just making their fist appearance and complete round stem with mixed
x2 represented only by about a dozen 26. Sphenophyllum leafTS
pith in the centre and leaves intact.
secondary treacheics. 27. Sphenophyllum Cone Part
45. Lepidodendron Vasculare TS with
6. Equisetites 28. Bowmanites Cone
stelebranching a ra re stage
7. Annualaria TS 29. Sphenophyllostachys
46. Lepidondendron young axis TS
8. Annualaria Several
9. Calamites Roots
Psilophytales 47. Lepidondendron
Harcourtil TS

10.Astromyelon-Pith fully developed. 31 . Rhynia Stem TS

48. Lepldondendron Johnson II TS
11 . Calamites Root-Pith fully developed, 32. Rhynia Major TS
49. Lepidondendron Periderm
12.Calamostachys Binneya TS 33. Rhynia G.W, T.S.
50. Lepidondendron Root TS
13.Calamostachys Binneya LS 34. Rhynia LS
14.Calarnostachys Americana 35. Rhynia TS Fugal
51. Lepidondendron TS
52. Lepidondendron Fuliginousus TS
15.Asterocalamites Leaves Branching spores paleosporites
53. Lepldondendron Profuse
16.Protocalamites TS with CPX on the 36. Rhynia Sporangium Rare
inner side of protoxylem. 37. Rhynia TS Rhizome Sporangia
r:;:: Botany ....,.
56. Lepidostrobus Cone LS 103. Stauropteris Megaspore 147.Coradaites L,eaf TS
57. Lepidostrobus Strobilus 104. Stuaropteris. Microscope 148.Coradaites LeafTS excellent with
58. Lepidostrobus Leaf Base several in 105. Stauropteris with four PX groups two cycadean bundles
situ. of Which show further branching 149.Coradaites Leaf Associated with
59. Lepi'dostrobus Fluginosus TS Peel 106. Etapteris-Mature-Complete H- winged spores
60. Lepidostrobus Leaves with area of Shaped Xylem 150.Coradaites Seed
ligule 107. Etapteris-Scott-1,11,111 Rachis Stages 151.Coradaites Stem with artisia peel
108. Ankyropteris Stem 152.Cordiocarpus LS Seed
61. Lepidostrobus Leaf TS midrib
109. Ankyropteris Westphaliensis TS 153.Cordiocarpus Spinatus Male Flower
Petiole Pollination stage
62. Lepidostrobus Ligule 11 0. Ankyropferis Grayi TS Petiole 154.Cordiocarpus Spinatus R.LS.
63. Lepidostrobus Fuligi-Nosus TS 111 . Zygopterid Petiole 155.Cordiocarpus One or Two sections
64. Lepidostrobus Leaf TS 112. Psaronius Full Stem Sector Peel TS
65, Lepidostrob\Js W)ldianum LS 113. Psaronius TS Root 156.Cordiocarpus Male Flower
66. Lepidostrobus Young LS 114. Stipitoteris Psaronius Petiole 157.Cordiocarpus TS Leaf
67. Lepldostrobus SP L.lomaxi LS 115. Tempskya TS Root 158.Nucellangium LS well preserved'
68. Mazocarpon 116. Scolecopteris-Sporangia
69. Halonia-Leaf Bbases 117. Psaronius Petiole Fossil Angiosperms
70, Sigillaria Leaves
71 . Sigillaria T.S. Stem Cycadoficales
159.Engimocarpon Parijal Sahni the
72. Sigillarta Phyllum TS wonderful fossil fruit section
73. Bothrodendron Stem TS 118.Lyginopteris Oldhamia TS Stem excellently preserved.
7 4. Bothrodendron Young with five distinct mesarch 160.Veeracarpon Hexaspermum TS
Sporangium LePJoosmoeus bundle & complete leafbase in
161 ,Sal)anianthus Parijai Shukla LS
75. Bothrodendron Spores reg ular sequence.
162.Sahnian Parijai Shuk·la TS
76 Stigmaria Flcodes with 119.Lygioopteris Oldhamia TS Stem Older
163.Sahnipushpa, SP, Shukla fossil
accessory strand. 120.Lyginopteris TS Stem
flower TS with pentalocular ovary &
121.Lyginopteris Wood Ls
77, Stigmaria Ficoides Bunch outer hypanthium.
1~2 . Ciamototheca Stem TS
78, Stigmaria Root TS 164.Tricoccites-Single large fruit clear.
123.Rachiopteris Aspera with V shaped
79, Stigmaria TS with X2 165.Tricoccites-Wilh about half dozen
80. Stigmaria with in Stigmaria fruits 1n situ peel
124.RachiopterisAspera with 2v shaped
81 . Stigmaria Bacupensis several bundles separating out 166.Shukianthus-Superbum Verma the
Together 125.Sphenopteris-Young monocot inflorescense with central
82. Stigmariaopsis 126.Kaloxylon Hookeri-old stage axis having scattered bundles &
83. Stigmaria Archnoidea with 127.Kaloxylon Hookeri-young stage numerous six lower flowers arranged
Characlerstic thickened dark inner 128.Lageno Stoma LS Cupule penpherally, cut variously.
129.Heterangium-Young with characterstic 167.Rhizopamoxylon-Palm Roots
130.Heterangium-Oider with outer 168.Supeganities Seed
1@1i@it4J sclerenchymatous plates 169.Azolla lntertr~pea Sahni Azollltes
131;Heterangium StemTS preserved fossil Azolla
84. Botryopteris Ramosa TS Stem I Root 132.Heterangium with double leaf trace 170.Rodeites-Scorocrap mega & micro
86. Botryopteris Ramosa TS Petiole 133.Schopflastrum Decussatrun spores.
87. Botryopteris Cylindrical TS Petiole I 135.Medullosa Stem Perfect TS 171 .Sausarospermum-AIIfed to fossil
Stem 136.Medullosa Root Salvinia numerous spores with frilled
89. Bottyopteris CylindricaiTS Root 137.Neyeloxylon TS Complete scattered margin
90. BotryopterisAntfqua TS Petiole bundles 172.Palmoxylon Sclerodermum Sahni TS
91 . BotryopterisAntrqua Stem 138.Neuropteris Distinct TS with m idrib 173.Palmoxylon· Screrodermum Sahni LS
92. Botryopteris Histuta TS and wings
174.Dadeoxylon Resinosum LS
93. Botryopteris Globossa 139.Pecopteris TS
175,Dadeoxylon Resinosum TS
94. Botr.yopteris Tirdenta 140.Unopteris
176.Cycadeoidea Formosa
95. Botryopteris Forensis 141.Cyclopteris TS
96. Botryopteris Americana KALOXYLON 142 .Alethopteris TS
143.Mariopteris TS 179.Palaeostachya Cone LS
97. Botryopteris Sporangia BOTRYPTE.RIS 180.Physostoma
98. Botrychioxylon
Coridatales 181 ,Sphaerostoma
99. Psalixochlaena new genus TS Petiole
144.Coradaites Stem TS complete 182.Proto Osmt,Jnditles
10'1 .Stauropteris TS Primary Rasch is
145.Coradaites Root-Youngest 183.Pieurimeia
102.Stauropteris TS Phyllophore DADOXYLON
146.Coradaites Root•Oider 184.Diplolabls with Trace
c= Botany -..._,
1. Calamites:- Stem Rare Specimen, very fine alternating ridges & furrows at node.
2. Schizoneura;- Stem with nodes having distinct paries of leaf-loes very clear veins in each lobe.
3. Glossopteris:- The leaf genus-an index type for the Glossopteris flora. leaves spathulate, ovate or lines,
lanceolate. Each leaf is characterised by presence of distinct midrib. The laeral veins from an
anastomosing net-work.
4. Gangamopteris :-This is second characterstic genus of Glossopteris flora marked by the absence of midrib.
Veins meeting in the centre.
5. Palaeovittaria :-Andrews; P.425 Glossopteris like with parelle. venis
6. Scutum: Rare fructification of Glossopteris found just in close asociation with the leaf (Ref. Andrews P.355).
7. Willamsonia :- Complete Fructification Rare-Showing bracts, ovule scale marks, region of stamens.
Solid specimen very fine.
8. Willamsonia :- Showing growth rfngs and contersous structure as mentioned by port. Sahni, FRS.
9. As above:- With leaf bases intact
10. Willamsonia ;-Slender Fructification branch
11 . Willamsonia :- Stamens
12. Willamsonia :- Leaves (a) Ptilophyllum (b) Pteerrophyllum (c) Nilssonia
(d ) Taenlophylium (e) Dictozamites
13. Pentoxylon Stem :- Representative of the new group discovered by prof. Sahni FRS Showing all the five steles
14. Nipaniophyllum :-The leaf genus of pentoxylon-several together showing leaf from-fine
15. Marcrotaneopteris :- Another leaf from pentoxyleae
16. Cordaites Leaf :- The specimen shows clear impression of long slender cordiates leaves
17. Neuroteris :- The specimen about a few inches showing several neuropteris leaves each with Its
characteristic divergent veins.
1a. Elatocladus ~- Slender small leaves attached sparingly
19. Coal-Ball Material ~- W ith Stigmara and other types-Carboniferous-Rare with indefinite presserved
plant materials.
20. Sphenopters :-Different species-Clear specimens
21 . Marattiopsis Macrocarpa :-Very Well preserved specimen with profuse sporangia
2-2. Gleichenites Glechenoides :-Pinnae long slender bearing small crowded pinnules
23. Pecopteris :- Pinnules small With paralled or slightlY curved margins attached by Whole w idth at the base,
24 Ptychocarpus :- Marattiaoeae-Pecopteris like frond with circular syangia on lower surface
25. Asterotheca :- Ptychocarpurs like frond with sporangia fewer
26. Cladophlebis Osmundaceae-Fronds Pinnate-Bipinnate with lone spreading Pinnae, pinnules sterile,
pointed, falcate.
27. Rodeites DaKshini Sahni :- Hydropterid sporocarp-fine with large me9aspores & profusemass of microspores.
28. Cycadeoideas Stem :- With large leaf bases In situ wonderfully preserved fruit about 2 em well preserved
29. Cycadeoidea :- Flower Bud Specimen cross sectional veiw as per Arnold, P.259 fig. 123
30. Cycadeoidea :- Flower Foliage Different Genra each.
31 . Enigmocarpon :- Parijai Sahni The most wonderfully preserved fruit abou t 2 em well preserved
32. Sahnianthus Parijai Sahni The rarest fossil flower, discovered by prof. V. B. Shukla which slaved the
enigmatic riddle of enigmatic ridd le of Englmocarpon.
33. Tricoccites :-A large three-seeded Monocot fru it
34. Palmoxylon SP :- Several specimens of palms suitable also for research showing very clear scattered
fibrovascu lar bundles each.
35. Rhlzopalmoxylon (Palm Roots) :-Collection showing several petrified roots together in congregation,
various types.
36. Dicotwood
37. Dadoxylon
38. Cordaites Steam
39. Cyclantho Dendron
40. Betula Leaf U.S.A.
41 . Lepidodendron Stem
42. Brachyphyllum

C::: Botany :d'
Set of Fossil Specimen Rs. 2535.00 Per Set
1. lmpressiion-Fossii-Fern-Mesozoic 120 Million Years Old.
2. Comression Fossii-Palaezoic-180 Million Years Old.
3, Petrifaction-Foss11-WoodEooene-60 Million Years Old.
4. Animal Fossii-Physasp-Fossil Molluse Cretaceous-70 Million Years Old .
5. Pseudo-Fossil-Concretion-Wonderfully-Resembling 'Supari-The Betei-Nutt Palaeozoicabout-200 Million Years Old

B.M. Rare Fossil Specimens-Noudles

1. Annularia-Calarnltes-Leaves in Whorl
2. Nodule-Impression : Percopteris Ref. Arnold
3. Nodule-Compression : Percopteris-Ref. Arnold
4. Nodule-Nueropteris : Large 12.5 em Ref. Arnold
5. Nodule-Nueropteris : Regular in Noudle From U.S.A.
6. Sphenophyllum-Noudle
7. Lepidodendron Leaf-Lepidophyllum-Noudle ZVGNEMA


Museum Specimen (Mounted in Glass Jar) : Selected Fresh Specimens Securely mounted on
plastic plate in crystal clear sealed glass jars. Fully labelled. Plastomount-These are crystal clea
museum permit objects veiwing from all six sides. Plastic Embedded Specimens-A reslnmount i
a block of crystal clear caroplastic. The mounts are permanent & permit object veiwing from all ~ ix
sided. These can be readily and safety handled by students & easy for storage & display.

I Price=Giassmount Rs.83.00 Palstomount Rs. 83.00 Plastic Embedded Rs. 270.00 I


•t'f+tfW 32.
Albugo Hypertrophy
1. Acetabula ria
2. Batrachospermum 34. Prophyra Imported 57. Angular Leaf of Cotton
3. Bryopsis 35. Pithophora 58. Ascobolus
4. Botrydium 36. Phonnidium 59. Apple Rust
5. Chara 37 . Rivularia 60. Agaricus Amanitia
6. Codium 38. Sargassum Vegetative 61 . Bracket Fungus
7. Cladophora Fresh Water 39. Sargassum Fertile 62, Bean Rust Uromyces
8. Cladophora on shell marine 40. Spirogyra Veg. & Conj. 63. Claviceps
9. Colecochaete on host 41 . Scytonema 64. Clavaria
1Q, Chaetomorpha Psciophyton 42. Stigonema 65. Colletorichum
Stem( USA) 43. Stigoclonium 66. Citrus Canker
Caulepra Plant
~ '
,Uiva Thallus
13. Cutlaria 46. Ulothrix 69. Erysiphase
14. Dictyota 47. Vaucheria 70. Fusarium
15. Drapernalidia ------" 48. Volvox 71. Geaster Star Fungus
16. Drapernaldiposis Dictyota 49. Valonia 72. Helminthosporium
17. Enteromorpha 50· Zygnema O!icillatoria 73. Lycoperdon
18. Ectocarpus 74. Melampsora Linssed
19. Fritschiella 75, Mucor
20. Fucus Imported Male USA
21 . Fucus Imported Female USA
22. Gledium
23. Graclllaria
24. Laminaria
25. Lyngbya
26. Mougeotia
27. Microcystis
28. Nllella 51 . Aspergillus
29. Nostoc 52. Alternaria
30. Oscillatoria 53. Albugo Conidial on Leaf
31 . Padina OEDOGONIUM
54. Albugo Sexual on Fruit Alternaria
C: Botany ....,
76. Morchella 124. Leaf Mosaic Motling 169. Fern Angiosperm Fertile Twing
77. Neurospora 125. Leaf Ring Spot 170. Fern Nephrolepis Fertile Twing
78. Nigrospora 126. Leaf Distortion & Over Growth 171. Fern Glechenia Fertile Twing
79. Peziza Clusters 127. Viruses Corium Solani 172. Fern Dryopteris Fertile
80. Phytopthora on Potato Leaf Leaf Curl of Tobbaco 173. Fern Pteridium Fertile
81 . Pilobolus 128. Viruses Cariea Papaya 174. Fern Botrychium Fertile
82. Phytophthora on Co'locasia Leaf Leaf Curl of Papaya Fern Lygod1um Fertile
83. Plasmo Para Fern Osmunda Fertile
84. Pencillium Fern Blecchnum Fertile
85. Polyorus Fern Asplenium Fertile
86. Protomyces on Coriander
87. Phyllactinia
88. Puccinia on Wheat Leaf
89. Puccinia on Wheat Stem Leaf Distortion
90. Pucci"nia Uredial
91. Puccinia Barbery
92. Puccinia Pycnogonial
93. Puccinia Aecidial 129. Lichen Apothecia
94. Phragmidium on Rose 130. Lichen Usens Fertile
95. Ring Spot of Brassica 131. Lichen Paranelia Fertile
96. Ring Spot of Potato 132. Lichen Rmalina Fertile
97. Rhizopus 133. Lichen Phycia Fertile Fern Pleopletis Fertile
98. Sclerospora 134. Lichen Coladonia Fern Polypodium Fertile
99. Synchytrium on Leaf 135. Lichen Graphics Fertile Fern Actinopteris Fertile
100. Synchytrium on Fuit Bryophyta Fern Helminthostochys Fertile
101. Synchytrium Black Potato Gymnosperm
102. Sphaerotheca on Jawar 136. Anthoceros Sporophyte
103. Tellitia Tritice 137. Cyathodium Fertile Cycas Plant
104. Taphrina 138. Dumortiera Fertile Cycas Germinating
105 Ustilago U. Avenal 139. Fimbraria Fertile Cycas Young Plant
140. Fossombronia Fertile 186. Cycas Male Cone Entire
106. Ustilago Covered Smut
141. Jungerrnania Fertile 187. Cycas Male Cone Half
107. Ustilago Loose Smut Tritici
142. Lunularia Gemma Cup 188. Cycas Female Cone
108. Ustilago Oat
143. Marchantia with Antheridia
109. Ustilago Barley 189. Cycas Microsporophyll
144. Marchantia with Archegonia
110. Ustilago Wheat 190. Cycas Megasporophyll Rurnphili
145. Marchantia with Sporophytes
111 , Ustilago Maize 191 . Cycas Megasporophyll Revoluta
146. Marchantia with Gemma Cup
112. Ustilago Sugar-Cane 147. Marchantia 4 dev. stages in one jar 192. Cycas Megasporophyll Pectinata
113. Uncinula 148. Notothylus Sporophyte 193. Cycas Megasporophyll Bedomi
114. Uromyces 149. Plagiochsma Fertile 194. Cycas Megasporophyll
115. Xylaria 150. Pellia Fertile 195. Cycas Ovule
151. Perella Fertile 196. Cycas Circinalis Vernation
152. Reboulia Fertile 197. Pinus Male Cone
153. Ricardial Fertile 198. Pinus Female Cone-1st Year
154. Targionla Fertile 199. Pinus Female Cone-2nd-Year
155. Barbula Fertile 200. Pinus Female Cone-3rd-Year
156. Bryum Fertile 201 . Pinus Young Plant
157. Polytrichum Fertile - 202. Pinus Seed
158. Pogonatum Fertile 203. Pinus Seeding
159. Sphagnum Fertile 204. Gnetum Young Plant
Pogonatum Fertile
Ustila{Jo IMleat Uncinula 205. Gnetum Twig with leaf
Bacteria & Virus Plants
160. Azolla with sporocarps 1z
116. Citrus CAnker 161. Salvinia Vegetative Plant
117. Root Nodules 162. Salvinia with Sporocarp
118. Leaf Curl ofTomato 163. Fern Prothallus with sex organs
119. Leaf Curl of Chillies 164. Fern Prothallus with Sporocarp
120. Leaf Curl of ~P:a~p~~a~~y::.a~••--~ 165. Fern Sporophyfl Typical
121. Leaf Curl of 166. Fern Pteris Fertile Twing
122. Leaf Chlorosis 167. Fern Adiantum Fertile Twing
123. Leaf Mosaic 168. Fern Cyathe Fertile Twing
CycasOvu/e Pinus Seed
CJII: Botany ; ,
206. Cedrus With Male cone Parasitic Plants 289 Corm Amorphophallus
207 . Cedrus with Female Cone 290. Lemna Leaf Like Floating Stem
208. Cephalotaxus stem with leaf 254. Balanophora 291 . Pffser-Pistia
209. CephalotaxtJs male or female cone 255. Cuscuta with Host 292. Phylloclade of Eurphol'bia
210. Thuja with male cone 256. Cassytha with Host 293. Phylloclade of Opuntia
211 . Thuja with female cone 257. Orobranchie with Host 294. Phylloclade of Acaccia
212. Aurocaria with male cone 258. Orchid Plant Entire 295. Phylloclade of Muehllen Beckia
213. Aurocoria with female cone 259. Orchid Bulbophyllum 296. Phylloclade of Ruscus
214. lamia with female cone 260. Orchid Plant with infloresence 297. Phylloclade of Caurina
215. Abies with male cone 261 . Loranthus with Host 298. Phylloclade of Parking Sonia
216. Abies with female cone 262. Stiga with Host 299. Runner
217. Agathis with female cone 263. Viscum with Host 300. Rhizome
218. Agathis with male cone 264. Orobranchie 301 . Stolon
219. Gnetum with male cone 265. Viscum Japanicum with Host 302. Scaly Bulb
220. Gnetum with female cone Root Morphology 303. Thorn with shoot
221. Gnetum Ovule 266. Adventitious Root 304. Tuber
222. Gnetum seed 267. Aquatic Root 305. Cladode Asparagus
268. Conical Root
306. Cladode Cocolaba
269. 307. Cucurbita Tendril
308. Tendril of Passifora
309. Bubil of Agave
310. Bubil of Dlsocorea
31 1. Bubil of Kalachchoe
312. Bubil of Pineaspple

223. Ginkgo with male cone

224. Ginkgo wigh female cone
225. Ginkgo twing with leaf
226. Ginkgo ovule
227. Taxus male cone
228. Taxus female cone Rhizome Tuber
229. Ephedra male cone
230. Ephedra female cone Types o f Stipules
231. Cryptomeria male cone 275. Fasciculated Tuberious Root
232. Cryptomeria female cone 313. Free Lateral Stipule
233. Cupressus male cone 276. Monili Form Root 314. Adherent Ad nate Stipute
234. Cryptomeria Male Cone 277. Napiform Root 315. Inter Petiolar Stipule
235. Cupressus Female Cone 278. Nodulated Root 316. Ocherats Stipule
236. Cupressus Male Cone 279. Normal Root 317. Folicious Stipule
237. Podocarpus female cone 280. Palmated Root 318. Spiney Stipule
238. Podocarpus male cone 281 .
239. Taxodium male cone 319. Tendrillar Stipule
240. Taxodium female cone 282. UTRICULAR/A
241. Taxofolla male cone 283. Ruellia Root
242. Taxofolia female cone 284. Tuberous Root Tuberous Root Leaf Morphology
243. Juniperus female cone
244. Juniperus male cone Stem Morphology
320. Scaly Leaf
245. Picea male cone 285. Bulb 321 . Spiny Leaf
246. Picea female cone 286. Bulb Tunicated
287. Corm Colocasia 322. Leaft Modified
Insectivorous Plants 288. Corm Gladiolus 323. Phyllode of Acaccia
324. Swollen Petiole
247. Utricularia
325. Windged Petiole
248. Drosera Indica
249. Drosera Burmani 326. Tendrillar Petiole
Leaf Tendril of
250. Pitcher plant 327. Tendrillar Stipule Lathyrus

Nepenthes 328. Leaf Apex Tendril of Gloriosa

251. Venus fly trap 329. Leaflet I Te.ndril of Pea
Dionea USA 330. Leaf Tendril of Lathyrus
252. Pinguicula USA 331. Inflorescence Tendril of Antigonon
253. Sercenia USA DROSERA INDICA 332. Circinate Vernat ion
Corm Gladiolus
C: Botany =::t
333. Limnophylla Showing 359. Orchid Flower 393. Pome Fruit
Two types leaves 360. Salvia Flower 394. Pomegranate Balusta
.lllllllll!"'tj• 395. PineApple
Inflorescence & Flowers
396. Regma
334. Receme Typical 361 . Achene Navalia 397. Siliqua
335. Spike Typical 362, Anoma Squamosa 398. Sillicula
Simple Spadix 363. Acer 399. Schizocarps
337. Compound Spadix 364. Anacardium Fruit 400. Samara
338. Catkin Typical 365. Aristolochia Fruit 401 . Syconus of Fig
339. Strobilus 366. Achene of Clematis 402. Sorosis
340. Stiklet 367. Berry ofTomato CORYMB 403. Strawberry
368. Capsule of Cotton Walnut
341. Corymb 404. Walnut
342. Umbel Typical 369. Capsule of Datura 405. Xanthium Fruit
370. Capsule of Lady's Finger 406. Zyzyphus
371 . Capsule of Poppy
372. Capsule of Argemone
Hydrophytic Paints
373. Capsule of Celosia 407. Ceptophyllum
374. Carcerul 408. Eichhomia
375. Caryopsis 409. Elodea
Corymb 376. Cypsela Seed 410. Hydrilla
343. Compound Umbel 377. Cucumber Pepo 411 . Jussiaea
344. Capitate 378, Calotropis Fruit 412. Limnophylla Hetrophylla
345. Capitulum 379. Double Samara 413. Lemna
346. Solitary 380. Drupe of Mar 414. Marsilea
347. Scoropoid Cyme '381 . Dioscores in 415. Nymphea
348. Helicoid Cyme 382. Datura Fruit 416. Pistia
349. Dichasial Cyme 383. Follicle 417. Rhizophora
350. Polychasial Cyme 384. Hip of Rose 418. Salvinia
351. Hypanthodium 385. Legume 419, Sargassum
352. Cyathium 386. Lomentum Lotus Fruit 420. Typha
353. Verticillaster 387. Lemon 421. Trapa
Verticil/aster Typha
354. Aristolochia Flower 388. Lotus Fruit 422. Utricularia
355. Cymose Capitate 389. Mangrove Fruit 423. Vallisneria Male Plant
356. Datura Flower 390, Nut of Oak 424. Vallisneria Female Plant
357. Maize Male Inflorescence 391 . Nut of Anacardium 425. Water Lily
358. Maize Female Inflorescence 392. Nelumbium Fruit 426. Wolffia Germination Sets


Important Stage in the germination has been shown by actual upto the young plants
BMGS Plants Types
427. Castor Germination
428. Gram Germination
429, Maize Germination
430. Pea Germination
431. Bean Germination
432. Onion Germination
433. Wheat Germination
434. Viviparous Germination


. , \
,. '
f t"i
.· . !

Maize Germination Pea Germination Bean Germination LOTUS FRUIT

C:: Botany .......,
(Plant Life History Sets in Jar)
The Important Stages in life history of the following plants are shown by
specimens with colored diagrams of plastic plate. Jar size 1 0" x 2"


435. L. H. of Fern 450. L. H. of PuccinTa

436. L H. of Moss 451 . L. H. of Anthoceros
437. L. H. of Marchantia 452. L. H. of Ophioglossum
438. L. H. of Riccia 453. L. H. of Gnetum
439. L. H. of Pinus 454. L. H. of Albugo
455. L. H. of Agaricus
440. L H. of Cycas

·Jrt:,·.. . . ..1,,· .:
441 . L. H. of Angiosperm Plant Life Cycle
457 . L. H. of Sargassum
442. L. H. of Selaginella 458. L H. of Chara
443. H. of Marsilea ~. ~·
. • -r·- .• 459. L. H. of Spirogyra
~ •.,,.:. . ....
. 'rt-v:;,...,. ' . .. , z : ..~ J.

444. L. H. of Morchella 460. L. H. of Spirogyra
. .
445. L. H. of Oedogonium ·.-~~--- ~ :·. ~ 461 . L. H. of lsoetes
...·• t' ..\"· . ·: .. 461 . L. H. of Lycopodium
446. L. H. of Dictyota
447. L. H. of Phytophthora
• ..
r -~'·
' .. . ·. . • ,. 'ftf; ""
L. H. ofFucus
L. H. of Mucor
448. L H. of Penicillium
449. L. H. of Peziza
~. [_. ._.,_.
Plant Life Cycle


S. No. Type of Collection Number Glassm- Plastom- S. No. Type of Collection Number Glassm- Plastom-
ount ount ount ount
Each Rs. Each Rs. Each Rs. Each Rs.

464. Cynophyceae Collection 490. Stipules Collection

465. Chlorophyceae Collection 491. Phylloclade Collection
466. Phaeophyceae Collection 492. Xerophytic Paints
467. Rhodophyceae Collection Collection
468. Algae Collection 493. Hydrophytic Paints
469. Caulerpa Collection Collection
470. Fungi Collection 494. Recemose Inflorescence
47'1. Rust Collection Collection
472. Smut Collectron 495. Cymose Inflorescence
473. Phycoycetes Collection Collection
474. Ascomycetes Collection 496. Special Inflorescence
475. Basidiomycetes Collection~ Collection
476. Deutermycetes Collection 497. Capsular Inflorescence
477. Viral Plant Collection Collection
478. Lichens Collection 498. lndehiscent Fruit
479. Bryophyta Collection Collection
480. Mosses Collection 499. Fleshy Fruits Collection
481 . Pteeridophyta Collection 500. Simple Fruits Collection
482. Ferns Collection 501 . Aggregate FruTt Collection
483. Lycopodium Collection 502. Multiple Fruits Collection
284. Gymnosperm Male 503. Nuts Collection
Cone Collection 504_ Oil Seed Collection
485. Guymnosperm Female 505. Fibers Collection
Cone Collection 506. Roots Modification
486. Gymnosperm Collection Collection
487. lnsestivorous Paints 507. Stem Modification
Collection Collection
488. Parasitic Paints Collection 508. Leaf Modification
489. Bulbils Collection Collection

Plant Kingdom Evolutionary Representing all groups from Bacteria Angiosperm Mounted Tn
big size jar. Glassmount Rs. 345. Palstomount Rs. 345
C: Botany -:=1
BMEE-1 BM Square Steel Quadrates : Made ofthick steel with grooves on all four sided at equal distance
for threading.
Price Rs.
BMEE-2 BM Point Frame Apparatus : This is consist of a scale like frame supported by a pair of legs. The
frame has 10 equidistant holes having long pointers.
BMEE-3 BM Point centre or quarter apparatus : Brass needle fitted with rubber cork and compass
BMEE-4 BM Water Sampling and Ecology Kit : This kit includes one each or water sampling bottle with
Rope. Bottom sampling dredge. Sacchi disc with rope. Plankton net, sorting dishes. Hand net &
Thermometer, Portable Agriculture pH meter for instant use complete kit in earring brief case.


(In Transparent Acrylic Showcase or Jar) Price : Rs. 205 Each
BMPLH 10. Leaf - Margin
1. Dispersal of seed and fruits - By wind 11 . Leaf Modification -Various types
2. Dispersal of Seed and fruits - By animal 12. Stipule types
3. Dispersal of seed and fruits- By water 13. Inflorescence - Recemase types TENDRIL CLIMBER
4, Types of roots -Various types 14. Inflorescence - Cymose types
5. Modification of root 15. Types of Capsular Fruit -Various Specimens
6. Modification of stem -Various types 18. Pollination
7, Leaf Shapes -Various types 17. Types of fruits and seeds -Achenial and schtzocarprc
8, Types of compound leaves -Various types 18. Tendril Climber - Dlfferent types
9. Leaf -Venation 19. Collection of xe(ophytes


1. Dispersal of Seeds & Fruits By Winds Showcase
2 Dispersal of Seeds & Fruits By Animal Showcase
3. Dispersal of Seeds & Fruits By Water Showcase
4. Types of Root-Various Types Showcase or in Jar
5. Modification of Root-Various Types Showcase orin Jar
6. Modification of Stem-Various Types Showcase or in Jar
7. Types of Stem~Various Types Showcase or in Jar
8. Collection of Pulses
10. Collectfon of Fibers BMEE-2 POINi BMEWK-1 MEIOSIS
11 . Collection of Wood Types FRAME APPARTUS LAB WORK SHOP KIT
12. Collection of Oil Seeds
13. Collection of Medicinal Paints


With the help of B. M. kits students can do the experiment with their own hands and learn the subject.
BMEWK-1 Meios is Lab-Work Shop K it-Student prepare temporary or permanent slides out of buds fixed in
carney's fixative & stain them with Acetocarmine & examine various. stages of onion meiosis division.
The kit is for class of 30 students includes 965.00
Fixed Onion Buds-30 Nos. 2 Tissue softening solution. 3. Carney's fluid 4. Acetocarmine 50 mi. 5.
Coverslip round. 6. Dropper plastic-30 Nos. 7. Tapping pads 30 Nos. 8. Filter paper-100 Nos. 9.
Working manual guide. 10. Mounting media glycerine 50 mi. complete kit as above in box.
BMEWK-2 Mitosis L ab-Work Shop K it-Student prepare temporary or permanent slides from onion root tip fix
in carney's fixative & stain them with Acetocarmine & examine various stages of onion meiosis
division. The kit is for class of 30 students includes : 1. Fixed Onion Root Tip 40 Nos, 2. Tissue
softening solution. 3. Carney's fluid . 4. Acetocarmine 50 mi. 5. Cover slip round. 6. Dropper plastic·3~MEWK-2 Mtrosts
Nos. 7. Tappmg pads 30 Nos. 8. Filter paper-100 Nos. 9. Working manual guide. 10. Mounting media
glycerine 50 mi. complete klt as above in box.
C: Botany .....,.
BMEWK-3 BM Animal Tissuf:-Grass Hopper Testis Labwork shop K it-Student prepare temporary or permanent
slides Slides from Grass-hopper Testis fized in carney's fixative & stain them with Acetocarmine &
examine various stages of onion meiosis division . The kit is for class of 30 students includes :- 1. Fixed
Grass hopper Testis 40 Nos. 2 Tissue softening solution. 3. Carney's fluid . 4. Acetocarmine 50 mi. 5.
Cover slip round. 6. Dropper plastio-30 Nos. 7 . Tapping pads 300 Nos. 8. Filter paper- 100 Nos. 9.Worki'ng
manual gvide. 10. Mounting media glycerine 50 mi. complete kit as above in box

BMEWK4 BM Plant Breeding Kits for Hybridisation : -With the help of this kit Is a student or a plant breeder can
do hybridlsation in the way he desire. The kit is supplied in carrying case and includes:- 1. Craft's working
manual guic;le. 2. Note Book. 3. Magnifier. 4. Pointed forceps S .S. 5. Curved forceps S.S . 6. Scissor S.S.
with pointed ends. 7. Teasing neegle. 8. Arrow type S.S. 9. Sharp S.S. ScalpaL 10. Brush 11 . Palstfc
specimen tubes with lid- 6 nos 12. Aluminit!m plant labels-6 nos. 13. Bagging or cagin,g bags 10 nos. 14.
Preservative-50mL complete as above.
BMEWK-5 Bioplast Kit- Embedding-specimens in plastic rasin has become a valuable teaching tool. Any specime
can be embedded in a crystal clear plastic block by the student themselves with the help of B.M. bioplast kit
which includes:-1.0ne bottle of bioplast-500ml. 2.0ne bottle of bioplast-50mL 3, One bottle of accelerator-
25ml 4.0ne bottle of Roleslng compound 25 ml. S.Palstic mould's -20 nos. 6. Dropping pipette one no.
7.Piastic needle 2 nos. 8.Forcep S. S.-1 9.1nstruction manual guide-ne complete kit as above in case.


1. Algae Collection 8. Fern Life History
2. Fungi Collection 9. Pteridophyta Collection
3. Thallophyta Collection 10. Gymnosperm Collection
4. Marachantia developing stages 11 . Dionea Venus fly trap USA
5. Moss Life History 12. Castor Germination
6. Collection of Bryophyta BM£WK-4· 13. Grain Germination
7. Collection of Ferns PLANT BR££0/NG KfT 14. Maize Germination TISSUE COLLENCHYMA


Embedding, specimens in plastic has become teaching tool. Any specimen can be embedded by
student themselves with the help ofbalopfast' listed below.

I Bioplast kit Rs . 830.00 per kit I -

1. One Bottle of Bioplast 500 ml 6. Dropping Pipettes Two
2. One Bottle of Catalyst 50 ml 7. Teastng Needle One
3. One Bottle of Accelerator 25 ml 8. Forceps One
One Bottle of Rolesing 9. Wet Sand paper Two shell
compound 25 ml 10. Instruction manual One
5. Plastic moulds Two BME'M(-6 8/0PLAST KIT
I Size : 75 x 100 ems . Fitted w ith Plastic Rollers- Price : Rs. 235 Each I
1. Tissue - Epidermis 16. Flower - L.S. for ovary embryo sac .28. Types of red a lgae (poJysiphonia)
2. Tissue - Collenchyma 17. Flower External features 29. Seed of Viera Faba opened with its
3. Tissue- Parenchyma 18. Marchantla different parts.
4. Tissue - Scleranchyma 19. MarchantTa - Life cycle 30. Stages of germinating of the wheat
5. Tissue - Cork 20. Adlantlum seed.
6. Tissue-Xylem T.S .pit and Bordered pit 21 .Adlantium- Life cycle 31 . Stage of germination of the cast or
7, Tissue - Phloem 22, Pinus -EXternal feature bean seed (Ricinus commanls)
8. LS. rn root tip and T.S. 23. Pinus -Male and female strobili 32. Anima l & Plant cell
9. T.S. in dicot and monocot root 24. Pinus - L.S. through male. strobilus 33. Typical Plant Cell
34. Plant Mitosis
10. T.S. in root to show secondary growth 25. Pinus - L,S. through female strobilus
35. Classification of Plants
11 . L.S . in root apex and T.S. in different 26. Stage of formation of female
36. DNA Molecule
regions gametophyte with process of
37 . Periodic Table of Fruits & Nets
12. T.S. in dicot and monocot stem pollenation fertilization formation of
38. Periodic Table of Vegetables
13. T.S . in stem to show growth seed and L.S. in seed
39. Laboratory Safety
14. Flower - L. S. in flower 27. T.S. in epidermis stem that show the 40. Laboratory Techniques
15. Flower· T.S. in anther Lenticel 4 1. pH Color Charts
C:sotany ;:J
ISize : 55 X 90 em s. Price : Rs. 108 Each I

General Charts 18. Batrachospermum Structure & LH 34. Castor Seed Germination
36. Dispersal of Seeds & Fruits
1. Plant RespiraUon Fungi
2 . Plant Transpiration Roots, Stems & Leaves
19. Rhizopus Structure & LH
3. Plant Osmosis & Root Pressure
20. Mucor Structure & LH
4. Photosynthesis 37. T.S. Dicot Root
21 . Puccinia graminis Stucture & LH
5. Glycolysis
22. Agaricus Stucture & LH
38. T.S. Monocot Root
6. Krebs Cycle 39. T.S. Dicot Leaf
Angiosperms 40. T.S. Monocot Leaf
Ecology 41. T.S. Dicot Stem Sec. Growth
23. Plant Cell (Ultra Structure) 42. Root Modification
7. Water Cycle 24. Mitosis in Plants
8. Nitrogen Cycle
43. Stem Modification
25. Meiosis in Plants 44. Leaf Modification
9. Carbon Cycle 26. Typical Plant Showing Parts of a 45. Vegetative Propagation
10. Oxygen Cycle Mustard Plant
46. Artificial Propagation
11. Life History 27. Plant Kingdom Showing Flowering
12. Food Web & Non-flowering Plants
Flowers & Embryology
13. Food Chain 28. Hydrophytic Plants
29. Xerophytic Plants
Botany Charts 47. Typical Flowering Showing Parts
30. Insectivorous Plants
48. Fertilization Sh. Germination of
14. Chlamydomonas General Structure & Seeds & Fruits Pollen Grain
Life History 49. Placentation
15. Ulothrix General Structure and LH 31. Maize Seed Germir'lation 50. Inflorescence Part I Simple Racemose
16. Spirogyra St. & Conjugation 32. Gram Seed Germination & Cymose
17. Chara Structure and LH 33. Bean Seed Germination 51 . Poll1nation Different Types



These are printed in multi color with Automatic German Machine

Size : 25 x 35 ems (10" x 14") Price : Rs. 820 set of 8

Size : 50 x 76 ems (20" x 30") Price : 365 Each

BPRM 1 Botany Set of 8 BRPM 2 Botany Set of No. Ill

1. Typical Plant Cell 1. Fertilization
2. Plants Mitosis 2. T.S. Dicot Leaf PLANT CELL
~Botany =:AI
3. Meiosis 3. T.S. Monocot Leaf
4. Oioxyribo NuclericAcid 4. T.S. Oicot Root
5. Ribo - Nucleric RNA 5. T.S. Monocot Stem
6. Bacteria Forms Cocci 6. Dicot Stem
7. Spfrogyra 7. T.S. Monocot Stem
8. Funaria 8_ Types of Placentation

T.S. Dicot Leaf T. S. M o n ocot Leaf

Biovisual all charts are screen printed in two to six colour against black/White background.
Charts are in the size of 125 x 100 em. Unless mentioned otheJWise. Made of water proof -
reinfored P.V.C. material, these charts are strong and durable, size 1.25 x 1 mtr.

I A=377.00 8=467.00 C=563.00

Chart No. Title Code 8i
Forms of comb in Fowl
Forms of comb in Fowl
Bi 9 Cell Membrane & Cell Wall B
Bi 10 Endoplasmic Reticulum c Bi 8 Mutations c 8 8 Mutations c
Bi 11 Mitochondrion c Bi 51 Chromosomal Abberrations c B 51 Chromosomal Abberrations c
Bi 12 Golgi Comlex c Bi 52 Colour Blindness & Hemophilia c 8 52 Colour Blindness & Hemophina c
Bi 13 Chloroplast c Bi 53 Genetic Code c B 53 Genetic Code c
Bi 14 Nucleus c Bi 60 Dyhybrid Ratio c 8 60 Dyhybrid Ratio c
Bi 15 Chromosomes c Bi 99 Mendelsim B B 99 Mendelslm B
Bi 31 Structure of Cillium & Flagellum A Bi 126 Cytoplasmin Inheritance c 8 126 Cytoplasmin Inheritance c
81 80 Ribosomes & Lysosomes c Bi 127 Sex Linked Inheritance c B 127 Sex Linked Inheritance c
Bi 131 Corssing Over c B 131 Corssing Over c
B 84 Cladophora c
Bi 4 Monohybrid Cross-Complete B 167 Zygnema A
B 79 Myxophycease B B 168 Fucus A
Dominance A
Bi 5 Monohybrid Cross-
B 80 Chlamydomonas c Mjlle(.!M
B 81 Volvox B
Incomplete Dominance c B 82 Ulothrix c B 49 Saprolegnia c


C:: sotany ~
8 50 Rhizopus c 8 126 Polytrichum c 8 117 Dehiscent Fruits A
B 51 Albugo c B 155 Parella c 8 118 lndehiscent Fruits A
8 52 Phytophthora c 8 125 Sporophytic Evolution 8 105 Stem Modifications : Aerial C
B 53 Saccharomyces c in 8ryophytes c 8 106 Stem Modifications ~ Subaerial C
8 54 Aspergillus c 8 47 Pellia 8 8 107 Stem Modifications :
B 55 Penicillium c Pteridophyta Underground C
8 58 Puccinia c 8 14 Carnivorous Plants C
8 60 Agaricus c B 161 Psilotum c B 128 Germination C
8 148 Ustilago c 8 8 Lycopodium : Structure c 8 129 Germination C
B 149 Polyporus 8 8 9 Lycopodium : Reproduction A 8 130 Root Modification : Aerial-1 B
8 150 Cercospora 8 8 10 Equisetum : Structure c 8 131 Root Modification ; Aeria l - !I B
8 151 Colletotrichum c 8 11 Equisetum : Reproduction c 8 132 Root Modification :
B 152 Bacteria c 8 12 Pteris : Structure c Tap & Adventitious C
8 153 Viruses c 8 13 Pteris : Reproduction c 8 133 Inflorescence : Racemose C
B 1 54 Lichens c 8 15 Marsilea : Structure c 8 134 Inflorescence : Cymose C
B 171 Peziza A B 16 Marsilea : Reproduction c B 135 Inflorescence : Mixed, C
8 189 Helminthosporium c 8 17 Selaginella : Structure c Special & Racemose
8 213 Plant Diseases c 8 18 Selaginella : Reproduction c 8 158 Aestivation A
B 216 Sorghum Diseases c 8 177 Adiantum : Structure c 8 162 Typical Flowering Plant -
8 59 Lycoperdon c B 178 Adiantum : Reproduction c Floral Parts C
8 226 Citrus Canker 8 198 Nephrolepis c 8 174 Leaf Modifications C
& Rice Blast c 8 114 Stelar Evolution c 8 179 Leaf Shapes, Margins & Apices C
8 180 Phyllotaxy & Venation A
M:te'kl@ fl Gymnosperms 8 181 Types of leaves & kinds of
8 6 Riccia : Structure c 8 24 Cycas : Leaflet & Rachis c stipules C
8 7 Riccia : Reproduction A 8 25 Cycas : Stem & Root c 8 182 Calyx & Corolla : Forms C
B 39 Marchantia : Structure c B 26 Cycas : Reproduction c B 183 Vegetative Propagation A
8 40 Marchantia : Sexual B 27 Pln1,1s : Stem & Needle c B 184 Insertion of Floral leaves on
Reproduction c 8 28 Pinus : Reproduction c Thalampus 8
8 41 Marchantia : Asexual 8 29 Gnetum : Structure c 8 185 Pollination C
Reproduction c B 30 Gnetum : Reproduction c B 186 Dispersal of Fruits & Seeds C
8 42 Anthoceros : Stuclure 8 190 Medicinal Plants - I C
& Reproduction c B 191 Medicinal Plants - II C
8 43 Anthoceros : Sporophyte c B 108 Types of Ovules A 8 214 Medicinal Plants- Ill C
8 44 F1,1naria : Stuctu(e 8 46 Types of Placentation A 8 40 Plant Kingdom C
& Sex Organs c B 112 ANdroecium : Structure & 8 193 Bentham & Hooker
B 45 Fun aria ~ Sporophyte c Number 8 Classification A
8 172 Sphagnum : Structure c 8 113 Androecium : Fixation, B B 217 Asexual Reproduction C
8 173 Sphagnum : Reproduction c Dehiscence & Union 8 218 Medicinal Plants -IV C


C: sotany .......,
B 127 Branching c 6 136 Anamalous Secodary Growth : C Bi 195 Plant Transpiration C
B 221 Flower & It's parts c Achyranthes & Bougainvillaea 8 i 199 Paint Hormones C
B 222 Engler & Prantl Classification A Stem Bi 227 Ascent of Sap B
B 223 Hutchinson Classification B 6 137 Anamalous Secondary Growth C
B 224 Comparative Classification of B : Bignonia & Stychnos Stem
Bentham & Hooker, Engler & 6 138 Anamalous Secondary Growth C 8 Ultra Structure of Plant Cell C
Prant & Hutchinson Boerhaavia & Nyctanthes Stem 6 19 Mitosis in Plants C
6 139 Anamalous Secodary Growth C B 20 Structure of Chromosome A
Embryology During Mitosis
Leptadenica & Aristolochia Stem
B 119 Microsporangium & c 6 140 Anamalous Secondary Growth C B 21 Structure of Chromosome C
Male Gametophyte Casuarina & Mirabilis Stem During Meiosis
B 120 Megasporagium & c 6 141 Anamalous Secodary Growth C B 22 Meiosis in Plants : First Div. C
Female Gametophyte Se~an ia & Dracaena Stem B 23 Meiosis in Plants : Second Div.C
121 Fertilization & Embrogency
122 Life cycle of Angiosperm c
Cucurbita Stem
B 123 Dicot Embryo:Development c 6 201 Stem c B 62 Poaceae : Oryza Sativa, B
B 124 Monocot Embryo:DevelopmentA Zea Mays
6 211 Nyctanthes Stem C
B 196 Plant Tissue Culture c B 63 Acathaceae : Ruellia B
6 212 Casyarina Stem C
Tuberosa, Eobolium
B 229 Endosperm Types c 6 219 Vascular Bundles : Types C
B 132 Protoplast Fusion c 6 226 Ficus : Root C
B 64 Apiaceae : Pimpinella Anisum A
B 133 Cloning & Vectors c
Physiology 6 65 Bignonaceae Tecoma Stans 6
II!Q®t.I.Jj B 66 Meliaceae Melia Azedarach B
6 175 Photo Respiration B
B 31 Parenchyma A
6 176 C4 & Cam Cycles B
B 67 Annonaceae : Annona c
8 32 Collenchyma A Squamosa Artabotrys
6 194 Plant Respiration B
B 33 Sclerenchyma c Bi 1 Photosynthesis-Light ReactionsC
B 34 Xylem:Posotion & Structure c B 68 Cruciferae : Brassica Nigra c
Bi 2 Integration of Carbohydrate, C B 69 Malvaceae : Hibiscus c
B 35 Xylem : Vessel & Performation A
Fatty Acid & Amino Acid
8 36 Pholem c Anabolism-Dark Reactions
Rose - Sinensis
B 70 Rufaceae : Citrus Aurantifoliac
8 2
Stem : Dicot Helianthus Ann us C
Bi 3 Integration of Carbohydrate,
Fatty Acid & Amino Acid
C B 71 Fabaceae Papilionaceae ;
Crotalaria Lubumifolia
B 3 Stem : Monocot lea Mays c Anabolism 6 72 Caesalpiniaceae:Caesalpinia c
B 4 Root : Dicot Helianthus Ann usc Sf 55 Osmosis, Plasmolysis c Pulcherima
B 5 Roots : Monocot lea Mays c & Diffusion B 73 Mimosaceae : Acacia Nolotica c
B 37 Leaf : Dicot Helianthus Ann usc Bi 56 Gluconeogenesis & HMP B B 74 Asteraceae:Tridax ProcumbensC
B 38 Leaf : Monooot lea Mays c Pathway B 75 Apocynaceae:Catharanthus C
B 109 Stomata c Sf 81 Active & Passive Transport C Roseus
B 187 Normal Secondary Growth : c 81 82 Fatty Acid Oxidation & C 6 76 Convolvulaceae : Ipomoea
Docot Stem Regulation Palmata C


E Botany 3
8 77 Solanaceae : Datura lnnoxia c 8 11 Llliaceae:Asparagus Racemousus c l:eili.I.I'M
8 78 Lamiaceae : Salvia Officinalis c 8 116 Rublacease : lxora c
8i 22 Water Cycle B
8 163 Sapotaceae : Achras Sapota 8
8 95 Euphorbiaceae : Ricinus 8i 23 Pond Ecosystem c
Communis c 8 164 Anacardiaceae Mangifera Indica 8
8i 24 Carbon Cycle c
8 96 Asclepiadaceae : Calotropis B 165 Myrtaceae : Psidium Guajava, 8 8i 25 Nitrogen Cycle c
Gigantia & Cryptostegia Eucalyptus-Laceolatus B 143 Hydrophytes c
Grandiflora c 8 166 Arecardiaceae-Magifera Indica c 8 144 Hydrophytes : Petiole & Leaf c
8 97 Capparidaceae : Gynandropsis 8 202 Orchidaceae Spathoglottis c 8 145 Hydrophytes : Root & Stem 8
Pentaphylla c 8 203 Mussaceae Musa Paradisiaca c 8 146 Xerophytes c
8 103 Verbenaceae 8 8 147 Xerophytes : Leaf & Stem B
8 98 Cucurbitaceae : Luffa CylindricaC
8 104 Amaranthaceae : Achyranthes
8i 46 Environmental Pollutlon c
8i 63 Xerosere c
Aspera, Gompherena Globusa, 8 159 Rhynia 8 8i 64 Hydrosere c
Amaranthus Viridis c 8 160 Lyginopteridaceae c 8i 85 TrrestFial & arine Ecosystems c



All Charts are 30'' x 40" (75x1 OOcm) approx. Made on water proof raxine . They do not wear out,
wrinkle or get sploied. The colours are special water proof, guaranteed to be permanent.

IPrice Rs. 338.00 Each I

em!.i.)i 812 Monohybrid Crossing Incomplete 822 Plant Osmosis & Root Pressure
Dominance. 823 Photosynthesis Light Reaction
B1 Cell Membrane 824 Photosynthesis Dark Reaction
813 Monohybrid Crossing
82 Cell Wall 825 Glycolysis
814 Dihybrid Crossing
83 Endoplasmic Reticu lum 826 Kerbs Cycle
815 Mendelian Explanation of Cross
84 M itochondria
85 Golgi Complex
between tall & Dwarf Races in Garden @§.!@II
86 Chloroplast B27 Water Cycle
B16 Sex Lined Inheritance Drosophila
87 Nucleus 828 Nitrogen Cycle
817 Mendelian Explanation of the
88 Chromosome 829 Carbon Cycle
Breeding Behavior of Red & White
89 R.N.A 830 Food Chain
Flowerlng in 40' clock. Food Web
B10 D.N.A 831

H.t§itJJ iiWMM.I.ii 832 Chlamydomonas General Structure &

8 11 Monohybrid Crossing Complete 820 Plant Respiration 833 Ulothrix General Structure & Life
Dominance B21 Plant Transpiration History
r:JII': Botany .......,.
834 Oedogonlum Life Cycle 870 Mesophytic Plants 8 110 Development of Embryo & Sagittaria
835 Spirogyra St. & Conjugation 871 Epiphytic Plants B 111 Embryogeny in Capasella
8 36 Batrachospermum Structure & Life 872 Insectivorous B 112 Microsporan~;JilJm
History 873 Fossil Plants B 113 Types of Embryo Sac
637 Polysiphonia Structure & Life History 674 Comparison of PLANTHISToLOGY 8 114 Forms of Androecium
838 Rl'lil,opus & Mucor Structure & Life DJCot & Monocot Plants B 1t5 Forms ofGynoecium
History B 116 Development of Monooot Embryo
839 Penicillium Structure & Life History B 117 Placentation
640 Puccinia Graminis Structure & Life
Seeds & Fruits B 118 Aestivation
Hlstory 875 Maize Seed Germination 8 119 LH Datura
841 Agaricus Structure & Life History 676 Gram Seed Germination B 120 Inflorescence part showing simple
877 Been Seed Germination racemose & simple cymose
l:ififJ®W 878 Castor Seed Germination B 121 Inflorescence Part II Showing
642 Riccia Structure & Reproduction 879 Pea Seed Germination Compound & Special
843 Marchantia Structure & Life History Dispersal of Seed & Fruits 8 122 Pollination different types
844 Anthoceros Structure & Reproduction
881 Classification of Fruits B 123 Forms of Ovules
845 Moss Funaria Life History
846 Selaginella Structure & Reproduction Roots & Stem B 124 Forms of Calyx & Corolla
847 Marselia Structure &, Reproduction
T.S. Dicot Root
648 Lycopodium Structure& Reproduction 882
Equisetum Structure & Reproduction 883 T.S. Monocot Root B 125 Plant Anatomy Part Showing Tissues
850 Fern Aspidium Structure& Life Histo 884 T.S, Dicot Stem Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Simple
651 Fern Pteris Structure & Life History 885 T.S . MonocotStem & Sclerenchyma
886 T.S. Dicot Leaf B 126 Plant Anatomy Part II Showing
Gymnosprem 887 T.S. Monocot Leaf complex Tissues Xylem
888 T.S. Dicot Stem Sec. Growth B 127 Plant Anatomy Part II Showing
852 Cycas Life History Root Modification
889 complex Tissues Phloem.
853 Cycas Anatomy Stem Modification
Cycas Stem T.S.
Gnetum Structure
691 Leaf Modification lft'-IU.luij
892 Vegetative Propagation B 129 Ranunculaceae Ranunoulus
Life History
893 Art!fical Propagation B 130 Cruciferae-8rassica
856 Pinus Structure
& Life History 894 Specialized Stem B 131 Papaveraceae-Papaver
857 Pinus Anatomy 895 Typical Leaf Showing Parts 6 133 Caryophyllaceae-Silene
TSMQNOCOT 896 Types of Leaf
858 Pinus Leaf STEM CHART B 135 Malvaceae-Hiblscus Rosa
859 Pinus Stem 697 Simple Leaves 6 136 Rustaceae-Citrus
860 Pinus Stem Sec. Growth 898 Stipules 6 140 Leguminosae-Lathyrus
899 Leaf Venation B 141 Leguminosae-Minlosoldeae Acacia
Angiosperms 8100 Phyllotaxy 6 143 Rosaceae-Rosa Indica
8101 T.S. Dicot Rot Sec. Growth B 144 Cucurbitaceae-Lufalgyptlca
861 Plant Cell Ultra Structure 8102 Compound Leaves
862 Mitosis in plants 6 145 Chenopodiaceae-Chenophium
8103 Leaf Lamina 8 146 Polygonaceae-Polygonium
863 Meosis in plants (1st & 2nd)
864 Structure of Chromosome during Flower & Embryology B 147 Compositea-Helianthus
Mitosis 6 148 Solanaceae-Solanum
8104 Typical Flower Showing Parts
865 Structure of Chromosome during B 149 Asclepiadaceae-Aiotropis
8105 Fertilization Showing Germination B 150 Labiatea-Salvia
of Pollegrain B 161 Apocynaneae-Nerfum
666 Typical Plant
6106 TS Anther & its development B 162 Annonaceae~Annona
867 Plant Kingdom Showing Flowering
6107 Germination of Pollen Grain &
& Non B 164 Liliaceae-AIIium Cepa
868 Flowering Plants A Classification Development of Male Gametophyte B 166 Gramineae~Zea Mays
869 Hydrophytlc Plants 6108 Megasporogensis B 168 l:Jmbellilfera.e-Coriandrum
669A Xerophytic Plants 8109 Development Embryo & Endosperms B 169 Convolvulaceae-lpomoea


IBMPS Size-2x2" colored Price Rs . 7.00 Each I
Classification of plant kingdom- 7. lnsectivorus & Parasitic plants-
2 Botany for beginner- 8. Bacteria, Algae & Fungi-
3. Leaves- 9. Family of higher paints-
4. Inflorescence in plants- 10. Dispefsal of sedd & fruits-
5. Plant Histology- 11 . Vegetative Reproduction in plants- PINUS LEAF
6. Plant Histology- CYAS LIFE HISTORY CHART 12. PJ;mt Anatomy- CHART
r;::: B otany .......,.
13, Plant Anatomy- 21 . Types of Stems-
14. Flower- 22. Seed germination Pea, castor-
15. Kinds of Roots- 23. Life history of mucor-
16. Fruits dassification- 24. Flower & Flower plants-
17. Seeds germination Maize, Gram- 25. Algae-
18. Ferns- 26. Fungi-
19, Pollination- 27. Eryophyta-
20. Water plants- 28. Pteridophyta-


Coloured Rs . 20.50 Each

1. Plant Cell Divisfon 1L Dispersal of seeds & Fruits

2. Classification of Plant Kingdom Pt. I 12. Seed Germination
3. Classification of Plant Kingdom Pt. II 13. Ferns
4. Plant Physiology 14. Life History of mucor
5. Water Plants 15. Pollination
6. Flowers 16. Flowers & Flowering Plants
7. Leaves 17. Special Method of Nutrition in Plants
8. K.inds of Roots 18. Vegetative Reproduction
9, Types of Stems 19. Hydrophytes
10. Fruits Showing Clasification 20. Movement in plants
21 . Sun & Powder


Each photo is p(ovided life sketch of the biologist with full details of birth. education & outstanding
work done In the field of Science. Sfze-14'' x 18"
BMPFB 1 \ ~

1. Mounted on Cardboard mount 8/W Rs. 230

2. Laminated mount Mounted on thick ply with resin covering colour Rs. 270

1. Alfred Russel Wallace-Evolution 9. Edwin Ray Lancaster-Zoologist 17, Luther Burfank-Artifical Breeding
2. A . Luwenhock Sketched Bacteria 10. Edward Jenner-Small Pox Vaccination 18. Lord Lister-Antiseptic Btechnique
3. Aristole-Embroyology 11 . George Mendel-Heredity 19. Sir Ronald Ross-Malaria Fighter
4. Birbal Sahni-Paleo Botany 12. George Cuient - Paleontology 20. Sir Jagdls C. Bose Life in Plants
5. Charles Darwin-Evolution 13. K.N. Bjal-lndian Zoologist 21 . Sir James Simpson-Biologist
6. Carl Von Linneaus-Ciassification 14. Lenoardo-Da-Vinci-Fossils etc. 22 Sir Charles Bell-Reflex Action
7. Dr. Mary-Famous Scientist 15. Loluse Pasteur-Bacetrlologist 23. Thomas Henry HUiey Evolution
8. Dr. Babha-Atomic 16. Le-Mont Lamark-Naturalist 24. William Harvey-Blood Circulation


Price Rs. 59.00
1. Parts of Plants 6. Pollination 11. Green Algae
2.. Roots 7. Fertilization 12. Spirogyra
3, Types of Leaf 8. Structure of Ovule 13. Chlamydomonas
4 .. Stems 9. Placentation 14. Vaucheria
5. Seeds & Embryos 10. Stamens 15. Fungi Types
C: sotany ........,
16. Mucor 21 . Insectivorous Plant 26. Plant Cell
17. Yeast 22. Ulothrix 27. Monocot Germfnation
18. Bacteria 23. Plant as a factory 28. Dicot Germination
19. Life History of Mushroom 24. Stem structure Dicot & Monocot 29. Monocot Roots TS
20. Parasitic Plants 25. Root Structure Dicot & Monocot 30. Dicot Root TS


A most comprehensive & profusely illustrated section ·Of physiological apparatus is complied for
Teachers to facilitate assembly of various parts of the apparatus Wherever, possible, we have offered glass
parts manufactured from Borosil glass which enhance the visibility & durability of the apparatus. In such
cases please note accessories such as bottles, cylinders, bell jars are supplied of best Indian glass. If you
have any special requirements please furnish us with full specification and sketch.

Osmotic & Imbibition Phenomenon

BMPPA- 1 Apparatus for measuring the external work performed by swelling seed
BMPPa-2 Apparatus for observation the phenomenon of absorption of water
BMPPA-3 ---do-------Corning Glass
BMPPA·4 Apparatus to show the energy of imbitition
BMPPA-5 ---do-------Corning Glass
BMPPA-6 Apparatus for investigating the pressure effects-Due to osmotic process
BMPPA-7 --do-------Corning Glass
BMPPA-8 Osmotic Pressure apparatus-Witth 'U' & 'T" tube fitted with stop cock
BMPPA-9 ---do-------Corning Glass
BMPPA-10 Apparatus for determining the amount of osmotTc pressure
BMPPA- 11 Apparatus for demonstration the osmotic pressure-with porous pt.
BMPPA-12 Apparatus for demonstration osmotic pressure-Comprising of a glass tube and a bell shaped
vessel at the bottom.
BMPPA-13 Demonstration osmoscope-Ganongs
BMPPA-14 --do-------Corning Glass
BMPPA-15 Osmometer pleffer's complete with porous pot and capillary manometer.

. ...

... ,.


r:. r,. ..

u ~~ h -~
LL !1-LJ
C:: Botany :::::::1
BMPPA-16 Endosmometer
BMPPA-17 Dlalyaser
BMPPA-18 Apparatus for demonstration of osmotic pressure-pleffer's complete
BMPPA-19 ---do---Corning Glass

Root Pressure

BMPPA-20 Root pressure apparatus

BMPPA-21 --- do--Corning Glass
BMPPA-22 Apparatus for experiment on root pressure-Compr"ising of 'A' 'T' tube with stop cock and graduated ja ·
BMPPA-23 Apparatus for experiment on root pressure Corning Glass
BMPPA-24 Apparatus to demonstrate the Process leading to root pressure
BMPPA-25 --do----Corning Glass
BMPPA-26 High Pressure Manometer-Ganog's Grad.uated
BMPPA-27 ---do----Corning Glass
BMPPA-28 Apparatus to demonstration the readiness with which the water moves in wood
BMPPA-29 ---do----Corning Glass
BMPPA-30 Apparatus for investigating the influence of pressure on the escape of water from plants.

Transpiration of water

BMPPA-31 Transpiration Balance-For recording the loss water from plant by recording drums workable with
clock fitted with German Machinery
BMPPA-32 Apparatus for determining the quantity of water absorbed and given off-By Transpiring Plant (T/App)
BMPPA-33 T/A apparatus corning Glass
BMPPA-34 Black man's apparatus-For measurement of relative transpiration from two surface of leaf U-tube Two
bell jar complete on stand.
BMPPA-35 Apparatus to show the stomata-places the aeriferous system wlth direct and open air communication
wjth the external a1r complete
BMPPA-36 ---do-----Corning Glass
BMPPA-37 Transpiration Apparatus Complete on Stand
BMPPA-38 - -do-Corning Glass
BMPPA-39 Apparatus to measure the loss of water in transpiring plants-Complete
BMPPA-40 Apparatus to measure the loss of water in transpiring plants-Complete
BMPPA-41 ---do---Corning Glass
.. ~~-­
fl.W'• .,, ••,.._. t on,
~~~ ..
... (!

• --


"'"hrottle ._ J•ol'e
AP ; F\-~
BMPPA-42 Apparatus to demonstrate the suction due to transpiration-Complete on Stand & Clamp.
BMPPA-43 - -do--Curning Glass
BMPPA-44 Apparatus to demonstrate that the air cavity of the leaf communicates with outer atmosphere
through stomata.
BMPPA-45 Apparatus for experiment to demonstrate the loss of weight during transpiration

Po to meter

BMPPA-46 Potometer Ganong's On stand with graduated fine capillary tube.

BMPPA-47 - -do-- Curning Glass
BMPPA-48 Apparatus to show suction due to evaporation an stand
BMPPA-49 ---do----Curning Glass
BMPPA-50 Potometer molls for measuring absorption of water
BMPPA-51 ---do----Curning Glass
BMPPA-52 Potometer Farmer's For Measuring the amount of transpiration
BMPPA-53 ---do----Curning Glass
BMPPA-54 Darwin Potometer- Complete
BMPPA-55 Apparatus to show the unequal transpiratory activities on different surface of leaves.
BMPPA-56 Transpiration tubes-Graduate in 15 ml x 1.10 mi.
BMPPA-57 ---do-Curning Glass
BMPPA-58 Apparatus for investigating the transpiration-W/o Thermometer.
BMPPA-59 -do-Curning Glass
BMPPA-60 Space marking wheel Made of very hard rubber lining
BMPPA-61 Space marking disc
BMPPA-62 Gonang's large light screen-Wooden Box fitted with three colour of glasses having a slit t o inset leaf.
BMPPA-63 Apparatus to demonstrate the air cavity of the leaf communicated with the outer though the stomata
BMPPA-64 -do---Curning Glass
BMPPA-65 Leaf Clasp Ganog's Special pattern-Newly Designed
BMPPA-66 Leaf Clasp Ganog's Simple from
BMPPA-67 Apparatus to demonstrate loss of weight due to transpiration-Complete on stand.
BMPPA-68 Apparatus to demonstrate the cohesion of water-and the development of tension in water column.
BMPPA-69 Leaf area cutter-metalic.



c::...- Botany ........,


BMPPA-71 Respiration Apparatus-For demonstration the production of Carbon dioxide In the respiration
BMPPA- 72 ---do-----Corning Glass
BMPPA-73 Absorption Tubes Pettenkoffer's-5 ems long with rubber corks.
BMPPA- 74 ---do---Corning Glass
BMPPA-75 Respiration Apparatus Pettenkoffer's Complete with all accessories
BMPPA-76 ---do---Corning Glass
BMPPA-77 Apparatus for experiment on respiration of root-A Zinc trough and jar fitted with stand
BMPPA-78 ---do----Corning Glass
BMPPA-79 Apparatus to investigate the influence of light on respiration zinc trough with glass sides
BMPPA-80 --do---Corning Glass
BMPPA-81 Apparatus to demonstrate the evolution of carbon dioxide
BMPPA-82 ---do---Corning Glass
BMPPA-83 Gonang's Glass Respirometer-Complete graduated levelling tube & fitted with stand
BMPPA-84 ---do---Corning Glass
BMPPA-85 Demonstration respiroscope Ganong's
BMPPA-86 Demonstration respiroscope Ganong's corning
BMPPA-87 Garreau's Bottle
BMPPA-88 Garreau's Tube 1000 ml capacity
BMPPA-89 --do--Corning Glass
BMPPA-90 Apparatus for experiment on plant respiration-to demonstrate the consumption of oxygen In
normal respiration Two graduted tubes callibrated in 0.2 ml with two jar.
BMPPA-91 --do---Corning Glass
BMPPA-92 Apparatus for experiment to demonstrate that the oxygen of the air is used up in
respiration. Corning Glass
BMPPA-93 Apparatus to show that the formation of starch-Depends upon the presence of co2 from water plants.


1-'~'----~ • 0H- · I

BMPPA-94 Apparatus to demonstrate the excretion of Co2-Tall funnel with test tubes suspended by w1re w/o stand
BMPPA-95 ---do-Coming Glass
BMPPA-96 Apparatus for growing plants in atmosphere free from Co2
BMPPA-97 Fermentation Vessels-Khune's fitted on stand.
BMPPA-98 ---do--Corning Glass
BMPPA-99 Apparatus for investigation the fermentation-Complete with condensing flask.
BMPPA-100 -do-Corning Glass
BMPPA-101 Apparatus for Investigation the fermentation in absence-of free oxygen cap of flask 250m I.
BMPPA-102 --do--Corning Glass
BMPPA-103 Differential air thermometer-For measuring the heat produced in respiration with cup w/o Thermometer
BMPPA-104 ---do-Corning Glass
BMMPA-105 Apparatus to ascertain the heat produced in normal & intramolecu lar respiration with cup w/o
BMPPA-106 ---do--Corning Glass
BMPPA-107 Apparatus to demonstrate the giving out of Co2 from Germinating seeds complete with four bottles,
Rubber corks & glass tubes fitted .
BMPPA-108 Apparatus to demonstrate the intake of oxygen-By Germinating seeds.
BMPPA- 109 Apparatus for the determining of respiratory quotient (RQ) undr the influence of various nutrient
solutions-after puriswitch.
BMMPA-110 --do-Corning Glass
BMMPA-111 Demonstration apparatus for fermentation-Ganong's Gorning glass.
BMPPA-112 Apparatus for proving the production of heat-By p lants two sets required, without thermometers per set.
BMPPA-113 Simple Calorimeter-For study of heat relation of respiration. Ganong's comprising of vaccum flask
unsilvered with the thermometers.
BMPPA-114 Apparatus to show the absorption of oxygen and liberation of Co2 -in aerobic respiration.
BMPPA-115 Apparatus for showing the anaerobic and aerobic respiration complete
BMPPA-116 --do--corning Glass
BMPPA-117 Apparatus for the experiment-To demonstrate the oxygen of the air is used up in the respiration.


Slhritt_!l R<>d


C:: Botany .......,
BMPPA-118 ---do--Corning Glass
BMPPA-119 To demonstrate th e phenomenon aerobic respiration or to demonstrate that Co2 is produced during
BMPPA-120 Air current commutator-Corning glass
BMPPA-121 Apparatus to demonstrate the amount of 02 & Co2-produced in the respiration of plants. Complete with
BMPPA- 122 Warburg Manometer
BMPPA-123 Apparatus for provTng that roots are unable to grow in absence of fee oxygen-Complete with stand,
BMPPA-124 Respiratory apparatus for detef'rtlining the quality of Co2 produced in intramolecular and normal


BMPPA-125 Photosynthetometer-For demonstrating the absorption of carbondioxide by green plants in light and
equivolumetric release of oxygen.
BMPPA-126 - -do---Corning Glass
BMPPA-127 Moll's Apparatus To show that the carbon-dioxide is essential for the process of photosynthesis
in green plant.
BMPPA-128 Apparatus for the culture of plants, under exclusion of carbondioxide.
BMMPA- 129 Apparatus to prove that the green plants can only produce oxygen when carbon -dioxide
is at their disposal. Without thermometer.
BMPPA-130 -do-Corning For experiment assimilation
BMPPA-131 Moll's Apparatus For experiment assimilation
BMPPA- 132 Apparatus for estimation of carbon-Dioxlde decomposed by assimilating plants. Comlete without
mercury and platinum wire.
BMPPA-133 Helliostate with clock-Work divided arc far dividing the axis to the latitude Gennan Machine.
BMPPA-134 Apparatus to show the rate of carbon-dioxide in photosyn thesis and occurance of starch synthes1s
in green leaves.
BMPPA-1J5 Apparatus for collecting the oxygen produced by assimilating water plants.
BMMPA-136 Moll's half leaf experiment-To show that Co2 is essential for photosyntheis.
BMPPA-137 Apparatus for determining the effect of lack of oxygen upon the synthesis of chlorophyll.
BMPPA-138 Willmots bubbler for the measurement of the ratio of photosynthesis.
BMPPA-139 Apparatus to measure the photosynthesis rate by leaf dis sodium bicarbonate method.


Figure 1 l[ . 'J , •

BMPPA- 120 BMPPA-125 BMPPA-122

r;:: Botany ........,
BMPPA-140 Demonstration auxanography Auxanometer With recording cylinder revolving once an hour and
other specific interval, gangong's fitted with new German machine.
BMPPA-141 Level Auxanometer Arc Indicator- A Graduated quadrant with pully and aluminium pointer for
recording growth of plants. Filled on heavy iron base.
BMPPA-142 Leve Auxanometer (Arc Indicator)- Same as 141 Arc is made of metal.
BMPPA- 143 Demosntration Auxanometer Fritsch Pattern- For recording growth of plants on lantern smoked plate,
with intervals of 1/4, 1/2 and 1 hour. All fitted on a heavy wooden base with a long pointer controlled
with new German machine.
BMPPA-144 Apparatus for the culture of plants in the absence of all nitrogenous compounds.
BMPPA-145 Apparatus to show organic growth in complete absence of oxygen.
BMPPA-146 Observation box-made of wood for the seedings. Sixe 9" X 6: with sloping glass front.
BMPPA-147 Apparatus to show the quantity measurement of catalyse activity with stand and clamp.
BMPPA-148 -do--Corning glass
BMPPA- 149Rotort shaped vessel-For culture of plant in space deviod of ixygen.
BMPPA-150 -do-Corning glass
BMPPA-151 Water culture arrangement-Comprising of crystallising basic and a porous plate.
BMPPA-152 Apparatus for investigating growth of roots.
BMPPA-153 Zinc Case-With glass walls for observation for roots development.
BMPPA-154 Klinostat-Strangly built for use in horizontal or vertical position, fitted with new german machine
based on heavy iron stand.
BMPPA-155 Dark box or Heliotropic chamber- Comprising of highly polished wooden box of 20 X 20 X 35 ems
with window to show that plants grow towards light and roots away from it.
BMPPA-156 Apparatus Sieve to demonstration hydrotropism of root.
BMPPA-157 Sieve to demonstrate hydrotropism of root, size 12' x 12" with partitions, and hanging arrangement.
BMPPA- 158 Germination box Triple chamber-A box containing 3 chambers one provided with opaque shutter,
the other window and the third with plane glass, 4 sets of coloured glasses extra.
BMPPA-159 Appartus to show the organic growth -In complete absence of ixygen.
BMPPA-160 Apparttus for the demonstration geotrophosm of root curvature.


BMPPA -155 BMPPA-154

c::::- Botany .....,.
BMPPA- 161 Apparatus for the demonstration that, Roots execute geotropic curvature.
BMPPA-162 Temperature phenomenon apparatus- For Investigating effects of high temp. of seeds with thermometer.
BMPPA-163 Apparatus to show the production of heat by plants. Complete with thermometer. ft
BMPPA-164 Electrical phenomenon apparatus-to determine the electrical poletential in plant structure.
BMPPA-165 Seed magnifier on tripod stand 3" size.
BMPPA-166 Plaffer's apparatus-For investigating the movement of gases. in the plants.
BMPPA-1 67 Apparatus for investigating permeability of wood vessels, complete eith 'U' tube with gas jar
BMPPA-168 Apparatus for showing that the air can pass through stomata. PLANT CELL
BMPPA- 169 Diffusion apparatus- To demonstrate the trachedes of the wood are impermeable under certain pressure
\BMPPA-170 Diffusion apparatus- For investigating the diffusion of gases, Complete with stand.
BMPPA-171 --do-Corning Glass
BMPPA-172 Bonssjng aults apparatus-To prove that the plants are incapable of taking up free nitrogen,
BMPPA-173 Willmott's bubbler
BMPPA-17 4 Parameter for measuring-the degree of stomatal opening of the leaL
BMPPA-175 Apparatus fo rdemnstratron the development of pressure during deffusion of gases
BMPPA- 176 Heinken's apparatus to study catalase energy activity with stand and clamp.
BMPPA -174

BMPAA-1 . Rubber tubing - Bore 3 mm to 6 mm

BMPAA-2. Rubber tubing - Bore 8 mm to 10 mm
BMPAA-3. Rubber Corl<s- No. 1 to No. 4
BMPAA-4. Rubber Corks- No. 4 to No. 8
BMPAA-5. Rubber Corks- No. 9 to No. 14
BMPAA-6. Parchment paper
BMPAA-7. 'U' tube 'Y' tube - Neutral glass
BMPAA-8. 'U' tube 'Y' tube - Borosil Glass
BMPAA-9. Animal Permeable Membrane
BMPAA-10. Mercury metal (imported)
BMPAA-11 . Burette/Retort stand with clamp
BMPAA-12. Test tube stand 6 holes heavy quality BMPPA-165 BMPPA-178


B. M. Models are natural coloured scientifically designee;! to give clear concept of the subject. The models
are made of paper-machine, plaster of paris and lined with iron material

1. Typical pial)! cell unqer electron microscope-With full details showind all contents.
2. Generalised plant cell -As seen under high power of microscope
3. Typical Chromosome-Detail as seen under microscope
4. Mitochondrion
5. Mitosis Set of 10 Models-It consists of models of the followings stages: 1. Resting Nucels
2. Prophase 3. Late Prophase 4. Metaphase 5. Anaphase 6. Late Anaphase
7. Telophase 8. Late Telophase 9. Daughter Cells 10. A detailed Cell. Each Model
is on a separated stand-full set
6. Meiosis Set 10 Models : 1. Letpotene 2. Zygotene 3 . Pachytene 4. Diplotene
5. Daikinesis 6. Mataphase-17. Anaphase-1 8. Telophase-! 9. Metaphase-11 10. Telophase-11 DNA MODEL
All models are mounted individually on separated stand_
X -

7. Types of chromosomes in showcase. "u

8. D. N. A. Model-Watson Crick-It consists of following 4 models price full set.

a. Double Helical Structure to D. N. A. It is like twisted spirally to a Double Helical.
b. Molecular Structure of D. N. A. If shows part of two sugar-phosphate chains
Connected to each other with nitrogenous base. BMPPA-184
C: Botany :;:J
c Linking of Nucleotrdes- It 1s working model to show how thymine links with adenine and cytosine with Guanine.
d. Replicating of DNA -It is working model to shows the structure of RNA model mechanism of duplication.
9. Structure of RNA model- It includes a set of follwing three model. Full set
a.Helical Structure of RNA models-It is ladder like twisted spirally same as suggested by watson and crick.
b. Linking of Nucleotide-It is a working moder to show how Uracil link with Adenine and Cytosine with Guanine.
c. RNA mechanism of Protein Synthesis-A very Illustrative Model explains different steps in the formation of protein
and role of RNA with in a cell.
10. Showcase showing Mendel's Dihybrid Cross-Between a pure round-Yellow seed pea plant and pure wrinkld ad green
pead plant
11 . showcse showing low of incomplete Genetics & Molecular models dominance in adalusion tel
12. Showcase showing Crossing over Stem's fully labelled.
13. Showcase showing Sexlinked inheritance in poultry.
14. Showcse showing Origin and kinds of Human Tiwns.
Bio-Chemical Models
15. Meseision-Stabl's semiconservative mechanism for DNA replication. Showing that each of the two strands of parent
molecule serve as template for the synthesis of new complementary stand. A very illustrative model in showcase.
16. Model Showing AntibodY reaction
17. Model Showlng Principle of active immunization-Showing atniboies formed before serious infrection and performed
antibodies which protect against serious infection
18. Model Showing transcription method ~Obtainif19 a Gene from MRNA
19. Model Showing Antibody formation accordl ng to the Clonal selection Model.
20. Model Showing Crossing voer by pairing between complementary single standard tails from DS DNA molecules
21 . Meselson and Radding Model showing mechanism of strandtransfer-A great ly enlarged and illustrative model.
22. Structure of carbonydrate-This illustrates the structvre of a monosaccharide glucose or simple sugar, arranged in
23. Structure of Lipid-This clearly illustrates the formation of a fat molecule of fatty acids are joined to one molecule of
glycrine with loss of-three water molecules
24. Protein Synthesis-By placing two of the amino-acid molecules together the hydrogen of the amino terminal of one
acid joins w1th the hydroxyl of the carboxyl terminal of the otheracfd, forming water molecule which drops out and
resulting grouping represents adep\ide bone, two amino acid, so joined a dipeptide.
25. Model of Chloride shift-It shows the phenomenon of buffering effect of haemoglobin and the chloride sl
26. Kerb's cycle Cirtic Acid cycle-This model shows that how 36 molecules of ATP are produced
in the cycle and only two molecules ATP are formed in glycolysis.
27. Types of cell membranes-Set of three models on board.
28. Nucles-Typical structur on board.


B.M.'s Models are true to natue with a bsolute exactitude and cleaness. Models are made of plaster of
paris and paper machine reniforced with steal wires. Models are labelled and in sealed acrylic cover to
keep them dust free.

1. Anabaena~A magnified fialment, showing akl netes, heterocyst.

2. Nostoc-Fiamentous colonies.
3. Qscillatori<t.-Set of 2 models complete filament and cell structure.
4. Chlamydomonas- Cup like chloroplasts, embedded pyrenoid, nuceu, and other minute details
.5. Chlamydomonas LH- Set of 12 models fu lly labelled in showcase.
6. Volvox-large globular colony composed of small vegetatives cells.
7. Volvox LH- set of 15 models fully labelled ln showcase.
8. Eudorina LH-Detailed dev. stages during life cycle. Set of 12 models.
9. P.andorina LH- Detailed dev. stages during life cycle. Set of 12 models,
10. Pedlastrum-Coenobium and three stage inreproduction
11. Hydrodiclyon-A set of 8 models in showcase, ANTIBODY REACTION MODEL
12. Ulthrix-Set of two models showing single filament with hold fast and detailed internal structure
13. Ulothrix LH-Complete life history set of 15 modles.
14. Coleochaete LH-Complete life history set of 13 fully labelled in showcase.
15. Oedogonium Single detailed structure on board.
C:: Botany ::A'
16, Oedogonium LH- Showcase 12 stages in its life history showcase.
17, Spirogyra-Models s howing minutest cells details.
18. Spirogyra LH-Set of 12 stages in showcase fully labelled.
19. Zygnema-Models showing the red iating ch loroplast with nucels.
20, Clostrium-Set of.3 stages In reproduction viz. 1, Two cells pairing for conjuction . 2. Two Chloroplasts.
3 . Zygospore formation .
21. Vaucheria, Set of 2-Showlng branching in coenocytic body.
22. Vaucheria LH- Set of 13 models.
23" Botrydium-Structure showing minute details.
24" Chara-Giobule on Stand.
25. Chara-Nocule on stand.
26" Chara LH-Set of 14 models showing detailed structure.
27" Ectocarpus LH-AII important stages set of 12 models.
28. Fucus LH-A set of 12 models.
29. Laminaria-Showing blade like body stips and hold fast.
30. Diatoms-A model greatly enlarged.
31 . Diatoms- Set of 6 in showcase different forms of diatoms and the ir structure.
32. Batrachosperum life cycle-A set of 11 models in showcase
33. Sargassum ;ife cycle-A set of 14 models showcase.
34. Dictyot life cycle-A set of 13 models.
35. polysiphonla-A set of 6 models showing-Anheridia Cystocarp & TetrasporTc Branch.

Bacteria & Viruses

36. Coccus Bacteria Models- Highly enlarged set of 5 in

'37. Bacteria-A set of 16 models showing different forms of bacteria in showcase.
38. Bacillius bacteria-Set of 6 greatly ·enlarged 1n showcase.
39. Spirillum bacteria-A set o f 7 models-Highly enlarged in showcase.
40. Generalized structure of typica l bacteria -Detailed model.
41. VIrus- Poly hedral symmetry-A typical detail structure.
42. VIrus-Tobacco Moslac Virus TMV-Helicat Symmetry-A typical structure.
43. Virus-Bacteriophage-T-even series T 4 Com lex symmetry. Set of 8 Models.
44. Life Cycle of Bacteriophage-A detail model in showcase. Set of 8 Models.


45. Rnizopus-LH- Asexual reproduction set of 11 models

46. Rhizopus-LH-Sexual reproduction set of 15 models
4 7. Pilobolus-A set of 2 models-Showing young mycelium and the details of dehiscence of sporangium
4 8. Pthium LH-A sexual life cycle set of 10 models.
49, Phytopthora lnfestns LH- Cross section of potato leaf showing mycelium and sporanfiophore with sporangia.
50. Phytopthora lnfestns LH- Set of 12 models.
51 . Mucor mucedo LH-Colonical detailed model in board.
52. Mucor mucedo LH-Showing sexual reproduction is showcase.
54, yeast-Single cell showing detaileq structure on stand
55, yeast- A set of 21 models, Showing Haploid cell fission and stage in sexual reproduction
showcase reproduction stage in showcase. SARGASSUM LIFE CYCLE
56 Aspergillus Eurotlum life sycle-A set of 12 models showing a sexual stage in showcase.
57, Erysiphae Gramlnis life cycle-A set of 12 Showimg a sexual reproduction stage in showcas'
58. Peziza life cycle-A set pf 15 models-All stage in showcase.
59. Peziza VS of Apothecium Detailed Anatomy
60. Morchella life cycle -A set of 13 models-Showing all the Important Stage in showcase.
61 . Morchella Single plant detailed and enlarged.
62. Ustilago life cycle-A set of 12 models-Showing all the important Stage in showcase.
63. Cystopus Albugo.
64. Cystopus Albugo-A set of 16 models.Showing complete life cycle. VIRUS
C: Botany .....,
65. Claviceps- Ergot of Eye Sclerotium with stomata
66. Claviceps-Perithecia with Asci.
67. Claviceps- LH set of 12 stage and sexual stage.
68. Tilletia Cariesp Smut-Germinating spore and detached conidia
69. Pencillium-Showing a sexual and sexual stage.
70. PuccinTa Graminis-Wheat Rust-Detailed structure of Uredosopores
71. Puccinia Graminis-Wheat Rust-Teleutospore, Detailed structure
72. Puccinia Graminis-Wheat Rust-Acidium in longitudinal Section
73. Puccinia Graminis-Wheat Rust-Pycnium in longitudinal Section
74. Puccinia Graminis-Wheat Rust-Aset of 15 models showing complete life
75. Agaricus life cycle-Aset of 15 models
76. Lichen Thallus TS-Show1ng cortex, algar layer, medulla etc.

78. Riccia Thallus-Aa vertical section

79. Riccia Life Cycle-A set of 15 models
80. Marchantia-Male Reproductive Antheridiophore cut open vertically
81 . Marchantia-Entire Thallus with Gemma Cup
82. Marchantia-Sporophyte on stand
83. Marchantia-LH A set of 16 models
84. Marchantia-Female Reproductive Antheridiophore entire
85. Anthrocerous Life Cycle-A set of 15 models
86. Moss LH- A set of 13 models
87. Moss Capsule LS
88. Moss Stem Ts on board
89. Moss LS on stand
90. Moss Antheridium on stand


91 . Equisetum- Cone Shoot entire

92. Equfsetum- Stem TS on Board
93. Equisetum- Cone LS on Stand
94. Equisetum- Cone LS on Board
95. Equisetum- Lif ecycle-A set of 15 models
96. Equisetum- TS on board detailed
97. Marsilea- TS on board detailed
98. Marsilea - TS on board detailed
99. Marsilea - TS on board detailed
100. Marsilea - LS on board detailed
101. Marsilea - VS on board detailed
102. Marsflea - A set of 16 models
103. Psilotum stem TS-Showing detailed structure on board .
104. Psilotum life cycle-A set of 8 models
105. lsoetes life cycle-A set of 13 models showing all stages in showcase.
106. Fern- A leaflet bearing numerous sori
107. Fern- Sporophyil TS
108. Fern- A dult prothallus with sex organs.
109. Fern- life cycle-A set of 13 models in showcase.
110. Fern Rhizome-TS on board
111. Fern- Roots TS
112. Fern- Petiole TS on Board
113. Lycopodium Stem TS-Detailed model on board.
114. Lycopodium life cycle-A set of 15 models.
115. Lycopodium Strobilus LS
116. Selaginella Cone LS RICCIA THALLUS
117. Selaginella Life Cycle-A set of 14 models in showcase fuly labelled.
118. Selaginella On Board
r;:: Botany .....,.

119. Cycas TS of Stem

120. Cycas TS of Root
121 . Cycas TS Petiole detailed structure on board.
122. Cycas TS of ovule showing detailed structure of ovule labelled.
123.. Cycas Seed LS-Large size model on board.
124. Cycas Laeflet TS-Showfng detailed internal anatomy on board.
125. Cycas Coralloid Roots TS
126. Cycas Life Cycle-A set of 15 models fully labbelled fn showcase.
127, Pinus TS Neelde-Large size highly detailed modeL
129. Pinus- LS male cone
130. Pinus- Highly detailed model on board
131 . Pinus- TLS Highly detailed model on board'
132. Pinus- RLS Highly detailed model on board EPHEDRA
133. Pinus- TS on board
134. Pinus- LH-A set of 15 model fully labelled in showcase.
135. Taxus- Mael coneor female cone on stand.
136. Ephedra Female Strobilus-With two female flower-3 diamentional model.
137" Ephedra Male Strobilus- Showing staminate in the axlL
138. Ephedra LS Ovule-Showing details of arechgonia inside enlarge.
139. Gentum Ovule Strobilus- Complete strobilus bearing ovules
140. Gentum LH- Set of 15 models arranged In showcase.
141 . Root Dicot Anatomy- The structure of the root as seen in vertical and horizontal.
142, Dioot Root TS- Complete internal anatomy of the young root.
143. Monocot Root TS- Complete internal details of the young root.
144. TS Dicot-Secondary growth in typical dioot root.
145. Orchid Root TS- Defails of the velamen tissue.

Parasitic Plants

146. Cuscuta (Morphology)-A total stem parasite around the host showing parasitic root mounted on stand.
147. Cuscuta with host TS-TS of the host plants showing details of the hasutotia in LS
148. Root Nodule TS-TS root bearing nodule with cell containing nitrogen fixing bacteria.
149, Orobranche with host
150. Loranthus with host-Detailed
15L Blanophora TS
152. Cassytha with host
153. Viscum Album-A partial stem parasitic showing the haustoria.


154. Monocot stem anatomy-(Three dlemensional) Showing the structure as seen in LS and TS of the stem of maize
155. Dicot of stem anatomy-(Three dimensional) Showing the structure of dicot stem as seen in TS. LS and vetical.
156. Dicot stem TS-Internal details of the primary structure
157, Sun Hower stem TS secondary-large size detailed model. .. -
158. Monocot Maize stem TS-A large detailed model.
159. Dracaena stem TS- A abnormal secondary thickening
160. Nodal Anatomy Hemanthus
161 _ Nodal Anatomy Calathapus

162. Nodal Anatomy Salvadore DICOT ROOT

163. Dicot leaf anatomy- Three c;limensional structure of the leaf lamina as seen in vertical section of typical bifacial leaf
164, Monocot of leaf anatomy-Internal structure of a typical monocot leaf.
165. Dicot leaf TS-intemal details of Dicot leaf mounted on board.
166. Leaf arrangement phyllotaxy-A set of six models. On stand showing different types of leaf arrangements In angiosperm.
167, Stonmata Showing guar cell and their relation to the other cells of other cell of the epidermis
r:JII': Botany ;:a
Insectivorous Plants
168. Drosera (Sundew)
169. Dionea (Venus fly trap)
170. Nepenthes(Pitcher)
171. Sarracenia(Pitcher)
172. Utricularia(Biadder)
173. Butterwort
174. Insectivorous Plant (Set of five plants) on stand

Flower & InFlorescences
175. Typical Flower-All parts detaichable folding type.
176. Typical cruciferous flower
177. Salvia flower-Detachable ray and disc florets.
178. Sun Flower-Working model with insect.
179. Single Stamen-A large size model on stand.
180. Statements showing Insertion of Anthers-innate, Oorsifixed and versatlle-Set of 4 models on
181 . Antehr Typical-A large size model of typical anther with filament and crossection of anther lobes. GERMINATION
182. Inflorescence-Each on separate stand : 1. Typical recemen 65 2. Corymb 65 3. Spaoix 65 4. Simple umbel 65 5.
Compound umbel65 6. Biparous cyme 65 7. Panicle 65 8. Spike 65 9. Capitulum 65 10. Uniparous cyme. scorpoid
65 1L Uniparous cyme, helicoid I Each
183. Inflorescence-Set of above 11 models on stand.
184. Cyathium-Fiower to Euphorbia

Embryology & Germination

185. Germination of Pollen Grain-(Set of 8 Modles) Exhibits clearly the development of male gametophyte.
186. microsporogensis-(Set of 10 Models} Showing stagesin anther development and the formation of pollengrains.
187. Anther TS Showing four pollen sacs.
188. Dicot Embryo Development-A set of 9 models showing embryo development in capcella pursuapeitoris.
189. Monocot Embryo Development-Same as above set of 9 models development In capcella pursuapeitoris.
190. Hypogynous arrangement- Showing Superior Position of Ovary
191 . Perigynous arrangement- Showing Superior Position of Ovary
192. Epigynous arrangement- Showing Superior Position of Ovary
193, Placentation Types- Set of 6 modles-Marginal, pariental, axile, free central basal superfical,
194. Ovary- Same as above but small size on pedestal stand. r---:-~
195. Ovary- Same as above but small size on pedestal stand.
196. Types of ovule-Showing orthofropous, Anatropous, Camytortopous,
Amph itropous set of four.
197. Ovule development-Set' 11 models ~o show its origin and development _
198. Maize grain LS-Showing complete internal detans
199. Fertilization-Set of 6 models in showcase.
200. Embryo Sacs of Ovule- Showing passage of tube of embryo sac.
201 . Dicot Germination- 8 Stage individual on stand.
202. Maize Germination- 8 Stge Individual on stand.
203. Maize Germination- 7 Stage of 20 models showing all common types of fruits,
204. CJassiflcaton of F'ruites- A set of 20 models showlng a ll common types of fruites
205. Types of plant- Set of 12 model
206. Types of Plah.t cell wall


Models are true to nature with absolute exactitude and clearness. Models are made of plaster of paris and paper
machine reniforced with steel wires. models are labelled and sealed in acrylic cover to keep them dust free.

1. Typica.l plant cell under elctron microscope 4. Nucleus
2. Golgi Body under electron microscope 5. Types of lysosomes set of 2 models
3. Mi!ochondia electron microscope 6. Endoplasmic reticulum
r::= Botany ::?'
7. Plastids Microscopic structure 56. Sargassum life cycle- A set of 14
8, Typical chromosome 57_ Dictyota life cycle-Set of 13
9. Typical chrosomes set of 13 models 58. Polysiphonia LH-Set of 6
10. Mitosis cell division set of 10 models
11 . Meosis cell division set of 10 models Bacteria

DNA Models 59. Coccus Bacteria-Enlarged ••

12. Double helical structure monohybrid cross

60. Bacteria-Set of 16
61 . Bacillus bacteria
13. Biological structure of DNA 62. Spirillum Bacteria Enlarged
14. Replication DNA 62A. Disease of typical bacteria ~,

63. Structure of typical bacteria

RNA Models 64. Virus-Polyhedral Symmetry KERB'S CYCLE
65. Virus- Tobacco Mosiac TMV
Helical structure of RNA
Mechanism of protein syntheis 66. Virus-Bacteriph(!.ge T-even series Fungi
67. Rhizopus
68. Pilobclus
Heredity Models
69. Pythium LH-Set of 10
17. Show case showing Monohybrid cross
70. PytOphthora infestants
18. Show case showing Dlhybrid cross 71 . Pytophthora infestants LH-Set of 12
19. Show case showing Low of in complete 72. Mucor mucedo colon Tal
dominance in audalusion fowl 73. Mucor mucedo LH
20. Show case showing crossing over 74. Yeast-Single cell
21. Show case showing sex linked 75. Yeast life cycle-Set of 21
Inheritance in poultry 76. Aspergillus LH Set of 12
Show case showing origin and kinds
of human twins
77. Erysiphae LH Set of 12
23, Structure of Carbohydrate
78. Pezlza ~ Set of 12
79. Peziza (Apothecium) MITOSIS CELL
24. Structure of Upid DNISION
25. chloride shift 80. Ustilago life cycle-Set of 12
26. Kerb's cycle 81 ' Cyctopus-Set of 'I 6
82. Claviceps- Perithecia with Stomata
Algae 83. Claviceps- Sclerotium with Asci
84. Claviceps- LH Set of 12
27. Anabaena-A magnifiel filament
85. Pencilium LH
28. Nostoc-filarnentous colonies
29. Oscillatoria 86. Tilletia Carries-Smut
30, Chlamydomonas 87 . Puccinia Graminis- Uredospores
31. Chlamydomonas LH -Set of 12 88. Puccinia Graminis~ Teleutospore
32. Volvox-Globular colony 89. Puccnia Graminis- Aecidium
33. Volvox LH-Set of 15 90. Puccinia Graminis- Pycnium PANDORINA
34. Eledorina LH set of 12 91 . Puccinia Graminis- Life cycle Set of 15
35, Pandorina LH set of 12 92. Agaricus life cycle- Set or 15
36. Hydroctyon LH set of 8
93. Lichen Thallus TS
37. Pediastrum LH set of 12
38. Ulothrix Bryophytes
39. Ulothrix LH-Set of 15
40, Coleochaete LH-Set of 13 94. Riccia Thallus Ts
41 . Oedogodium
95. Riccla life cycle Set of 15'
42. Oedogodium LH
43. Spirogyra-Cell 96. Marchantia- Male Receptacle
44. Spirogyra- LH-Set of 12 97. Marchantia- Female Receptacle
45. Zygnema-Single cell 98. Marchantia- With gemma cup
46, Vaucheria-Set of 2 99. Marchantia- Sporophyte
47. Vaucheria-LH-Set of 13 100. Marchantia- LH Set of 16
48. Botrydium LH and structure 101. Anthocerous LH- Set of 15
49. Chara-Giobule and. Nocule
102. Moss plant with sporophyte
50. Chara-LH-Set of 14
103. Moss LH 13 Modles
51 . Ectocarpus LH- Set of 12
52. Fvcus LH- Set of 12 104. Moss Capsule LS
YEAST 105. Moss stem TS
53. Laminaria
54. Diatoms (Differe.nt Forms ) Set of 6 106. Moss archegonium
55. Batrachospermum life cycle set of 11 107. Moss antherldium
C:: Botany ........,
Pteridophytes 156. Dicot root TS
157. Monocot root TS
108. Equisetum- Cone 158. Orchid rootTS
109. Equisetum- Stem TS 159. Cuscuta wfth host TS
110. Equisetum- Cone LS 160. Root Nodule TS
111. Equisetum- life cycle-set of 15 161. Prbobranche with host
112. Marilea petiole-TS 162. Loranthuswith host
113. Marsilea rhizome- TS 163. Balanophora TS CUSCUTA
114. Marsiiea sporocrap TS 164. Cassytha with host
115. Marsilea sporcarp TS 165. Visum album
116. Marsliea sporocarp 166. Mocot stm anatomy-3D
117. Marsilea lifr cycle-set of 16 167. Dicot stem anatomy-3D
118. Psilotum- stem TS 168. Dicot stem TS
119, Psilotum- life cycle-Set of 8 169. Sunflower stem TS
120. lsoetes life cycle-Set of 13 170. Monocot stem TS
1.21. Fern- Sporophyll TS 171. Dracaena stem TS
122. Fern- Prothallus 172. Dlcot leaf .anatomy-3D
123. Fern-life cycle-Set of 13 173. Monocotlea,fTS SALVIA FLOWER
124. Fern-Rhizome TS 174. Dicot leafTS
125. Fern- Root TS 175. Leaf arrangement Phyllotaxy
126. Fern- Petiole TS 176. Stomata
127. Lycopodium Stem TS 177 Drosera sundew
128. Lycopodium Life Cycle LS 178. Dionea venus fly trap
129. Lycopodium Stroblllus LS 179. Nepenthes pitcher
130. Selaginella Cone LS 180. Sarraoenia USA
131. Selaginella Life Cycle LS 181. Utricularia Bladderwort
132. Selaginella Stem TS 182. Butterwort
183. Insectivorous plant set of five LYCOPODIUM
Gym nosperm 184. typical flower
185. Ty.Pfcal cruciferous flower
133. Cycas- TS of Stem 186. Salvia flower
134. Cycas- TS of Root 187. Sun flower-flower LS
135. Cyoas- TS of Petiole 188. Single Stamen
136. Cycas- TS of Ovule 189. Inflorescence-Set of 11
137. Cycas- Sed LS 190. Cyathium
138. Cycas- Leaflet TS
139. A Cycas Coralloid Root TS Emb ryology
139. Cycas Life Cycle-Set of 15
190. Germination of pollen grain set of 8
140. Pinus- TS Needle
191 . Miorosoprogensis-Set of 10
141. Pinus- LS Female Cone
192. Anther TS
142. Pious- LS Male cone
193. DicQt embryo devel9pment set of 9
143. Pinus- Stem TS
194. Monocot embryo deveplopment set of 9
144. Pinus- Stem TLS
195. Hypogynous arrangement
145, Pinus- Stem RLS
196. Perigynous aarangemenr
146. Pinus- Root TS 197. Epigynous arrangement
147. Pinus- LH Set of 15 STOMATA 198. Placenation types-Set of 6
148. Taxus-Male cone and female cone 199. Ovary-fertilization
149. Ephedra Female Strobilus 200. Types of ovule set of 4
150. Ephedra Male Strobilus 201. Ovule development-Set of 11
151 . Ephedra LS Ovule
202. Maize grain -LS
152. Gnetum Ovule Strobilus 203. Fertilization-Set of 6
153. Gnetum LH-Setof 15 204. Dicot Germination
Ang iosperm Roots 205. Maize Germination
206. Monocot Germination
155. Root Dlxcot anatomy-3D 207. Anther Development


F1 Anabaen!'!-A magnified filament F4 Chalmydomonas
F2 Nostoc F5 Chalmydomonas LH Set of 12 models
F3 Chalmydomonas F6 Vovlox-Details
C:: Botany ........,
F7 Volvox LH -Set of 15 models F67 Loranthus with host-Detailed
Fa Eudorina LS-Set of 12 models F6a Balanophora TS
F9 Pandorina LH-Set of 15 models F69 Orchid with ost
F10 Ulothrix F70 Viscum album with haustoria
f11 Ulotllrix LH-Sel of 15 models F70 Acasytha with host
F12 Coleochete LH-Set of 1:3
F13 Oedogonium-Single detailed Stems
F14 Oedogonium- LH Set of 12 Stage
F15 Sp1rogya F73 Monocot stem anatomy
F16 Spirogyra LH-Sel12 models F74 Dicot stem anatomy
F17 Vaucheria F75 Dicot stem TS
F 18 Vaucheria LH-Set of 13 models F76 Sun Flower Stem TS Secondry Growth
F19 Chara LH-Set of 14 models F77 Monocot Maize stem Ts
F20 Ectocarpus LH-A set of 12 models F78 Dracaena stem TS
F21 Fucus LH-Set of 12 moders f79 Nodal Anatomy- Helmanthus
F22 Diatoms-A Beautiful models Fao Nodal Anatomy- Calatropus
F23 Diatoma -A set of 6 1n show case F81 Nodal Anatomy- Salvadora
F24 Batrachospermum life cycl'e
Bacteria & Virus Fa2 A Dicot leaf Anatomy
F83 Dicot leafTs
F27 Bacetria-A set of 16 models P84 Leaf Arrangemanet(Phyllotaxy).set of 6 models
F28 Disease causfn9 bacteria set of 12
Insectivorous Plants
F85 Drosera (Sundrew)
F29 Rhizopus LH-A sexual reproduction-life cycle Fa6 Dionea (Venus Fly Trap)
F30 Rhizopus LH-A sexl.lal reproduction life cycle F87 Nepenthes (Pitcher)
F31 Phytophtora LH-Set of 12 F88 Sarracenfa (pitcher)
F32 Mucor Mucedo LH F89 Utricularia Bladderwort)
F33 yeast-Single cell F90 Butterwort
i=34 Yeast life cycle- A selof 21
F35 Cystopus Albugo-Lh Flower & Inflorescences
F36 Agaricus LH-Set of 15 models
F37 Lichen Apothrecium VS. mitochondria F90 Typical Flower
F91 Typical Crusiferous Flower
Btyophyta F93 Salvia Flower
F94 Sun Flower
F95 Maize Flower
F38 Riccia life cycle-A set of 15 F96 Single Sramen
F39 Marchantia LH-A set of 6 F97 Inflorescence set of 11 models
F40 Marchantfa P.olymorpha LH 30 struc-Set of 12 SUNFLO'WER
F42 Moss LH set 13
F43 Moss Plant- with sporphyte Anther & Its Development
F44 Moss capsule-Dissectabl'e Pteridophyta M icrosporogensis-Set of 10
F45 Equisetum life cycle - A set of 1.5
Marsilea LH- A set of 16 models F99 Anther TS showing four pollen sacs
F46 F100 Anther Repro. div. in pollen mother cell
F47 Psiotum life cycle-A set of 8
F101 Dicot embryo development.set of 9 models
F48 Fern life cycle-A set of 13 models Monocot embryo development-set of 9 models
F49 LycopodiumlH-A set of models F103 Hyppogynous arrangement
FSO Selaginella life cycle -A set of 14 'F104 Perigllhous arrangement
F51 fern LH-A set of 13 F105 Epigynous arrangement
F106 Placentation types-set 6 models
Gymnosperms F107 Ovary
F108 Types of ovule
F52 Cycas Ovule Ts Large Model F109 ovule development-set 11
F53 Cycas seed TS-large size model F110 Embryo sac LS of ovule
F54 Cycas leaflet TS-Detailed anatomy F111 Oicot germination-a stages
F55 Cycas ooralloid Root TS- F113 Pea germination-S stages
F56 Cycas Life cycle-A set of 15 models F114 Maize germination-a stages
F57 Pinus LH- A set of 15 models F115 Monoootgermination-8 stages LICHEN
F58 Gnetum LH- set of 15 models Ft16 Types of plant cell set of 12

Root 8 M Fibre Glass Unbreakable

F60 Root Dicot anatomy Genitics Model
F61 Dicot Root Ts
F62 Monocot Root TS F118 Plant Cell Enlarged
F63 Ts Dicot old Root F119 Mitosis cell division complete
F64 orchid Root TS F120 Meosis cell division complete
DROSERA F121 Dispersal of the seed and fruit
Parasitic Plants F122 DNA Detailed
F123 RNA Detailed
F65 Cuscuta with host F124 Types of Chromosomes 'l
F66 Orobrahche with host F125 Mitochondria MOSS CAPSULE

Differntially Double or Triple stained showing all the minor details. The
Micro-slides are supplied on approval basis. Cost of the slides-boxes will
be charged extra.

CODEVALUE A=15.00 8=17.00 C=19.00 0=21.00 E=49.00

PROTOZOA 30. Trichomonas D 76. Tape worm Bladder worm WM c

31 . Volvax 8 77. Tape worm Proglottid Immature c
Amoeba Proteus (Imported) D 32. Vorticella B 78. Tape worm Proglottid Gravid c
79. Tape worm Proglottid Mature c
33. Grantia T.S.IL.S. c -~-
Sponge Gemmule
Leucosolenia WM
0 .
• 37.
Spongilla WM/T,S .
Sponge Fibers I Spicules
- -- - -

Amoeba Proteus 40. Sycon T.S./L.S. 8

Tsps lilbrm Proglottid Msturs
2. Amoeba Giant D Gran lis
4. Amoeba Binary Fission E
5. Balantidum Coli WM c 42. Alcyonium Spicules WM B 80. Ascaris Male T.S./L.S. B
6. Certium (Imported) C+D 43. Aurelia Terntacioyst WM B 81 . Ascaris Female T.S./L.S. B
7. Entamoeba WM D 44. Baugainvilla WM B
8. Entamoeba Coli WM D 45. Companularia WM B
9. Euglena WM A 46. Diphyes WM c
10. Formaminifera Ooze ~lens D 47. Ephyra Larva WM E+E
11. Leishmanifera Doovani D 48. Hydra WM/Bud/Gond B
12. Leishmanifera Tropica D 49. Hydra T.S./L.S. Body B
13. Malaria Parasite c 51 . Hydra T.S. Testis B
14. Malaria Parasite (Signet ring) D 52. Hydra Ovary c

15. M. Parasite-Oocyst in Mosquito D 53. Obelia Colony WM. HY<Irawltflbud c
16. Monocytics (Trophozoite) c 54. Obelia Medusase WM B
17, Monocyctics (Mixed) c 55. Pennaria WM B
18, Noctiluca WM B
19. Nyctotherus WM c 56. Plumularia WM ••• B 82. Ascaris Pharyax T.S. c
20. OpalineWM c 57. Sea Anemone T.S./L.S. - c 83. Asearis eggs WM E
59. Sertularia WM ... B
21 . Polystomella WM D
84. Ancylostoma c
22, Paramoecium WM A 60. Telesto WM Obelia Medus85 e
85. Hook worn WM c
61 . Tubularia WM c 86. Pin Worn WM c
87. Dracunculus WM c
88. Guinea Worm WM D
89. Oxyuris WM D
62. EchinoCoccus WM. E 90. Trichinella spiralls c
63. Liver Fluke WM E 91. Wauchera brancofti D
64. Liver Fluke T.S. c
65. Liver Fluke Gonand Region T.S. c
66. Liver Fluke T.S. Pst Region c
67. Liver Fluke Cercaria B 92. Earth Worm ant. reg LS/ A
68. Liver Fluke Matacercaria B buccalreg TS
23.Paramoecium in Fission 0 69. Liver Fluke Redia B 93. Earth Worn Pharynx TS/gizzard TS A
24. Paramoeclum Conj. D 70. Liver Fluke Sporocyst B
25.Piasmodium Vivax c 71 . Liver Fluke Miracidum B
26.Piasmodium Malarial c 72. Planaria WM E
27.Piasmodium Falciparum D 73. Planaria T.S. B
28.Padiolara Oozoe D 74. Schistesoma WM D
29.Trypansoma in blood c 75. Tape eorm Scolex WM Plsnar/a B


94. Earth Worm clitelium TS/ A

Trypano!loma TIIPeworm Scolex
seminal Vesicle
r::....-Zool ogy=::t
95. Earth Worn prostate gland/ A 135.Cockroach M.P. c LOWER CHORDATA
heart reg. 136.Cockroach Salivary Glands B
96. Earth Worm typhlosolar reg. / A 137.Cockroach Malphigian Tubules B 177. Amphious TS tail/Oral Hood RS C
Intestine reg. 138.Cockroach Overy TS B 178. Amphious Entire WM C
97. Earth Worn ovary WM/ septal A 139.Cockroach Testis TS B 179. Amphious TS Pharynx D
nephridia WM 140.Cockroach leg WM B 180. Amphious Oral Hood TS Intestine/
98. Earth Worn pharyngeal A 141.Cockroach Spiracle Abdominal B Atrium C
nephridia WM 142.Cockroach Wing WM B 181 . Amphious Gonad Region TS 6
99. Glossophonia WM c 143.Culex M.P. Male/Female WM B 182. Balanoglossus TS Trunk Reg./
100.Hetronereis parapodla B
144. Culex Larva WM Eqq/pupa WM B Gonads TS B
101 .Leech TS/ nephridia WM B
103.Nereis parapodia WM I Nereis TS B 183. Balanoglossus TS trunk reg./
104.Trochnophore lavra WM 2E Gonads TS B
105.Tubifix WM D 184. Balanoglossus TS branchial reg/
106.Sagltta Wm D Collar TS B
185. Herdmania Spicules B
186. Dofiolum WM/Oikopfeura WM D
107.Argulus WM C 187. Pysosoma WM E
108.Aiima Larva WM E 188. Salpa SexuaiWMA sexuaiWM E
109.Cyclops WM B \
111 . Carpelfa WM C Culex
112. Daphnia WM B 189. Glenoid Scale WM/Cycloid Scale B
113. Gammarus WM Daphnia B 145.Grass hopper Mouth Parts WM B 190. Placoid Scale WM B
114. Lucifer WM B 146.Hpusefly Eggs WMEqqtpupaWM B 191. Rhomboid Scale WM B
115. MegalopaWM ~ D 147.Housefly Male/Female WM B 192. Dogfish Skin TS B
116. Mysis WM . ;...:: B 148.Housefly M.P. B 193. Fish TS head reg. B
117. Mite WM • C 149.Head Louse WM B 194. Fish TS skin B
118. Peripatus TS E 150.Honey Bee M.P. B 195. Fish TS trunk B
119. Naplius Larva WM C 151 .honey BeeSting Parts B 196. Fish TS air bladder B
120.Prawn TS/Gill WM I VS C 152.Rat Flea WM D 197. Fish TS tail reg.
121 .Prawn Statodyst WM Mite w. m. D 153.Termite Worker WM/SoliderVVM D 198. Sharkembryo TS snout B
122.Rotifer C 154.Wasp Sting WM B 199. Sharkembryo TS trough gill B
155.1nsect Wings WM B 200. Shakembryo TS trough eye B
156.1nsect Mouth Parts B .201 . Sharkembryo TS trunk B
157 .Insect Antenna WM(AII) c 202. Fish Heart Ls B
158.1nsect LegsWM(AII) B 203. Fish Stomach TS B
204. Fish Liver TS B
205. Fish Intestine TS B
159. Rotifers WM B 206. Fish Ovary Ts B
160. Bogula WM B 207. Fish Spinal Cord TS B
208. Fish Heart LS B
·~f·~·~·~-m~l 209. Fish Kidney TS B
161. Glochedium Larva D
162. Veliger's Larva E ANIMAL HISTOLOGY
R.o tlfer
163. Ospharidium of Pila D
164. Octopus arm T.S. D 210. Anderal Gland TS B
123. Spid<:lerWM B
165. Redula of Pila WM B 211 . Bone Calcified TS B
124. Scorption Book Lung WM c 166. Sepia TS eye reg c 212. Bone Decalcified TS B
125. Sacculina TS c 167 Unio Shell ground thin D
126. Tick WM B
127. Zoea Larva TS B 168. Unio gill TS B
128. Metazoea Larva B 169. Union body & gill TS B

170. Bipnnaria Larva WM E+E
129. Anopheles Male WM B 171 . Sea Urchin Pedicellaria WM D+E
130. Anopheles Female WM B 172. Ptuteus Larva WM D+E
131 . Anopheles M.P. Mate WM B 173. Echinopluteus WM C+E
132. Anopheles M.P. Female WM B 174. Ophinopluteus Larva WM D+E
133, Anopheles Eggs/larva/Pupa WM B 175. Star Tube Feet WM D
134. Beg bug WM c 176. Starfish Arm T.S. c Msmmsl Cftfel>tl/lum
c=Zoology- ; ,
253 Duodenum A 294. Tadpole buccal reg. T.S. D
254. Eye VS A 295. Tadpole gill reg, T.S. D
255. Gall Bladder TS A 296. Tadpole trunk reg . T.S. D
256. Heart TS A 297. Tadpole head reg. T.S. D
298, Tadpole heart reg. T.S. D
257. Heart LS A
299. Tadpole tall reg. T.S. D
258. Intestine TS A
300. Tadpole tail reg. T.S. D
259. LiverTS A
301 , Frog ovary with mature eggs T.S. D
360. Lung TS A 302. Frog testis mature sperm T.S. D
261 . Lung LS A
Mammal CompacJ Bone Ground
263. Kidney LS A 303. Human Oesophagus TS/skin TS D
213. Epithelium Squamous B 264. Ovary TS Young A 304. Human stomach TS/Intestive TS D
214. Epithelium Columner B 265. Ovary Mature A 305. Human Testis !Ovary I Uters TS D
215. Epithelium Ciliated B 266. Nerve TS A
216. Epitelium Glandular B 267. Oescophagus TS A
217. Epithelium Sensory B 268 Pancreas TS A
218. Epithelium Stratified B 269. Rectum A
219. Epithelium Pigmented B 270. Retina A
220. Elastic Cartilage B 271 . Sperm semar A
221. Fibrous Cartilage B 272. Stomach TS A
222. Hyaline Cartilage B 273. Somach TS A
223. Medullated Nerve TS B 274. Spleen TS A
224. Non-medullated nerve TS B 275. Skin VS A
Humsn Slnoo(h Muscle Uterus
225. Mitochondria nerve TS D 276. Testis TS A
226. Golgi Complex D 277. Fat baody TS A 306. Human Vagina TS/Biood Semar/ D
227. Muscles Straited B 278. Tongue TS A Spinal
228. Muscles Unstraited B 279. Spinal cord TS A 307. Human liver/Kindney/Brain TS D
229. Muscles Cardiac B 280. Vein TS A 308. Human Artery/BoneNein D
230. Muscles Straited L.S. B Appendix TS
231. Muscles Bomdues T.S. B
232. Chromatophores WM c 281 . Egg VSWM D
233. Nerve Fibres A 282. Egg 2 celled VS D
234. Nerve Cells A 283. Egg 4 celled VS D
235. Adrenal Gland TS B 284. Early cleavage TSIWM D
236. Mammary Gland TS B 285. Late cleavage TSIWM D
237. Pituitary Gland TS B 286. Blastula VSIWM D
238. Parathyroid Gland B 287. Gastula VSIWM D
239. Thyroid Gland TS B 288. Embryo 4 mm VSIWM D
240. Salivary Gland TS B 289. Emcryo 7 mm VSIWM D
Human Artery Vein
241 . Tissue Connective A 290. Neural fold stage WM D
242. Tissue Areolar A 291. Internal Gill Stage WM D
309. Human lung TS/Heartt D
243. Tissue Adipose A 292. Yolk plug stage T.S. D trachea/nerve
293. Tadople WM D 310. Human Spleen/Tongue/penisTS D
HISTOLOGY 311. Human Thyroid Gland TS D
312. Human Thymus Gland TS D
244. Artery TS A
245. Bone TS Calcified A
246. Bone Decalcified A
247. Brain Cerebrum TS A
248. Brain Olfactory Lobe A
249. Brain LS A
250. Brain Cerebellum A
251. Blood smear A
252. Cartilage TS A Frog Blood Slnf!ISr Human Thymus Gland
AVES HISTOLOGY 342. 24 hrs. Stage TS 377. Aspergilus is lung E+E
343. 30 hrs. Stage WM 378. Asthma Broncial E+E
313.ArteryTs/Bone TS/Biood Semar TS D
344. 30 hrs. Stage TS 379. Carcinoma Epithelioma D
314.Bird Pecton From Eye D
345. 30 hrs. 8-13 Semites WM 380. Carcinoma Liver D
315.Bird Feather Down D
346. 33 hrs. 14-17 Semites WM 381 . Carcinoma Liver D
316.Bird Feather Fitoplume D
347 . 33 hrs. 14-17 Semites WM 382. Carcinoma of prostate D
317.Bird Feather Contour D
348. 36 hrs. Somite TS 383. Glioma-brain lobe section D
"318.Duodenum TS/Epiglotis T.S. D
349. 36 hrs. Stage Head reg TS 384. Liver Abscess D
319.Eye VS/Heart L.S./Penis TS D
350. 36 hrs. Stage WM 385. Lung Abscess D
320.Skin VS/with Feather Buds/ D
351. 38 hrs. Approx. 30 Semites TS 386. Myelorna D
Spleen TS
352. 42 hrs. Stage TS 387. Syphilla, Tertiary D
321 .Smalllntetine I Stomach/Heart TS D Intestine/liver/Lung TS D 353. 48 hrs. Stage TS 388. Tonsi IIitis-Section D
323.kidney /Nerve /Oesophagus TS D 354. 48 hrs. Stage WM 389. Tuberculosis-Lung Section D
324.Brain Cerebrum TS/Cere bellum TS D 355. 58 hrs. Sta_ge TS 390. Yellow fever-liver section D
325.Pancreas TS/Ovary TS/ Rectum D 356. 58 hrs. Stage TS
326.Testis Ts/TracheaTSNeinTS D 357. 72 hrs. Stage TS
327.Spinal CordTS D 388. 72 hrs. Stage WM
391 . Chromosomes showing A+D
359. 84 hrs. Stage WM
REPTILE HISTOLOGY feulgenreaction
360. 96 hrs. Stage WM
392. Mitochondria section A+O
328. Lung/Trachea/Cerebrum TS E 361 . 96 hrs. Stage TS
393. Golgi Apparatus A+D
329, Cerebrum/Heart/Spinal CordTS E 362. 120 hrs.
394. DNA slide A+O
330. Li ver/Pancreas/kidneyTS E 363. Bacteia typical Coccus/Bacillus
395. RNA slide A+O
331 . Testis/Ovary/OesophagusTS E 364. Spirillum Forms Streptococcus
396. Gaint chromosomes slide A+D
.332. Dudenum !Intestine/Stomach TS E
397. Metabolic nucles c
I WM = Rs. 140.00 Each I T.S. =Rs. , 365. Leukemia lymphatic acute- E+E 398. Prophase c
55.00 Each blood 399. Metaphase c
366. Leukemia lymphatic chronic E+E 400. Anaphase c
333. Testis Ts Spermatozoa/Ovary Ts 367 _ Anemia, pernicious E+E 401 . Teleophase c
Showing eggs 368. Leukemia. myeloid, acute E+E 402. Mitosis-Set pf 5 slides Each c
334. 13 hrs. Prmitive Steak 369. Reticulocytes E+E 403. Resting nuclei c
335. 13 hrs. Prm1tive Streak TS 370. Normoblastic metaplasia E+E 404. Leptoene stage c
336. 18 hrs. Blastoderm WM 371. Anemia, sickle cell E+E
405. Zygotene stage c
337. 18 hrs. Blastoderm TS 372. Leucocystosis E+E
406. Diplotene stage c
338. 21 hrs. Blastoderm TS 373. Eosinophillia E+E
407. Diakinesis stage c
408. Metaphase I c
339. 21 hrs. 1·3 Somltes WM 374. Anemia, Iron Difficiency E+E 409. Anaphase-Telophase I c
340. 21 hrs. Stage TS 375. Apendicities-acute section E+E 410. Metaphase II c
341 . 24 hrs. 7 Somites. WM 376. Adrenal Adenoma E+E 411 . Second anaphase telophase c
~ ,:: .. 412. Meiosis I all significant
413. Meiosis II all significant E
•.. _

OUl:; .,..tik.t.t
J &kri'C«tlfw»n
stages in one slide
- ~""JlJfu._~

..• c~ '""...,._'~u•
.. •~lil·m~
~c.-c: na..."odn
..• • •• rco.dl•kllt
~--ill tc'"'a.
y ,..._.... . ~.. o\ui.Htf, lr~• l
414. Mitosis Set of 5 slides D+O
~ ...,,..,h~j"e(.ot B.M. SPECIAL CYTOLOGICAL

. . U~I!JI..C
~ ~ .... ~~""'
415. Laggard formation E+E
416. Ring formation E+E
,_ "*«ooh!JM
~ L4t•r.ttfl.t-.
......oc:,.,.... 417. Giant Choromose E+E
418. Chiasma formation E+E
419. Multivalent formation E+E
420. Precoceous separation of E+E
chromosomes E+E
Chick Embryology Humam simple citiated columnar epithelium 421. Unequal distrbution of chromosomes
C::Zoology .......,
I Size = 2" x 2" Price = 10.00 Each I
1. Animal world 19. Life History of Silkworm
2. Classification of Animals 20. Life History of Spider
3. Birds 21 . Insect
4. Harmful insects 22. Human Physiology Slides
5. Harmful & useful insects 23. Mendel Heredity
6. Fish & Aquatic animals 24. Evolution of Horse
7. Frog series 25. Evolution of Elephant
8. Rabbit series 26. Types of Beaks
9. Hybrid & Obelia 27. Mammals
10. Earthworm 28. Frog Embryology
11. Amoeba, Paramoecium 29. Chick Embryology
12. Bacteria 30. Mammal (Rabbit) Embryology
13. Mitosis - Animal Cell Division 31. Pre-historical animals
14. Meiosis- Animal Cell Division 32. Life Histories of Insects
15. Life History of Mosquito 33. Reptiles
16. Life History of Housefly 34. Poisonous & Nonpoisnous Snakes
17. Life History of Butterfly 35. Cockroach
18. Life History of Honeybee 36. Evidences of origin of evolution


Price= Rs . 88/- Each.
1. Zoology 6. Meiosis
2. Animal Cell & Tissue 7. Human Physiology
3. Chick Embryology
8. Sense Organs
4. Frog Development
5. Mitosis 9. First Aid


1. Ammonities Entire Pertified- Original & Rare- 9. Gastropod Fossil-
2. Nautilus Shell Pertified- Original & Rare- 10. Animal Tooth Fossil-
3. Mollusc (Synister whorled) Pertified- 11 . Fossil of Fish-
Original & Rare- 12. Fossil Cast of Archaeopteryx Lithographica
4. Water Mussel (Mytilus) Pertified- from U.K. (Cast from original) fu ll size-
Original & Rare- 13. Fossil cast of Trilobite-
5. Fish Vertebra- 14. Fossil of PECTON-
6. Dextral snail- 15. Fossil of PLANORBIS-
7. Echinoderm Fossil- 16. Fossil of SAND DOLLAR-
8. Brachiopos Fossil- 17. Fossil ofTEREBRA SHELL-

Price Rs. 2,740/- Per set
A set of 12 fossils and fossils casts, showing different types of fossils, designed to develop an awareness of what fossils are and
how they are formed. It forms an ideal introduction to the fossils characteristics and identification. It contents-

1. Plantae, Pteridosperm, Carboniferous. 11. Arthropoda, Trilobite, Siluriamn.

2. Mollusca, Lamellibranch, Recent. 12. Vertebrata, Shark's tooth, Miocene
3. Mollusca, Gastropod, Tertiary.
4. Mollusca, Ammonite, Jurassic. BM FOSSIL COLLECTION TOOLS
5. Mollusca, Belemmite, Jurassic. 1. Rock Chisel Pointed-
6. Brachipoda, Brachipod, Jurassic. 2. Rock Chisel Blunt-
7. Coelenterata, Coral, Carboniferous. 3. Geological Hammer-
8. Coelenterata, Graptolite, Ordovician. 4. Fossil Trowels-
9. Echinodermata, Crinoid, Carboniferous. 5. Fossils Brush Pointed-
10. Echinodermata, Echinoid, Jurassic. 6. Fossil Brush (wide)-
r::: Zoology =::t
Nicely preserved each animal iSofonnaline injected to preserve internal viscera Large Selected
animals most suitable for dissection
1. Amphious 22. Honeybee (preserved) 129.00 46. Prawn (FW) 5 to 8"
2. Anabas 23. Heteropneustus 1195.00 47. Rat (White)
3. Aplysia 24. Hemidactylus 590.00 48. Red Cotton Bugs
4. A sed ian 25. Herdmania f 1885.00 49. Rat black
5. Ascaris 26. Holothurla 750.00 50. Sea anemone
6. Ariophanfa Aplysia n House-fly 89.00 51 , Sacco branohus fish
7. Balanus 28. Jelly fish LEPAS 385.00 52. Scoliodon 11 to 13''
8. Beetles 29. Labeo roh ita 1095.00 53. Scoliodon 12 to 15"

9. succrnlum 30, Labeo rohita Large 1350.00 54 , Scoliodon 1·5 to 18"
10. Chiton 31 . Lepas 375.00 55. Sea urchin large size
11 . Cockroach Crab 32. Leech cleaned 1245.00 56. Sea urchin Medium size
12. Crab 33, Loligo 1245.00 57. Sepia large
13. Calotes 34. Mystus 1245.00 58. Star fish
14. Clarius 35. Mytllus Large selected 848.00 59. Sheep heart
15. Earthwonn large 36. Millipede 600.00 60. Sheep eyes
16. Earthwonn selected 37. Neries 558.00 61 . SlUgs
large in glass container 38. Octopus 975.00 62. Squilla (Selected Larg.e)
17. Eletric fish 39. Ophiocerphalus 1245.00 63. Sting ray fish (Trygon)
18. Flat fish 40. Oyster (Ostrea) 700.00 64. Termites
19. Grasshopper 41 . Patella 450.00 65. Unfo large slze
20. Grasshopper 42. P11a large SHEEP HEART 139.00 66. Unio large selected
insect 43. Pila large selected 318.00 67. Wall ago
21 . preservative ~ 44. Prawn 6" above 1490.00 68. Wasp
Gryllus - ; 45 Prawn (FW) 4 to 5'' 1045,00 69. Wall lizard


BMSA-1 Wide Mouth drums of plastic Fiberglass
Cap fn lit
Prices Rs.
BMSA-2 Long Forcep S.S,
Prices Rs.
BMSA-3 Hand Gloves:- Thick rubber Rs.188.00 A surgical translucent Rs. 18.00 Pair
BMSA-4 Large Galvanized tray 20X15'' with two handles to carry dissection. animal from store to laboratory Rs.245.00
BMSA-5 Thick plastic trays: sorting or carrying dissection animals and other lab users.
Prices Rs.
BMSA-6 Formaldehyde-Bulk fomaline pack 100%-pure water white.
Prices Rs.


1. Sleepy Heads, Amoeba, Protista. 12. Ufe Cycle of Frog. Skelton, skin, sense organs. Egg &
2. How Insect develop Paet 1,11, Life of Forest. sperms.
3. What are cells, Roll of cell Membrane, Perfpherale Nervous 13. Skin Perception Part I & II .
System. 14. Introduction of Dissection, work of Kfdney.
4. About your body, Tissue of the Human Body, Body light 15. Human Brain Part I the self, Memory
diseases. 16. Human Brain Part II Language and Seeing
5. Life cycle of insects Part I & II, Life Cycle of Earthworm . 17. Human Brain Part Ill Fear Madness.
6. Meiosis, Mitosis. Circulabory System. 18. Cellular Respiration I Glycolysis.
7. Temp. regulation, Chemistry of the CEll Part I & II. 19. Cellular Respiration II Krep Cycle Metabolism and Nutrition
8. Circulation of the heart:, Respiratory reproductive & Nervous 20. Energy Flow-1
21. Organic Evolution-! Darwin, Mendel etc.
9. Liver Digestive system Pari I & II Lymphatic system.
22. Organic Evolutlon-11 Meiotic, Mutation.
10. Parasites Microbiology, Microbes.
11 . Automatic Nervous system and Drugs. 23. Protein synthesis-t Stuff of life DNA and its. replication.
24, Protein synthesis-It RNA Transfer RNA Ribosomal RNA.
r;:::zoology :;:J


CO's based on CBSE l.ates : syllabus & usefu l for ICSE and other state boards.

BMCD (b) Chemistry (2 CO's)- Rate of Chemical reaction, metals &

Science & Technology-Our Earth, Scientist. Environment, non metals Carbon Compound. (any)
Health & Hygine (c) Biology (2 CO's)- Nutrition and Respiration, Transport
2. Social Science - History, Geography, Civics, & Encretion, Reproduction, Heredity, Enviroment. (any)
3. Science & Technology- Air Solid, Heat, Food, Sound, Health
and Disease, Elements, Acids and bases. (d) Mathematics (2 CO's)- Algebra, Commercial Maths,
4, Social Science - People & Society, Environment, People & Geometry, Trignometry, Statistics, Co-ordinate Geometry,
5. Science & Technology-Light, Electricity, Agriculture, Evolution, 8. (a) Phyics (2 CO's) - Physical world, Motion, Work, Energy,
Power, Rotational Motion, Gravity Molecules, Waves. (any)
Carbon and its compounds,
Nuclier Energy
(b) Chemistry (2 CO's) - States of Matter, Atomic Structure,
6. (a) Physics- Wave, Motion, Sound, Heat Gravities, Motion,
Thermodynamics, Periodicity of Elements Chemical bonding ,
Extraction, Hydrocarbons, Halogens, Environmental
(b) Chemistry- Matter, Atom Classification of Elements,
Chemistry, {any)
Chemical Bonding, Coal and petroleum.
(c) Mathematics Multimedia (2 CO's) - Sets, Logs, Linear
(c) Biology. Cell and Cell structure, Tissue, Human Dise;;~se
inequation, Trigonometry, Premutations. Average and
Food resources, Environment. Partitions values (any)
(d) Mathsmatics - Number system, Algebra, Commercial 9. Computer Science C++ for Class IX & X - Computer
Maths, Geometry, Trignometry, Statics. Hardware, Programming, File Organizations, Projects in C++
7 (a) Physics (2 CD's)-Reflection, Refraction, Optical.
Instruments, Electricity, Magnetism, 10. Computer Science C++ for Class IX & XII- Boolean Algebra,
Nuclear Energy. (any) Advanced Concepts C++ Practical Programs.



Nicely cleaned, sorted , preserved in suitable and each unit is sufficient for 30 student.
Code Value A::15.00, 8::17.00, C"'19.00, 0::21 .00, E==49.00, F"'60.00
BMZCW 14. Opaina 38. Pennalia
1. Amoeba cultured 15. Pandorina 39. Plumularia
2. Amoeba imported 16. Paramoecium 40. Serturaria
3. Balantidium 17. Polystomeffa (doz) 41 . Telesto colony
4, Chlamydomas 19. Raziolaria (doz) 42. Tubularia colony
5. Ce.rtu[ns Ceratium 20. Volvox
6~ Egulena 21 . Vorticella PLATYHELMINTHES/
7. Entamoeba (cyst) NEMATHELMINTHES
8. Entamoeba (imported) 43. Fish Fluke (doz)
9. Foraminfera 22. Grantia (each) 44. Liver fluke miracidium (doz)
10. Monocystis 23, Leucosolenia (doz) 45. Liver fluke metacercaria
11. Mixed Protoza 24. Sponge gemmule I spicules I fiber 46 ~ Uver fluk-e cercaria (doz)
12. Noctiluca 25. Spongilla(Fresh water)
48. Liverflukeredia (doz)
13. Nyctotherus 26. Sponge skelton
49. Proglottid of tape-worm young
27, Sponge each
50 Proglottid of tape-worm gravid
Coelenterata 51 . Scolex tape-worm
52.. Acylostoma(doz) Male/Female
29. Bougainville 53. Ascaris ova (doz)
30. Companularia 54. Oxyuris ova (doz)
31. Dipyes{diz) 55. Planaria fresh water (doz)
32. Hydra expanded (doz) 56. Schistosoma (doz)
33. Hydra with bud
34. Hydra with overies (doz) ANNELIDA
35. Hydromedusae {doz) o7. Earth worm seta/nephridia
36. Lytocarpus 58. Earth-worm ovary (doz)
37. Obelia colony 59. Glossiphonia (doz)
r;::zoology :A'
60. Hets ero-nereis parapodia 87. Prawn statocyst (doa) 111 . Striated muscles/unstriated
61 . Leech nephridia (doz.)/Jaw 89. Zoealarva muscles
62. Nereis Parapodia MOLLUSCA 112. Tissue connective
63. Tubifix (doz)
MINOR PHYLA 91 . Pila radula (doz) MATERIAL
92. Veliger's larva
64. Bugula 113. Eggs (doz)
65. Rotifers ECHINODERMATA 114. Early cleavage(doz)
66. Sagitta (doz) 115. Late cleavage (doz)
94. Holothuria spicules
95. Ophlopnuteus larva USA 116. Blastula (doz)
ARTHROPODA 117. Gastrula (doz)
96. PIUteus larva USA (per do.t)
67. Anopheles adult male/female 97. Starfish pedicellarfa 118. Tadpole (doz)
68. Anopheles larva/pupa/egg 98. Starfish tube USA (per doz) 119. Grass-hoppper testis
69. Alima larva (doz)
CHORDETA 120, Onion buds for meiosis
70. Cyclops 121 . Onion Root tips for mitosis
71 . Cypris 100. Amphious (per doz)
72. Caprella 102. Balanoglossus (each) Bouins's Fixed Material for
73. Cockroach ovary/Testis 103. Donolum (per doz)
104. Oikopleura Microtomy
74. Culex adult m~ll<>ll<>m<>~~
1OS. Salpa (per tube)
75, Culex larva/pupa/egg 106. Herdmania Spicules 1. Ascaris mate/female
76. Cimex (bed bug) (doz) 2. Amphious
77. Daphnia PISCES/AVES 3. Balanglossus
78. Gammarus 4. Earth-worm
79. Grass-hopper testis fixed meosis 107. Fish placold sacle/
ctenoid/scale 5. Female anopheles for
80. Housefly larva/pupa/aduiUEgg 108. Fish rhomboid scales malaria
81 . Lucifer /cycloid scale 6. Egg (dot) tadpole (doz)
82. Mysis 7. Blastula (doz)/Gastula
83. Metazoea HISTOLOGY MATERIAL 8. Liver lung, Intestine (doz)
84. Megalopal larva 9. Liver Fluke
109. Epithelium squamous/ciliated/
85. Nauplius larva columner 10. Leech
86. Pediculus (head louse) (doz) 110. Nerve fibers 11 . Planaria


Glass Mount=250.00, Plast Mount Jar= 350, Plast Embeded = 1025.00
BMDLS 13. Prawn Digestive System 33. Scoliodon Nervous System
1. Cockroach General Anatomy 14. Pila Nervous System 34. Scoli9don Male Reproductive Organs
2. Cockroach Nervous System 15. Plla Reproductrve System 35. Scoliodon Female Reproductive Organs
3. Electric organ of Electric Ray 27. Respiratory organs Clarius fish 36. Unio Nervous System
4. Earthworm general Anatomy 28. Respiratory organ Ophiocephalus fish 37. Octopus Nervous System
9. General Anatomy of Rat 29. Scoliodon Cranial Nerves 38. SepTa Nervous System
10. Leech General Anatomy 30. Scoliodon Afferent Vessels 39 Loligo Nervot~s System
11 . Leech Nervous System 31 . ScolioQon Efferent Wssels 40. Mytilus Nervous System
12. Prawn Nervous System 32. Scoliodon internal ear in Situ


GLASSMOUNT- Specimens for museum, Display are most carefully selected and preserved in life form i
our laboratory and are security mounted Or'\ plastic transparent white or black plate.
PLASTAMOUNT- These are made of Japanese Acrylic sheet. These crystal clear mounts permit
objectives viewing from aJI six sides. These are liquid mour;~ts.

Code ValueJ =82.00 K=90.00 L =106.00 M :: 138.00 N =178.00 P =238.00 R :: 278.00

BMDZSP Plast Glass BMDZSP Plast Glass

Mount Mount

3. Axinella
1. Acathella 4. Aulosponges (W Asia)
2. Adosia 5. Chalina (Finger)
BMDZSP Plast Glass BMDZSP Plast Glass
Mount Mount

6. Chodrosia 62. Tublaria Colony

7. Clathrina 63. Telesto Colony
8. Cilona (Boring sponge) 64. Vellela
9. Cup sponge 65. Collection of Hydrozoa- Set of
10. Desmacidon
11 . Euplectella (Venues flower basket,
Japan) Anthrozoa-Coelenterata
12. Euplectella Replica
13. Euspongia 66. Adamsia
14. Grantla USA 67. Alcyonium
15. Hipposponge 68. Alcyonarian
16. Hylonema (Glass Rope) 69. Aliccia (Rara)
17. Hylonema Large Japan 70. Acanthoptilum
18. Hymeniacidon 71 . Bunodactis
19. Leucosolenia USA 72. Cavernularia
20. lucandra
21 . Magalopus 73. Corallum Rubrum (Model)
22. Olynthus 74. Corillium Nobile (Model}
23. Oscarella 75. Cerianthus (Rare)
24. Pachychalina 76. Cerianthus in Tube
25. Pectinispongilla 77. Ceraus Pendum
26. lawa Jawa 78. Collection of sea-anemones
27. Poteri.on (W.coast) 79. Edwardsia
28 Raspilla 80. Gemmaria
.29. Scypha (imported) 81 . Gyrostoma (Jawa)
30. Spongilla (F.water) 82. Lobophytum (Jawa)

31 . Suberites 83. Metridium USA
32. Sycon USA 84. Minyas with Float
33. Sycon Indian 85. Pennatula (Japan)
34. Vase sponge(lawa) 86. Pachycerianthus
87. Pteroides
Hyd rozoa-Coelenterata 88. Renilla (imported)
89. Sagaria (W-Coast)
....·.• .

35. Antenularia 90. Sarcophytum

36. Bougainvilla 91. Sclerophytum
92. Sea-Anemone Common
37. Clavetella
93. Sea·Anemone Colonia
38. Companularkia
94. Sea-Anemone TS & LS
39. Cordylophora Colony 95. Showing Mesenteries
40. Corymorpha 96. Sea-Anemone on Hermitcrab
41. Diphyes 97. Spongedas
42.Eudendrium 98. Solenocaulon
43. Helicomaria 99. Studeroites
44. Helistemma 1OO.Stonmoloohus
45. Hydracteria (on shell) 101.Stoichactis (Japan)
46. Hydra (large) 102.Sphenopus
47. Hydra Medusae 103.Uricina
48. Lytocarpus 104.Virgularia (Sea-Pen)
49. Millepora 105.Collection of Anthzoa A Set of 6
50. Obelia Colony 106.Collection of Sea Anemones
51 . Obelia Musae
52. Obelia Medusae Corals =All Models
53. Pysalla
54. Pennaria Colony 107 Astrea Model
55. Physalla 108.Acropora Model
56. Physophora USA 109.Astrangea Model
57. Plumularia Colony 110.Antipatherian Coral Model
58. Porpita 111 .Brain Coral (Mendrlnal) Model
59. Sertularia Colony 112.Coeloria (Brian Coral)
60. Solmundella 113.Denofophylli Model
114.Echinogorgia Model
61 . Stylaster Model
115.Echinopoya Model
BMDZSP Plast Glass BMDZSP Plast Glass
Mount Mount
116, Favia Coral Model
117.. Fungi Model
118. Flabellum (USA) Model 167. Amphlllina
119. Gomopora Model 168. Bipalium
120. Goniastra Model 169. Diplozoan
121. Gorgonoids Model 170. Dugesia
122. Galaxea Model Echinococus
123. Gorgonia Model 172. Fasciola (liver fluke)
124. Heliopora Model Fish fluke .------.
125. Heteropsamania Model
174. Gastrodiscus
126. Heterocyathus Model
175. Gryodactylus
127. Monkey Tail Coral Model
176. Gryocotyle
128. Medrepora Model
177. Homologaster
129. Millepora coral Model
178. Ligula
130. Heterocyathus
179 Paramphistomum
131. Montipora Model
180. Planaria Marine
132. Oculina (Eye Coral) Model
181 . Polystoma
133. Pocilipora Model
182. Planaria fresh water
134. Porites Model
183. Ruman fluke
135. Pteroides Model
184. Rhyncinchodemus
136. Sea Fan (Dry Coral) Model
185. Schistosoma (Blood Fluke)
137. Sea Fan with Polyp Model
186. Tapeworm
138. Telesto Colony
187. Tape worm taenia
139. Turbinaria
140. Zoanthus 188. Tape worm Moniezia
189. Tape worm Dypillidium
190. Tape worm cysticercus (Bladder worm)
Coelenterate-Scyphozoa 191 . Tet Rarhynchus
192. Tape worm LH
193. Thysanozhon
141 . Acquoera 194. Collection of platehelminthes
142. Aurelia Au rita Set of 5 selected species
143. Cassiopea
144 . Charybdaea
Nemathelm inthes
145. Chiropsalmus
146. Chiropenthia
195. Ascaris male
147. Cubomedusa
196. Ascaris female
148, Chrysaora Ascaris male & female in one
149. Halliclystus 198. Ancylostoma UK
150. Jelly Fish 199. Dracunculus
151 . Nacromedusae 200. EntrobhJs
152. Nausithoe (V-care) 201 . Filaria (waucherial)
153. Lucernaria 202. Guinea worm
154. Pliema 203. Oxyuris
155. Pelagia 204. Loa Micro Filaria
156. Pericopla 205. Syngamus
157. Periphylla 206. Sand Dwelling Nematode
158. Rhizostome 207. Thread worm
159. Trachmedusae 208. Trichinella spiralis male female cyst
160. Collection of Scyphozoa A Set of 6 209. Vermicularia
210. Collection of Nemathelminthes
Set of 5 selected. species
161 . Beroe(Japan) 211 . Aphrodite
162. Ceatus (Venus Girdle) USA 212. Amphitrite Rare
163. Coelopana (red sea) 213. Aphrodite Large Size
164. Ctenopana (red sea) 214. Arenicola UK Lake
165. Hormiphora 215. Aulostoma USA
166. Pleurobrachia (red sea) 216. Autholytus
C:Zoology ;:J

217. Acanthobdella UK 273. Crissa

218. Branchillion UK 274. Denclrostoma
219. Chaetopterus USA Large 275. Echiurus UK
220. Dasychone 276. Lapratia
221 . Earthworm (pheretima) 277. Ungula
222. Earthworm copulating 278. Magellania Rare
223. Eurythoe 279. Membranipora
224. Eunica (Mexico) 280. Nillia Occultata
225. Eolis 281 . Phomois UK
226. Glycera USAwith head 282. Pariapulus USA
227. Clycera USA 283. Paripetus USA with Gonads
284. PhoscolosoiTia USA
228. Glossiphonia (Mexico)
285. Pseudobonellia
229. Haemldipsa
286. Sipunculus
230. Hetronereis
287. Sagitta
231. Herpobdeta USA
288. Thalassema USA
232. Hermione 289. Classification of Minor Phyla Set of 6
233. Hermothoe
234. Lumbricus USA
235. Lepidonotus USA Arthropada Crustacea
236. Leech (hirudinaria)
237. leech marine
238. Marphyas (Jawa) 290. Albunea
239. Mega Scolex USA 291 . Astergatis Crab
240. Myxicota 292. Alima Larva
241. Nereis 293. Amphipods
242. Neanthes (V.Rare) 294. Anilocora on host
295. Armadillium
243. Nereis & Hetronerels in one
296. Apus
244. Ozobranchus (jawa) rare
297. Argutas
245. Onuphis (rare)
298. Astacus
246. Polynoe UK
299. Balanus
247. Pionosyllis (jawa) Rare 300. Bopyrus
248. Pontobdella USA Rare 301 . Branchipus
249. Placobdella USA 302. Calappa Crab
250. Pterobdella 303. Crab
251 . Perenereis 304. Caprell
252. Pectinaria 305. Cypris
253. Polygourdius USA 306. Cray-Fish
254. Polynee UK 307. Cymonthoa
255. Phyllodace USA large 308. Cancer Crab
256. Protodillus rare 309. Cradisoma (Herberst)
257. Sabella 310. Doirppe Crab
258, Syllis (Australia) 311. Dromia Rhumphi Crab
259. Spirobis UK 312. Doclea Crab
260. Serpula UK Rare 313. Daphnia
261 . Serpulid 314. Emitia
Scolops 315. Eupegurus
316. Fiddler Crab
263. Tomopterus (Jaw<~)
317. Gammarus
264. Tubifix
318. Gonodactylus
265. Terebella
319. Gelasimus Crab
266. Collection of Annelids set of 6 320. Hermit Crab with shell
267. Collection of Annelids set of 10 321 . Hermt Crab w/o shell
322. Hippa
Minor Phyla
323. Land Crab
268. Amathia 324. Lobster
269. Bonellia Male 325. Lepas Colony
270. Bonellia Female 326. Leucosia Crab
271. Bugula 327. ligia
328. Lapidurus
272. Corralina

329. Megaplopa Larva Large 383. Mosquito anopheles

330. Matuta Victor Crab 384. Mosquito culex
331. Meta penoeus 385. Moth
332. Mysis 386. Musca (housefly)
333. Neptunus Crab 387. Nepa (water scorpion)
334. Nebalia 388. Periplanta (cockroach)
335. Oniscus 389. Pediculus (head louce)
336. Palaemon (Prawn F.W.) 390. Praying mantis
337. Panaeus (Marine Prawn) ~ 391 . Ranantra
338. Pelinurus (Rock Lobster) _ _ 392. Stink Bug
339. Pathenope •
393. Stick insect
340. Pagurus with shell
394. Schistocerca
341 . Sacculina with host
395. Temite queen
342. Sphaeroma Rock Boring
396. Temite Soldier
343. Squilla
397. Termite worker
344. Shrimp
345. Sterptocephalus 398. Termite winged
346. Scylla 399. Water Bug
347. Spider Crab 400. Thrips
348. Thenus (Crayfish) 401 . Tree Hopper
349. Zoea larva 402. Wasp
350. Corlection of Crustacaen 403. Weavil
A set of 10 Species 404. Water-bug
351 . Collection of Crustacean 405. Classification of Insects
A set of species representing all major class insects
406. Useful Insects-complete
407. Harmful insects-complete
Artho poda In secta
352. Anthia
353. Ant 408. Peripatus
354. Antion Larva
355. Apis(Honey bee)droine/queen/worker Arthopoda/Arach inda
356. Aphid
357. Bed bug (Cimex) 409. Boophius
358. Bellostoma 410. Dermacentor
359. Bomyx mori (Silksmoth) Cimex 411 . Diadem Spider
412. Galeodes USA
360. Blow-fly ~ 413. Hylomma
361 . Cicade male --- ~
362. Cicade female _ ~ 414. Haemaphysalis
363. Coccinella 415. lxodus
364. Cricket 416. Ixodoidea
365. Cockroach 417. Limulus (king crab) large
366.. Drosophila 418. Limulus 5" to 6" In show case
367. Exarate Pupa 419. Mite
68. Forficula (Earwing) 420. Nymphone
369. Fire Fly 421 . Pyconogoind (Sea spider)
422. Plamneus
370. Grass-hopper ~
423. Tarantula Polsnous Large USA
371 . Gryllotapa Mole Cricket --~ _
372. Gryllus _ 424. Tick
373. Gersis (Water Strider) 425. Trumbiculla
374. Katydids 426. Trolobite (Velvet Spider)
375. Leaf insect 427. Cast of Trobolite from
376. Lepisma (Silverfish) 428. Plaeozoic Rocks
377. Locust 429. Centipede
378. Larva Ollgopod 430. Arenea
379. Larva Polypod 431. Millipede
380. Ligia 432. Pill Millipede
381. Lace Bug 433. Julus (Rare)
382. May Fly 434. Polyxenus
435. Pauropus
C::Zoology; ,

436. Polydesmus 492. Spirula Shell

437. Scutigera 493. Strombus shell
438. Sphaerothelium 494. Tronchus shell
439. Scolopendra 495. Turritella shell
440. Spirostreptus 496. Teredo in wood
497. Teredo animal only

·~ ·.
498. Turbo shell
Mollusca 499. Unio
500. Vaginulus
441 . Aplysia (sea hare) 501 . Venus rectlulata
442. Ariophanta 502. Zygobranchiata
443. Argunata U.S.A. 503. Tereba Shell
· , · 1
Area Shell

# ··
504. Collection of Molluscan shell
set of 10

447. Buccinium
448. Bulla Echinodermeta
449. Cardium
505. Antedon
450. Chiton 506. Arbacia Punctulate
451 . Dendrodoris 507. Asterias
452. Dentalium 508. Astropecten
453. Dolabella
509. Astropyton (basket sta~ sh)
454. Donex 510. Arsitotle's lantern
455. Doris 511 . Brittle star
456. Eolis coronata rare 512. Crinoid
457. Elysia USA
513. Clypeaster
458. Emarginula USA 514. Gorgonocephalus
459. Fissurella USA
515. Echinodiscus
460. Haliotis (Paper) USA 516. Heart urchin (Echinocardium)
461 . Helix 517. Heart urchin (lovenia)
462. Janthia
518. Luidia (Very rare)
463. Lithodomus 519. Luidia Rare Large
464. Loligo 520. Metacrinus (very rare)
465. Limnea
521. Ophiothrix
466. Limex 522. Ophiura Rare (Jawa)
467. Modiola shell 523. Ophioderma
468. Mya shell 524. Palampies
469. Mytilus
525. Pentacerose
470. Nepollina
526. Porcellstar
471. Notarchus 527. Salmacis

472. Nucula
528. Solaster USA
473. Octopus
529. Starfish
474. Onchidium 530. Sea urchin
475. Ostera with animal
531 . Stellaster
476. Pearloyster 532. Stomopneustes
477. Planorbis
533. Synapta
478. Pecten
534. Thyone
479. Pholas (Ship boring) 535. Echinoderm Collection of 6

480. Pita
481. Pteropods (Any)
482. Pleurophylida Lower Chordata
483. Shell-Dextral
484. Shell-Sinistral 536. Amphioxus
485. Patella 537. Appendicularia
486. Rostelarla 538. Ammocoetes large USA
487. Sepia 539. Ascidian simple
488. Sepia Egg Mass 540. Ascidian compoud
489. Sepia Shell 541 . Balanoglossus
490. Solen 542. Botryllus U.S.A.
491 . Sponodylus 543. Bellostoma (hag fish) U.S.A
544, Ciona (Ascidian)
r::: Zoology ::':1

545. Cephalodfcus 595. Codfish

546. Dolichoglossus 596. Cuchia
547. Doliolum 597. Cyblum
548. Herd mania 598. Channa
549. Lampray (marine) U.S.A. 599. Clupea
550. Lampeptra 600. Chimaera Medium
551 . Molgula 601 . Chimaera Extra large USA
552. Myxine glutionosa 602. Diodon (porcupine fish)
553. Oikopleura Chiloscyllium
554. Pyrosoma Colony
604. Carcharias
555. Petromyzone
605. Cynoglossus
556. Petromyzone dissected
606. Drepane
557. Petromyzone Extra· Large 17" to 24"
607. Discuss Fish
558. Rhabdopleura
608. Ooryichthys
559. Salpa sexual
609. Dentex dentex
560. Salpa Asexual
Tronaria Larva
610. Equila
562. Saccoglossus
611 . Echineis (sucker fish)
612. EelAngulla
613. Eel Mura.ena
Pisces (Fishes) 614. Eel Larva (Leptocephalus)
615. Eleotris
563. 563. Amia Calva 616. Electric Ray
564. Amphisile (transparent) 617. Exostoma
565. Alosa (Rare) 618. Escox Fish USA Paddle Fish
566. Angel fish 619. Etroplus
567. Anabas (Perch) 620. Exocoetes (flying fish)
568. Antennarius
621 . Fistularia (flute fish )
569. Anguilla
622. Flat fish (cynoglossus)
570. Astrape
623. Flat fish (Pieuronectes)
571 . Acipencer U.S.A. Large
572. Arius with egg 624. Govius
573. Apocryptes 625. Harpodan (Bombay duck,)
574. Ambasis 626. Heteropneustus
575. 6alistis (trigger fish ) 627. Hilsa
576. Belone (garpike) 628. Haptanchus USA
577. Barbus 629. Histophorus (Half Beak)
578. Bagarius 630. Hermirhamphus
579. Baleopthalmus 631 . Labeo (rohu)
580. Botia 632. Lophius USA
581 . Centaiscus (galss fish) 633. Lepidosteous larga USA
582. Chetodon
634. Lepidosteous Extra Large
583. Chrysophyrs
635. Luitanus
584. Choridactyus
636. Lobotes
585. Caranx
586. Callichrous 637. Mackerel fish
587. Chela Gora 638. Mystus ~ ~/
588. Caracharias Macrones
641 .
Mugil (mullet)
Mastacembalus . r~
591. Calomoichthys 642. Narcine (electric tray)
(Read fish) 643. Notopterus
592. Golia 644. Neo-ceratodus (Australia)
593. Catla fish 645. Ophiocephalus
594. Clarius (cat fish) 646. Ostracoin (coffer fish)
C::Zoology =:;:1

647. Osphronemus 696. Axoloti small Replica

648. Pellona 697. Axoloti 6" USA Replica
649. Periopthalurns 698. Acris (Cricket) USA Replica
650.!sia 699. Alytes Obsterioans (Replica)
651 . Plotosus 700. Bufo Marinus (Brazil) Replica
652. Pristis Replica (Saw Fish Model) 701 . Bombinator (firebelly) Replica
653. Pteroplated 702. Caecallon Replica
654. Pterois 703. Cryptobranchus Replica
655. Protopterus Extra Large 704. Cryptobranchus Small Replica
656. Pseudeutropius 705. Caccopus Replica
657. Polypterus Extra large 706. Geonophis USA Replica
658. Pegasus Dragnosis USA 707. Hemippia USA Replica
659. Polydon Spatula 708. lchthyophgis Large Excellent Replica
660. Polydon Spatulla Extra Large 709. lchthyophgis with egg (an examle of
661. Pleuronectus Parental Care) Replica
662. Polynemus 710. Mid wife toad with eggs Replica
663. Rita Rita 711, Nototrema USA Replica
664. Serranus 712. Newt Salamender Replica
665. Seiaena 713. ProteusAnguinesUSA Replica
666 Stromateous 714. Proteus Anguis Excellent sp. Rep'lica
667. Synoglossus 715. Plpa Americana USA Replica
668. Saccobranchus 716. Pipa plpa USA Replica
669. Salmon 717. Plpa pipa Large Replica
670. Sooliodon 718. Plathodon (Gaint Salmender) Replica
671. Scoliodon embryo with yolk 719. Pseudoranchus USA Replica
672. Scopaenopisis 720. Siren large USA Replica
673. Sphyraena 721 . Sa Iamender spotted Replica
674. Sole 722. Salamander Tiger Replica
675. Sturgeon USA Extra Large 723. Salamander Fire Replfca
676. Sting ray (trygon) 724. Salamender Tree Replica
677. Synaptura 725. Triton USA
678. Sardinella 726. Triton USA (Male with Crest) Replica
679. Silarius 727. Triturus Vulgaris Replica
680. Scyllium USA 728. Triturus Viridiscene USA Repi.ica
681 . Schizothora USA 729. Triturus Cristatus Replica
682. Symbrachus 730. Ureotyphlus Replica
683. Trichogaster 731. Xenopus Replica
684. Tetradon (globe fish)
685. Torpedo (electric fish )
686. Trichurus (ribbon fish) Reptilia Model or Replica
687. Wallago
688. Xenopterus 732. Agama Replica
689. Zygaena 733. Agkistrodon (Model)
(hammer headed) 734. Coral snake (Model)
690. Zygaena Larga 735. Crotophytus (Model)
691. Fish LH 736. Draco-Model (Burma)
737. House lizard (Hemidactylus) Model
738. Heloderma Model
Amphibia 739. Mulluck Horridus Model
740. Phrynosoma Replica
647. 692. Amphluma USA (Replica)
693. Ambystoma USA (Replica) Important Note : Wild life's restricted species will be
694. Ambystoma Tigrinum Replica arranged and supplied only if permitted by the chief wild
695. Ascapheus Tailed Frog Replica warden. We will supply repiTca I models for the same.
r::= Zool ogy =::t
Mammal & Embroyos 753. Liver
754. Stomach
755. Pancreas
741 . Armadilo Model
756. Kangaroo Model/Replica
742. Bat microchfroptera
757. Kangaroo with Baby Model/Replica
743. Oppossum Baby Replica
758. Oppossum Model/Replica
744. Dolphin Replica
759. Oppossum Baby Modei/Repllca
745. Echidna USA
760. Pangolin Embryo Model/Replica
146. Flying fox
761 . Platypus (Australia)
747. Guineapig
762. Bird embryo with yolk
748. Brain
763. Bat embryo
749. Heart
764. Sheep embryo
750. Lung both
765. Rabbit embryo
751. Spleen
766. Pig embryo
752. Kidney


Scientifically accurate on plastic plate which consist of all important stages in the life history of animal
Code Value J=82.00, K;:9Q.OO, L;:106.00, M;::;1 38.00, N;:178.00, P;:238.00, R;:278.00
1. Chalina (Finger sponge)
2. Euspongia
3. Grantia (rare)
4. Sycon
5. Euplectellian Acrylllc S/case

10 Adamsia
11. Alcyonium
12. Aurelia (Jelly fish) 49. Planaria marine large
14. Companularia 50. Rumen fluke
15. Edwardsia 51 . Taenia with scolex
16. Fungia 52. Tapeworm dyphyllidium
18. Hydra
19. Jelly fish Annelide I Minor Phyla
22. Metridium USA
23. Obelia colony 53. Aprodite (rare)
24. Physalia
54. Amphitrite UK
25. Pennatula
55. Arenicola UK
26. Rhizostoma
28. Sertularia colony 57. Dendrostoma
29. Sea-Anemone 58. Echirus
30. Sea-Annemone Hermftcrab 59. Earthworm
32. Tubularia colony 60. Glossiphonia
33. Telesto colony 61 ' Heteroneries Sea-Anemone
34. Velella 62. Leech (hirudunaria)
36. Zoanthus 63. Lumbricus
64. Lingula
Helminthes 65. Membranipora
66. Nereis
39. Ascaris male 67. Nereis & Heteroneries
40. Ascaris fema le
68. Pheritima
41. Ascaris male & fema le m one
42. Ancyclostoma (Hookworm) 69. Pontobdella
45. Echinococcus 71 . Syllis
46. Fasciola (liver fluke) 72. Sabella
47. Fish fluke 73. Sibunculus
48. Planaria fresh water 74. Tubifix
r:;:::Zoology ;:J
77. Alima larva 139. Lim ax
78. Albunea 140. Mya shell
79. Argulus 141 . Murex shell
80. Apus 142. Octopus
81. Astacus (Crayfish)
143. Pearloyster
82. Balanus
144. Pecten
86. Bombyx mori (silkmoth)
88. Butterfly LH 145. Patella
89. Cicade 146. Pila
90. Crab 147. Pinna
92. Centipede 148. Planorbis
93. Cockroach LH 149. Pholas
95. Dragon fly adult 150. Rastellaria
96. Damsel fly 151. Sepia
97. Eupagurus (Hermit crab) 152. Solen
98. Forlicula (Earwig) 153. Spiru la
99. Gammarus 154. Tritella
100. Gonodactylus
155. Trochus
101 . Grass-hopper
156. Terebra
102. Gelasimus
157. Teredo
103. Gryllus
104. Hippa 158, Vaginulus
105. Housefly LH
106. Hermit crab Echinodermata
107. Lobster
108. Lepas 159. Antedon
109. Ligia 160. Brittle star
110. Limulus (king crab) 161 , Clypster (Cake urchin)
111 . Millipede
162. Collection of
112. Moth
Echinodermata set of three
113. Mosquito LH
114. Neptunus 163. Echinodiscus
115. Nepa 164. Heart urchin (Echinooardium)
116. Praying mantis 165. Holothuriak
117. Peripatus capensis (New Zealand) 166.. Ophiothri)(
118. Secculina with host 167. Salrnacis (sea urchin)
119, Squilla 168. Star fish (Asterias)
120. Stick insect
121. Scorpion (Palamneus)
122. Silkmoth LH Lower Chordata
123. Termite queen big
124. Tick 169. Amphioxus
125. Wasp 170. Ammoecoetes larva USA
126. Whip scorpion 171. Ascidian simple
172. Balanoglossus
173. Doliodum
Mollusca 174. Herdmania
127. Aplysia (Sea hare) 175. Lamprey USA
128. Aspergillum sheel 176. Myxine USA
129. Buccinium 177, Salpa
130. Cardium
131. Chiton Pieces I Amphibia
132. Sepia
133. Dentalium 178. Amphisile (Transparent fish)
134. Doris
179. Anabas(Ciimbing perch)
135. Fissurella
180. Antennarius Replica
136. Heliotis (Ear shell)
137. Helix 181 , Ambystoma Replica
138. Loligo 182. Axolotallarva
183. Bufo
185. Caccopus Nicely prepared Glycerine mounted preparations are very
helpful to study the skelton in situ.
186. Frog LH
187. Exocoetes (Flying fish) 1. Amphistite
2. Amphioxus
188. Eel fish 3. Bird Embryo
189. Echenies (Sucker fish) 4. Bat
190. Hippocampus Seahorse 5. Chick Embryo
6. Electric ray
191 . Hippocampus female* Fish
192. Hyla (West coast) 8. Flat fish
193. lcthyophis 9. Guinea pig
Narcine (Electric ray) 10. Hyla of Rhacophorus
11 . Lizard (Hamidestylus)
195. Oxtracoin 12. Rat
196. Pterdriois(Scorpion fish) 13. Rabbit Embryo
197. Rhacophorus 14. Sting ray
15. Sea Horse (Hippocampus)
198. Saccobrachus 16. Scoliodon Embryo
199. Salamander Replica 17. Sheep Embryo
200. Scollidon 18. Toad
19. Frog
201 . Stegostoma(Tiger shark)
20. Frog tadpole
202. Sting ray (Trygon)* 21. Human Embryo
203. Syngnathus (Pipe fish )
Note:- If you require any specimen Alizarine Preparation for
204. Uraeoyphlus* class work or research purpose please ask for.


Embedding specimens i n plastic has become a valubale teach ing any specimen can be embedded
by the students themselves with the help of Bioplast kit listed below. Rs . 700.00 complete.
1. One bottle of bioplast 5. Plastic moulds-2nos. Two nos. Dropping Pipettes
2. One bottle of catalyst 6. Plastic needles 2 each
3. One bottle of accelerator 7. Froceps
4. One bottle of releasing compound 8. Instruction manual


Displayed in Acrylic Plastic case or glass jar mounted (Wet) Labelled
BMZAC Mount ip 16. Classification of class insect
17. Brain collection (set of 5)
18. Vertebrate heart collection
1. Collection of Sponges set of 8 in jar set of 5
2. Collection of Corals set of 8 19. Collection of Rocks set of 20
3. Collection of Echinodermates set 20. Collection of claws minerals
4. Collection of Crustaceans set of 20
5. Collection of Crabs
6. Collection of Molluscan Shells-
7. Collection of Molluscan Shells
set of 50
8. Collection of Butterflies
9. Collection of Beetles
10. Collection of Household Pests
11 . Collection of Useful insects
12. Collection of Harmful insects
13. Collection of Crop Pests
14. Mimcry set beautifully displayed
15. Protective colouration in show case

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