Dracula SOW

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English KS3 Unit: Dracula (play script)

Differentiation Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes

Teaching Activities
MA (More Able) LA (Less (including assessment
Pupils will learn:
Able) opportunities)
S: Students fill in a gingerbread man, drawing
characteristics that they expect Dracula to have and
M: Read the introduction by the playwright. Students
make a list of what a director would have to consider Analyse the introduction
LA – Definitions of literary
How does the playwright when staging the play. of Dracula in the play.
techniques provided for the
introduce Dracula? Read the prologue. Students discuss first impressions of
Dracula, his motivations and the atmosphere created. AFL through questioning,
Read p.13-16. Students make predictions as to what will answers to review task.
happen in the play.
R: Students identify three literary techniques used by
Dracula in the prologue and explain the effects.
S: Students complete a short answer quiz recapping the
events of last lesson. Analyse how Dracula’s
LA – Sentence starters M: Students read p.17-25, writing three sentences to character is developed in
How does the author
given for first task, summarise Dracula’s family history. the first scene.
develop the character of
modelling available for PEE Students write a PEE paragraph answering the question:
Dracula in the play?
paragraph. How does the writer make Dracula seem mysterious? Peer assessment of
R: Peer assess paragraphs, looking for clear Points, paragraphs.
appropriate Evidence and logical Explanations.
S: Students read Mina’s first monologue (p.26). Write
down as many things about Mina that they learn during Describe and explore the
LA/MA – Differentiated this monologue as possible. differences between
parts during reading. How are Lucy and Mina M: Students read p.26-31 with assigned characters. characters.
LA – Page references different as characters? Complete a grid comparing the differences between Mina
available for quotations. and Lucy in the scene with quotations to support. Teacher assessment of
R: Students complete a PEE paragraph answering, ‘How paragraphs.
are Lucy and Mina different from each other?’
S: Students define what is meant by ‘atmosphere.’ Discuss
the atmosphere created in pictures and a clip from
Nosferatu (YouTube).
M: Students read Act 1 Scene 3 with assigned parts.
How does the playwright Students reread Jonathan’s monologue individually Analyse how atmosphere
LA/MA – Differentiated
create atmosphere in Act 1 (pp.31-32) and answer questions (PPT) on atmosphere. is created in Act 1 Scene
parts during reading.
Scene 3 of Dracula? Students find quotations to answer how the playwright 3.
creates a fearful atmosphere in the scene.
R: Students choose one line from the scene to encapsulate
the atmosphere, explain why they chose it and how it
shows the atmosphere of the scene.
S: Students write four questions on the play so far in their
books and swap with another student to revise the events. Synthesise the events of
LA/MA – Differentiated
M: Students read Act 1 Scene 4 and Act 2 Scene 1 with the play to create a
parts during reading. How can I
assigned roles. Students mindmap the conventions of newspaper report.
LA – Examples of empathise with a newspaper
newspaper articles and then write an article describing the
newspaper reports available reporter in the novel?
storm from Act 2 Scene 1 using a proforma. Self-assessment of
for modelling.
R: Students self-assess their work, focusing on the agreed newspaper reports.
criteria of newspaper reports and accuracy to the play.
S: Students read Act 2 Scene 2 with assigned roles. Stop
Understand and explore
to check understanding and explain vocabulary.
How does the playwright the events of Act 2 Scene
M: Students undertake comprehension questions on the
LA/MA – Differentiated use setting and language in 2.
scene and its vocabulary, answering in full sentences.
parts during reading. order to move the story
R: Students make predictions as to what role Renfield will
forwards? Teacher assessment of
fulfil in the play – what does he have to do with Dracula,
question answers.
Harker, Mina etc?
S: Students attempt to identify themes covered in the play
and then rank these in order of importance. Discuss.
LA – Page references M: Read Act 2 Scene 3 with assigned roles. Students then Evaluate the importance
available for quotations. re-read a section of the scene, identifying where themes of themes within the
What are the most important
MA – Students identify are covered by using representative symbols. Students play.
themes of the play?
additional themes and find then look back over the entire play so far and find two
quotations to support. quotations that represent each theme. AFL through questioning.
R: Students once again rank the themes in order of
importance. Discuss whether these have changed and why.
S: Students mindmap of devices to use in descriptive
writing. Collate ideas on the whiteboard.
M: Read Act 2 Scene 4 with assigned roles. Students list Synthesise my
techniques used to create tension in Lucy’s speech on knowledge of the play
LA/MA – Differentiated
How can I empathise with p.55. Students then describe an event from Act 2 Scene 4 into creative writing.
parts during reading.
Lucy using descriptive from Lucy’s perspective, focusing on visual description,
LA – Sentence starters for
writing? emotions and the five senses, using the devices established Peer (and later, teacher)
description available.
at the beginning of the lesson. assessment of
R: Students peer assess their descriptions, based on descriptions.
successful use of the devices as well as SPAG. Each table
group decides upon a ‘best’ piece and reads to the class.
S: Students list what they know about vampires, their
strengths and weaknesses. Combine ideas.
Explore the strengths and
What would be the M: Students list the skills that a vampire hunter would
LA/MA – Differentiated weaknesses of vampires.
characteristics of the need, then draw and annotate their own vampire hunter.
parts during reading.
ultimate vampire hunter? Then read Act 2 Scene 5 with assigned roles.
AFL through questioning.
R: Present good examples of vampire hunters. Then
discuss – how do these compare to Van Helsing?
S: Students complete a short answer quiz on prior events
in the play. Explore the role of the
M: Read Act 2 Scene 6 with assigned roles. Students write child using dramatic
LA/MA – Differentiated How does the playwright
five questions that a news reporter might have for the techniques.
parts during reading. present the child in Act 2
child, and consider potential answers. In pairs, students
Differentiated pairings. Scene 6?
roleplay the conversation. Teacher AFL of S&L
R: Students imagine that they are the child and write a text activity.
message/tweet to their parents.
S: Students recap from the beginning of the unit what
techniques and devices are important in drama.
LA/MA – Differentiated Perform a scene from the
M: Students are split into groups and given a scene to
roles based on How can I create an play.
perform. They assign roles, including director, and are
personality/ability. Also engaging presentation of a
given time in order to rehearse these.
differentiate groups by the scene from Dracula? Teacher and peer
R: Perform the scenes. Students assess each other’s
scene they are assigned. assessment of S&L task.
performances using WWW/EBI. Teacher makes notes for
formative S&L assessment.
S: Students read Act 3 Scene 5 and 6 with assigned parts.
Apply my ideas about
M: Students create a page for an encyclopedia on
vampires to ‘non-fiction’
LA/MA – Differentiated What have I learned about vampires, using a modelled page on werewolves.
parts during reading. vampires? Opportunity for use of ICT if available.
R: Students make predictions on what will happen at the
AFL through questioning.
end of the play and justify their decisions.
M: Students read the final three scenes of the play with Read and understand the
LA/MA – Differentiated What happens at the end of assigned roles. Pause to discuss events and vocabulary. ending of the play.
parts during reading. the play? R: Weakest Link quiz on the end of the play (on the
PowerPoint.) AFL through quiz
S: Students create a graph demonstrating how sympathetic
Dracula appears in each scene of the play.
M: Students complete a plan for the essay question in the
Analyse the development
LA – Scene and page lesson’s LO, looking at each scene Dracula appears in,
of a character over the
references for quotations How does Dracula’s choosing adjectives to describe him, quotations to support
course of the entire play.
available. Scaffolded character develop these and particular language that adds to this impression.
writing frame. Sentence throughout the play? R: As a class, write one paragraph of the essay together on
Teacher assessment of
starters. the board, using the students’ notes. Print this out for

H/W – Complete the essay assessment.


Students are put into groups to create an advertising

campaign for a new movie of Dracula.

Lesson schedule:
1. Analyse DVD covers, blurbs and film posters. Create an advertising
2. Design DVD covers, film posters and write blurbs. campaign using
How can I put together a
LA/MA – Differentiated 3. Analyse film trailers. Draw up a list of features and multimedia.
successful advertising
groupings. success criteria.
campaign for a film?
4. Plan and script Dracula trailer. Teacher and peer-
5. Record trailer. assessment.
6. Edit trailer (and finish poster, DVD cover, blurb
7. Present Dracula advertising campaign to the class.

Peer assessment of strengths and weaknesses of each

group’s campaign.
Resources: Other activities: Unit Length:
- Quiz handout for lesson 2. 1 term.
- Comprehension questions handout for lesson 6.
- Act 2 Scene 3 printout for lesson 7.
- Quiz handout for lesson 10.
- Planning grid for lesson 15.
- PowerPoints for most lessons.

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