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Time: 3 Hours 1st Year Subject Physics Total Marks: 100

Time: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE PART Marks:17

Q.No.1: MCQs
i. Which one is bare quantity?
(a) Electric Current (b) Force (c) Electric Charge (d) Area
ii. The term precision can also be defined as:
(a) Acceleration (b) Force (c) Time (d) Lengut
iii. The quantity of motion is also called:
(a) Velocity (b) Intertia (c) Momentum (d) Speed
iv. The ratio of prefines giga to tera:
(a) 103 (b) 10-3 (c) 109 (d) 1012
v. The cross product of a vector with it self is equal to:
(a)A (b) O (c) 1 (d) A2
vi. What is the angle at which Ax=Ay
(a) 0o (b) 45o (c) 90o (d) None of these
vii. The clirection of resultant vector having both component Rx is Ry is positive will lies in:
(a) 1st quadrant (b) 2nd Quadrant (c) 3rd Quadrant (d) 4th Quadrant
viii. The result of magnitude of 1x1:
(a) k4 (b) -1 (c) -14 (d) 1
ix. A force of 100 N makes an angle of 60 with y-axis its horizontal component will be:
(a) 50N (b) 60N (c) 70.7N (d) 86.6N
x. Total angle at the center of sphere in ste-redium:
(a) 2 ƛ (b) 360 (c) 4ƛ (d) 180o
xi. Ballistic missiles are useful fere:
(a) Short Range (b) Long Range (c) Intermediate range (d) All of these
xii. Which is correct statement:
( s−Vit) 2
V t−V 1
(a) a= 2 (b) a= (c) a= Vf −Vi ¿ t (d) all
t2 2s
of these
xiii. The mass of a body weighing 39.2N in kg is:
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 39.2
xiv. Which one is non-conservative force:
(a) frictional force (b) Gravitational force (c) Electric force (d) Elastic force
xv. 5.1 unit of gravitational P.E:
(a) W (b) J (c) kgm52 (d) J51
xvi. Vesc=?
(a) √ 2GR (b) √ 2 gR (c)√ 2G ¿ ¿ (d) √ gR
xvii. The dimession of power is:
(a) [ML2T-3] (b) [ML-1T-1] (c) [ML2T-1] (d) [ML2T2]
Time: 2:10 Hours SUBJECTIVE PART Marks: 68
Q.No.2: Attempt any twenty Six (6) questions. (6x2=12)
i. Explain what is meant by projectile motion. Derive expression for (i) The time of flight.
ii. Explain the circumstances in which the velocity and acceleration a of the car are (i) parallel
(ii) Anti parallel
iii. Define work and its unit (formula)
iv. Why do we find it useful to have two units for amount of substance kilogram and mole.
v. Define energy and types of mechanical energy?
vi. Derive the expression of work energy principle.
vii. Show that Ps ⃑
viii. Define power and instraneous power. Give its units?
ix. How vector is represented?
Note: Attempt any three questions. (8 × 3 = 24)
Q.No.3: (a) Define vector product of two vectors and explain with example. (05)
(b) What are the dimensions and units of gravitational constant G in the formula F=G
M1 M 2
2 (03)
Q.No.4: (a) Define Elastic & inelashz collision and discus elastic collision in one dimension and
also find expression for velocity of masses m1 & m2. (05)
(b) find the projection of vector A=2i-8i+k in the direction of vector B=3i-4i-12k (03)
Q.No.5: (a) Explain the error (formula+%formula) and their types. (05)
(b) A foot ball is thrown upward with an angle of 30 o with suspect to horizontal to
throw a 40m pass what must be the intial speed of the ball. (03)
Q.No.6: (a) Discuss addition of two vector by rectangular component and calculate magnitual
and direction of resultant vector. (05)
(b) A 1500 kg car has its velocity reduce from 20m5 1 to 15m51 in 3.0sec. How large
was the average retarding force. (03)
Question No. 7: Short Questions (8x2=16)
(i) Define physics, significant figures.
(ii) Define radian and steradian?
(iii) Can you add zero to a null vector?
(iv) Define displacement, instantaneous velocity?
(v) State Newtons first law and third law of motion?
(vi) Define Impulse and write its formula?
(vii) How many seconds are there in one year?
(viii) Give the draw baiks to we the period of the pendulum as a time standard.
(ix) Write the Dimensions of (i) Pressure(ii)Density
(x) Can the magnitude of the vector have a negative value?
(xi) The period of simple pendulum is measured by a stopwatch. What types of ever are possible
in time period.
Questions No. 7. (Attempt any 8 Parts) (8x2=16)
(i) Distinguish between base and drived units?
(ii) Define the term unit vector and position vector?
(iii) State Newtons second law and venation with momentum?
(iv) Give two condition of & qulibrum?
(v) At what point or points in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed, its maximum
(vi) Is it possible to add a vector quantity to scalar quantity.
(vii) Name the three different condition that could explain?
Make A1xA2=o
(viii) Can a body rotate about its centre of gravity under the action of its weight?
(ix) Define Null or equal vectors?
(x) Can a vector have a component greater than vector’s magnitude?
(xi) Define elastic and inelastic collision?

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