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Student name: Ngo Ngoc Tram Anh

Class code: BAS-T323WSB-90

HW1.2 (individual): Email communication

Create 1 positive and 1 negative message (= emails) related to YOUR academic or professional
life. The two emails should be real emails that you might have to send. Submit a file with the
following parts for each of the two emails:

Part 1. Describe the context of the situation and the audience for your email.

Part 2. Compose your email draft. Pay attention to format and organization. Remember to
include all necessary elements of positive and negative messages.

Part 3. Analyze your email draft using PAIBOC (write full sentences).

Positive email
- Context: I achieved 7.0 in IELTS so I want to inform the good news and thank my teacher.

Subjects: I finally did it!

Dear Ms.Trinh,

I am Tram Anh, one of your faithful students in your IELTS Tutoring Class. I am happy to inform you
that I got 7.0 on my IELTS result. Thank you for your great efforts in guiding me through all the
challenges, I could not have done it without your help. Thanks to this result, I can fulfill all the conditions
and apply to my dream university - Western Sydney. I am immensely thankful for your support on my

I sincerely wish for your teaching to be successful and to have many more of your students reach their
desired goals. I hope I can meet you in person to tell you more about everything. Thank you for your time
and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,
Tram Anh

PAIBOC analysis:
- Purposes: To announce good news and thank my teacher
- Audience: My teacher
- Information: The reason why I’m writing this email, is to thank my teacher
- Benefit: My teacher will be happy and proud of me
- Objections: She will feel unnecessary since we can text through Zalo
- Context: She will look forward to seeing me as soon as possible to share this joy

Negative email
- Context: Ask my Lecturer for feedback

Subjects: HW1.2-Email Communication Question

Dear Mrs. Anna Loseva,

My name is Tram Anh and I am a first-year student in your BAS-T323WSB-90 Class. I am writing
because I have been working on my HW1.2, and I’m not sure if I am on the right track. I have gone
through the Learning Guide and discussed it with my friend. However, I would be eager to hear your
feedback on what I should include in my opening and closing paragraphs, I feel like it isn’t working well.
Would it be possible for us to arrange a meeting during your office hours this week?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Tram Anh

PAIBOC analysis:
- Purposes: To ask for feedback from my lecturer
- Audience: My lecturer
- Information: The reason why I’m writing this email, is to ask for the opinion of my lecturer
- Benefit: She will give me her feedback on my homework
- Objections: My lecturer will reject this offer
- Context: My lecturer will respond whether she approves or declines this email

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