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TheBusiness B1+ wrermepiare ea MACMILLAN ROWER eB cio Ya eee )o HE eres iss eos John Allison with Paul Emmerson AA MACMILLAN [ susiness 2.0 Bi+ INTERMEDIATE To the student The objective of |. Business 20 is to help you learn two things: how to do business in English and the language you need to do it. The new language and structures are presented in the Student's Book whilst the eWorkbook provides language practice and extension. Here isa summary of wht you will find in each. Student’s Book The modules ‘The Student's Book contains 48 modules in eight units. Fach unit deals with 2 key secior of ct ity in the business world. There are six different types of module, and speaking skills in typical business situations. In these modules. you build up list of useful expressions to use in the scieaking ‘activites. The activities themselves allovr you to practise these expressions and your speaking sillsin realistic situations with other peopie. “The cose studies provide an opportunity to apply all the lanquage, skills and ideas you have worked on in the unit. They present euthentic problem-solving situations similar t0 those you will meet i business, Every module includes an Internet research task to encourage you to explore the topic in ‘more decail, The tasks can be done before or alter working on the module. Remeraber that to search for an exact phrase, you may get more accurate results if you put quotation marks seround it Other features In addition to the eight main units the Student’s Book: contains the following Businoss fundamentals ‘This opening section introduces you! to hasic business prineiples sid wocabulary It provides a solid foundation for you to build on in the course and will help you get the most aut of all coraponents These units can be used in three ways: to consolidate your work on the units to cateh up quickly if you have missed a lesson, and to revise before tests or exams, This section contains all the extra materials vou need to do pair- or groupswork activities Grammar and practice ‘This section gives a useful summary of grammar rules with clear examples, and also provides further practice of the essential grammar points i this level af the course Recordings Fall scripts ofall the audio recordings are provided, allowing you fo study the auc dialogues in eteil, Howover, ry not to rely on reading thom to understand the listonings - very often you don't ed 0 uricerstand every word, just the main ideas. Glossary In each module, there is short glossary of words you may not know The definitions for these are in the Glossary at the back of the book. Words in re are high-frequency items, which you should try to learn and use. The others, in black, are words you just need to understan eWorkbook ie Business 20 eWorkbook provides everything you would find in « printed Workbook, as weil as extra multimedia resources, Its mainly intended for self study or home study and contains ‘material t support and enhance the activities in the Students Book Language practice ‘This section contains activities to consolidate the language presented in the Students Rook You can practise grammar, vocabulary listening, pronunciation, reading and writing Wateh "This section contains a video elip and worksheet to aceompany each unit in the Student's Book, ‘The video clips are episodes of mini-drama that illustrate the communication and people skills in leach unit, The exercises allow you to practise the functional language inthe video Tests You can test yourself at any point in the course using the eWorkbook, by setting either the time or the number of questions, Your test scates are recorded for your telerence, Print and work ‘This section afers a pen-and paper version of the activities in the Language practice section, ‘You can also download the audio tacks required for these activities, Grammar help ‘You ean reler to this section for helpful grammar rules and examples ‘Word lists ‘This section contains the key words and definitions from the Vocabulary modules in the Student's Book. Dictionary. Use the Dictionary Too! to link to the Macinillan Dictionary online hetp://, Writing tips ‘This section provides explanations and exercises on aspects of writing, such as spelling, punetuation and paragraphing, Listen ‘This section contains all the audio recordings from the Student's Book andl eWorkbook, together “with the audio scripts. You can donntoad all the material in this section to a mobile device for Nistening on the move We sincerely hope you will enjoy working with Si Business 2.0, Good luck! Joh Allison Paul Emmerson tues ee oo oes fundar | Weed eee 1 41, Work culture and. 1.2 Work organization and ‘1.3 Past tenses and advice Corporate placements responsibility, structures culture Reading: Monkey businars ‘Company departments Past simple and continuous, past mio Discusion: Unwritten rulesin the Job ties periect workplace Describing responsibilities should, ought to. its @ good idea to 2 2.1 Call centres 22 Customer service and 23 Asking questions and Customer Reading: Monil caling telephoning Giving instructions y support Discussion: Thelocation ofcal——_—_Pereonal quakes ‘Yasin questions esis contre Describing problems Wir-questons Phrasl verbs for phoning Heve to, might have 1, need to messes iz 3 3.1 Packaging 3.2 Specitications and features 3.3 Relative clauses, articles 5 Products and Reading: Wrep rage Measurements ‘and noun combinations packaging Discussion; Packaging an electronic Product description Relative causes ued oy Expressions for product Alan tre and ne aricle presentations Noun combinations E 4 4.1 Careerehoices 42 Careers, personal skills and 4.3 Present tenses Coreers Reading: Ten thetorereating 2 qualities ‘rasent siople,prenr continuous mate career that lights your fie Job benefits Present perfect present perfect Discusion: Managing youreareer Racruftment and employment verbs continuous Skils and qualities EEE cesco-er 5 5.1 Retailing 52 Negotiating and retailing 5.3 Condit iS Making deals Reading: Retail fina ts new best __Collocaions for negotiating recommendations ae all ransactions Ie present simple + il Socel media ane ‘t+ past simple + would Recommend, aise, suggest 6 6.1 Corporate social 62 Meetings, ethical 63 The passive and reported Company and responsibility behaviour and social speech community Reading: The Johnson & Johnson performance Passive structures me rede Meetings expressions Reported speech ~ el promise Discusion: Ditferent aspects ot Adjectives for talking about ethics asture, ash say, guarantee, claim, «corporate social responsibilty CSA colloations ‘expoin, imply, sate Ca seer 7 7.1 Risks and opportunities in 7.2 Business performance 7.8 Future forms and Mergersand = M&A. Fnancia information expressing likelihood acquisitions Reading: Lessonsin M&A Describing charts and graphs Wiltend going pee Dsunsion: The pres and cons of Results and consequences ese corto ‘aking over a business reap might, be ely) ‘unlitely t. Be Bound to 8 8.1 Exportsalesand payment 8.2 Intemational deaisand 3 Prepositions International Reading: Pinball wizard learns from Payments Time sxresions with in,onand at trade mistakes Making and processing payments Aas st, rent, yesterday arc oe Disusson: Payment methods for Cract and insurance poner Son recon Bape rpctone PAGES 12-113 Additional material _paaes 114-121 Glossary paces 152158 Grammar and practice PAses 12 7 Recordings acts 120-131 Pa 1.4 Meetings one-to-one Expressions for giving diplomatic advice Roleplay: @ one-to-one meeting 2.4 Dealing with problems by ‘telephone Exoressions for giving instructions ‘Roleplay: technica! problem 3.4 Presentations ~ structure Exoreisions for structuring a presentation Relepiay: presentation of anew procuct 4.4 Job interviews, ae for ansinering job interview questions Roleplay ob interviews 5.4 Negotiations —bargaining “Expressions for bargaining and making offers Roleplay: 2 nagatiation 6.4 Meetings— teamwork “Expeessions for contyibuting to meetings Roleplay: meetings 7.8 Presentations - visuals Expresions for describing slides and vis els Roleplay: a presentation "8.4 Negotiations ~ diplomacy Expressions for checking understanding, correcting end refotrulating ir 1.5 Aplecement report ‘Analysis report structure Language focus: oral phrases 2 Formal and informal correspondence Analysis formel vs informal Language focus: email expressions 35 A product description Analysis structure of a product description Language focus: features and benelits a5 AW ‘Analysis: structure of a CV Language foass: appropiate CY ‘expressions 55 A proposal Analyse: structure of a proposal Language focus: options and contingeacies| 65 Reports end minutes Analysis the structure af minutes and reports Language focus linging words andl expressions 7.5 Presentation slides Anelyss: presentation side leyout Language focus: being brief and concise 85 Requests and reminders ‘Analysis: formuleting requests for payment Language focus sounding polite 1.6 Counselling Discussion, reading, Titening and vriting Felated to counselling and giving advice 26 Cypertartan Software Discussion, reading, listening and presentation elated to a customer service ‘ene in Scotland 3.6 Big Jack's Pizza Discussion, reacing, tering and presentation related to a Hong Kong fast food chain 48 Gap years and career breaks Reading, listening, writing and roleplay related to gap yeer placements and career breaks 5.6 Stohn's Beach Club Reading listening and discussion related to negotiating an incentive trave| ppeckage in Ant.gue 6.8 Phoenix Discussion reesina listening and fleplay velatec toa car recycling plant Australis 7.8 Calisto Discussion, listening, reading and presentation related 10 a musical Instruments manufacturer in Central America 18.6 Jeddeh Royal Beach Resort Discussion, feeding and listening releted ‘a lunuy resort in Jeddah busines business structures Company types and structures types of companies Vocabulary 4 El Look at the ways of classifying businesses. Which categories de the companies that provide these products and services belong to? sour Internet connection your bicycle spare parts for your ear ‘your milk and cheese your haireat your dental eare Incustry Primary agricuture, fishing, forest, mining ‘ye secondary __—_construction, manufacturing ‘Tervaryhervico Banking, tourism entertainment ‘Business sole raver The business is ewned by one person whe responsible for any debts. Wye“ pannership Two or more people run the business: all parners share profits and losses Limited ability (Ltd) The company is responsible for ary losses, not the owners; the company is private, je. sheres cennot be sold to the public. “Public limited (LC) The company l owned by shareholders who receive dividends and gan or lose money if share price: go up or down, Business 828 ‘business te business - companies sell to companies mode! — eae ee Se Bac ‘business te consumer ~ companies sell to individuals individuals sel to individuals ac consumer to consumer 2a2c A public limited company can also be known as a corporation (Corp) (ine) BB Look at the business structures. Wh ddo you think is best for these companies? small family business globsl online retailer multinational conglomerate ‘mediursized menufecturer vse | a se] me | me | ra | Chiat Eecaive ee ) sea se Pe | cae | bee Listening DB 10/-095 Listen to five people talking about their businesses. Note each speaker's job, Industry type, business model, type of business and company structure. 8 Speaker 1- geologist - mining ~ multinational corporation 6 ‘Buxine > asets ana Vabiltes Reading [El Read the article below and choose the best summary: 2) Bakers Dozen males healthy profits because iy praducts sll well b] Baker's Dozen makes a heavy loss because its costs are out of control. ©) Baker's Dazen only just breaks even because its overall margin is too small THE 5 Bator Donen Li's titoen outs bake and el thei en ‘een bees and cakes, Revenue has rien quick since the bakeries started selling to hotels and resteuwants DOZEN Se ee sega ores ieee EI ar cunscnaynaeal ar SO SO coco ae ee cgeac a eee Vocabulary [Ei Use the words in bold in the article to complete 1-9 in the table. ‘money from customers profit (ross) after all costs and taxes, money reinvested in the company a El With a partner, put the assets and lia ities in the box in the correct category. barkloans buildings cars inventory invoices land ‘money invested in the company by the founders mortgages office furniture patents production machinery raw materials retained profit unpaid customer invoices unpaid insurance premiums. unpaid salaries unpaid supplier 98, ‘Assets (what the company owns) Liabilities (what the company owes) Curent assets Long-term assets Currentliabllties —-Long-termllabilities Shareholders’ equity (cesh and things that (things thet are used (debts to pey back (debts to pay back (what's eft after tan besold within over morethan one withinare year) over more than one paying all debts) fone year) year) year) dante loans Busi ¥ > supply chain logistics Business fundamentals | Vocabulary [El Complete the text about the supply chain responsible for Suzy’s new computer with the company names from the chart. » financial supply chain General china : Cherry Electronic Plastics Keyboards Ce: Distribution ‘HighStreet gy, Som ne Ine Puc cee customer raw meterias———cornporent Oe rcv resis velaler supglier supplier When Suzys oid PC breaks down, she can't imagine a weekend without her social network. So she goes down to (1) and buys a new one-Its as simple as that, She doesn't need 10 |now about the supply chain that makes it possible, or the multiple financial operations that ‘ill distribute her credit card payment to companies around the wor'd ‘On another continent, « new order of plastic granulate {made from crud oil) is being delivered to component suppliers 2) bya.) truck. Suzy’s new ‘camputer was only delivered to the store last week by FedEx, but they‘ already almost out of stock, so the inventory system aucomatically places an order for ten more with (4) Every month, the manufacturer (5) buys hundreds of thousands of componenis from suppliers like (6) ‘whilst distributors like (7) order several hundred PCs to be able to supply storesall over the country. By the time Suzy gets her new PC set up literally hundreds of people have contaiduted to keeping her online. EB Complete the sentences about supply ch 1S with the correct preposition from the box. | for from2) 10 to © with G2) 1 Retailers order _ wholesalers. 2 Wholesalers place orders manufacturers, 3. Suppliers sell their customers 4 Manufacturers buy components subcontractors, 5 Commodity suppliers provide manufacturers _ raw materials, 6 Trucks deliver goods customers 7 Customers pay retailers, usually in cash, 8 Ultimately, the end-user pays, everything ED Compiete the diagram ofa financial supply chein with the words in the box. delivery goods invoice 1 With a partner, draw a similar diagram to the one in Exercise 1 to show how you think the supply chain 's organized for buying books or ‘music online. Compare your ideas with another pair. » compasinga cover letter Writing (Hl Use the headings in the CV below to create your own CV with your personal details ‘wame: (Your first or given name(s) and family or surname) Lina Ramirez Moreno DATE OF aim: NATIONALITY: ‘CURRENT ADDRESS: PERMANEWTT ADDRESS: (IF APPLICABLE) | ‘EDUCATION: (Year: from-to, starting with most recent) (names of institutions -— attended and qualifications obtained) 2010-2013 Oxtord High School, Buenas Aires: internationaf Baccalaureate Diploma |worx stony: (monthiyeer: from-to, starting with most recent) (type of work, employer and responsibilities) July-August 2012 holiday jod, Big Jack's Pizza, Hong Kong Tworked 2s. | vras responsible for» POSITIONS OF REsPONstBiLITY: (year: from-to, starting with most recent) (position and responsibilities) 2019-2011 Secretary of High School French Society Vorganized ..., | managed .. ‘OTHER: (give details of language and skills, sports or cultural activities, driving licence, etc) ‘goed spoken French, MS Office and Adobe Photoshop, volleybell, clean driving licence eremences: See next page Speaking (El with a partner, exchange CVs, Ask and answer questions to find out at least two more pieces of information for each item. Which iype of baccateureate aid you do? Wace as the: most difficutt part aj your jot at Big Jack's Picea? Why did you choose voiteybal!? Writing [El with a partner, put the phrases in bold in this cover letter in the correct order. Dear Ms tag ‘Asa second year student at Cracow University of Economics, ‘am business experience gain | keen to | through 3 three-month work placement (July-September) with a leading international retalor like PC Warehouse, “extensive of have | knowledge the PC market, an assembling considerable of computers experience {or family and friends. n addition, my university course in Customer Relationship Management ‘a has in ‘given interest me retailing strong {wil bea "and highly hard-working intern motivated ard | feel sure that! can fa contribution make ‘yur valuable organization to, | em interested in al specs of your business model, and ‘accapt any | happy position to be would you are abie to otter me Sto answer any call next questions week you will you may have, but 'at contact time free to me any feel please for more details or to arrenge an interview. Thank you"and time your consideration for. Sincerely yours, Karol Kowalski {Gl write your own cover letter for a job or work placement you would like to do, 1. Corporate culture > umritten rules in the workplace Discussion El with a partner, discuss what you would do in each situation and explain why. ‘You've just started working for a new company. Do you 4) try to look as smart and professional as possible? ') wear jeans and 2 Tshirt lize all the other employees? oe Why BEES) sop work ut five o'clock like everyone else? Search forthe keyworce 0). stay Longer to finish your wor work fin Fing outhow Why? Companiesate tying toa) share your idews ancl opinions at stall met laeatea tun atmosphere 5) say nothing like most of your colleagues? at nork Why? Scan reading EZ scan the article opposite to find: 4) what the monkey experiment demonstrated. 5b) seven examples of unwritter rales €) what new staff learn about work culture and how they learn it. Discuss n ED in small groups, discuss the questions. 1 What do you think organizations and companies can do to avoid negative unwritten rules? 2 What unwritten rues do you imagine you might encounter in your country as an intern in + government department? ‘small public relations firm Think ubout + office etiquette, eg dress code, punctuality personal calls coffee and funeh breaks relationships with colleagues, management and clients’ business partners + autonomy and initiative 3. Which work culture above would you prefer to work in? Which would be the most difficult to adapt 10? Why? Listening for gist Il 2 105-107 Listen to sandra, an American business student, and David, a British civil service manager, talking about problems they experienced with work placements. Answer the questions. 1 What problems did Sandra and David have? 2 What were the misunderstandings that caused these problems? Listening for detail IE © 105-107 Liston again. What mistakes did the students and the supervisors make in each case? Brainstorming and presentation [Gi in small groups, compare organizations where you yourself, your friends or members ‘of your family have worked or studied. in what ways are their cultures different? Have ‘these differences ever caused problems or misunderstandings? assignment autonomy beating dress code etiquette initiative intern pick up 10 onkey® BUSINESS? Scientists put a group of five monkeys in a cage. At the top of a ladder, they hung a banana. As soon as a monkey climbed the ladder, he was showered with cold water; the group soon gave up trying to reach the banana. ‘Newt, the scientists disconnected the cold water and replaced one of the five monkeys: When the new morikey tied to limb the ladder, the others ‘immediately pulled him down and gave him a good beating. The new monkey learned quickly, and enthusiastically joined in beating the nent new roeruit. (One by one, the five original monkeys were replaced. Although none of the new group knew why. no monkey was ever allowed (o climb che ladder Like the monkeys in the experim and organization has ils unwritten rules These rules ore probably the single ‘most influential factor on the \work environment and employee happiness. Though ‘many work cultures embrace positive values, such 0s loyalty, solidarity, efficiency, quality, pporsonal development and cusiomer service, ell too often they reinforce negative atitudes. In many businesses, an umwritten rule states that working long hours is more important than achieving ‘= results In one medium-sized company. the boss never leaves the office until itis dark. Outside in the car park, he chooks to ave who is still working ané whose office windows are dark: Staff who risk leaving earlier now leave thoir ofice lights on all night, ther common unvritten rules state that the boss is always right, even when he's wrong; ifyoute not et your desk, youre not working: nobody complains, because nothing ever changes; women, ethnic minorities and the over 508 + are not promoted; the enstomer is king, but don’ tell, ‘Like the monkeys os every culture ed unwritten rules! ‘anyone, because management are more interested in profitability Dilten nobody really knows where these unwiten, rules caine from, but like the new monkeys. new rectus pick them up very quickly, despite the best intentions of induction and orientation programmes. The way staff speak (o management, to customers and. to each other gives subtle but strategie clues to an organization’ culture, as do the differences between what is said, decided or promised, and what actually gets done. New siaff quickly learn when their ideas ‘and opinions are listened to and valued, and when ifs better to keep them to themselves, They lear which ‘assignments and aspeets of their performance ‘ill be checked and evaluated, and \whose objectives and instructions they ‘can safely ignore. Morikeys may be more direct, but work culture is every bit as elfective at ‘enforcing unwritten rules as a good beating, 1 Corporate culture company departments eee eM tera ee beg job tiles dagating maperenien, | Distsston EB Decide which word in each group is different from the others. Then compare your ideas with a partner, 1 job task work project 2 manager boss deputy supervisor 3 colleague coworker associate collaborator | Listening for detail EB > +05 Sam Shenton is a new intern at Warndar Techonologies, a software engineering company in Texas. Listen to Bertram Newman, her supervisor, explaining the company structure, Complete the organigram. Merityn Warmer cEO TT & Technical Support Roxane Paavle Administration Marketing, @ Botan Newomen | Dowglas Pearson 6 RD Manager Manager Development Manager (19) 8 Herb Monroe Monica Overstreet a Program Manager sso sottware lone Art Director one 6) officer two salesmen cerginecrs cone (9) IED 2 100 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 2 4 5 6 Why isthe organization simple now? Why does Bertram suy i's going to change? ‘What isthe difference between the roles of the CEO end the COO at Warndar? Who are lrysis and where are they based? What happened about two years ago? When did Roxane Pawle join Warndar? What happened to her predecessor? I miaten the part of those sontences trom the listening to complete ways of desenbing responsibilities, You're going to report ——_ a) ona daytoday basis. 2 She also looks . b) with strategy 3 She has two accountants working 6) diteetly to me. 4 David suns the business 4) under her; (£0.00, cro 5. Merilyn deals 8) after finan. Search forthe keywords Ge eae © Our Office Manager to mange Marketing & Sales Co. 7 He’ responsible 8) ith me in Marketing Ist divcing them ito tecustepte ion 8 Roxane is in charge hi} for building our produet packsge. edie. 9 Myrleis i) takes cate of perso es 10 He linises i) of TT & Technical Support 8 Prepositions i Complete the electronic newsletter by using each preposition once. alongside as et in on under con a day-to-day basis corganigram predecessor take over Discussion and presentation [Gd work in groups of three, You want to open a private music school that offers music lessons ‘0 people of all ages. Deci who is responsible for the areas in the ox below how many extra staff members you will need, who everyone reports 10 Drow an org gram of the company sirueture using the words from the bos, accounts advertising CD and music library cleaning and maintenance _ giscioline feducational policy instrument epairs ineurance legal questions organizing concerts planning timetables publicreletions purchasing quality and complaints reception and office recruiting teachers registrations salaries sound systems trarsport and logistics EA Work with» partner from a different group. Present your music schools organization using relevant phrases and vocabulary from the provious exoreees. Defining words [Eh witha partner, practise defining words relating to work organization. Stuclent A: turn to page 114 Student B: turn to page 118 1 Corporate culture > partsimpie and continuous > past perfect > should, ought to, its a (good flea to 7 Gets Past simple Hearted completed actions Past cortinuous He nas working background situations ast perfect He hed siready worked nw past event before ‘nother 14 > Past tenses Past continuous El With a partner, take turns asking about ond explaining these situations: 1A: {saw you at the mecting yesterday Why were you sleeping? B. Laas sleepin actualy [eas dinkine Deep A: So why were you snoring? Bs Least storing! oes just laughing atthe presenters jokes. 1 heard you on the phone yesterday in the office, Why were you talking to your moth | heard you in teleconference yerterdey Wihy were you shouting at your boss? {sav youat the ease machine yesterday Why were yon laughing whe mew intern? {saw You at your computer yesterday Why were you playing a video game? {saw you in the eat park yester Why were you kicking the CEOS ear? Past perfect and past simple Bd write encings for any sk ofthe sentences below Use the past simple or the past perfect ¢s appropriete, Your pariner has to guess which sentence the ending goes with. Az F hadi my frst interview at wniverstiy A® Right B: You had just passed your exams? B. Why was thar? A: No, try again. A: Because Bi: You had never beer so nervous as when? 1. had just passed my exams when 2° When | got my firs car 3 had already done several holiday jobs when 4) The first time I came here. 6 7 8 I had never been so nervous as when ‘ves completely lost on the frst day because hadnt felt so good for a long time when ‘When | first met you I was surprised because 9 Thad just been on holiday atthe seaside when 10, When Theard the news LL Thad just found a job when 12. Wi never been so happy in my fie as when Advice structures EB in small groups. take turns to ask for and give advice on the points 1-6 below, Use expressions from boxos A and C to give, accept and reject advice. You shouldn't)... I's (not) a goed idea to... its unwise to... l’simportant (not) te. Have you tried ..2 How about .? What about ..? Why don’t you ..7 Have you thought of..2- You could always... You ought to... You might want to. Good idea. Ml try that, Yes, you're quite ight. OK, point taken, You've got a point, (but .) | see what you mean, (but...) You may be right, (out {Ym not sure about that. I don't think that will work, You're joking! 1 how to get a well-paid job 4 how to keep customers hapey 2. how to be popular in the office 5. how toget a promotion quickly 3 how to manage your time effectively 6 how to manage stress {Gi Take turns to explain the problems 1-6 below and give each other advice on how to solve them, Use expressions from boxes 8 and C to give, accept and reject advice 1a problem with your car 4. a problem of money 2. a problem with your computer 5 aproblem with a colleague or fiend 3 « problem with your teachor 6 a problem of time comet certs Search forthe keywords ‘business joka. Wich ‘the tenes do uniness Jokes use? Tel ake Inyour own wores, without using notes 5 109 Listen to an after-dinner story. Number the events below in the order they happened. 1) The largest erocodie’s mouth shut snap: behind the CFO. There was a loud splash IB The CEO save a panty, 1 The CEO showed the executives the pool E Everyone ran baek to the pool. i The CFO asked the CEO who was responsible ) The CFO climbed out of the pool I The GEO challenged his team 1:09 Listen again and completo the sentences from the story. 1 The boss very well for himself, so he the executives arqund his luxurious country house, 2. Atthe back of the house, he the largest swimming pool any of them had ever seen 3 They___to follow the CEO towards the barbecue when suddenly there a Joud Sash. 4 Everyone and to the pool where the Chief Financial Oificer for his hfe 5 The erovodiles him when the he the edge of the pol. 6 Heim out ofthe pool when he the mouth of ihe biggest crocodile close shut snap- behind him Telling a story El With a partner, tela story in vour own words using appropriate past tenses. Giving advice Bh Match the b for new empioyess. 195 of the sentences 1-10 with the endings a-f to make pieces of advice L You should ses a) expect to finish on time every day 2 Ite unwise — b) lear to set goals 3. It’s a good idea }_ dress appropriately 4 You should 4) to make too many personal phone calls. 5 You shouldn't 2) to lear proper meeting behaviour 6 It's good idea to — accept responsibility for mistakes. 7 Its imporant fg} leam who does what and how things get done. 8 You shouldn'y i) not to neglect forming effective relationships at work 9 You should to reduce stress by balancing your lis 10. You ough i) expect that you will like every task, With a partner, take turns asking for and givis Student A: turn to page 114, Student B cura to page 118, wg advice. 1 Corporate culture oa iolomaticexpressons Discussion Talaplbying anadesone Do the questionnaire from a business magazine. Mark the statements T (true, F (alse) meni 07 (it depends). Then compare and justify your answers, Talk about ow different cultural and business contexts affect your answers. F OFFICE ETIQUETTE Le sQuestionnaire ie It is perfectly accoptable to call the boss by their fst name. You should never socialize with managers after work, 1 2 3. fa superior asks you to bring coffee for a visitor you can tell them politely it's not your job, D4 Personal calls are acceptable only at certain times of the day. Os 8 7 8 Staying late at the office to fish your work is a sign of inefficiency in meetings It Is advisable for junior steff to speak only when invited to do so. itis OK to offer suggestions to superiors about how to improve the busincss. to have a romantic relationship with a coworker, === a Listening for detail BD 1:10-1:11 Listen to two versions of a conversation between Tiffany, an intern, and Simon, her supervisor. Underline the words that describe Simon's behaviour. Then compare your answers with a partner. Version 1 Simon i: Version 2 ~ Simon is: ‘objective impatient a good listener objective impatient a good listener dogmatic diplomatic friendly firm dogmatic diplomatic friendly firm Understanding insincere euthoritarian understanding insincere author threatening weak frank ‘threatening weak frank El With a partner, discuss the questions. 1 Why is Simon’s communication style more effective in Version 2? 2 Are there situations when the style in Version 1 is more eppropriate? 3. Would the two communication styles be a) acceptable and 6) effective in your own language? ey beads) Search for the keynes tearm Engtet wnat sre the bat elearing tesorees for Elan ‘otabiecn she web? HED 11 in Version 2, simon uses modal verbs, introductory phrases and negative questions ‘to make his advice more diplomatic. With a partner, find suitable words to complete the useful ‘expressions for boing diplomatic in the chectlist, Then listen again and cheek your answers. Useful expressions: Being diplomatic ‘Modal verbs: You__wantto... ‘You could maybe. You'd do better not 10. Introductory phrases I think N___tome that... Actually, I think [Negative questions —__you think ..2 Wouldn't you agree that. ‘Wouldn't it be berter (not) to. Wry YOu? Diplomatic advice i Wake these comments more diplomatic You shoul’? citurs your co-workers Yu wort meet dentine If you do priori Delegate, or youl eves Girish th You shoul’ ea at your desk Dont make personal eas at work It you ignore sour ealleagues, dow expect them to hep. Youll make youre ifyou dont take care of your ifework lence i with « partnered the dialogue aloud. Ten read it agatn, making it more diplomatic A: You disagreed with tho boss this moming. Not a good idea! B: So what? I was right, he was wrong. : But you're always so aggressive! And you should mind your own business! You'll never progress in this company if you can't accept erticism. So thar’ why you never got promation, Fight? Wel, unless you change your attitude, dont expect any support from me. 1B: Look, just forget it, OK? Ir’ coffee time anyway. Roleplay Ed witha partner hold informal problem-solving meetings Use diplomatic language to help you agree, unless you feel more direct approach is necessary. ‘Student A: tun to pege 114, ‘Student B: tum to page 120. Businose fd 1. Corporate culture > report structure aad > formal phrases lini al student, has just finished his placement at Cambro Corp. ee tenginasring company in Littlehampton, Now Jersey. He has to vite a report on his ‘experiences. Discuss Whet you think this report wil contain and what style it will be written In Model EW head the extracts trom afferent sections of Henry report below. Choose the correct heading ae foreach section 1-5. 2}, Observations about te eiempiny 5) Appondix ¢) Introduction tj Paeeeneena ceuarencen ne ini ©) Euperenss daring work plaornom a sixmonth placement with Cambro Corp. under the supervision of Mr Geoffrey ‘Thomson, Marketing Manager. The objective of the internship was to design, conduct and analyze the results of a markct study for a new electronic gearbox. i 2 response rate tothe fist mailshot was very poor, When customers were contacted by telephone, it became clear that many of them had not understood the first question, The order of the items was therefore modified and the response rate increased by 200% an 4 Long history of sponsoring local sports and cultural even‘s. Cambro’ reputation is one of its greatest strengths. To obtain a similar result through media campaigns would cost millions. This aspeet of the company’s marketing and PR poliey was most impressive ie, ———— a ——— 4 communication skis in particular Develeping and performing a market study in loss than si months was a major challenge, Fortunately, was abe to apply the knowledge 1 hal acquired in marketing in year two of my degree, and the results of my study were éxtromely well eccived, {a fate, [hink it would be very help if Sen 5. including the following documents: ‘A Daily journal _B Thank you letter to Mr Thomson C Evaluation letter from Mr ‘Thomson D Résumé E Cambro brochure and sales literature SR Analysis Decide which section 1-5 of the report these tepics should be in. 11 Anaiysis of successes and failures } Objectives ofthe internship 5 Details of your responsibilities J Analysis of what you learned CC. Evaluation of the company as a potential employer Suggestions for the Future Ti Description of the company and how itis organized 5) Obsesvalions on the company's culture and policies 8 Business Internet bees Howand where can you find an interne? Search fr the kepwords fing internships to learn appendix gearbox maiishot rapport take the mickey waste Language focus Tl atch Henry's informal diary entries 1-9 with the formal phrases used to talk about the same things in the report extracts in Exercise 2. Underline the formal phrases in the report. 156 gry called cnoh i pee 2 lots of enstmers TH was realty diPewltt and exvonsting 3 cd nat the probfiom wos! g Thank goadness 214 learnt how te don martet suns! E ekanged the guestions mound. Geof as realty happy with wiat = 5 this is worticn Fortanel Mic better than eying for adirtising Output LD 112 usten to a conversation between Jason, who has recently completed a placement at Diftco, an exporter of construction equipment in Birmingham, UK and his friend Alex. Take notes about Jason's placement in preparation for writing his placament report. [Gi With a partner, organize your notes from Exercise 5 and Jason's notes below into the five placement report sections listed in Exercise 2, Then write Jason's placement report. Remember to use more formal language. ~ deub formation ~ very important lesson! = waste prebten. ix waren: remember fo atfacn dni - one of most profitable Fras ia region 1 ranyele enougie earn? bar cxde system ~ interesting feo mach routine pagernors ~ very boring copies of fettors 10 and fram MS Witton, supervisor most of time in Csport Office, also checking containers im warehouse ~very firing ~ need a kcliday now! 1 Corporate culture > counselling skills > exploring problems > written save » 1.6 Case study Counselling Discussion ‘What kind of personal problems can interns or employees experience when working abroad? With a partner, brainstorm a list. Listening for detai EBD 1:15 Listen to an extract from a lecture on counselling skills and complete the handout. COUNSELLIN' Counseting ~ helping someone ‘a personel problem using their own ‘COUNSELLING SKIS Hee helping assisting C)soiving ior then) anjotatng persuscing expionng probiems sking Doing Drosesurng ‘THE THREE PHASES OF COUNSELLING. Phage one = Phase two Phase twee = ae ne Eh With 2 partner, describe a situation when you helped someone with a problem, or when someone helped you. Did your experience correspond to what you heard in the lecture? Counselling language Match each phrase in the box with a counselling skill on the second handout below. | How eid youteet why nerstartby-ing 2 Whar’s your fist prionty? | You were surprised? What would happen if (+ past tense)? Right. | Sototimun = soyputesing at? Whar the pnt couse sais cheBUT Comet cit [Desoto faa ad soa Tyson [ia ee ca oe a cece leer arose _ [cali sareceom canst net ies _ sid a6 fed bok to them. 3 Paying attation Use postive body lat to sham tat you ere lock person in the eye, se ead realy stern. as ii 4 Emeouragrig Sow yout terested oy noddrg ane saving Unt Mn, Heh F300 8 Echoing Encourape ern to el you mere about 9 10D by repeal a hey hase OF aoe. 1 Sunmariirg Show you have ucostond a the sat by ouling r ‘ealltgetier n we sentences. J 7 sizing Get xh om ine on posse atteraves to options esove the prot. 8 sting ypstutsalEnccage he peter Feoer to Wark trough re esters ‘npatons cf her sigeestins Lea im 9 Paonia stash which of he possible options the oblem hater chooses we ace st 10 Actonpianre —Suagesta cleat test sep they con take tren ‘em menage ther eroiem. [E® Aad one more phrase of your own to wach coursing six the handout in Exercise. Internet bere Find out mare about ting aed working in sither span the Uk or the USA. body language bounce back echo headache open question utlock paraphrase perepectve Roleplay Work in groups of three. Take turns being the problem holder, the counsellor and the observer. Problem holder Problem holder A: turn to page 414 Problem holder B: turn to page 118 Problem holder C: tura to page 120, Use the information given (o respond to the counsellor. Counsellor Guide the problem holder through the three phases of counselling in Exercise 2. Use the counselling skills in the checklist in Exercise $ to help the problem holder find solutions to their problems Observer Observe the counselling session and take notes, Use the checklist in Exercise 4 to nove whieh kills the counsellor uses and how well they use them. At the end of the session. give k to help them improve their skill unselling the counsellor fe Writing Work with a partner. You are on a placement in a foreign county. a) Write ‘0 your partner explaining the problems you are having, bb) Exchange emails with your partner. Weite a reply. gwing your adviee. Lse so expressions in the box to show that you understand your partner's problems end to encourage them to think positively {can see exactly what you mean about... Ie¢ant be easy to .. when/if you ‘You must be feeling very... | know justhow you feel, It's perfectly normal to feel that way. You have to keep things in perspective. tm confident you'll beable to find a solution, Yon sure youl bounce back a 2 Customer support > aallcenves > customer serves technology Tat er Seacch forthe keyword caileante racet abuso toleam about racse, experienced by call centre operators. What can be done to combat this tye of abuse? bus (verb) copycat ‘tax break ‘taxholiday ‘twentysomething 2 PA eee Discussion Ell From the customer's point of view, does it matter where a call centre is? With a partner, think of reasons whiy itis, or is not Important. Scan reading Ed Read the article opposite about cal centres in the Philippines. Decide if statements a-f are T (true) oF F (false). The Philippines have overtaken India as a business process outsou ing provider because 2) millions of Filipinos emigrate every yea: 1b) changes to financial regulations have made soting up call centre ©) call centte operators don't want 10 put al their eggs in one basket American customers understand Filipinos better than Indians. ©) mest Filipinos’ mother tongue i Tagalog 4) Indian cal centres only provide high Love consultancy services, more attractive ing [Ek Motch the headings below with the correct paragraph in the text. 1 Margin for improvement] 5 India’s reality check) 5) Learning from tndia 7] 2. Culture change iA 4° Language of success] Reading for detail El With a partner, discuss the significance of these words and phrases from the article. Decide whether they represent strengths or weaknesses, threats or opportunities for the Philippines end complete the SWOT chart. + bars, restaurants and shopping malls. + consultancy projects. + cultural links to bus employees to and from work national language tax breaks + replace up to haf their staf unreliable infrastructure + night shifts four million college gradustes experienced managers helpful harmful internal Strengthe Weaknesses factors cultural inks external Opportunities Thneats factors Listening IEB_S 1214 Cloud computing now offers a third alternative to domestic or outsourced call ‘centres. Listen to an interview with the head of customer relations at Groupon®,, a ‘deal of ‘the day’ website company, talking about new technology they use. Answer the questions. 1 How does Natierbox deal with ea is rom important clien How docs Natterbox match callers to the best customer s ‘What is special about Groupon call centre staff? How docs Natterbox avoid customer frustration? How could cloud-based computing change call centre s Roleplay Ty Work in groupe of three. Your company provides an online music-treaming service to customers all over the world, Hold a meeting to decide where to set up your new call centre. Choose one of the three roles and prepare your arguments before you agin. Role A. low-cost couniy -tura to page 114 Role B: your own country - turn to page 118, Role C.cloudhbased approach -tura to page 117 ae [Times have changed in the Philppines ina twastionally poor, deeply religous and conservative country, sudden twentysomethings are spending freely bars, restaurants ad shopping malls es they stator leave thei night shits. After decades of exporting fs lskour free to richer counties, Manila starting the tables in the business process outsourcina market. IEE (tho Philopines, emigration & 3 long-established tradition. Every yea. 8 millen Flpines leave ther island, ‘ping fora bette life in Asia and the Mile East. As vreicome 2s the $10b (5% of GDP) they send home to their femiles may be, decade ago there were wories that emigration was Slewang the county's develoament. nis search for ways to encourage foreign investment and growth, the government tuned to incia's cll centie industy. Copying the Indian mad, Mania introduce tax breaks and ince for telecoms compares a8 wel as sponsored training schemes to hel stents fine-tune their language and communication skis IAAL the sae tine, nian cal centres were becoming ass attractive investment for Amencan and European businesses. Not only were their generous tax todays ning to anend, butiitations ike unteeble infrastructure and having to bus employees to and from work were increasing, addition, the opaetanity Soread risk by dersring into the Phones came at @ time when indian outcourcng operators were having to replace up to hal ther staff every yea. IE The Philippines’ copycat strategy has been so successful that American customers are now far more likaly tobe taking to a Filipino helpline adviser than an incian. With /enues of nearly $11 billon, Philppire outsourcing now employs 650,900 people, amost tice as many as dla What's mote, operetors believe their customers are likely {0 be more satisfied vith the service thoy recove from wel-educated young Filipinos who gre up listening to ‘American pop music and reading American comics. AUS elony und independance in 1946, the Philippines has ‘maintained strong cultural Iriks with is former masters: ine country where the nationa language, Tagalog, is not ‘mast people's mother tongue, Englsh is a second, rather than a foreign language TE Not satstiod witn outceliing the market leader, the Philppine government hopes to double the mare to Manila is turning the Pc eC Uy process outsourcing Parla Cig «$26 billion jn the next five years, However, staying on top of the pile may prove harder than getting these: as it grows, the new outzourcing industry is iscoverin haw much more dificult can be to find experienced ‘managers ane competent engineers than to hie young « Englsh-speating helpline advisers. India, on the other hand, with four milion college graduates @ year, is moving ‘upmarket. Margins for more comple Financial and engineering consultancy projects are much higher than for simaly handling customer cals. In the longer term, Indian operators may be haapy to leave Filipinos to pick up the phone wile they pick up the pace on more profile assignments. 2 Customer support > personal qualities Pry eM ee ee ey > ceserbing problems Adjectives (il With a partner, decide whether these adjectives ere most likely to be used to describe ‘customers, helpline operators or both. Write C (customers), H (helpline operators) or & (both) next to each word. > phrase verbs for phoning annoyed cheerful difficult frustrated grateful helpful knowledgeable patient persuasive pleasant eassuring satisied sympathetic upset Listening for attitude EBD 155-122 Listen to eight extracts from helpline convers appropriate adjectives from Exercise 1 to dozeribe the speakers. Describing problems Ei Decide which device each of the sentences can refer to and tick (7) the appropriate columns. ‘S| motile phone | photocopier 1. When I snitch it on, nothing happens. 1 broke down on the way to work. Ft keaps crashing, ‘There's something stuck ins “5 leantswiteh ito Its net working propery. It won't start. ls out of order. I think its a complete write-off. ‘The battery's dead. Collocations Choose the best verb from the box to complete each callocation. Use each vers pl ‘once only. arrange diagnose escalate exchenge aie identify sortout talk the symptoms. the fault « problem the customer through the process the problem ta a supervisor a visit from our technician the product a full refund 24 Glossary lip ‘earth (verb) retain side-panel slot upset ey bes ‘Search forthe key swords golden rules ‘of eastomer sevice. ‘Compare you findings wit your own "goiser ded from Exercte 9 Antonyms Match each verb with its opposite. 1 connect ai 7 2 insert ) faster: 3 liftout 2) push in (to) 4 release a) remove 5 replace ©) remove 6 screwin ) switch off 7 tumon 2) unscrew [D1 Complete the instructions for upgrating a PC memory module using 12 of the verbs from Exercise 5. First, (1 the PC. Do not (2) the power cable, so that the PC remains earthed. Then (3) and (4) ___ the ide panol. Next, (3) __the retaining clips at each end of the old memory module. (6) the old memory module, Carefully a the new memory module and (8) ___ it firenly the slot, @_ the clips at each end. (10) — and il) the side panel. Finally (12) the PC and check that the new memory is recognized. Phrasal verbs [Ed Match each verb with the correct definition, 1 hang up 1) renew a call 3 hold an make a note 2. speak up ) connect 6 get through stay on line 3 aalll back © talk louder 7 get back tw make contact 4 putthrough —d) terminate a call § takedown hh) return a eall [Ed Complete the crossword with the phrasal verbs from Exercise 7. 1 Lean’ heat you very well. Could you —. please? 2 Tm going to to my supervisor 3 Fil just ‘your name and address, 4 We tried to contact you yesterday, but we couldn't 5 Weill you as soon as we solve the problem 6 All ourlnes are currently engaged, Please later 7 Couldyou____ moment, please? 8 tsa tortie line, Could you and try again? [ = Cy | ot |_| LJ Discussion {El in smaii groups, brainstorm ten ‘golden rules’ of customer service. Then present your ‘golden rules'to another group. 28 g 2 Customer support > Wh questions > have t0, right have to, need to Peete pepe te) YeaNo questions sucliary verb + subject, ‘tonain verb Wi questions ‘question wora + auliaryvarb + subject ‘main verb axcent vino, whar or ‘hich she jut: ne suciar is needed commer ara 61 —seeeee Listening Ell 2 25 Listen to some people playing Guess the Product. Tr to guess what the ‘mystery produet is along with the contestants. Then continue listening to check your 2 12 Listen again and complete the questions. on Tv? No it isn. for work? Yes, you do in every office? Yes, you would in your pocket? Yes you can, twenty years ago? didnt — electricity? Yes, it does — speak to people? No. you don't 8 — with computers? Yes. there is 3 miore than $50? No it doesnt. 10 to store dats? Yes, you can, {In smell groups, take turns choosing a mystery product and play Guess the Product. Asking questions [Ed Work in small groups of As or Bs. Write a question for each answer in your list below, B 365 + about 300m + about €25,000 4 year + atleast an hour + about 10km + between 60 and €50.¢ month + about two years ago + Bill Gates + athome + by advertising the product + Barack Obama 32 + by offering a discount + forabout five years + Coca-Cola + Formula One™ + cotlee + ina cesteurant + once a quarier + last year + since the 19905 ‘mobile phones + Steve Jobs Nelson Mandela + the Olympic Games once a year +o buy food and drink + to meet friends 20 minutes oF 0 Toyota Ea Work in paits, A and 8. Close your books and ask each other the questions you prepared in Exercise 4, in any order. Score one point for each correct answer 26 Internet prt) Whats the best way toleem Englsh? How long itt take? 001 havete lean grammar? Hews can learn mere vocabulary? Seereh fo the keywords FAQ Jasming Engith to fine the most frequently asked questions and Some ofthe answers Making requests Gi Complete these requests with fax or faxing, Then put them in order 1-6 from the most direct (7) to the most polite (6) [1 Do you think you could possibly ‘me the details, please? 1 Would you mind me the details? 1 Can you ane the details Gi 1 was wondering if you would have any objection to se the details will you? me the details, please? me the details? EL __. 1 Conia yew Ed which one of these responses is not appropriate for all the requests in Exercise 6. Why? aa) Po afraid my fax by (ldo it straight ©) Fm sorry, but f'n notin the office 4d) ma bit short of time, actualy 2) No, ne problem. out of order Roleplay EEL with a partnar taka tums beginning these telephone rolaplays and responding. choose Suitable Forms for your requests, according tothe answrer expected, and give appropriate Anewors. Ask your colleague to send you an emul to test your new address boss 10 give you an advance on next month’s salary. supplier to postpone a delivery by one week: + supervisor to write @ relorence for your job application, + friend to lend you their laptop for the weekend. + customer to call back later when the sales manager comes back {rom luneh. + bank manager to lend you a million dollars, + supplier to upgrade the office coffee machine, at no cf Be. Giving instructions EX complete steve’ side of the telophone conversation using don't, might have to, have to, ‘Wneed to, dan't hare to or needn't Steve: OK, Pete rst of al you open the printer No, wait a minute, (1) __ just open it Sele ‘change carrie’ from the mena Pete: a a Stove: Er yes of course you (2) ‘Switch ion, otherwise you can't use the menu! Pete: 7 emai ee Steve: No, hat’ all right, you (3) — ‘witch the PC on, jus the printer Fete: a. Steve: So now you gently remove the old cartridge. 4) force it. Its difficult, you o pull it ack first, then upwards, Pete: __ Steve: y Stall the new cartridge. You (6) __ remove the adhesive tape first, But be careful you (7) touch the printed cireuits~ they're very fragile, Pete ee a Steve: Right, [ll esh you if you Want fo align the new cartridge, but you (8) bother Usually it's fine as iti, Pete: Steve: Ohno, (9) ___dhrow the old earifdge away. You can reeyele them Pete: ‘Steve: No, that all right, Pete: You (10) worry, Just buy me coffe some time! GI] D 1.21 Write Pote's side of the conversation. Then listan and compare your version with the recording, EE choose something you don't know how to do from the list below + change the oil imyourcar + upgrade the processor in your PC + organize a press conference + publish your website + ‘(your own idea) Find someone whe knows how to do it and ask them te explain what to do. Ask questions ‘and/or reformulate their answers to check that you understand, NI C: G n ct O m support —- > haning 2 technical Giving instructions problem El with a pariner, practise giving instructions by describing a symbol so that your partner can draw i, Do net look at each other's pages duting the exercise Student A:tar to pege 114 Student Bara to poke 119. Listening EB 125 Listen to.a software helpline conversation and answer the questions. 1 What isthe customers problem? 2 What help does the operator give? El With» partner, decide which expressions in the telephone language checklist below were in the conversation, a orb. Then listen again and check your answers, ‘Telephone language 1a) I'm just putting you on hold for a moment. b) Please hold the line 2-3) Dean speaking, b) This Daan 3 a) What can do for you? bb) How can |help you? 4a) What exactly seems to be the problem? 'b) Could you explain the problem you're having? 5a) The line's bac. 1) ts nota very good line 5 a) Could you speak upa litter ) Can you talk a bit louder? 7 a) Fllconneet you to b) Filputyou through 10 8 a) The number is engageo. ) The number's busy 3a) Cont gether to call you back? 'b} Could task her to get back to you? 10. 2) Seyou'reon ') So, your number is 11a) Could {have your naine, please? bb) Whats your name, please? 12_2) You're welcome )_ Not atall, Improving a conversation GB With a partner, read this conversation aloud, Helpline: Superword holptine, wait a minute What's your problem? Customen I'm having trouble with PDF files. cat print them, Helpline: What? I can't hear you Customer: I said I can’t print PDF Helpline: Ob. 1 don’t do PDEs Customer: Well, could you connect Yean? Helpline: Can't. The PDF expert's gone out for lunch jour name and we'll eal you laver hint Give me Customer: Ob, all righ, Its Gearhirt. amila Holpline: Es, come again? Customer: Thats GEARTBT Helpline: OK Customer: All right. Wel, fd appreciate it if you could tall mo as soon as possible, Goodbye Holpline: Yeah, right 1 Decide how the conversation e Practise your improved version Now chai ‘ld be proved roles, urn fo page 115 and do the same with similar conversation, Handling problems Ei > 226 Listen to another helpline conversation, which is based on a true story, and answer the questions 1 What isthe eustomers problem? — 2 What is the operator's eolution? 28 Pee eer) (G00 the AC World Senice fadio Player Ihnepitwacbaczo wkd wworidenvicolndes. shin and find @ rao programme about one Dt your interests sten extensively, thon tela partner sbout the three most interesting points In the programe. ee ‘Come again? crash freeze Th D 126 Witha partner, ind suitable words to complete the expressions in the customer support checklist below. Then listen again and check your answers. Useful expressions: Customer support Explaining the problem Diagnosing the causes im having with Word. was properly before that? Nedoesn't ‘What does your sereen__like now? ‘2ccept anything when | type Have you hitting Escape’? Did you Word? type anything Canyou the cursor around? having difficulty connecting to the internet. Does your have a power indicator? st keeps crashing. Giving instructions Could you fon the back of the monitor? Now you jus. tofollow the cord tothe plug, i youto look back there again. rane: 10 99 and get them. Then | you to take itbock tothe store, ‘You'll have to adjust the settings in the control ponel. Roleplay Have you Installed ary nev software? ‘What happens if you press ‘Control — Ait Delete’? Promising help “W someone cal the electricity company. 1 get our technical expert to help you. We'll get baci to you in a couple of hours. 11 have a technician cal a¢ soon ac pastibie. EA wien a partner, use the chare to roleplay helping a colleague with the technical problems below. Take turns being Student A and Student B + You can't print your report : Your mobile phone doesn't work. +The video projector doesn't work . There are no lights in your office. Student A Explain the problem. Your car wont start Your laptop is frazen, (your own problem Student 8 Diagnose possible causes Anade Seatert esquire) Give rstructions sce @ ' ' se ee ' RET | [oncom | | aneanar YOU HAVE A BAD CASE OF COMPUTER, Ror. —| | cestanco To aecome SLOWER AND ORE CNAELTASLE OVER TIME So YON HAVE TO UPGRADE SOME FALSE HOPE CAN TELL YOU Kou 70 DEFRAGMENT YOUR DISK DRIVE 2 Customer support > omail expressions Discussion [El with a partner, discuss what differences you would find in your own language between formal correspondence, e.g. a letter to your bank or your legal advisor and informal messages, e.g, an email to ¢ friend. > writing email Model Read the four emails below and answer the questions. 1 Which email is from: (3) a customer service department? a junior colleague? a senior colleague? © a customer? 2 Which two emails are formal? Which two are neuteal/informal”™ SS le venximew = lromaane . oo meio Fon ogee ein rgb mercially sox | REPLY «| ronWana = ° Dear Sir or Madam, |amwritng to enéuite about having @ television repaid. The ses 2 Goodson’42" LED TV which we bought 18 months ago and therefore s unfortunately no longer under guarantee. Currently we have a picture but na souna | would be very gretetu if you could ive me the adckess of an authorized repli centre i the Greater IManenester ere, Thank you for you help Nourefathfuly, | 4. Reenoram (Miss) | 22 1 nox sev + | ronwano + © Hiares Tharls ‘or your mail Bad luck anovt the lapton Mina was a wite-off had to get a new one! Why don't 6U try Harowsan’ in Old-ain? They've usualy good. Hope ts helps Cheers, Margaret PSS, Of course | remember you, Give mes rng next time you're in town and we'll go for a drink! 1 Tl |e pwox | nerse w ronwan © @ __ bear Miss Rosbotham, Re your emal of 10 Sentember your TV sn fact cowed by @ tc-yeas manulactuers quarenter. Can you } Jastsend the set back in ts engina! packing and we wal repair or exchange it ASAP. Don thesrate to get heck to me il you need any more nigrmeton | Regards Sarmavemerirtcmenievenernsmncn — (O 30 Hr Business20 ers Beira) ‘The advantages of email are obvious but what fk must companies ‘ensider?searen for the keywords omal risk polite find out. Glossary pace accounts payable ASAP crack duplicate Inconsistency patch ‘Trojan (horse) write-off BS [arson Leena = [rowmnaa= = © doa vi Hurst hanks for you ena yer ove metal ve ety cous ho ater Mendhexe Busnes Shoe! Language focus IED Find expressions in the four emails in Exercise 2 to complete the table. Formal Neutral/informal Requests Gosing i Read the next four emails the people in Exercise 2 sent and answer the questions. 1. Which two writers have changed style? Why”? 2. Find and eorrect the two inconsistencies of style in each email | @ cee mss Roebommam, Tem ig wih ere hee a our Sodan T7750 Out Manchest repairer i ‘open trom Barn to 6pm fram Manday to Seturday. September | airaid Jam very pleased to leare tnat the TV st iss ye attache a lati wth tne cetals and a map, under guarantee. Unfortunately, | no longer have Hone this hes. the orignal packaging, 501 thnk it would be | Yourssincarely, prefer Cheers, dane tomorrow ei | dives the TW directly to your repair comtra ater were. Could you possibly kt me know the opening have? thar BS. ease accept my apo | with yourcousin For confusing you SL e nwox | nEPLY ©. FORWARD @ 2. <_)8 Ins0x | REPLY © | FORWARD # 2 © HiMarcare:, james, hap ith the computer im gern Fixe Output Work in groupe of three to write and roply to businoss emails using appropriate styles Student A: page 115, Student B: page 116. Student C: page 119, 2 u » customer feedback » job satisfaction > presenting recommendations =a Se 3 | | | nr Guemined 3 Discussion EB wnat annoys you most as 2 customer? waiting for service products that don’t do what they claim planned obsolescence deadlines not respected poorly translated instructions being put on hold high prices incompetent service other? hidden coste ‘With 2 partner, discuss what you as a customer can do about these problems, Scan reading IEW Read the emai rom Hamish Hamilton, CEO of Cybertartan Software and answer the questions ‘Whit are his four problem? How are the problems linked ly pleased with the solstior cio wore act attached) and t } k 10 0 Wehavescreus recutment ih staf anager there TOP FIVE 1 Difficult to get through to customer adviser 76% 2. Time spent on hold 65% 3 Several calls needed to Solve prabiem 53% 4. Cost of calls 49% 5 can't get nelp by email Reading for detail El Mork these statements 7 (true), F (false) oF 0 (it depends), 1 Hamish Harailton is probably writing te The Kirkealdy © any eciemal consulting iact centre has satisfied employecs and dissatisfec The contact centre is lasing money’ the moment. -] IF the contre employs more advisers its income will ine More than tw Wee of outomen ene sates ervey usa a Ql 6 ‘The number of bath dissatislied and very dissatisfied customers tripted in Q4.L About half of their customers would be prepared io ‘ar support if their problems bet ‘What leche FLSA? What are employees rights ‘om meal and ext breaks nthe Usa? are trey imi to those in your county? Search for the keywords meal est breaks t0 in OU. ‘come up with from the horse’ mouth obsolescence shite staff tumover swap ‘uiple stening for detail [i © 127 Listen to part of an interview with Laurie McAllister, HR Manager at the Kirkcaldy ‘contact centre. In her opinion, what is the biggest problem for advisers? Ge 1 Eimpi 2. The worldoud is heavier than before. 3 The bus service is inadequate 4 Desks are shared with colleagues on other shifts, 5. Soliware products have become very complea. 6 27 Listen again. What are tho effects on the contact centre of the following? ayces have poor working conditions and low job satisfacsion, Advisers don’t get enough training, ‘The shift system is inflexible Solving problems Gh work in smait groups. You are the consultants that Hamish Hamilton wrote to in Exercise 2. Hold a meeting to discuss the agenda below. Kirkcaldy Contact Centre AGENDA FOR CONSULTANTS” MEETING ‘The situation Iselate the problems and prioritize them as: a) important and urgent D) important but not urgent ‘¢) notimportant, Solutions Brainstorm solutions to the problems pricrtized as ) andl b) above, + Review company policy on customer services? + Review company policy on working conditions for advisers? Recommendations Define recommendations for short- and long; term policy, ing presentation slides Ed Prepare slides to present to Cybertartan Software summarizing your recommendations. For each problem, make recommendations, give reasons for these and outline the expected results. Presentations Gi in your groups, present your recommendations and take questions trom the class. a Review 1 er) El Make expressions about internships by matching each verb with a phrase a-f below. 1 Incorporate. 2 2 Enhance Q 3 Relate oa 4 Beassessed.. 5. Besupervied O) 6 Offer a 2) your academic study to the workplace b) ... work experience into a university degree ©) by your institution through reports, appraisals, et 4)... closely by someone from the workplace and a Staff member ©). Your eareer prospects by doing an intemship, 4) permanent empleyment to g student after graduation, EE Match each word in the box with its definition below. ‘Then translate the words into your language. ‘appraisal commitment Insight outcome threaten workload deadline etiquette overview predecessor 1 adate by which you have to do something 2. Trail ww wadevand someting cel Tr opinion about how succestl someone i 4 aren oF ware hat wpm as tt 5. Grthosinom, detemuinaion and Loyalty 6 deetatmia Re brbera ene ero of Te wit ans tng 2 TReperan whe hd job blore someone eke 9. Tiefinat reat oFa proves meting: 10 to tell someone you might cause them harm Underline the correct preposition in each expression. be involved on / ut / jor doing something be responsible fo / for / with an area of work: deal with / ow / for an arca of work have somebody working of / under / on you liaise for/ to / with someone about an arca of the business look through / with / after an area of work 8 repam directly / jor / under somebody 9) run the business jrant / with / an a day-today basis 10. take care with / of /for an arca of work a 1 bein charge to / of / from a department or project 3 + 5 6 4 Bad EX complete the sentences with expressions from Exercise 3 s0 that they have the same meaning. Maria (1) is ___/ is tho marketing side of the business She (3) /(4) —_ _ the marketing side of the business EX Mark these statements about work organization T (true) or F (false) 1 Attask is bigger than an assignment oO 2. Aline manager has a higher position than a project leader. Qo 3 A branch i bigger than a division, Oo 4 C00 slanuls for Chief Organization Orfcer o 5. The Public Relations officer will often work in the Marketing Department. Q 6 Personnel isa function of Human Resources, ] 7 RED stands for Resources and Deployment o A parent company owns several smaller companies called suses Qo 9 Purchasing is a more formal way of saying baying. EI] 10 Company structure can be showrn visually using ‘an ‘organichart Gi tneach sentence, put one verb in the past simple (dic), one in the past continuous (was/vere doing) and ‘one in the past perfect (had done). 1 While! __ (work) in my father’s business 1 {start} (o understand the imporiance of I {never/think) about it before, marketing 2 (already/e) in the job for wo months, when T first (speaks) to the big boss, the CEO; nearly hit his ear es | (park) mine! ‘Complete the expressions for giving diplomatic advice (in bold) by filling in the missing letters. 1 ink thore’s a bettor way to do 2 __— to me that there has been a misunderstanding, 5 want to ask Sue for her opinion, + ‘maybe try 2 different approach, 5 you think that making personal calls at work reales an unprofessional atmosphere? 6 Ww —__’_yow agree that it's important to moet all our deadlines? EX match these words related to report writing with their definitions below. escription observation suggestion evaluation analysis: examining something in order to understand it a statement about shat something is ike considering something in order to discover how good or bad itis a comment about something you have seen, heard or felt 5. an idea or plan that you offer for someone to consider Review 2 Customer support El In cach set of four bolow, match an adjective on the Jeft with a noun on the right to make collocations about working conditions. 1 cl customer 2 satisfied environment 3 high meals 4 subsidized staff tumover 5 heavy vale © hourly staff 7 competent job & deacend workload EB Wake adjectives from these nouns. 1 annoyance © knowledge 2 competence 7 persuasion 3 frustration 3 reassurance 4 gatitude 9) satisfaction 5 help 10. rudeness Ed The collocations below are usetul in customer Support. Cross out the one verb that does not callocate with the noun. deal with / Took into / push in / sort out a problem oseribe / adontily / replace / trea: the symptoms lagnose ( locate / offer repair the faul escalate / exchange | launich / replace the product ask jor / call / give /ojfers full refund escalate / fax / reer / replace the problem to a supervisor El in this customer support dialogue the verbs in bold are all in the wrong places. Put them in the correct places. Helpline operator: Before I can locate the problem, | first need to escalate exactly where the fault is Customer: OK, no problem. we can do that. But if it's still not working propery, can you sort out the product, or at least replace me a refund? Helpline operator: Yes that’s possible, but I'm not authorized to do it, I would first have to give the problem to my supervisor, Ei Complete this useful phrase for after sales service Using the letters in brackets. Til____ inte it, ___ it out, and ___ back to you tomorraw: (gktrstieoD0) [Gl Complete the sentences typical of customer support telephone calls 1-10 using the prepositions in the box. down down in into on on through through up. up We tried to contact you, but we couldn’ get L 2. The machine broke after only a few days 3 Replace and screw the side panel, 4 When f switch it nothing bapnens, 5 V'm going to put you to muy supervisor 6 Ti just take ‘your details 7 Push the new module the slot 8 Please hold a moment while [find your rocorts on our database. The line is bad. Please hang and Il eall you back. 10. The line is bad. Could you speak Road the dafinitions and complete the words by filing in the missing letters. 1 computer screen m_____r 2 arow oficons on a computer sereen too 3 something you hope your computer doesn do eh 4 make a computer more powerful u___de 5 something that goes in ¢ printer ce —dge 5 connect to the electricity supply p__@ in 7 sond a document with an email a__ ch 5 9 0 please? ‘Someone who a business sells 0 e_ someone who a business buys from 3 a written promise that a company will repair something you buy from them g EW Complete the email using the words in the box. aporeciate attached could further getbsckto grateful hesitate regard urgently would “ES. # 1waox LReriy * | FORWARD = ° Dear MW ‘am srt wth 10 my order placed online | asrweet. sur rast anrved. 1 be 3) if you 4) ___ ship she order irate, For your feterence, have (5). copy of the ‘ontinmation you sent me. 09 n01 (6) 7) me if you need any (8 wuld (9) ‘3 quick responce as these tems 3 need (10), Best reaards EE The extracts below come from an email between colleagues at a customer contact centre. Use one word to fill each gap. The clues in brackets will help you. M1 you to take @ looke at our Metz gontact centre, (elue: not want, but a similar single word more often used in a business context) 2 Our customer satisfaction survey is tlisastous. (glue: how business people often write fourti quarter) 5 This represents a major to our eorparate image, (clue: it means the possibility that something bad may happen’) 4 These two problems are obviously _ (clue: not connected, although the meaning is the same) 5 vou talk to Marie Pinon, (elue: the meaning, is elose to recommend, although less definite) 6 Im (on you to come up with some ideas (clue not velving, although the meaning is the same) 3 Products and packaging > wren rave ett > package design Internet pete ‘Search fo the keywerde ‘nivel design packaging to find out Stout Univers Design ond its impac. on packasing Discussion With a partner, think of three oxamples of products which are packaged well or badly, and say why. Think about protection, identification, transport, storage, display land security Listening for gist XD 1:28 Listen to an interview with Charlie Wang, President of New China Packaging, 2 design consuitancy based in Taipel, and answer the questions. 1 Wray does he think packeging is 30 important? 2 What is special abot New China Packagings approach? Listening for detail EEX D 128 Listen again and mark these statements F (true) or F(falée). Braiding isnot enough to diferensate elmostiderteal products. ["] 2 Business guru Jack Trout thinks thst companies overcommunicate their ditference, CJ 5 Most customers decide which product to buy before going to the store. 4 Inthe past design teams were nov cold about fiancial ancl manufacturing problems so 38 5 Creative ideas are often implied and adapted because focus groups don like ther, 2 6 The task force can't leave their hotel until every member ofthe tea i enthusistic about the new concept. C1 always conscious of what they necd Consumers aren 8 Now China Packaging’s task forces neod months or years to deliver a consumervalidated packese Discussion Ea What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of using a cross-functional task force might be for the following situations? 1 Incerviewing new job candidates 2. Briefing software consultants who are designing new systems for the company 3. Setting up special deals with important customers 4 Creating new in-company training programmes

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