Client Consultant Architect

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PR@SA Profesional Consultants Sevioes Agreement Commitee CLIENT/CONSULTANT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ANNEXURES A & B: ARCHITECT RECOMMENDED BY THE PROCSA CONSTITUENTS, Atica Association of Quantity Surveyors ‘Association of Construction Project Managers ‘Association of South Aican Quantity Surveyors ‘Consulting Engineers South Africa ‘South African Black Technical and Alied Caroers Organisation South African Insitute of Architects ‘South African Propery Owners Association CODE 3101 Edition 2.0 © AUGUST 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Clause Deserption ANNEXURE A: — SCHEDULE al CONTRACTING PARTIES a CLIENT'S REPRESENTATIVE M PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT aS PRINGIPALAGENT As (OTHER CONSULTANTS, ar PROJECT Ae SCOPE OF WORK as ‘AGREEMENT An tur oF uxbusry an PROFESSIONAL NDEMNTY INSURANCE ae PROFESSIONAL Fees an [APPORTIONUENT OF PROFESSIONAL FEES Ai DISBURSEMENTS ANS INTERESTS OF ConsuLTANT Ae EQUIPHENT AND FACAITIES TO Be PROVIDED BY CLIENT aw ‘ueoiaroR A [ARBITRATOR An ARBITRATION RULES nat [AMENDMENTS ANDIOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS ANNEXURE B: SCOPE OF SERVICES ay STAGE 1 INCEPTION 82 STAGE 2: CONCEPT AND VABLITY 83 ‘STAGE 3; DESIGN DEVELOPMENT oe [STAGE 4: DOCUMENTATIONAND PROCUREMENT 8s STAGES: CONSTRUCTION 86 ‘STAGES: CLOSEOUT (OTHER ANNEXURES: ANNEXURE A. SCHEDULE Tis schedule coast variates, amendment andor pai ondtons posing e hi sgreemen which ‘aes nar spec cancion sah ueprerearos owt ame rocco ata ones eee ‘elee @ pronaed senso nso tapered Hes a Sessler oa her ee ‘Schedule. Square brackstedrefernces in ales eter to causes inthis agreemont PRISE CnUHE ct A. CONTRACTING PARTIES fea) Post adress county Coe ta Fas emt Pyles adess ‘county Coe SBS ‘constant neta} Postal aatees coumy Cove Physical eens cant ‘ode Ag. EFFECTIVE DATE ‘is agreement sha bs eects tom A CLIENT'S REPRESENTATIVE Cons cepresentsve wasy Postal addeoes county Prpical secs County 4 PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT Pes 2 a ee Te Fax Pyle! acess oxnty AS PRINCIPAL AGENT Principal agent reg Postal astess county Prysealnasess AG. OTHER CONSULTANTS. 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