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Short stories

Apocalyptic life

I feared everything that came after me during the apocalypse of my life. I acted tough but inside I
was just a child in fear just like everyone else. And the thing I feared the most was people breaking
the shell I wore and discovering the real me.

Stand out

Why do we care what people think of us? It’s our life and for all we know the people judging us are
just a figment of our imagination, people who hallucinate don’t realise they are hallucinating, so
what if that is all we are doing. What if people are just hallucinations and we are just living on an
empty world? We should live our lives to the fullest doing what we want. Think back to when you
were in kindergarten, it feels like a small insignificant part of your life now, but when you were
there, I bet you felt like whatever you did was a massive thing that would affect everything. Dismiss
this as a naïve child’s mind set, but that is how you are living right now. We are a small part of
humanity and when you die the only people who are going to remember you are friends and family
and when they die you become an insignificant nobody to everyone else. So, make a voice for
yourself, stand out compared to others, go crazy, go wild, do whatever you want to do. Do you want
to die a nobody or die knowing you made the most of life? Stand out, do you, and live like each day
is your last cause I’m making plans for it to be.


I was bullied. My best friend turned her back on me, rumours started to emerge that were untrue,
people who did not know me started to ignore me, and I felt like I was falling into a dark pit. Every
time another mean comment hit me, I feel faster, the bottom getting closer. I would hold my head
high but the moment they could not see me I would break and cry, I begged my mum to send me to
another school, but she never did. I learnt to put on a mask, I would smile over the tears and laugh
at the pain. Let the arrows hit my back and pretend I was wearing armour. When high school came it
was my new chance. But pain follows the weak. My new chance became the life I left, and the
ground was too close. Then I hit the bottom and I broke into a million pieces. Grim thoughts washed
through my mind and I felt like the dark was all I knew.

The sun beats down through the endless blue

The rainbow flags held by people flew

The mistake of humanity finally remade

The dept against colours clearly repaid

I held my yellow, blue and pink flag high

Trying so hard not to break down and cry

As they welcomed us to Vancouver pride

The bonds of the gays were finally tied


I shall tell a terrible tale of wonder and woe, one that can make you break down in tears, and I shall
do it all in around five hundred words. All right let us start, shall we. It was a winters day, and the
rain was pouring as two children sat in PE uniforms and waited for there teacher to arrive. The door
swung open and a cloaked figure stepped


Its chaos. Balls are going everywhere as children scream. She looks on wondering if they are
screaming in joy or in fear. Some children are getting hit whilst others continue to watch. No one
notices that the basketball player is terrified as she onlooks. Most would believe her to join in due to
her ability to play basketball. But she is petrified at the thought. What no one knows is that just last
year her brother was rushed to hospital with a concussion after getting hit on the head by a
basketball that missed the hoop. And that was how her fear grew.

World Girl

Determination flashed in her eyes as she strode forward, her steps overflowed with grace and
confidence as she glared at the door filled with the obnoxious leaders she needed to defeat. She had
done it before and she would do it again, she would stand up against the supposed “leaders” who
oversaw the fate of her and her kind and would fight them. She would fight for all their rights, the
rights that would help them rise above and help the community without the fear of being degraded.
She had fought so hard to get where she was today, and she was going to make sure that those like
her could get further than her with the ease everyone else had.


Who do you think I’m taking about? Let me guess. An amazing warrior, maybe from another planet,
who is trying to defend her species against the awful dictators who rule over her. Something from a
sci-fi or dystopian novel? Well you are wrong. I’m talking about a normal human lady who is fighting
for the rights of all females who are being oppressed and degraded around the world. I’m talking
about someone who has risen to a place where she can try to make a difference to help fix the
monstrous prejudice that holds women in such low esteem, that allows men to get away with rape
and abuse. She is no alien with powers from a sci-fi dystopian world. She is however a warrior. And
she is fighting for things just as important as whatever you can find in books. The only difference?
This is real.

An ancient myth

Long ago in an old-fashioned mansion lived a wonderous family, there was a mother, a father and
their twin daughters Luvina and Amaris. Now their father travelled a lot for work, mainly he would
go to England and it was to be Luvina and Amaris’ birthdays soon, so the father was going to take
them with him. They planned it for ages, it was going to be the best birthday ever. But then their
mother got sick and it was decided that one child would stay while the other went to England, and
that child was Luvina. Before Amaris left, Luvina gave Amaris her birthday present which was an
obsidian bracelet, Amaris also gave Luvina her present which was also an obsidian bracelet, they had
both been carved out of the same rock and it was said that if you brought both bracelets together an
unbreakable chain would be made between the two wearers.

A week later Luvina and her mother received news that the plane that Amaras and her father was on
had crashed and all bodies were accounted for except the body of Amaris. The mother went into
shock and later died of a heart attack, Lucinda, not wanting to become an orphan ran away and set
up a picknick for when her sister came back, and then she waited and waited and waited, for Amaris
to come back. She knew that she would come because she could feel the chain that linked them
growing stronger with every step. But the time never came and eventually Luvina passed away, but
her spirit never gave up. It is said that if two spirits as close as the twins were to come to that same
picknick spot, Luvina would show herself and Amaris would finally be reunited with her sister.

The reef

She was the most beautiful thing ever, full of colours and overflowing with life. She was the life of
the world and would protect everyone she could from danger. You could not say that anything was
bad about her except that you might drown in her deep blues. Everyone wanted to see her until she
was no more. She is drained of life, a skeleton of what she used to be. The life that used to flow from
her is gone and it is no one’s fault but our own. We killed her. We destroyed her. We killed the reef.


If you expect it can it be called betrayal, if your head already knew they would try to destroy you.
Who betrayed who first? Your mind or their hand. I knew she would draw the knife just as everyone
else had. The only reason I let her in was because the darkness is lonely and maybe just maybe she
would survive. But only the strong and righteous can resist the black pull in their heart. She stabs me
in the back. Black blood runs. I already let myself turn black inside. And now its her turn to join me.

They will say

They will say that you are pretty and so thin, but only once they have realised that you have stopped
eating. They will say that they like you and that they are your friend, but only once they have
realised that you hate yourself. They will say that you are great as is and that you should protect
yourself, but only once they have realised that you harm yourself. They will say that they love you
and that they never want to leave you, but only once they have realised that you are the one that
has left them.

The reef remade

She was the most beautiful thing ever, full of colours and overflowing with creation. She was the life
of the world and would protect everyone she could from dangers. You could not say that anything
was bad or dangerous about her. Except the danger of drowning in her deep dark blues. Everyone
wanted to see her. Until she was no more. Now she has become blank of life, a dull husk of what she
was, she lies a skeleton that we created at the bottom of the ocean. Dead beyond preservation.
Because we killed her. We killed the reef.


One ledge. One step. One drop. Don’t stop.

Test 2

I stood at the top of the building looking down to the pavement. The same pavement where a red
stain still marked my landing place. Same place, same time. A different girl. 50 meters. She said that
if you drop from 50 meters you die instantly. I did not believe her. Of course, she then had to go and
prove it right. but everyone knows that you need to try an experiment more than once to see if it is
consistent. Same place, same time, a different girl. Test 2.


Truck. There is a truck. Watch out or you are going to get hit. Why are you not moving!? Wait… that
person is me! Why am I… I remember now, I was


I slam my hand down to capture the one thing that shall ensure my victory. The table shakes from
the force of the impact as my hand secures its weapon before anyone else could. I scream in
triumph, “snap!”

Why can’t

Why can’t I be one of those amazing protagonists that I read about. Like the ones who rise
from poverty through struggles unimaginable to become a role model to all. Or the one who
is rich and wealthy but loses everything due to their greed only to learn from their mistakes
and become a better person who gets everything back. The one who has a good quality like
sport, art, or music. The one who everyone loves and adores. The one who tries to make the
world a better place. The one who is emotionless and mysterious yet when one person gets
close to them, they discover a sweeter side that is hidden due to some bad past. The one
who finds true love in an unexpected place. The one who gets an ending. Why can’t I be the
one. But I am just me. The girl with the short brown hair and tall figure that is still not the
tallest, the girl who gets along with some people but not others and has some great friends
and no vengeful enemies. The girl who gets good grades but never gets awards. The girl that
fits in with the world and rolls with it. That is me. My name is Holly Collins, and this is how I
became me in the most normal way.

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