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The room was bright and sparkling around the frail woman sitting beside the bed.

Weariness was
etched into every line on her face as she turned towards the entering figure.

“He’ll be alright, won’t he?” The lady clasped the man’s frail hand in her own, weary eyes turned up
to the doctor above her.

The doctor looked upon the hurting woman with pursed lips that couldn’t seem to move.

“Tommy and I been together 63 years. He can’t leave me now. Not because of a small fall. He
wouldn’t do that to me.” She continued her hands shaking.

“I’m sorry ma’am,” the doctor finally spoke gently, voice barely a whisper. “Your husband is close to

A soft click could be heard as the doctor left, leaving the old lady to have a few more minutes with
her love.

The woman let out a soft sound as she stared at the door for a moment before turning back to the
man laying in the bed before her. Trembling fingers gripped pale ones tighter. “He feels cold.” She
whispered pulling the blanket around him and tucking him in tighter, “Tommy doesn’t like the cold.”

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