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“Where have you been!

” I screamed at the supposed ‘saviour’ of our world, the one predestined to

‘save us all’ and ‘lead us to greatness’. She just sat there. Staring out over the darkening ocean, her
feet buried in the warm sand as she sat back in her beach chair. She looked so calm and at peace
with the world. And I was furious because of that.

“There is a war raging on! People are being tormented as the world falls apart and you are sitting
here in the middle of the tropics taking a holiday!” I screeched my temper rising as she turned
towards her head towards me finally revealing her face.

“15,” she stated, her voice monotone as I felt my temper subside.

“What? What do you mean 15?” I questioned her, my mind whirling as I tried to make sense of the

“15,” she replied once more, “that’s how old I was when I was told I would be the ‘saviour’ of our
world. I was a schoolgirl, all I wanted to do was graduate, find love, have an adventure. But not this. I
didn’t want this pressure. I didn’t want to kill or hurt anyone. I was so scared of what people wanted
from me. So, I did the only thing I could think of, I ran away, back to my home.”

At this I finally looked at her, really looked at her. Her flowing red hair that was told to surround her
like a flame was dark and settled around her in calm waves, her face was settled in a look of
weariness and appeared numb, she looked like she hadn’t smiled in so long and her eyes… her eyes
made me step back. They were devoid of emotions, dark and deep as though the life was being
sucked through them and into a world of darkness, they looked straight through everything. But
what scared me more was the fact that they were the eyes of someone who could do everything,

I stared at her and finally spoke, “what happened to you that made you run. What did they want you
to do?”

Finally, her face twisted into a smirk. She looked straight at me as the words left her mouth, “you
think we are on the good side? Well, there is no good side. I have seen the way that we have
tortured those who are against us. The way we tear apart families if one does not seem good
enough. How we belittle the weak as the strong rise. We are just as bad as them, and now? I’m going
to fight for my own side.”

Her smirk faded and turned into a wicked grin, her eyes glinted, and I shivered as I realised just what
that could mean.

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