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Tahun 2
Akhir Tahun 2021
1 jam

(Set 1)



Nama: ………………………………………………………………. Kelas: ……………

Kertas Pemahaman dan Penulisan

1 jam (60 minit)


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi tujuh bahagian:
Bahagian A, B, C, D, E, F dan G.

2. Jawab semua soalan.

Kertas ini mengandungi 8 halaman bercetak.

Bahagian Markah


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Read the passage below carefully. Then answer the following

A ___ / 6

On a hot scorching day of summer, an ant named Bella was walking

around in search of water. After walking around for some time, Bella
saw a river and was delighted to see it. Bella climbed up on a small
rock to drink the water. However, she slipped and fell into the river.

Bella was drowning but a dove, named Becky who was sitting on a
nearby tree helped her. Seeing Bella in trouble, Becky quickly
dropped a leaf into the water. Bella moved towards the leaf and
climbed up on it. Becky then carefully pulled the leaf out and placed
it on the land. Bella’s life was saved and she was forever indebted to

1. After walking around for some time, ________________________________________


2. Bella climbed up on


3. Bella was drowning but a dove,



4. Seeing Bella in trouble,



5. Becky then carefully



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6. Bella’s life was



B Look at the picture and answer the questions correctly. ___ / 12

1. 4.

What is this?
What is this?
This is an ____________________.
This is a ____________________.

2. 5.

What is this? What is this?

This is a ____________________. This is a ____________________.

3. 6.

What is this? What is this?

This is a ____________________. This is a ____________________.

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C Look at the picture carefully. Circle the correct answer. ___ / 4

1. 3.

_______ they go to school by bus? Mom______ her cooking at 9:00 am

every day.
A. Do
B. Does A. do
C. Are B. does
C. is

2. 4.

Jason and Alice _______ their We _____ play monopoly every day.
revision before they go to sleep.
A. do not
A. is B. does not
B. do C. are not
C. does

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D Underline the correct answer. ___ / 8

1. They (play, plays) soccer every 5. Our grandparents (come, comes) to visit
weekend. us in the afternoon.

2. My brother (wash, washes) his bicycle 6. Bobby, my cat (lick, licks) his tail every
on every Saturday. day.

3. Afiq (put, puts) on his cap during hot 7. Ameera (listen, listens) attentively to her
days. teacher in the class.

4. There (is, are) a stick behind the door. 8. Aqil and Aqil (is, are) brothers.

E Read the followings. Circle the correct answer. ___ / 6

1. My grandmother loves gardening. 4. Can you see those men over there?
_____ plants many herb plants in ______ are my uncles.
_____ garden.
A. Them
A. She…her B. We
B. He…his C. They
C. We..our

2. Uncle Sam came to our house this 5. I have a cat pet. ______ has a long tail.
morning. ______ brought us some
toys. A. She
B. He
A. They C. It
B. He
C. She

3. My little sister and I love to read 6. Can you see that book on the table?
story books. _______ always read That is ____ book. Can you please
story books before ______ bed time. pass it to _____?

A. We…our A. my…it
B. They…their B. my…me
C. She…he C. me…my

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F Rearrange the words to form correct sentences. ___ / 8

1. Areesa ☺ story ☺ reads ☺ every day. ☺ books


2. taller ☺ Azri ☺ brother. ☺ his ☺ than ☺ is


3. grandmother ☺ gardening. ☺ My ☺ loves


4. next ☺Pulau Langkawi ☺ are ☺ to ☺ week.☺ We ☺going


5. finished ☺ Ain ☺ homework. ☺ has ☺ her


6. chicken-pox. ☺ Zalikha ☺ has ☺school ☺ not ☺ because☺did☺she ☺ go ☺ to


7. stops ☺ The ☺ school. ☺ of ☺ in front☺ bus☺ my


8. jumped ☺ The☺ box.☺ frog☺ into ☺ the


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Look at the pictures. Write a sentence for the pictures with the
G given words. ___ / 6

thin book
This is a thin book.

sharp knife

my toys

my school


many pencils


new bicycle


butterfly beautiful


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1) After walking around for some time, Bella saw a river and was delighted to see it.
2) Bella climbed up on a small rock to drink the water.
3) Bella was drowning but a dove, named Becky who was sitting on a nearby tree
helped her.
4) Seeing Bella in trouble, Becky quickly dropped a leaf into the water.
5) Becky then carefully pulled the leaf out and placed it on the land.
6) Bella’s life was saved and she was forever indebted to Becky.

1) aeroplane 2) watch 3) refrigerator 4) hammer 5) mosque 6) television

1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A

1) play
2) washes
3) puts
4) is
5) come
6) licks
7) listens
8) are

1) A 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) C 6) B

1. Areesa reads story books every day.
2. Azri is taller than his brother.
3. My grandmother loves gardening.
4. We are going to Pulau Langkawi next week.
5. Ain has finished her homework.
6. Zalikha did not go to school because she has chicken-pox.
7. The bus stops in front of my school.
8. The frog jumped into the box.

2. This is a sharp knife. / This knife is sharp.
3. These are my toys. / These are her toys / There are Amira’s toys.
4. This is my school./That is our school
5. I have many pencils. / We have many pencils.
6. This is a new bicycle. / I have a new bicycle. / Dad bought me a new bicycle.
7. The butterfly is beautiful. / This is a beautiful butterfly.

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Tahun 2
Akhir Tahun 2021
1 jam

(Set 2)



Nama: ………………………………………………………………. Kelas: ……………

Kertas Pemahaman dan Penulisan

1 jam (60 minit)


3. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi lapan bahagian:
Bahagian A, B, C, D, E, F, G dan H.

4. Jawab semua soalan.

Kertas ini mengandungi 8 halaman bercetak.

Bahagian Markah


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A Answer the following questions. ___ / 6

1. 4.

My grandmother walks with a ________ Danny is cutting a picture with a pair of

A. cain
B. cane A. scissors
C. caine B. sizors
C. sissors

2. 5.

Dad rides his ____________ to the

office every day. This is a __________ of my family.

A. motosikal A. foto
B. motorcycle B. photo
C. motorsycel C. poto

3. 6.

Grandmother needs a _________ and a Dad needs a few _________ and a

needle to sew. hammer to fix the broken chair.
A. buton A. neils
B. botton B. nails
C. button C. nials

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Read the passage below carefully. Then answer the following

B ___ / 6

A lion was once sleeping in the jungle when a mouse started

running up and down his body just for fun. This disturbed the
lion’s sleep, and he woke up quite angry. He roared loudly and
was about to eat the mouse. Feeling afraid, the mouse desperately
requested the lion to set him free. “I promise you, I will be of great
help to you someday if you save me.” The lion laughed at the
mouse’s confidence and let him go.

One day, a few hunters came into the forest and took the lion with
them. They tied him up against a tree. The lion was struggling to
get out and started to whimper. Soon, the mouse walked past and
noticed the lion was in trouble. Quickly, he ran and gnawed on the
ropes to set the lion free. Both of them sped off into the jungle.
Since then, both the lion and the mouse became best friends.

1. Write TRUE for the correct statements and FALSE for the incorrect ones.

a) The lion was sleeping when the mouse started to have fun
on his body.

b) The lion was angry at the mouse for playing fun while he
was asleep and wanted to eat him.

c) The lion cried when the mouse pled to set him free.

d) The hunters killed the lion to death.

e) The mouse chewed the ropes and set the lion free.

2. Do you think that the lion owed his life to the mouse? Why?

I think the lion owed his life to the mouse because ______________________


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C Look at the picture carefully. Circle the correct answer. ___ / 4

1. 3.

My cat sat _______ the mat.

The ball is _______ the table.
A. on
A. on
B. in
B. in
C. under
C. under

2. 4.

A goldfish is _____ an aquarium.

The children were hiding _______ A. inside

the door. B. outside
C. beside
A. under
B. in
C. behind

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D Underline the correct answer. ___ / 8

1. They (eat, eats) a lot of candies during 5. The policemen (shoot, shoots) at the
their visit to their aunt’s house. robbers bravely.

2. The twin babies (drink, drinks) milk 6. The children (laugh, laughs) loudly when
every night. they heard the jokes.

3. The old man (walk, walks) slowly to the 7. A teacher (work, works) in a school.
bus station.

4. Zafran (shut, shuts) the door quietly. 8. The pupils (sweep, sweeps) their

E Underline the correct answer. ___ / 6

1. My grandmother (has, have) a huge 4. The twins (has, have) packed their
garden in her backyard. camping bags.

2. Zain (has, have) finished his homework. 5. The mice (has, have) eaten the cheese.

3. The children (has, have) eaten their 6. Ameera’s tooth (has, have) been pulled
chocolates. out.

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F Circle the correct answers. ___ / 9

Aleeysha and her brother, Arif were having lunch at a shopping mall.

They went there with 1) _____________ parents.

“Do you want some salad, Alleysha?” 2) __________ mother asked.

“No, thank you mom. 3) ________ don’t like salad. You can give it to

Arif. 4) ___________ loves salad,” said Alleysha.

“Yes, I love salad. You can give it to 5) __________,” said Arif.

“Can you please pass that book to me, Arif?” asked Alleysha.

“Is that book 6) ___________? I thought it is mom’s,” asked Ariff.

“Yes, that book is 7) _______________,” said Alleysha.

“Here is the book, Alleysha. Wow, 8) ___________ is thick and

heavy! 9)___________ cover is shiny too,” said Arif.

1. A. our B. their C. her

2. A. her B. his C. our
3. A. We B. I C. You
4. A. He B. She C. We
5. A. my B. me C. mine
6. A. ours B. yours C. your
7. A. ours B. theirs C. mine
8. A. they B. it C. he
9. A. It’s B. Its C. His

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Change the errors in the words underlined. Rewrite the correct

G sentences. ___ / 6

1. Grandmother bought some vegitabels at the market.


2. The pencil costs twenty-faiv cents only.


3. Adib scoops the painappel jam in the jar with a spoon.


4. Azraii and Ayra go to shcool by bus.


5. The chocolate that I bought is traingel shape.


6. Green is my feveret color.


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H Choose “This”, “That”, “These”, and “Those” correctly. ___ / 5

_____________ is a bird.
It is singing sweetly on the tree.

____________ are beautiful stars.

2. They are shining brightly.

____________ are my brothers, Hafiz and Hafiy.


____________ is my dog. Its name is Cooper.


____________ are my balloons.

5. I bought it from a balloon shop.

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1) B 2) B 3) C 4) A 5) B 6) B


11) TRUE

2) I think the lion owed his life to the mouse because the mouse has saved his life this time.

1) C 2) C 3) A 4) A

9) eat
10) drink
11) walks
12) shuts
13) shoot
14) laugh
15) works
16) sweep

1) has 2) has 3) have 4) have 5) have 6) has

1) B 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) B 6) B 7) C 8) B 9) B

1) vegetables
2) five
3) pineapple
4) school
5) triangle
6) favourite

1) That 2) Those 3) These 4) This 5) These

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