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1.cold and grey day in late November

2.backing wind
3. a granite sky and muzzling rain
4.hills cloaking in mist
The phrase ‘while the dispirited horses plodded sullenly to his command’ shows that they
have been going for a while because the horses and tired and lack energy because they are
dispirited which means they have lost hope and enthusiasm. The word sullenly shows that
they don’t want to continue even though they still are.
The phrase ‘trembled and swayed, rocking between the high wheels like a drunken man’
shows how windy the Cornish countryside is and it is simile and a piece of personification
because it compares the coach’s swaying to a drunken man by using the word ‘like’ and it is
giving the coach a human thing which is ‘trembling and swaying.’
The phrase ‘soft spatted mud again the window’ uses alliteration and syllabus which shows
how bad it is because it then ‘mingled with constant drying rain’ which show it doesn’t just
mix normal, but it makes to make a weird paste like thing.
In the beginning the writer focuses on the weather. This is to show what the conditions are
like in the Cornish countryside. This is so we can know a little bit about what the scene is
As the text develops, we find out that there are many people that are in the coach traveling
to the Jamaica inn. This paragraph also tells us how cramped and cold everyone was. It also
tells us that the driver is trying to shelter himself with his shoulders and the horses have
been going for a while as they are dispirited.
In the last section of the text the writer introduces us to the people on the coach a bit more.
We are introduced to a woman called Mary Yellen. We also found out that the coach isn’t
very waterproof because there are drips of water coming from the ceiling.
The last part of the text links back to the start because the last line is ‘blue heaven that had
mantled Helford yesterday shine for an instant as a forerunner of fortune’ and at the start it
said ‘it was a cold and grey day in late November’ which are both talking about the color of
the sky.
I partly agree with what the student said because we are introduced to 3 people in the
coach who are the old man; the red-faced woman; and Mary Yellen. We find out that the
old man is getting annoyed about how fast and bumpy the ride is. The red face woman is
just signing, and Mary Yellen is watching the rain on the windows.
The writer describes how they are feeling and what they are doing but I don’t think it makes
me feel as if I was on the coach with them.

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