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David Christie-Murray: Reincarnation, ancient beliefs and modern evidence.
Tucker: Life before life, page 30
Examples in many books: Har vi varit här förut? by Johan Wretman, Emotionell befriel-
se by Jan-Erik Sigdell. By the psychiatrist Brian L Weiss: Miracles Happen: The Transfor-
mational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories, Many Lives, Many Masters, and Same Soul –
Many Bodies. The Swedish author Barbro Karlén has told her story on Youtube (in eng-
a part of God’s plan?
Jan-Erik Sigdell: Emotionell befrielse, page 198-199
Tucker: Life before life, introduction
Tucker: Life before life, page 1
Tucker: Life before Life, page 129. This is a shortened version from the book.
Life before Life, page 96
Life before Life
Life before life, page 166. More details in Tucker’s book.
Life before Life, page 172
Life before Life, page 173
Viktor Rydberg: Bibelns lära om Kristus. Peter Wallgren
In the Bible the name represents the whole personality. To believe in someones
name means to trust that person. Speaking or praying in someones name is to speak
or pray in unity with him – to be in one spirit when performing the act.
Before humanity lost God’s garment of glory in Eden and eternal life with aspect to
the body, our spirit was not perfected to Christ-likeness. The purpose of life on earth
is to reach ”perfection”, our full potential, by overcoming the hardships of life.
Septuaginth is the Greek translation of the Old Testament from the third century B
C, a translation used by the apostles on their missionary trips.
In the book of Jasher is a vivid description of what a terrible unjustice that prevailed
in Sodom. Among other things it describes how a foreigner was treated in that city.
Jasher can be found on the web.
Se for example ”Barns minnen från tidigare liv” by Göran Johannesson,
Three festivals of harvests should be celebrated in Israel according to the Law given
to Moses: The sheafoffering celebrated the firstfruits of barley (corresponding to our
Easter Sunday), at pentecost they celebrated the firstfruits of wheat, and in the fall
came the grape-harvest. All these had prophetic meaning. See Dr of theology Stephen
Jones’ booklets The Barley Overcomers respective The Wheat and Asses of Pentecost.
See for example Life before Life by Helen Wambach and the books under note 4!

© Peter Wallgren and Vingården Association 2019. able to thank him in all circumstances of life and reign over them in
Published by Vingården, Lärkvägen 26, 284 37 Perstorp, Sweden. wisdom and gentleness. The fallen nature will then be silenced. We
Tel +46–43535705. concede all crafty calculations to obtain benefits at the expense of
others. We become true servants. And our words become containers
International bank account SE07 9500 0099 6034 0296 0870
of life and rehabilitation to all we mingle with. This is what will quali-
Bic-code (SWIFT-address): NDEASESS fy us for a leading position in the coming age.
Webshop: Those already qualified are eagerly waiting for the moment when all
Text within brackets [ ] in a Bible quotation marks a comment by their future coworkers graduate:
author. Rev 6:11: Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a
Quotation from the Bible are from English Standard Version unless little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their
otherwise said. brothers should be complete, who were to be killed as they themsel-
ves had been.
fv after a Bible reference = ”and following verses”
Invite and trust Jesus in every test! Keep your heart close to him,
YLT = Young’s Literal Translation even if life becomes hard! Then you are under divine protection.
LITV= Literal Translation of the Holy Bible Rom 8:28-29: And we know that for those who love God all things
work together for good, for those who are called according to his
purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be con-
formed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-
born among many brothers.

2 79
Note, that Jesus talked to his hardened opponents when he said they
were gods! He quoted Psalm 82, where it is obvious that those called
gods are fallen people: Introduction.............................................................................. 4
Psa 82:1-8: A Psalm of Asaph God stands in the assembly of the migh-
A short review of history............................................................. 5
ty; He judges in the midst of the gods. Until when will you judge un- Folklore at the time of Jesus................................................ 6
justly, and lift up the faces of the wicked? Selah. Judge the poor and Research.................................................................................... 7
fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and Memories of former lives..................................................... 8
needy; save out of the hand of the wicked. They neither know nor will Gender related problems..................................................... 12
understand; they walk in darkness; all the foundations of the earth Exemples of spontaneous memories from former lives .... 12
are shaken. I have said, You are gods, and all of you are sons of the The Bible’s testimony............................................................... 16
Most High. But you shall die as men, and fall like one of the ru- How long have we existed? ................................................ 16
lers. Rise, O God, judge the earth; for You shall inherit in all the na- Do we die just once?............................................................ 22
tions. The judgment between the sheep and the goats............... 24
How can we be restored during just one earthly life? It is obviously We mature to the end of the age........................................ 26
Alternatives after death....................................................... 29
not enough but for a few. Even ages are required for most people. Our choice to incarnate ....................................................... 30
Concerning stewardship in the coming age many are called but few Perfection.............................................................................. 33
are chosen, Mat 22:14. Matthew lets us know that we must be clothed The Lord lingers ................................................................... 36
in wedding-suits to entry this Kingdom. We understand that the wed- Wages at the end of the age................................................ 37
ding-suits are picturing Jesus’ righteousness, but have we understood Firstfruits and predestination ............................................. 40
Harvest in future lives ......................................................... 41
that they also represent a fully developed Christ’s character in us? In The unity of creation............................................................ 45
the moment we say yes to Jesus as our Lord, we are imputed his righ- Maturity of the harvest and the beast................................ 47
teousness, but then we must be transformed to be able to live in the The children’s responsibility for their forefathers’ sins .... 48
Kingdom of Peace, in particular if we want to reign there with Jesus. The Sabbath rest .................................................................. 52
He must become our very life. Our present life is a training camp. Salvation of the soul ............................................................ 53
The objective for our vigilance............................................ 54
The apostle Paul pressed on towards this target: Israels’ hardening ................................................................ 55
Phil 3:10-14: to know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the Wages in this age................................................................. 57
fellowship of His sufferings, having been conformed to His death, if Elijah, John and Moses......................................................... 58
somehow I may attain to a resurrection out of the dead [implicitly: When time was full.............................................................. 60
the first or foremost resurrection]. Not that I already received or al- Is our identity eternal? ........................................................ 62
ready have been perfected, but I press on, if I also may lay hold, Everything will be restored ..................................................... 63
inasmuch as I also was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not Salvation............................................................................... 63
count myself to have laid hold, but one thing I do, forgetting the Resurrection versus reincarnations .................................... 65
things behind, and stretching forward to those things before, I press Interpretation of the prophetic word ................................. 66
on after a mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Je- Listening in spiritual quest...................................................... 66
Forbidden and allowed paths.............................................. 67
Paul wanted to lay hold of an honorary office in the next age. The purpose of life.................................................................... 70
How do you qualify for this coming kingdom? The righteous shall live A model to explain suffering............................................... 72
by faith (Hab 2:4; Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Hebr 10:38), that is we shall trust The blessing of hunger and curse of fullness..................... 75
A school for government position ...................................... 77
God’s presence, know that there is always a heavenly solution to eve- Footnotes .................................................................................. 80
ry problem and trial. In such a communion with our Father we are
78 3
the earth, or the bridal company would not have anyone to reign over.
Introduction So most people in this Kingdom will be mortal, but reach a high age.
Is this book necessary? Our degree of Christ-likeness depends on our spiritual development,
Not for salvation. You do not have to know if we reincarnate to the and that in turn depends upon how much light we want to see. Why
earth. You will receive divine eternal life just by inviting Jesus Christ is not always the presence of God felt in our churches? Why are mirac-
into your heart. les so rare among us? Why do we sometimes work hard and see just
But too many wonder how it really is. So we cannot ignore the issue. tiny results? The truth is that only a few ”know the breadth and
I myself know some people with memories that cannot possibly ema- length and height and depth of the love of Christ”. Too few want to
nate from this life. They want to know if they can believe in both the proceed into the secrets of God. You must long for it and be willing to
Bible and reincarnation. That is why I have written this booklet. I find pay the price to be found in Christ. Many esteem fellowship in church
it important that nobody beleiving in several lives here on earth shall higher than moving beyond their present state. Some consider their
find a conflict between this belief and the gospel of salvation through salary more important than truth. Our loyalty must be to the Lord
Jesus Christ alone, because no one can serve two masters. That may cause us to be
Maybe the old problem of theodicy will be solved if we think lonely for a time. But if we value truth most of all, we will in due time
reincarnation. You may conclude this after reading the booklet. find communion with those also loving truth.
For full benefit of this booklet you should also read Tidens fullbordan One simple reason for evil on earth is that most people are yet im-
(Consummation of Time – not translated when this is written), written mature or have no knowledge about God.
by my wife Madeleine and me. In this work we clarify how modern A school for government position
translations of the Bible in certain aspects have become erroneous,
The Creator is not the cause to all misery in the world, even though
being based on a tradition from Augustine and the Latin translation
it is true that he has allowed it. We are the gods of this world, and we
Vulgate from AD 405. In this book we prove from the Bible’s original
are here to learn how to take care of it. According to several testimo-
text that God in endtime will restore all people and all creation (1 Cor
nies from those being able to penetrate the intermediate state betwe-
15:26-28; Acts 3:21). Everyone will eventually find Christ as his savio-
en incarnations, we have planned our trials before we came to earth.
ur. But Tidens fullbordan does not address reincarnation. However I
We have accepted challenges of solving problems with temper, greed,
will quote from one of its chapters, teaching about our preexistence,
intoxication of power, unfaithfulness, corruption, or whatever it may
since this is crucial to understand the concept of reincarnation.
be that blocks us from obtaining Christ-likeness. We must learn to
This booklet should be considered a complement to other authors’ overcome trials and temptations by trusting God, since otherwise we
narrations of former lives. See references in footnotes. will not be fit for the coming Kingdom.20 Here we have the necessary
I imagine some of you may find it hard to follow such a compressed opposition required to grow into Christ-likeness.
teaching as in this booklet. Please follow my argumentation by loo- We are not only created as God’ images, but also as gods, meaning
king up in your Bible when needed, and also read literature I refer to. rulers in universe. We are however fallen gods (compare also Job 38:7).
However, if you still have questions after this, you may contact me for Joh 10:34-36: Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I
complimentary explanations. said, you are gods’? If he called them gods to whom the word of God
came – and Scripture cannot be broken – do you say of him whom
the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blasphe-
ming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?

4 77
king about an eternal state. The fire they were sent to is eternal, since
it is an outflow from God’s eternal fiery nature, but when they have
been transformed by it, they will thrive in this divine fire.
A short review of history
Mainstream church has rejected the concept of reincarnation during
We can see how God’s curses are aimed at salvation in both the sto-
the majority of the Christian era until today. In this day a global belief
ry of man’s fall, Gen 3, when Adam after being cursed was given
in reincarnation becomes increasingly spread. It is estimated that half
clothes of skin (symbolic for salvation) and the in the record about the
of the Swedish people believe in reincarnation, and among youths the
Gibeonites, who were cursed by Joshua (prefiguring Jesus), but later
percentage is even higher. In modern time the world has never before
were protected by God. See Jos 9:23 respective 2 Sam 21:1ff. In both
seen such awakening to the reality of the spirit world. Our brain is no
cases it resulted in hard work, but nevertheless it was work for God’s
longer considered as the source to our personality, but rather as a re-
house and establishment.
ceiver and processor of our innermost spiritual being.
Maybe we can find a special prophetic model in the salvation of the
Scientific studies about life both before and after our earthly exis-
Gibeonites. They were saved from extinction by Israel, but through
tence are going on. These studies indicate that many have more than
cunning. In the same way some people will be saved ”as through fire”
one life on earth.
But that will cost them hard work. Such hardships belong to the con-
ditions of the fallen nature. The longer we keep our fallen nature, the To avoid confusion we should understand what the Bible tells us
longer we have to work in the sweat of our brows. In any case, sooner about these things. We have not yet seen the whole width of how tradi-
or later we must separate ourselves from the fallen nature. Surely the tions have locked us up in certain dogms. Let us not make the same mis-
Gibeonites were brought under God’s discipline in their covenant with take as the church did when it claimed earth to be flat and the center
Israel. The Lord has promised to separate the chaff (what is useless in of universe, scorning evidence of the opposite! Such an attitude does
us) from the wheat (what is pure and useful in us). not promote the wonderful news of salvation through Jesus Christ. It
make sense not to put unnecessary stumbling blocks before people
As far as I have taken part in the testimonies from those with me-
who want to find God. I do not think anybody has claimed reincarna-
mories from former lives, they have not obtained Christ-likeness in
tion to be a road of salvation. Salvation is given us by the atonement
these lives. I have read about people remembering being priests or
on the cross, followed by Jesus’ resurrection, but reincarnation could
something else religious in former lives, but not anyone with memori-
be a school with several classes.
es from a life in true discipleship to Jesus. Sometimes haughtiness has
been exposed in their recollections from lives discovered during re- The authors of the New Testament took for granted that Christians
gression therapy. Recollections from the intermediate state have of the time knew more about reality than what is written in their con-
shown a period of rest from which they have been given opportunities cise writings. Since they believed the return of Jesus was imminent,
to incarnate again and so learn more. But they have not seen God. they did not realise the importance of writing a full compilation of Je-
Mat 5:8: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. sus’ teachings (John 21:25). Moreover, we must presume that their ex-
pectation of Jesus’ imminent return gave them no cause to discuss
I conclude that those having found Jesus and been transformed into
reincarnation. Many believed Jesus would return in their generation.
his image do not need more mortal earthly lives. Maybe some choose
This means that if we want to understand the Bible, we must try to
it anyway, because they have a special mission. But more than
reason out certain things by correctly understanding hints to them.
anything else they look forward to resurrection, when they receive
immortal bodies and will reign with Christ in the coming age. Then The thought of preexistence was not dealt with in a universal coun-
also people who have not reached this far in development will inhabit cil before the council in Konstantinopel in AD 553, when the most fa-
mous Bible teacher of the time, Origen (185-254) and his belief in pre-
76 5
existence and life in other worlds than on earth, was placed under sed. From that point on the Edomites became a part of the Jewish
anathema. Most writings by Origen were burned during the eighth people. That probably implies that biblical prophesies about the
century, so we do not know exactly what he believed about reincar- Edomites not fulfilled until then will be fulfilled on the Jewish people.
nation. Those left are mainly Rufinus’ translations to Latin. Rufinus
admitted that he censored them while translating, so that Origen’s
The blessing of hunger and curse of fullness
doctrin would agree with that of the church. But at least we know We must long for God to find him. This also pertains to those who
that Origen believed in an existence in other worlds and forms before already are Christians. We will know God to the degree that we hung-
the earthly one, and it seems that he also believed in earthly reincar- er after him and are willing to find his answers. Does it not to have to
nation. See De Principiis IV:23! Later councils condemned belief in rein- be like this for a love relationship to be built? It is the same when we
carnation, but several Catholic theologians of today take a stand for it. seek for a person to marry. Who wants to marry someone who is not
longing? This is why Jesus calls those blessed who long for God, after
The Church councils positionings are highly dubious as a measure of cor-
rect dogmas. In these conventions much have been established that did righteousness, after a meaningful life:
Luk 6:21: Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be
not promote Christianity, i e the priests’ celibacy, worship of Mary and satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.
the infallibility of the pope. Many times the majority (or the emperor)
But what about all the others? They must be led to a life where they
ruled without unity, least of all unity of the Spirit. If we want to find
start hungering, longing. When Jesus cried out woe to them, I think it
God’s wisdom, we had better turn to the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, I
sounds more judgmental in our ears than his intention. It was an ex-
will give you some thoughts and you may draw the conclusions.
pression of empathy. It could be translated "poor you”.
Folklore at the time of Jesus Luk 6:25: Woe to you who are full now, for you shall be hungry. Woe
to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.
Belief in reincarnation was common among Jews at this time.
Luk 9:18-19: Now it happened that as he was praying alone, the di- Jesus felt sorry for them. They wanted to keep their superficial joy,
sciples were with him. And he asked them, “Who do the crowds say they were satisfied with status quo. They did not want to receive a
that I am?” And they answered, “John the Baptist. But others say, Eli- better life when they were given an opportunity while Jesus walked
jah, and others, that one of the prophets of old has risen.” among them. They feared losing the kind of life they already had. That
Such an answer is possible only if you believe in rebirth. Also the made it impossible for them to grow. And they postponed a better life
question in John chapter 9 reveals that many Jews believed in reincar- to an uncertain future. This better life would not come to them unless
nation, or at least preexistence: they began to hunger after it, yes cry over their former lost lives.
Joh 9:1–3: As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his di- When would they get this hunger? Maybe after death when they
sciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that
he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, crossed over to the spiritual sphere. Also in a later life on earth they
or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.” may have circumstances that possibly can ignite a hunger. If they do
We cannot see that Jesus reacted over the basic conceptions in any not want to change before Jesus returns, they will be given a life so-
of these situations. Jesus was not afraid of criticizing wrong concep- mewhere outside the Kingdom of Peace at the judgment between the
tions, for example when the sadducées asked whom of seven deceased sheep and the goats. That life will give them opportunities to start
brothers would have the wife at resurrection. He adamantly said they hungering for a life with God. But it is not a pleasant experience. Avo-
were erroneous, Matt 22:29. He often corrected his disciples, but here iding that tribulation is much better. This judgment should be consi-
he did not comment on their belief. He just said that in this case no dered a chastisement helping the sinners to repent.
one had sinned. So, we have to conclude that he accepted their belief When Jesus in Mat 25:41 said the goats were cursed, he was not tal-
6 75
ning this maturity. We have come to maturity when we with all our in reincarnaion. What’s more, the answer Jesus gave his disciples ma-
hearts wish to hand over the world to Jesus Christ. Jesus said: kes it likely that the man born blind actually had planned his blind-
Luk 13:35: Behold, your house is forsaken. And I tell you, you will not ness while in the spirit dimension. He may have known beforehand
see me until you say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the that he was going to receive an important experience by his handicap
and then meet Jesus and be healed:
This was a prophecy to the Jews. Jesus promised them to see him Joh 9:3: “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the
the day they in unison call on him. Note that Jesus addressed those he works of God might be displayed in him.”
talked to in this text, not just us now living on earth. It can be unders- The Jewish-Alexandrian philosopher Philon, contemporary with Je-
tood as those contemporary with the Lord will be here when the sus, taught man’s preexistence and reincarnation. The famous Greek
prophecy is fulfilled. mathematicians and philosophers Pythagoras (580–495 BC) and some
Why does God allow conflicts that seem to never end? At least one years later Plato (428–348 BC) also taught rebirth. Many Romans inc-
conflict will continue to the end of this age: luding the rhetorician Cicero (106–43 BC) discoursed on reincarnation.
Dan 9:26: And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut So the Greek-Roman world was familiar with this belief.
off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to The churchfathers knew about this belief, and most of them dispu-
come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with
a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. ted it. But there are historical sources testifying of churchleaders who
Dan 12:7 b: ... that it would be for a time, times, and half a time, and could consider reincarnation.1 Many documents have been lost. It was
that when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an not uncommon to destroy documents defying the leading mens’ view.
end all these things would be finished. An author could also be attributed documents he had not written. But
I do not completely understand this divine decision, but it is reaso- the main cause for the churchfathers not to plead reincarnation would
nable to assume that it has something to do with a harvest of what is be that it was not a tradition left to them from the apostles, simply
sown. The conflict in the Middle East is caused by both sides seeking because that was not a part of their mission. They had received com-
what they think are their rights. I believe God wants to teach them to mission from Jesus to proclaim the joyful message of redemption, and
discover that this is a dead end. We ought to find a way to reach each so they focused on this. But we will see that reincarnation is a good
other with love. Jesus took the risk of standing up for the truth, but model for understanding many dictas in the New Testament, especial-
even so he did not seek his rights. He gave his life. ly those of prophetic character.
One of these conflicts started before their ancestors were born.
When Rebecka was pregnant she noticed strife in her womb.
1 Mos 25:22-23: The children struggled together within her, and she
said, “If it is thus, why is this happening to me?” So she went to Professor Ian Stevenson (1918-2007) was a psychiatrist working at
inquire of the LORD. And the LORD said to her, “Two nations are in the University of Virginia School of Medicine for 50 years. He was cha-
your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the
one shall be stronger than the other, the older shall serve the
irman of the psychiatric institution from 1957 to 1967 and professor in
younger.” psychiatry from 1967 to 2001. He was also founder and director of the
This was the conflict between Edomites and Israelites, and it seems University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies, where they re-
to have started in their preexistence. Maybe the two brothers came to search in phenomena like reincarnation etc. He became internationally
Earth to struggle until they reconciled. Well, in a fashion it came to famous for his research in reincarnation by discovering that physical
pass. After several wars under different kings the Jewish Maccabees marks like birthmarks, and also memories, can be transferred from
finally conquered a remnant of the Edomites, and they were circumci- one lifetime to another.
74 7
During a period of forty years he examined approximately 3000 ca- read the rest in your Bible. The statue made of different substances
ses of children worldwide claiming memories of former lives. His me- and then being crushed is a symbol of empires. And the mountain is
ticulous research showed that these children had rare faculties, or di- the Kingdom of God:
seases, fobias etc that could not be explained from environment or he- Dan 2:35: Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold,
ritage. 2100 of those 3000 case studies could be verified according to all together were broken in pieces, and became like the chaff of the
summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, so that
precise criteria. not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the
The psychiatrist Jim Tucker and many others have continued this re- image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
search, among them the psychiatrist Brian L Weiss. It is not likely that Dan 2:44: And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up
the scientists risk their reputation by manipulating facts. Dr Steven- a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left
to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and
son was the pioneer, but many other scientists have continued rese- bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.
arch in the same field. Families in our references never receive any
All present empires and kingdoms are more or less in opposition to
compensation for participating in interviews, so money cannot be a
God. No nation has ever fully demonstrated God’s way of leadership.
cause to fake information.
That is why these will be replaced in due time. But before Jesus can
Memories of former lives come and establish his kingdom, his bridal host must have reached
Fragments of memories from earlier lives are common. They are Christlikeness and the gospel, the joyful message of the word’s salva-
mostly present in small children, and fade with increasing age. We tion, must be told to everyone with persuading power in the holy Spi-
cannot interpret them as being transferred by heritage, since many rit. That is why we still are here.
memories apply to lives outside the extended family. In case death oc- To fulfill this God has saved the best wine for the end. In the story
curred recently one could possibly interpret them as telepathically about the wedding at Cana, Jesus performed the miracle when all the
transferred knowledge from somebody who knew the deceased per- natural wine had petered out. And the judgment from the master of
son. It is also possible to imagine that information from the ”heavenly the wedding was:
library”, where records of everyone’s life is stored, could be reached Joh 2:10: the master of the feast called the bridegroom and said to
by those who are able to enter into the spirit realm. In such case me- him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have
drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine
mories of earlier lives would be readings of a deceased person’s life until now.”
history, but perceived as a memory from the one reading it. Such a
The master said this to the bridegroom, and Jesus is our heavenly
reading could be done either directly or by help of a spirit who knows
bridegroom. He has saved the best ”wine” for the end. By calling Je-
the dead person. But it cannot explain marks or body defects that can
sus’ miracles ”signs”, the gospel of John gives them prophetic mea-
be traced to the deceased person, nor those healings that sometimes
ning. Jesus demonstrated what will happen at the end of this age. The
occur during regression therapy.
life-giving wine of God’s Spirit will fill people to such a degree that it
Could possession explain memories from earlier lives? If a person is will change and even metamorphose the world. But just as it was in
possessed, a foreign spirit takes over and represses the person’s own Cana, it will not happen until we have emptied our own resources.
identity. In such a case one would find signs of destructive behaviour Our own ”wine” will peter out. Our own efforts to save the world will
and split personality. Very occasionally it may be like that. But rese- fail. We can detect an underlying implication – we try over and over
arch indicates that the supposedly reincarnated children usually show again until we realise that it is in vain. Only the presence of the Lord
good intellect, make good records in school, are well adjusted to socie- is able to fill the world with glory. Reaching this point is the target for
ty and rarely show psychological problems. When they speak about an the whole creation, and reincarnation may well be a means to obtai-
8 73
A model to explain suffering earlier existence they distinguish clearly between their contemporary
We are continually involved in a war, not against people, but identity and the former one. For example Abby Swanson from Ohio
against evil powers reigning in darkness. They are constantly trying to said, after taking a bath: ”Mom, I used to bath you when you were a
stop the light from God from reaching us. These powers are God’s baby.” ”Oh, really?” ”Uhhu. You screamed”, Abby said. ”Did I?” her
enemies, and they know that if light comes to us, the darkness will di- mother said. ”Yes, I was your grandmother.”2
sappear. They have managed to scare many people away from light. If Some believe memories from earlier lives to be forgeries that spirits
you have too much darkness within, I suspect you are afraid of light. have induced to a person, making her think she is remembering. It
This is because the light will compel you to revalue everything you be- cannot be ruled out totally, since spirits as well as people can lie. In
lieve in and everything you have done in all your life. This is usually some instances I believe it could be the case, especially if the person
painful, a sort of dying, losing one’s whole identity. Therefore spiritual has participated in occult exercises and opened up for destructive in-
darkness functions as an invisible prison locking up people and even fluences. But we must not forget that Jesus taught us to judge from
whole nations in futile and destructive ways of thinking. the fruit. When people are freed from anguish by understanding their
But darkness will never prevail over light (Joh 1:5) in its full glory. problems, it is really hard to explain this as a work of evil spirits.
Therefore, one important lesson from earthly life is to never compro- We all know that children fantasize a lot. So maybe they have con-
mise with the deeds of darkness, because when we do, we quench cocted all of it? That argument proves to be an absurdity. How can a
whatever light we have. The only way to rescue the world from a ca- three year old child possess extensive knowledge about a person who
tastrophe is to keep up the light within us and let it intensify day by has been dead several years? And how can that child easily find a hou-
day. The more people are walking in light, the more the light will se in an unknown city where he lived before, and find hidden belong-
spread and attract even more. ings? Without hesitating he sorts out certain articles from amongst
People walking in darkness need the the living Word of God. We many other, things the former person had in his possession. When Su-
may get their confidence if we listen carefully to their innermost need. zanne Ghanem got the opportunity to see her family from her former
Even if they reject God’s love, they will never forget what is said in personality she told the namnes of twenty-five persons and how they
the Spirit of God. It will forever testify within them. were related to each other.
We are on earth to overcome evil, first within ourselves and eventu- A very famous person is Shanti Devi (1926–1987), who as a child
ally in the whole world, so that the prince of the power of the air, the surprised those in her vicinity by telling detailed memories from a
devil, will be crushed under our feet (Rom 16:20). This is the mission former life. If you read the narrative about her you will find it obvious
given to believers in Christ. We are called to crush the devil under our that Shanti could not fantasize those memories, which could be verifi-
feet! It is not God’s mission, but ours, since we are the heirs of the ed. The book about her is titled Shanti Devi. And many others have si-
earth. What Adam failed to accomplish when he let the snake deceive milar testimonies, albeit not so detailed.
him, we are called to establish by Jesus being formed within us. Jesus Some children are born with special abilities, for example Mozart,
was a seed intended to grow, first within us, and then to fill the earth. who composed music at the age of three. From where did he receive
To obtain this, we are called to take part in his sufferings as well as his skill? Or consider Parmod Scharma, who at the age of three said he
his victory. in an earlier existence had owned an industry producing soda water.
King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream picturing in symbols what is go- When taken to such a plant he could repair a broken machine used to
ing to take place at the end of this age. We will look at a few verses produce the beverage. He, and nineteen other notable persons are de-
telling how the prophet Daniel interpreted the dream, and you may picted in Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation by the psychologist

72 9
and scholar Ian Stevenson. the heart, peoples’ vision for their lives will dramatically change.
A known person who claimed to remember several former lives is Buddhism and hinduism have fallen short of the target. Meditation-
general George S Patton, famous for his efforts in the Second World techniques aiming at annihilating all desire and cravings to avoid
War. He said he had learned strategy in earlier lives as a soldier. reincarnations do not reach their targets. A life on earth is a very va-
People testify of feeling familiar with places they have never visited. luable gift from God, giving us an opportunity to grow. Instead of an-
Others talk about an intuitive feeling of knowing a person they see for nihilating the joy of life we should be thankful and try to learn as
the first time. They have met their soulmate. much as possible from it. We ought to excel each other with acts of
Birthmarks have manifested as a type of bodily manifestations of love. Those living in a troublesome incarnation need our love so they
former life memories. In Life Before Life dr Jim Tucker tells how can grow. And of course we can only grow in love by their need. We
birthmarks have been traced to circumstances around the death of the are unable to produce love and joy by ourselves. But encompassed by
former incarnation. For example, a child tells about its death by being the unconditional love of God, we are able to reflect his love to every-
shot in a former life, and birthmarks are found, corresponding to the body. Therefore we need to understand atonement. God’s grace, his
bullets entry opening and output port. Thus a coming life seems to be very nature, is supposed to grow within us to metamorphosis. This
influenced by former lives. But it is possible to overcome negative ex- also gives us the true joy Jesus promised (Joh 15:11).
periences we have brought with us to earth if we contend for evolving Eph 4:12-13: to equip the saints for the work of ministry…until we all
attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of
and growth. God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the full-
Our spirit remembers more than our brain contains, or else we wo- ness of Christ, ...
uld not be able to remember a near-death experience (NDE). The me- So we are supposed to grow until we reach the fullness of Christ.
mory of our spirit plays an important role when God chooses certain Col 2:16-17: Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions
persons to particular life tasks before they are born. During regression of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a
therapy it is sometimes possible to reach memories from earlier lives. Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substan-
ce belongs to Christ.
Regression therapy aims at shutting down our conscious mind and its
distractions to focus upon one’s subconscious (one’s spirit). It is then What will come? Christ will be all in all. However it will take time.
possible to find past traumas giving symptoms in the present. Some First comes the millennial sabbath with the Kingdom of Peace. After
have been healed from psychological problems this way. It is usually more ages (I do not know how many) comes the year of Jubilee, when
wise to start with a regession to childhood in present life. The patient all debt is cancelled and all are free. The feasts commanded by God in
is brought to see a connection between his symptoms and what hap- the Old Testament, one being the year of Jubilee, portray different acts
pened in childhood, and is given a chance to forgive those having of- in the process of creation’s restoration.
fended him. In many cases that is all that is needed. But if not, when Salvation is restoration of our personality, it is finding comfort in
the therapist under hypnosis tells the patient to return to what caused God’s bosom, growing up in knowledge about the Creator, and beco-
the symptoms, it happens that memories from earlier lives spontanio- ming his image. Be careful with your life! It may be your last on earth.
usly surface. Sometimes the patient can tell what time it moves If you take your life or waste it in some other way, you will only make
around. I may be thousands of years ago or just the previous genera- it harder for you later. If you now have the worst background or cir-
tion. A few regressions may be necessary, since more than one life’s cumstances, your challenge is so much greater. Walking with God
memory may be involved. Healing then comes gradually. Typical suf- makes everything possible.
ferings being subject to healing this way are headache, fobias, obses-

10 71
received is fulfilled we cannot be too sure it came from the Lord. A sive-compulsive disorders, addictions, obesity, anorexia, muscle- and
common cunning of an enemy is to mix 5% lies with 95% truth. joint pain, allergies, asthma and stressrelated diseases. In some in-
Our guardian angels may well be people who have lived on earth, stances cancer is seen to regress.3 Commonly a sort of trauma that has
won the triumphal wreath and so through their sufferings have rea- locked up the patient in fear will surface, a fear that has been trans-
ched capacity to have compassion toward us. Angels are not empty of ferred to present life. By understanding the connection and then for-
emotions. In the same way that Christ is our High Priest through his giving both the perpetrator and oneself, this fear is transformed into
sufferings, they may have become qualified to a higher service. love. (If you want to take part in such therapy, please be careful. Some
Heb 2:18: For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is therapists are not quite serious and pure in heart.)
able to help those who are being tempted. Near-death experiences sometimes include memories from former
lives. Testimonies about feeling at home when entering the world of
The purpose of life light are frequent. A memory of having been there before emerges. I
just listened to a woman who shared on Youtube how she during an
Perhaps more than ever, people are longing for answers to life’s big NDE recognized and was welcomed by her grandfather who had died
questions. That is why I have shown you that the Bible is not extrane- five years before she was born. She remembered that he was her
ous for those mysteries of life that science now is searching out. It is
grandfather. The same woman said she knew everything during this
not reasonable that God through history would have ignored all other
experience, and that is what we all do. We are of God’s nature, she
people except his covenant people the Jews and those reached by the
said, but we have forgotten most of it when we live on earth.
gospel. Of course he cares for his whole creation. A limited understan-
Deathbed visions testify that deceased relatives often welcome the
ding has therefore been given to all people through history. Surely
one who is about to enter the spirit realm. This of course raises the
also delusions flourish, but in that aspect Christianity is no exception.
question how you can recognize your grandfather if he has lived seve-
Deceptive dogmas presenting a wrong image of God has ravaged
within and outside the Church and are still common. ral times under different identities. This is because intuition is strong
in the spirit realm, and the memory of a familiar spirit is located
As the Lord’s return approaches, God will reveal more of what has within. Also spirits can choose how they wish to appear (2 Cor 11:14).
been hidden for long times. It is crucial for the restoration of the So if needed grandpa can take upon himself a form his grandchild is
world. If we understand the laws of sowing and reaping we have good
familiar with. He may also show up in clothes typical for him. (Some
reasons to make the best of our earthly life. We are atoned with God
spirits use this ability deceitfully. Many have pretended to be sent by
through Jesus Christ, but we will not escape the harvest of our deeds,
God to entice people into false religions, doctrines and life tasks. And
since this is essential for our education. Imagine what would happen many are those who have missed their calling by such fraud. But it
if everyone could understand this! The power-hungry dictator would will not happen if you know the character of the spirit.)
then know that he can expect a future life as a tortured prisoner in a
Why do we usually not remember former lives, or just fragments of
dictatorship like his own in present life. Instead of seeking power he
them? I believe this is partly because we have suppressed memories
would find joy in helping his people to listen carefully to each other,
and knowledge of it. But it is also necessary that we lose most of our
develop empathy, and help them to perfect the unique beings God has
memories so we can invest wholeheartedly in our present life. If we
created them to be. Pollution will reach us in future lives. How we tre-
remembered everything we would probably not look forward to the
at our children will be the foundation for how we will be treated in
possibilities of a new life. Rather we would think ”Not again!”
the future. Imagine, if everyone would understand that we are all uni-
ted in the spiritual dimension! If this becomes a common revelation of
70 11
Gender related problems to keep on, it had eventually led people astray and probably destroyed
If you do not thrive in your present gender maybe you changed Paul’s ministry. That is why God forbade divination:
gender when you reincarnated. You chose the same sex in several in- Lev 20:27: “And a man or woman – when there is in them a familiar
spirit, or who are wizards – are certainly put to death; with stones
carnations and then decided to test the other one. So you retain emo- they stone them; their blood is on them.” (YLT)
tional memories from the former sex. If you then decide to change
Bloodguilt means to be responsible for someones death, in this case
gender by surgery and medication, you will miss the challenge you
spiritual death, meaning separating a person from God. God looked so
came to earth to take on in your new gender. The gender you have
seriously at this that he ordered death penalty for anyone in his cove-
been born with, includes a purpose you should not dismiss. It is also
nant people who pursued this. Spirits of divination belong to the re-
possible that you in a former life have made a sex related traumatic
bellious hord of spirits, working under the devil’s influence. The inten-
experience, and now want to escape this discomfort. With this said, I
tion of divination is always to seduce people so they do not come to or
must add that gender confusion also has to do with our present family
remain with Christ Jesus. The Lord said about those involved in this:
of origin and close relationships. It is important for a child that pa-
Mat 18:6: but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in
rents and close persons accept and affirm its gender so it can grow me to sin [or entrap him], it would be better for him to have a great
into a safe self-esteem. millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of
Utterly painful experiences with the opposite sex in a former life the sea.
may in some cases cause homosexuality according to some regres- A spirit of divination has a character opposite to the holy Spirit. The
sions. An emotional memory of danger when loving someone of the holy Spirit, and also angels sent by God, radiate perfect love, joy, pea-
opposite sex remains. A regression may reveal what happened. This ce, purity etc, shortly the fruits of the Spirit listed in Gal 5:22. You will
could explain cases when we do not find causes in present life.4 not sense an ounce of doubt in your heart when receivning such a
message, nor will you sense threat or flattery.
Exemples of spontaneous memories from former lives Twice I have received a message from the holy Spirit with an absolu-
Kemal Atasoy5 te knowing transferred into my own spirit. These messages came
The psychologist Jürgen Keil from Australia listened to Kemal Ata- without audible words, and they were impossible to misunderstand.
soy, a six year old boy from Turkey, telling details from a former life. The spirit talking to me radiated a personality of profound peace. I
Kemal said he had lived in Istanbul, 800 kilometers away. His surname also received a gift of faith so I was certain of already having what I
had been Karakas, an Armenian Christian that lived in a big three- was promised, although I did not have it in time’s dimension. On
storey house. His neighbour was a woman called Aysegul, well known many other occasions I have been led by God in more subtle ways, but
in Turkey. Kemal said the house was situated at the seashore, close to these have not been direct messages.
ships, and behind the house was a church. He also said he often carri- Now, it is not solely the holy Spirit in person the Father sends to
ed a big leather bag and lived in the house only a part of the year. speak to us. We see in the Bible that many have been visited by ang-
No one knew if Kemal’s story was true when he met Dr Keil in 1997. els. If they are sent by the Father, their words are just as important as
His parents knew no one in Istanbul, and no else from the family had if they came directly from Him. The Bible tells us that the spirits (plu-
been there either. ral) of the prophets are subjects to the prophets (1 Cor 14:32). That
Dr Keil went to Istanbul to control Kemal’s statements and found must imply that not only the holy Spirit in person speaks to a prophet,
everything Kemal had described. Dr Keil also found a historian who, but also other persons in the spiritual realm. Such a spirit must be tes-
not given any leading questions, told the same story as little Kemal. ted, since it may be either a spirit of truth or lie. Even if the message

12 69
Is it not suggesting that we do not trust God’s willingness to lead us? A rich Armenian Christian called Karakas had actually lived in the
Let us ask and trust God in everything we need to know. house. He had been the only Armenian in that area. The couple had
Also, we must not be caught up tied to dead relatives. They should three children. The historian said that the clan lived in another part of
be left to the light with God. We are allowed to grieve, but it should Istanbul, trading leather goods, and that the deceased man had often
be a sorrow characterised by a hope of reunion. We are called to pro- carried a big leather bag. He also told that the man lived in the house
ceed towards perfection, thanking God for the time we have shared only during summer months. He died in 1940 or 1941.
with those we love. Officer John McConnell and the grandchild William6
However, the Bible shows that we have fellowship with people in John McConnell, a retired New York City policeman working as a se-
the spiritual dimension, even dead ones. Many of them are witnesses curity guard, stopped at an electronics store after work one night in
to what happens on earth, especially those having reached perfection. 1992. He saw two men robbing the store and pulled out his pistol. An-
Heb 12:22-23: But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of other thief behind a counter hit him with six shots. One of the bullets
the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in entered his back and sliced through his left lung, his heart, and the
festal gathering, and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enroll-
led in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the
main pulmonary artery. He did not survive. John had been close to his
righteous made perfect, family and had frequently told one of his daughters, Doreen, “No mat-
It says we have already come to this community. The righteous’ spi- ter what, I’ll always take care of you.”
rits are all around us and may help us whenever God sends them. But Five years after John died, Doreen gave birth to a son named Wil-
we are not supposed to pray to them. Probably ”spirits of the righteo- liam. William began passing out soon after he was born. Doctors di-
us made perfect” are included in the concept of angels. “Angel” means agnosed him with a condition called pulmonary valve atresia, in
messenger, and that is something also people can be, those living on which the valve of the pulmonary artery has not adequately
earth as well as those dead in the Lord. formed, so blood cannot travel through it to the lungs. In addition,
If we receive a message from a spirit, it must be tested, since many one of the chambers of his heart had not formed properly as a result
spirits pretend to be sent by God to deceive us. Read 1 Joh 4:1fv! Then of the problem with the valve. He underwent surgery several times.
ask the question without hesitating and demand a clear answer! “Do William’s birth defects were very similar to the fatal wounds suffered
you confess Jesus Christ as Lord and true man?” Accept no evasions! by his grandfather. In addition, when he became old enough to talk,
You must receive a clear confession. I know that this works. he began talking about his grandfather’s life.
If we neglect this testing, we risk speaking with a spirit of divina- One day when he was three years old, his mother was at home try-
tion, that is a spirit following a person pretending to be a guardian ing to work in her study when William kept frolicking. She told him
angel (with medium term: a guide). Paul met a girl with such a spirit finally, “Sit down, or I’ll spank you.” William replied, “Mom, when you
when visiting Philippi. were a little girl and I was your daddy, you were bad a lot of times,
Act 16:16-17: As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met and I never hit you!” She was surprised at first. As William talked
by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners more about the life of his grandfather, she began to feel comforted by
much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, the idea that her father had returned. He told his mother that several
“These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you people were shooting when he was killed, and he asked a lot of ques-
the way of salvation.”
tions about it. One time, he said to his mother, “When you were a lit-
The girl almost told the truth, but not really, because she meant that tle girl and I was your daddy, what was my cat’s name?” She said,
the apostle’s message was about one path to salvation, implicitly not “You mean Maniac?” “No, not that one,” William answered. “The
the only path. Therefore Paul cast out the spirit. If it had been allowed
68 13
white one.” “Boston?” his mom asked. “Yeah,” William responded. “I The purpose of this intervention was apparently to stop people from
used to call him Boss, right?” That was correct. The family had two keeping a dysfunctional unity. All who have experienced dictatorship
cats, named Maniac and Boston, and only John referred to the white know how quenching this is. Demonic control quenches life’s oppor-
one as Boss. One day, Doreen asked William if he remembered any- tunities to growth, happiness and maturation. If all could hear each
thing about the time before he was born. He said that he died on a others thoughts in Babel, it would have been an impossible situation
Thursday and went to heaven, saw animals there and also talked to for opponents. Such a society will not allow individuals to develop
God. He said, “I told God I was ready to come back, and I was born on freely. Everyone will be the king’s puppet.
a Tuesday.” William did not even know the days of the week without God’s objective is to be all in all, 1 Cor 15:28. When God is the uni-
being prompted. His mother tested him by saying, “So, you were born ting bond, we feel a wonderful atmosphere – an atmosphere of free-
on a Thursday and died on a Tuesday?” He quickly responded, “No, I dom without fear. Such an atmosphere is among other things charac-
died Thursday at night and was born Tuesday in the morning.” He terised by people respectfully listening to each other. In this at-
was correct – John died on a Thursday, and William was born on a mosphere God may open the intuitive understanding again.
Tuesday five years later. He told his mother, “When you die, you don’t We need to learn to listen to our spirit, our inner testimony. We
go right to heaven. You go to different levels – here, then here, then must understand why people behave differently depending upon their
here” as he moved his hand up each time. He said that animals are re- level of maturity. By mirroring replies we can make the person we are
born as well as humans. talking to find out more of himself and so free him from his fear of re-
John had been a practicing Roman Catholic, but he believed in rein- jection. We also want to understand what takes place in the spiritual
carnation and said that he would take care of animals in his next life. sphere. This is not wrong, but we must be aware of the risks involved.
His grandson, William, says that he will be an animal doctor and will
take care of large animals at a zoo. Forbidden and allowed paths
Deu 18:10-11: There shall not be found among you anyone who burns
Twins7 his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divina-
Gillian and Jennifer Pollock were born in England 1958. Their two tion or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer
older sisters had died in a car accident one and a half year before the or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead,
twins were born. When they were born, their parents noted that Jen- This Bible-passage troubles some who read about psychologists and
nifer had birthmarks matching Jacqueline’s. She was the younger de- mediums contacting the spiritual world and giving us messages from
ceased girl, and had one birthmark on the hip and one other similar to there. So it is important to have a correct understanding of the purpo-
a scar Jacqueline had got when she had fallen on a bucket and cut her se of this prohibition.
forehead. When the sisters became three, they began talking about The Lord prohibited this because we are not supposed to use the
their older deceased sisters, and their mother heard it. They discussed spiritual powers (in modern language: energies) to control people, and
details around the accident that killed the two girls. When they were also because we should seek the Lord himself when we need advice or
shown the deceased girls’ toys the twins knew immediately which be- help. We cannot know if the dead people’s spirits are telling the truth
longed to each of them. They remembered how they had received the- unless they are sent by the Lord of course. Jesus met Elijah and Moses
ir dolls. Gillian pointed at the birthmark on Jennifer’s forehead and on the mountain of transfiguration, so it may happen that our Father
said: ”Jennifer got that mark when she stumbled on a bucket.” Jennifer sends somone with a message to us, but then it is his initiative.
had never stumbled on a bucket – that was the deceased sister’s expe- Neither should we interpret omens, for example by tarot cards or
rience, who had been sutured and got a permanent scar. palm-reading. Well, the methods are multiple. Why do we need such?

14 67
Interpretation of the prophetic word When they visited Hexham for the first time, the place where the
Much in the Scripture has been hidden for a long time. Now that the dead sisters often had played, the twins asked if they could cross the
time for the Lord’s return draws nearer, God opens our minds so we road and visit a park where there were swings. This playground was
can understand more of the prophetic word. not visible from the road, and they could not be familiar with it from
Dan 12:9: He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up natural causes. The behaviour of the twins had obvious simularities
and sealed until the time of the end...” with their older sisters, and they learned to write at the age of four.
2 Petr 1:19-21: And we have the prophetic word more fully confir- Kumkum Verma8
med, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in
a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your Kumkum Verma, a girl from India, started talking about her former
hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes life at the age of three and a half. She said she had lived in Darbhanga
from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever pro- in the Urdu Bazaar block and asked her familymembers to call her
duced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were car- Sunnary, meaning beautiful. She made a lot of statements about her
ried along by the Holy Spirit.
former life, and her aunt wrote them down. Among other tings she
The morningstar (it could be Venus or Jupiter) shows up just before told the name of her son who worked with a hammer (Kumkum didn’t
dawn. It heralds the imminence of daybreak. When we see the ”mor- know the word for blacksmith), her grandchild’s name, a safe of iron
ningstar” in our hearts we understand that the day of the Lord is im- in the house where she had lived, a sword hanging over her bed, and
minent. The morningstar is here a picture of a spiritual light which by the safe a serpent she used to feed with milk. The scientists locali-
will be given to those who long for it, when this age goes to an end. zed the place and the family, and everything was correct. Sunnary had
unexpectedly died five years before Kumkum was born. Kumkum also
Listening in spiritual quest said she had died during a quarrel and that her stepson’s wife hade
poisoned her. Sunnary had prepared to testify for her son in a trial
Before the confusion of the languages at Babel (Gen 11) we were
probably able to communicate with words simultaneously transfer- against her second husband, when she suddenly died.
ring our thoughts. In such a situation nothing can be hidden, and uni- Sunnarys family belonged to a low standing class of craftsmen and
ty among people is more natural. This kind of communication is going Kumkum’s father, who was a physician and author, was not very plea-
on in the spiritual dimension. I think we used words also before the sed with the thought of his daughter being married to a blacksmith in
confusion, maybe not with exact logical formulations, but rather as her former life. So he had nothing to gain by fantasizing such a story.
expressions of emotions. If the words were followed by an intuitive Swaran Lata9
understanding, they could not be misunderstood. What I think must Swaran Lata was born into a Brahmin family – belonging to the hig-
have happened was that God removed this intuitive ability, so we had hest caste in India. She remembered that she had been a sweeper ha-
to be careful with grammar and words to be able to communicate. ving cleaned latrines in her former life. She was often dirty from pick-
That takes time to develop, and so they could not continue building ing up the younger childrens’ faeces. She refused to go to school when
the Tower of Babel. We have to imagine that each family with its ne- she was young, with the explanation: ”We are sweepers. None in my
ighbours slowly and laboriously developed their own language while family study, and I never sent any of our children to school.” Of course
they separated from the bigger society in Babel. Such smaller commu- this was extremely shameful for her father.
nities gained a sense of a family, and so the basis for founding nations Bobby10
was born. Naturally they were spread over the earth. This may explain Bobby told that he in his former life had died from a shot-wound
why linguists have not been able to find a single root language. and in another life had died in a motorbike accident as a teenager.
66 15
When he once was recovering from a flu he spontaneously said: But we may also choose to unite with our Saviour and lose the mea-
”Mom, people in the other world do not get sick.” Mom answered: ningless life. Then we win another sort of life, the very nature of God
”The other world, Bobby?” He said: ”The world I was in when I was within us. Salvation is atonement – and then transformation. It is a
waiting to be born. People do not become sick there. They are just continuing development into the glory of God. Such a life cannot be
happy and never sick. I wish we didn’t get sick in this world.” lost. On the way to this goal, only the worthless is lost.
Patrick Christenson11
Resurrection versus reincarnations
Patrick Christenson, a boy who was born with three birth marks Humanity’s objective is not reincarnations nor is it heaven, but re-
matching his deceased half brother, told that before he was born he surrection. This means that we will receive an immortal body, like the
had spoken to a relative called ”Billy the Pirate”. He said Billy had been body Jesus received at his resurrection. This is a glorified body able to
shot from a short distance and died in the mountains. Patrick’s mother
abide both in the heavenly dimension and here on earth. This body is
said she had never heard of such a relative, but when she called her
made for life in the new world pictured by a city coming down from
mother and asked about it, she was informed that a cousin with the
heaven to earth in Revelation 21:10. Heaven and earth reunite after
nickname Billy the Pirate actually had died that way. the separation that took place in the fall of man. Resurrection is thus a
Sunita Khadelwal12 part of the restoration of all things created to a glorified state where
A girl from India, Sunita Khadelwal, spoke about her life as a woman there will be no more death. Even nature will become metamorpho-
in a town 350 km away. She described how she after a deadly fall from sed. Now everything will be united with Christ Jesus.
a balcony had floated upwards. ”There was a baba (holy man) with a Col 1:16-17: For by him all things were created, in heaven and on
long beard. They checked my data and said: ’Send her back.’ There are earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or
rooms there. I have seen God’s house. It is very nice.” authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he
is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Barbro Karlén Eph 1:10: ... as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in
The Swedish well-known author Barbro Karlén tells on Youtube him, things in heaven and things on earth.
about her former life as Anne Frank. In her case it seems she returned Jesus will return to transform the earth. He is coming in his resur-
because her former life was cut short when the Nazis killed her. This rected glorious body, but must wait until his bride is ready to receive
testimony, in English with English subtitles, is very vivid well worth him. He will meet his bride in bridal clothes (Rev 19:7-8).
taking part of. Much remains, but the preparations will intensify as time goes on.
The Bible story about Job’s children may be a parallell. Job had seven And we must prepare ourselves. If we are not ready – clothed in the
sons and three daughters (1:2) who died when a storm broke down very nature of God – Jesus’ return will shock us and make us unfit for
the house where they were. When Job’s time of trials came to an end, the Kingdom of Peace that Jesus will establish:
he once more received seven sons and three daughters (42:13). It is Isa 11:6-9: The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall
easy to suspect that it was the same persons coming back. lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fatte-
ned calf together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the
bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall
The Bible’s testimony eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play over the hole of the
cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's
How long have we existed? den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the
earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover
Let us now look at what the Bible has to say in this matter. We be- the sea.

16 65
fullness of Christ, but he will fill all in the end. The apostle saw this as gin with exploring how long we have existed. The question is – have
fulfilled, but in the dimension of time it is not yet fulfilled. This is the we existed before we received earthly bodies?
target of salvation. When this has come to realisation in all of us, we In Eph 1:4 we read that God ”chose us in Christ before the foundation
are restored to an even higher glory than we had before the fall. The of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him”.
very life Jesus demonstrated when he walked on earth will be each The prophet Jeremiah was chosen individually before he was begot-
one’s natural life. ten in his mothers womb. This indicates that he owned an individual
To obtain this, each person must understand from the depth of his life before he was born.
heart who Jesus is. Such a heart-revelation links us together with him Jer 1:4, 5: Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Before I
and transformes us step by step into his image: formed you in the womb I knew [hebr: jada', knew intimately] you,
Mat 16:15-17: He said to them, “But who do you say that I and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a
am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living prophet to the nations.”
God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! God knew Jeremiah intimately before he came to earth, and obvious-
For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is ly before conception.
in heaven.
Paul called his existence on earth to be away, and the existence with
Jesus’ answer makes it apparent that Christianity as a religion does
the Lord to be at home.
not save. If Jesus had wanted followers of a new religion he had ex-
2 Cor 5:8, 9: Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be
pressed himself quite differently. Jesus planted a seed that is supposed away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at
to grow until he and his Father, our Creator, become all in all. home or away, we make it our aim to please him.
The opposite to be saved is to get lost. That means to be outside our Home is a place we leave for a limited time and then return to,
origin, our Creator. Jesus described the contrast like this: right? We are just visitors. We camp here for a short time and then re-
Luk 9:24-25: For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever turn home. ”I am a guest and foreigner…” we sing in a hymn. Paul
loses his life for my sake will save it. For what does it profit a man if called this temporary habitation a tent.
he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?
2 Cor 5:1-3: For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is
Let us reflect on what Jesus meant. destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with
We may choose to keep our life as our own, striving for magnifying hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this tent we groan, longing to
our ego, status and material riches. Such a life is meaningless and put on our heavenly dwelling, if indeed by putting it on we may not
be found naked.
empty of true joy, since it makes true fellowship with both God and
A tent is normally used on a journey, not as a permanent habitation.
people impossible. No one enjoys meeting an ego-focused person. You
We start at and return to our permanent house.
can sense his emotional greed, sense how he is seeking affirmation of
his ideas or aloofness. The author of Hebrews writes that the heroes of faith ”acknow-
ledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth”, Hebr 11:13.
Neither will you enjoy seeing a person not wanting to develop, one
who is quite content with his own little world of reasonings. He al- Ecclesiastes says that the spirit, i. e. the immortal part of us, returns
lows nothing to disturb his pretended security, characterised by fear to God who gave it:
of everything not matching his pattern for life. Such a person is lost in Eccl 12:7: and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit re-
turns to God who gave it.
himself. And God has ordained so he will loose this life sooner or later.
In this respect no exception is granted for Christians. True Christianity If our spirit were created at conception in our mother’s womb it
means Christ is living and growing within us. would be incorrect to say it returns to God when we die.

64 17
In John chapter 9 Jesus’ disciples asked a question that revealed a manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on
belief in an existence before our erthly life. We have already made the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.
comments on that. The expression ”a new name” signifies that we are transformed by a
Below we see that we previously have lived as spirits. It is said that positive development. A new name means new characteristics. It im-
we have taken part of flesh and blood. Even more, it is said that Jesus plies a deep transformation. It also means that we will not be known
in like manner took part of flesh and blood. Hence, our preexistence by our present name in the fullness of time. This is crucial for unders-
and incarnation are compared to the Lord’s. tanding our identity. Our true identity is not the same as how we look
Hebr 2.14: Seeing, then, the children have partaken of flesh and upon ourselves today. We will not primarily be remembered as certain
blood, he himself also in like manner did take part of the same, that historical persons, but as parts in the Godhead, the spiritual body of
through death he might destroy him having the power of death – that Christ. This is crucial if we want to understand reincarnation as a me-
is, the devil. (Young’s literal translation) ans to growth and maturity.
Romans testify that God had predetermined the heritages of the two ”The hidden manna” is symbolic for wisdom only available for those
brothers Jacob and Esau before they were born. Such predetermi- who have learned to overcome hardships and know God in their
nation is likely to depend on their spiritual condition in their preexis- hearts. The purpose of this spiritual food is to make us more like
tence. Though Jacob was a deceiver, he at least had an urge for God’s Christ and suitable for service on a higher level.
Rom 9:11-14: though they were not yet born and had done nothing
either good or bad – in order that God's purpose of election might Everything will be restored
continue, not because of works but because of him who calls – she
was told, “The older will serve the younger.” Salvation
Scripture testify that man’s spirit is well developed in uterus: Rom 10:9-11: because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is
Luk 1:41, 44: And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spi- you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and
rit… ”For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says,
the baby in my womb leaped for joy.“ “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”
John, abiding in the womb of Elizabeth, reacted when he met Jesus – The last part of this passage (italicized) tells us about what will
two fetuses contacted each other. Had anybody reacted? That is not come out of the search we all must go through before the court of the
likely. Many adults were not very happy meeting Jesus. John’s reaction Lord – shame or honour. In God’s fiery presence no one can stand
indicates that he was well prepared for his calling before he was born, upright without being dressed in the very nature of Christ. The belief
and he knew Jesus. mentioned on line three connotes the hearts devotion to the Lord.
Paul was not talking about an intellectual creed.
So we can see that many Bible references indicate an individual life
before birth. Since the Bible teaches restoration of all things, we may In the New Testament’s original text, Koine Greek, σώζω (sodzo) is
imagine that all things now existing have been in a state of glory at translated saved. The meaning encompasses “be rescued, upright, hea-
the beginning of time. led, saved, liberated”. To understand the meaning, we must unders-
tand the target for creation:
A veil of forgetfulness seems to come over us when we are born,
Eph 1:22b-23: and gave him as head over all things to the
sometimes only partially, but when we return to God, this veil is re- church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.
moved and we remember from where we came and who we are.
“The Church” (ἐκκλησία, ekklēsia, the called forth) is first given the
Almost every Jewish sect at the time of Jesus except the sadducées
18 63
harvest has come.” believed in man’s preexistence. The Jewish history writer Josephus
Harvesttime is the end of the age. Only then people are ready to en- testified this being common folklore.
ter the next age, being the Kingdom of Peace. If the harvest is compo- In the Apocrypha Wisdom, Salomo is said to have taken part of a
sed of individuals, which seems apparent, the same individuals must body from a spiritual existence:
mature during the whole age. Wis 8:20: Yea rather being good, I came into a body undefiled. (KJV
But will the world believe? Yes. Jesus predicted exactly that. 1611)
Joh 17:21: [I pray] hat they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in Here we see a belief that the bases for an earthly life was given from
me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may a spiritual preexistence.
believe that you have sent me.
Joh 12:32: And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all pe- The Swedish national poet Victor Rydberg’s thoughts about our pre-
ople to myself. existence are worth some reflection:
The world will believe the very day they see Christians’ unity in the ”The Jews saw the teaching about man’s preexistence in close rela-
holy Spirit. Then many will repent – everyone not deliberately choo- tionship to the doctrine of creation. God created the world in six days
sing to be God’s enemy. All who ask for it, will be forgiven. and rested on the seventh. They could comprehend this narrative lite-
Mark 3:28-29: Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children rally or allegorically. However, in both cases they agreed that creation
of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphe- was a completed work from the beginning, and the course of the
mes against the Holy Spirit never [not to the age] has forgiveness, but world a development of something already existing during which God
is guilty of an eternal [age-abiding] sin”.
acts, not anymore as an immediately creating power, but as an sup-
The only people not reconciled are those not wanting to reconcile porting and leading Providence. The seventh day, God’s Sabbath, is
with God. God will not force them. He stops searching them and lea- the day in which we still live and the length of which no one knows.
ves them alone. But before that day comes, they have got many op- But – they argued – the foremost in God’s creation is not the physical
portunities to repent. However, even those will one day repent, if not world, but the spiritual, and the foremost in the spiritual world is
before, in ”the lake of fire”, Rev 21:8. What this means, we tell more man’s spiritual race, being superior to the angels’. Therefore it must
about in Tidens fullbordan. be assumed that man’s spirit has existed from the beginning of the
The unity of the Spirit required for this to happen, does not come to world, since otherwise the assumption that God creates the foremost
reality at the negotiation table, where the lowest common denomina- and most important on his Sabbath day would be a contradiction.”13
tor for members’ or churches’ belief is decided upon. That kind of coo- Let us now make two thought experiments.
peration is an expression of the human ambition of unification, but
1. If we imagine every person’s spirit is created by God in the mo-
God is seeking something much greater. He wants to be the essence of
ment of conception, would not God then have to create a fallen spirit
the unity, its uniting bond.
for everyone who is born? The only exception would be Adam and
The holy Spirit’s unity comes to pass when we venture to widen our Eve. But that would be contrary to God’s nature. He only creates what
perspective and discover more of God’s nature and plan. The more we is perfect.
get to know God, the more we will reflect him. We become one heart
Or do we believe that man’s spirit is perfect from birth, so that only
and one soul with him and at the same time with each other.
the soul and body (the flesh) belong to our fallen nature? In such case
Is our identity eternal? one’s spirit would not need to be reborn, and the Bible’s talk about re-
Upp 2:17: He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the birth would pertain to our flesh. Most readers of the Bible know that
churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden this is contrary to what is said in the New Testament. Even the apostle
62 19
Paul said there was nothing good in his flesh (Rom 7 and 8). And Jesus er when they had received the manna.
said that what is born of the flesh remains flesh, and that cannot be When the Lord returns time is full once again, and the next age can
born again, Joh 3:6; 6:63. enter. We are now preparing ourselves for the return of the Lord and
We conclude that man’s spirit need to be reborn by receiving words this next age. We are not ready unless Christ is our very life. This is
of spirit and life from the Lord, Joh 1:12-13. That implies that our spirit also our maximum development to maturity. Our goal is to become
is in a state of death (a state of being separated from God), before we perfected by spirit, soul and heart united with Christ.
are reborn. That makes it impossible that God has created us in this In ancient Rome a different concept of adoption from what we are
state. used to was practised. One’s own son was adopted when he reached a
But our spirit may have fallen down to this state of death from an certain maturity. The meaning was that he became entrusted with re-
earlier existence in divine glory. It is also possible that we have cho- presenting his father, since he had grown into thinking in the same
sen to take on the flesh to be able to make experiences that will equip spirit and soul as his father. The adoption was consequently both an
us for difficult tasks in the future. emancipation and an authorisation.
Or God may have sent us to earth as his coworkers with a special Ef 1:4-5: even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the
task. Here we can imagine how to understand predestination, especi- world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he
predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ,
ally pertaining to those with high callings, as John the Baptist. Even according to the purpose of his will,...
those are partially separated from fellowship with God when incarna- When time was full, we were adopted, but not until then.
ting, and need rebirth.
Although we forget most of our former lives when being on earth,
2. Let us now imagine that our spirit came into existence at concep- something is still kept within us, something that ripens in our spirits
tion without God’s cooperation, that is through our parents’ union. In through each incarnation, if we allow it, something making it possible
that case God would have given man the ability to create life. Howe- for us to stretch forward for perfection. We can also detect a corporate
ver the Bible says that nothing was made outside of Christ: spiritual awareness growing in strength over the world.
Joh 1:1-3: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All For the world to find Christ, a demonstration of love and power is
things were made through him, and without him was not any thing necessary, convincing the world that Jesus is the saviour. When he be-
made that was made. comes all in us, all people want to see him. Then we are ready for his
John then explains that the Word is Christ. From this follows that return. That will save the world.
man’s spirit cannot have been created outside Christ. This is made Rom 11:15: For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the
even more clear in Col 1:15-17. world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?
Plain logic thus makes it clear that every man’s spirit has been crea- What the apostle here tells us is that when Jews and Christians be-
ted by God before we incarnated. We must have been created without come united in one common wholehearted revelation of their saviour,
a sinful nature, but not necessarily perfected. Our earthly life is inten- the dead will rise (zoe; the God kind of life). So Jesus awaits the ripe-
ded to train us for perfection, and moreover to recapture our planet ning of the harvest, so time can reach fullfillment once more. Then he
from the rule of Satan and place it under Christ. will return.
Mark 4:26-29: And he said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should
A hint to our preexistence is the Lord’s answer to Job:
scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and
Job 38:4-7: Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces
Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measure- by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.
ments – surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the
20 61
Deu 18:15: The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning
from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen. stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
So it seems like Moses’ mission was unfinished, and will be finished The sons of God and the morning stars were present and witnessed
in union with Christ. It looks like Moses and Elijah will complete their creation. It seems as God wanted to tell Job that he was one of them
final mission as the prophets of Revelation at the end of this age, when all this took place. But he had forgotten it. And that made it im-
when they in union with Christ will lead God’s people into their real possible for him to understand the higher wisdom available in the
sabbath rest, and so being able to enter themselves, Rev 11:3ff. heavenly sphere, until he received grace to take a look into it (Job 42).
When time was full We all have something from God within. Jesus acknowledged even
Gal 4:2-5: but he is under guardians and managers until the date set
his opponents this when he said:
by his father. In the same way we also, when we were children, were Luk 12:56-57: You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appea-
enslaved to the elementary principles of the world. But when the rance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the
fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, present time? And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?
born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so These people had alienated themselves far from their inner testimo-
that we might receive adoption as sons. ny. They should have sensed within themselves that Jesus told the
What was God waiting for before he sent his Son? What was suppo- truth, but they had choked this soft inner voice.
sed to be full or complete before this? Think of what Jesus said about being born again in Joh 3! Why do
Reading the Bible makes it possible to identify how God acts diffe- we need to be born again? Is it because we were separated from God’s
rently during the course of history. We can identify different ages. glory when we entered the earth? Or because we have fallen when
Each age gives man different experiences. In the moment Jesus atoned abiding in the spiritual sphere, as was the opinion of Origen, the
the world with God, the age of Grace came to us. But before this could church father? Or is it because we during childhood and possible ear-
happen, obviously something else must have been completed. lier lives were flooded with unbelief quenching our mild inner testi-
If we think reincarnation we can understand God’s intention as mony? Maybe it differs from person to person.
being opportunities for us to make experiences on a lower level before If we consider the purpose of our incarnation being a form of higher
we come to know Christ as our saviour. Note that Paul included eve- education – the school of the earth – we will more easily understand
ryone of us when he said we were under guardians and managers un- our limits and hardships. Hardships of life become challenges to con-
til we met Christ. We were children under upbringing and discipline. quer and thereby improve our character. Imagine, that while we still
He could not mean only those contemporary with himself. We were all abode in the spirit sphere, we agreed to accept certain challenges!
under age, and most of us were not ready to unite with Christ. Maybe we chose our parents, children and siblings, and even some
Ponder the answer Jesus gave the people asking for a sign: other persons we knew beforehand we would meet on earth. What
Joh 6:30-32: So they said to him, “Then what sign do you do, that we reverence we than will have for all we meet! They may be people we
may see and believe you? What work do you perform? Our fathers have bonded with to help each other to maturity. When we die, we
ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, ‘He gave them bread
from heaven to eat.’” Jesus then said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to
will see them again and then remember what we agreed to. Did we
you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my keep our promise? Even if we here on earth cannot remember
Father gives you the true bread from heaven. anything of that, we will keep our promises just by allowing the holy
The people spoke about their ancestors, but Jesus answered by tal- Spirit to lead us in works of love that he has prepared for us. We just
king about themselves. Jesus seemed to mean that he had in front of follow his prompting in our innermost being.
himself people being alive on earth more than a thousand years earli- In the book Embraced by the Light Betty Eadie narrates how she in
60 21
her NDE was showed her preexistence. Contrary to many having got 7:28). That surely made him fitting for such an honorary mission.
memories of former lives on earth, she argues that we have only one In Revelation 11:3-7 we encounter two witnesses. Does this designa-
life here, and possible memories of former lives could be explained tion refer to people having testified about God’s work in history, with
otherwise. But no ones become omniscient becauses of an NDE. climax at Jesus’ transfiguration? According to the description they will
Some people must have chosen or been sent by God to be born perform wonders very like those of Moses and Elijah. It actually looks
within other religions than the Christian. Howard Storm was a NDEer like these two prophets will return. And this happens just before the
who was informed that the love of God reaches them also. It is not ne- forthcoming millennial sabbath rest.
cessarily a problem, if we just understand that Jesus is the saviour for In this context it may be of interest to consider God’s verdict when
all people (1 Tim 4:10), and that all will see him just as he is, when Moses was disobedient during Israels’ exodus, striking the rock twice:
they are ready for it and the gospel has reached them. Num 20:12: And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did
not believe in me, to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of
Do we die just once ? Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I
Now let us go to the question if we may have more than one life on have given them.”
earth. First we will look at the only passage that usually is quoted to Deu 32:52: For you shall see the land before you, but you shall not go
there, into the land that I am giving to the people of Israel.
contest the concept of reincarnation:
Heb 9:27-28: And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after Moses had received instruction from the Lord to speak to the rock
that comes judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the (Num 20:8), but instead he struck the rock. He had done so once before
sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to and received water, so it may have seemed natural for him to repeat
save those who are eagerly waiting for him. the same procedure. In doing so he failed in responsiveness. I do not
The text above seems to give us a plain answer, although a dogma think Moses knew that both these actions were intended as prophetic
built from just one Bible passage is weak. However the Bible also testi- foreshadowings. Christ, our solid rock, would become stricken once,
fies of some people who died twice, viz those who were temporarily not twice. After his crucifixion we are supposed to talk to him, and
risen from the dead. Since they did not receive their resurrection bodi- when doing that, we receive the water of life to our spirits.
es they must have died once more. Those belonging to Christ and still Moses’ little disobedience was sufficient to stop him from entering
alive when he returns, will not die, but be transformed and receive the Promised Land, the land that later would become Israel. Was it so
immortal bodies (1 Cor 15:51). Consequently the Bible passage above is hard for God to forgive him? Not at all. Moses was forgiven.
a little unsettled if we interpret it literally. The author obviously did
But the Promised Land was a symbol of God’s people’s sabbath rest.
not have reincarntion in his mind when he wrote, but the contrast
Moses could not enter it, because the time had not yet come for this
between the many sacrifices in the old covenant and the one and only
future kingdom, and also because Moses was not ready for it. Moses
sacrifice Jesus gave on the cross. Hebrews is not fighting the dogma of had of course been ready for a temporary Promised Land, but God
reincarnation. Rather the letter uses a parable to illustrate the impor-
chose to direct a theatre stage on the screen of history to illustrate
tance of the one and only sacrifice by Jesus. It is important to unders-
when we are ready to enter this sabbath rest. We enter it only by fol-
tand the intent of the author when we read the Bible, or else many
lowing the one succeeding Moses, namely Joshua. It is the same name
passages will confuse us.
as Jesus, just different languages. In Hebrew they are called the same.
If we keep in mind that the word ”death” in the Bible always means The name means Saviour. Joshua led the people into their temporary
separation, to separate, (see Tidens Fullbordan) which may be of diffe- Promised Land, and Jesus leads us into our final Promised Land.
rent kinds, the passage can be interpreted quite differently. We have
Also Moses was a model of Jesus, in spite of his flaws:
22 59
Elijah, John and Moses all once died in Adam, i e been separated from the glory of God radia-
Matt 11:13-15: For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until ting from us before the fall in Eden. The following judgment ment that
John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come. He we have to work by the sweat of our face, that is to be subdued to the
who has ears to hear, let him hear. conditions of the fallen nature (Gen 3:19), and also that we must over-
Mat 11:14 may be interpreted that John was a reincarnation of Eli- come the enticements of our fallen nature until we have learned our
jah, since Jesus seemed to suggest that it was an issue. When he said lesson. So we are already judged and under the effects of the judg-
”he who has ears, let him hear” he was indicating that not all could ment:
understand what he said. Traditionally this passage has been interpre- Joh 3:18: he who is believing in him [Jesus] is not judged, but he who
ted to mean that John was sent with the same mission as the prophet is not believing hath been judged already, because he hath not
Elijah. John, just as Elijah, was sent to prepare the way for the Lord. believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God14. (YLT)
Also, Elijah will come one more time before the Lord returns: When Jesus came, he took upon himself the sin of humanity (Jes
Mat 17:11-12: He answered, “Elijah does come, and he will restore all 53:4-5) and then died (was separated) from this sin (Rom 6:10) once for
things. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not re- ever. When we identify with Christ – are engrafted in him, so that his
cognize him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of life becomes our life, we also die from sin. We are separated from sin
Man will certainly suffer at their hands.”
Mal 4:5: Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great
as a ruling force (but we may fall). Our spirit receives life. This moves
and awesome day of the LORD comes. us from being under the law’s judgment to be placed under grace. (Joh
The day of the Lord is still in the future, so Elijah must come once 5:24). So Hebr 9:27 does not necessarily mean judgment after our phy-
more to prepare the way for the Lord’s return. When John was asked sical death. We were judged when we died in the beginning of times.
if he was Elijah (Joh 1:21) he probably understood the question as re- Since then we are under the effects of the judgment, under its upb-
ferring to the Elijah that was foretold by Malachi. Therefore he denied. ringing, with the intent that we will find life in union with Christ Je-
He knew that he could not be the Elijah Malachi had foretold, since it sus. And we will not automatically be engrafted in Christ when our
was still in the future. John did not comment on reincarnation. body dies. We will still be of the nature of Adam, if no rebirth has ta-
ken place within us. Still we have to work and overcome the fallen na-
Since it is shrouded in mystery if we should interpret the words by
ture. God’s judgment after the fall in Eden will not be cancelled just
Jesus as an expression indicating reincarnation or just a similar mis-
because we die and leave our body. This opens up the possibility of
sion, we cannot be too sure of what he meant. But at least one thing is
more than one life on earth.
absolutely sure – if the Bible had contested this dogm as being a seri-
ous delusion, it could not express itself in this way. We will not find However – in our present identity we normally die just once from
one passage in the Bible that is attended to contest belief in reincarnation. our body. And after our physical death we will go through a kind of
This is remarkable, if this belief would be so dangerously deceitful. judgment. We will see our life review and in God’s light make our own
evaluation of our earthly life (more about this in Tidens fullbordan).
It looks like Moses and Elijah follow what is happening in the world.
This is testified by many NDEs. We will have the freedom to judge –
Matt 17:3: And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah,
talking with him [Jesus]. weigh up – ourselves. This is not intended för condemnation, even
When this took place on the mountain of transfiguration John the though it may be really hard to look at one’s life in God’s true light,
and some people may throw themselves headlong into darkness, but
baptist was dead. He had been beheaded by king Herod (Mat 14:10). So
it is intended to teach us something from our recent life on earth.
maybe he was the Elijah Jesus and his disciples saw? It does not seem
too unlikely, considering the fact that Jesus before this had testified Now, if we interpret Hebr 9:27-28 to mean that we can only die once,
that no one born of a woman was greater than John (Mat 11:11, Luk that would imply that we thereafter cannot be judged more than
58 23
once. If so, why then are we already judged, and why do we need at the gentiles is complete.
least one more judgment, the judgment on the last day? Upp 1:7: Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see
Joh 12:48: The one who rejects me and does not receive my words him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail
has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last on account of him. Even so. Amen.
day. Here we read that those responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus will
So it seems likely that many have a chance to receive Jesus until watch him arrive. Might it be as spirit beings or as humans in the
then. Otherwise it would make no sense that judgment is delayed. flesh? According to Mat 24:34 it looks like it will be the latter. The day
Consequently judgment after death is not the final. Of course denying of Atonement, Yom Kippur, or better translated ”Day of cleansing”,
God’s calling to follow Jesus is grave if your spirit testifies to receive prophesies about the day Israel will cry out for Jesus to come.
him right now. Now I must add that not all Jews who advocated Jesus’ crucifixion
Someone objected against reincarnation out of these words by Jesus: committed this sin. Jesus prayed on the cross “Father forgive them, for
Joh 8:23: He said to them, “You are from below; I am from above. You they know not what they do” (Luk 23:34). But some Jews committed
are of this world; I am not of this world. this sin, and therefore will not be forgiven until times come to full-
His interpretation was that we have our origin from earth and the- fillment. This means that the Lord will not search their hearts and
refore cannot come from heaven and descend to earth. Jesus would be open them before appointed time. Until then they are tortured by the
the only exception. fire of persecution, and long for a drop of solace from Lazarus’ finger
But Jesus must have referred to different levels of spiritual maturity. (from those having inherited salvation).
Reincarnation does not mean that we come from heaven and descend
Wages in this age
to earth, even though some who have seen the state of limbo may use
the term heaven for that. When Jesus said he came from above he told If the promise below is to be fulfilled literally, more than one earthly
us that he came from a higher sphere close to his Father. Man’s spirit life is required, because all who have abandoned relatives and fields
does not come from this sphere, but probably from a lower level con- are not given them in return in the same life. Actually Jesus promised
taining less knowledge and wisdom. We may have fallen from a hig- to pay a part of the wages in this age.
her level when we lived in the spiritual realm, and so gone astray Mark 10:29-30: Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who
has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or
from the abode of the Father. Then we incarnate in order to be born lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundred-
again, develop and reach maturity by limitations in the earthly life. fold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers
Through Christ we reenter God’s glory. In the end of time all will find and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come
him (Joh 12:32).15 Paradise (Luk 23:43), where those with a good heart eternal [age-during] life.”
rest in limbo, is a forecourt to heaven. But – 1 Cor 3:22 tells us that we own all. That is how things are in
faith’s dimension. Jesus owned everything, although he outwardly
The judgment between the sheep and the goats was poor. When he needed something, it was available. Just think of
At least one more court exists. When Jesus returns he will separate how he gave food to several thousand persons! Thus we can leave
the ”sheep” from the ”goats”. This judgment is not identical with the both belongings and relatives in the Lord’s safe hands and attend to
judgment at the great white throne, which will take place at least a the Kingdom of God. So the verses above may be fulfilled in our pre-
thousand years later according to Revelation 20:4-6, 12. The judgment sent life on a spiritual level. Even so, the words may be intended to be
between the ”sheep” and the ”goats” in Matt 25:31-46 will separate fulfilled literally, and then we may need more than one earthly life.
people living on earth with regard to the fruit of their lives. People

24 57
came true both when Jesus raised another Lazarus from the dead (Joh physically dead are not present in this judgment. Those counted as
11) and when Jesus was resurrected. They did not repent, in spite of sheep are given eonian life in the Kingdom of peace Isaiah prophesied
the evidences. Note, that only the rich man was buried after his death! about:
Lazarus immediately received sons’ privileges in faith’s resting bosom. Isa 65:20-22: No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a
A hidden message seems to be that Abraham’s servent Elieser now few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young
man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old
posthumously will take over the inheritance from his son Isak. shall be accursed. ... like the days of a tree shall the days of my people
However, the Jews will regain their inheritance when Jesus returns: be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
Rom 11:26: And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, Here we see that children will be born in this kingdom, and people
“The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from will die, but not until they reach high age, maybe as before the flood,
when the normal life span was about 900 years. An erroneous transla-
Rom 11:32: For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may
have mercy on all. tion has confused many readers in the context of Jesus telling about
All Israel includes all descendants from the patriarch Israel (Jacob). the consequences for those having been merciless:
Matt 25:46: And these shall go away to punishment age-during
The Jews Jesus was referring to in his allegory would have come un- [κολασιν αιωνιον, kolasin aionion], but the righteous to life age-
der the law of blasphemy against the holy Spirit: during [ζωην, zoe]. (YLT)
Matt 12:32: And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will The greek aionion is correctly translated here, and the word has the
be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be
forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
meaning of a non-specific period of time. But it is not appropriate to
translate punishment, since the original word has the connotation of
Those who committed this sin had to await God’s opening of their
pruning. This is more profoundly dealt with in the book Tidens fullbor-
hearts throughout the former age of the law and also throughout the
present age of grace (the age of the gentiles). Thereafter they will look
up to him they crucified (Zec 12:10) and repent. Note that the original The ”goats” will be judged to a life intended to restore them. They
text does not say that this sin will have eternal consequences, but age- will be pruned of their fleshly nature while the ”sheep” enjoy life in
abiding! A litteral translation of Mark’s version will be: the Kingdom of peace.
Mark 3:29: but he who speaks against the holy Spirit will not be forgi- This is how it appears to be: We are already in an eonian pruning,
ven in the age, but is in danger of age-during judgment. lasting until we have obtained the true love of Christ, but no further
How then, is it possible for the generation living at the time of Jesus than until Christ’s return. So the coming age is for the ”goats” one
to live through age-during judgment, and thereafter find Jesus? Let us more age of pruning when they have to go through tests and trials
combine this with the prophecy below: until they overcome their fleshly nature and enter the kingdom of
Mat 24:34: Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until God. The Bible does not reveal where this pruning will take place, but
all these things take place. tells us that it will be in fire and away from the face of God (Matt
The context is about the time of the Lords’ return. If the Jews con- 25:41, 2 Tess 1:9). In Tidens fullbordan we explain the fire to be the fie-
temporary with Jesus will be on earth when that happens, we must ry nature of God and also symbolic of trials. It will influence their
imagine that they reincarnate within their Jewish tribe. That will ex- consciousness and it will take them through arduous tests. The fire is
plain how those who refused to accept Jesus as their Messiah in spite eternal, since God is an eternal fire (Deu 4:24; Hebr 12:29), but it does
of proof, and thereby became guilty of blasphemy against the holy not mean that the sinner is tortured in it forever. While God’s sheep
Spirit, finally will receive him. They will be forgiven when the age of enjoy the new kingdom of glory and divine presence on a meta-

56 25
morphosed earth, the opponents of Christ will be somewhere else, is not the main purpose of its message. We should not be tempted to
maybe on a different planet, where life offers such conditions that the- postpone repentance to a later life. Such procrastination is a waste of
ir ego can die until they become Christ’s images. ones life. We must use time wisely and use every opportune moment.
Each life is a sowing, and after sowing follows harvest. But I believe
We mature to the end of the age Jesus opened up for rediscovering reincarnation close to his return.
Below we see examples that the ”sheep” and the ”goats” have had
several opportunities before Jesus returns: Israels’ hardening
2 Petr 3:9: The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count Read Luke 16:19 through the end of the chapter!
slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should pe- This story about the rich man and Lazarus seems to be an allegory
rish, but that all should reach repentance.
Matt 13:27-30a: And the servants of the master of the house came which in chronological order portrayed what had happened and what
and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? would happen to the Jews and the gentiles.
How then does it have weeds? He said to them, ‘An enemy has done The rich man’s clothes identifies him with the Jews. He was clothed
this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and
gather them?’ But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root
in Purple, the royal colour, and linen, the priestly fabric. In Exo 28:39
up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the ff is enacted that the priests’ clothing should be of linen. In Exo 19:6
harvest.” the Lord said that Israel should be a nation of priests and separated
In Matt 13:39 Jesus then tells us that the harvest takes place at the for the Lord. They would also live in abundance and spiritually spea-
end of this age. Both the good and the evil seed will ripen fully before king reign as kings if they kept the covenant, Deu 28, and they were
judgment comes. God is patient. All will have time to repent. rich in divine revelations. The rich man’s five brothers probably refer-
1 Kor 4:5: Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, red to the ancestor Judah’s five full brothers Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Is-
before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden sachar and Zebulun (Gen 35:23). Even the fact that Abraham was his
in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one father made him a dignified representative for the Jews.
will receive his commendation from God.
The Hebrew equivalent to the name Lazarus is Elieser. Abraham had
So before the Lord comes people are not ready for judgment, not
a servant with this name, and he came from the gentile town Dama-
even Christians. This seems to indicate more than one life’s opportuni-
scus. That make us think of Lazarus as a symbol for the gentiles. They
ty to repent and mature.
longed for gifts from the rich man’s table, but were mostly given reli-
Primarily the Lord tries to sponsor this by his grace : gious rubbish, apart from some scraps of true divine knowledge.
Mat 5:44-45: But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in Now Jesus prophesied that Lazarus (the gentiles) woud die, viz be
heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and separated from their beggar-status, and come to Abraham’s bosom
sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (faith’s resting position), while the Jews a little later would die from
Tit 2:11-12: For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for their exalted position and become buried among the gentiles in their
all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, diaspora. This came to pass in AD 70 when the Romans occupied Jeru-
and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.
salem and AD 132-135 during the Kokhbar-revolt when the remainder
When we become familiar with the grace of God, which is an expres-
of the Jewish people were expelled from the Holy Land. Then they
sion of his nature, this incites us to become his images. Therefore it is
came into the fire of persecution (Greek: flame in singular) unable to
important that the true nature and grace of God is preached and de-
get across the chasm to the rest of faith. To reach there, they must
monstrated in the world.
find Christ, and since they did not listen to Moses and the prophets
The Bible also testifies that drought came upon Israel when they they could not believe even if someone was raised from the dead. This
26 55
this day. I think this is a hint that some of those living contemporary broke the covenant with the Gibeonites (2 Sam 21:1) and when Baa-
with Jesus also must work with what the Lord entrusted to them, until lism was prevailing among them (2 Kings 17:1ff). At the end of this
he comes. If they are abiding in heaven, it is hard to understand why age the prophets in Rev 11:6 will be able to shut the sky so no rain
they will have to make themselves ready. will fall upon the earth. This seems to contradict that God lets rain
come also over the evil, as we read in Mat 5:45.
The objective for our vigilance
Matt 25:13: Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the
But actually God lets it rain also over the unrighteous – until their
hour. sin has reached full ripeness. Then he has no other choice than to ac-
Jesus could have said: “Watch therefore, for you know not what day cept the harvest. If you refuse to realise your responsiblity when grace
you are going to die.” Or he could have added in the same sentence: flows upon you, you must learn responsibility by the harvest of your evil
“Watch, for you know not when I return, or when you will die.” deeds. The minor times of harvests we have seen in history are fore-
runners and models of the great harvest at the end of this age. The
Why did he not say something like that? The day of death is for
same applies to the harvest of righteousness (Joh 4, Act 2:41; 4:4). This
most people much closer in time than the Lord’s return.
also will ripen fully at the end of this age.
There are other passages in the Bible urging us to be ready for our
In what way is the seed brought to ripeness? Does it not have to be
day of death, for example Mat 5:25. But it still is remarkable that Jesus
the same people growing during the whole age? They may be able to
put more focus on his coming back than each man’s death. In the
grow as spirits after death also, but 2 Petr 3:9 can only be fulfilled if
same lesson he listed certain signs that must be fulfilled before he can
they receive more opportunities to grow here on earth, since it hardly
return (24:5ff), signs that could not be fulfilled immediately.
makes any difference when Christ returns if growth is supposed to
We see the same urge to vigilance in the two parables about the take place in the spiritual sphere. Here we live in the dimension of
stewards in Mat 24:45fv and 25:14fv. Here too, Jesus said nothing time, and the earth’s school is what we will graduate from. Many will
about the death-day as a day of account. Moreover, the stewards had not graduate until this age has come to an end. This becomes even
to present their accounts a long time after the principal’s trip abroad more apparent when we read the following:
(Jesus’ ascension), 25:19. So, the stewards had to work with what they Matt 13:47-50: Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was
were entrusted during all that time, starting with their calling up till thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind. When it was full,
Jesus returns. And that coincides with what Jesus said here: men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers
Luk 21:27-28: And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a clo- but threw away the bad. So it will be at the end of the age. The angels
ud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw
place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and
drawing near." gnashing of teeth.
Jesus said this to those alive at the moment. It seems to mean that Even here we see that the separation between the good and the bad
they will not find their work easier before Jesus returns. Only then takes place at the end of this age. Consequently it is logical that we
comes redemption. receive the opportunity to mature by growing until then. The same is
An alternative interpretation is that these Bible passages particular- confirmed here:
ly are for the Christians living close to Jesus’ return. They will be tes- Matt 10:22-23: and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But
the one who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute
ted severely by the labour pains introducing the new age, and they you in one town, flee to the next, for truly, I say to you, you will not
can look forward to a relief when Jesus comes back. have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man co-
The Bible does not implicitly tell us about reincarnation, because it mes.

54 27
Apparently the end does not refer to a man’s death, but the end of Heb 4:9-11: So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of
the age. The prophecy refers to a time just before the coming of the God, for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his
works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest,
Lord, when the preaching of the gospel will be speeded up. The time so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.
of the nations (gentiles) are fullfilled, and now the focus lies upon Is- When we live in Christ we have the right to let our soul rest in him,
rael. The salvation mentioned seems to be what we usually call the and never worry. But this is not the fullness of the rest prepared for
rapture, the moment when the Lord’s faithful children meet Jesus in us. If it were, we would not have to contend to enter the sabbath rest.
the sky and have their bodies metamorphosed into immortal ones.
However we will not be idle during the coming age. Those of us be-
They will be saved from the wrath now about to hit the world, the
longing to the bridal company or the ”barley harvest” will reign du-
wrath mentioned in Rev 16:1ff.
ring this age (Rev 20:4), and that implies work. But it is work without
Jesus talked to the people he had in front of himself. He told them to struggle and hardships, as it was from the beginning in the Garden of
escape. They would not reach all the towns of Israel before he returns. Eden. We will work with a restful mind in God’s presence.
That implies that some of them will live on the earth at that moment.
But also his statement that those enduring to the end will be saved, Salvation of the soul
implies that we have more than one life. If we only have to endure as Until the sabbath rest we work and strive for our souls’ salvation,
long as we live our present life, most of us would not have to endure the rehabilitation of our character.
to the end of the age. 1Petr 1:9: obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your
The joyful message of atonement must be proclaimed to everyone souls.
before Jesus returns: Jas 1:21: Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness
and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save
Matt 24:14: And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed your souls.
throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then Php 2:12: Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so
the end will come [implicitly: the end of the present age]. now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work
Why cannot Jesus return before this is fulfilled? According to 2 Petr out your own salvation with fear and trembling, ...
3:9 it is because first all must have an opportunity to repent. How will When we accept God’s salvation through Jesus Christ our spirit is
everyone have this opportunity if no one reincarnates? Surely, Jesus went rehabilitated to fellowship with the Creator, but our soul, our persona-
down to the underworld and preached there too, but it is on earth the lity, needs to go through a continous transformation. For this we work
gospel will prevail before Jesus returns. The earth is intended for the until the Son of man (Jesus) returns:
restoring of God’s kingdom. The earth will be filled with the glory of Luk 12:40-46: You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at
God. an hour you do not expect.” Peter said, “Lord, are you telling this pa-
Hab 2:14: For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory rable for us or for all?” And the Lord said, “Who then is the faithful
of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. and wise manager, whom his master will set over his household, to
give them their portion of food at the proper time? Blessed is that
Moreover, why is it not time yet for the evil spirits to have their fi- servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I
nal judgment? If their condition is hopeless it would make no diffe- say to you, he will set him over all his possessions. But if that servant
rence if their judgment lingers, but it does: says to himself, ‘My master is delayed in coming,’ and begins to beat
Matt 8:28-29: And when he came to the other side, to the country of the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, the
the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men met him, coming out of master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect
the tombs, so fierce that no one could pass that way. And behold, him and at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces (or
they cried out, “What have you to do with us, O Son of God? Have scourge him) and put him with the unfaithful.
you come here to torment us before the time?” We see above that the Lord urged all his servants to be ready for
28 53
However a time seems to come when this will end. Jeremiah The evil spirits used the voices of the possessed to express their fear
prophesied about the kingdom of peace when he said: for Jesus. And he allowed them to enter the swines nearby, so they re-
Jer 31:27-30: “Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when ceived deferment until the final judgment. Of course this must have a
I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of purpose. Maybe they will be allowed to incarnate in bodies of their
man and the seed of beast. And it shall come to pass that as I have
watched over them to pluck up and break down, to overthrow, de-
own, instead of possessing others’, and so have an opportunity to re-
stroy, and bring harm, so I will watch over them to build and to plant, pent. We will look further into this later.
declares the LORD. In those days they shall no longer say: ‘The fathers
have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.’ But Alternatives after death
everyone shall die for his own iniquity. Each man who eats sour gra- Life after death has more to it than just reincarnation. Some who for
pes, his teeth shall be set on edge. a moment have left their body have seen the darkness of the angui-
Also take a look at the following verses, where it is more apparent shed underworld. Others have seen earth-bound spirits sticking to
that this prophecy is about the Messianic kingdom of peace. Now, let thought systems and perversities from their earthly lives. Vainly they
us consider the question: Why will the children no longer die for their have tried to satisfy their cravings, dwell on injustices or ponder upon
ancestors’ iniquities when this time comes? their sins. And so there are the ghosts, people who have become so
Well, those allowed to enter this kindom have all repented, and the- bound to their earthly house that they refuse to proceed to the light.
ir sins are forgiven. The part of this kingdom’s citizens who have mor- According to Sadhu Sundar Sing’s revelations those who have comp-
tal bodies is the wheat harvest Jesus talked about in Mat 13:30. In ad- letely joined themselves with the nature of sin or refused repentance
dition, those belonging to the ”barley harvest”19, i e those taking part when God repeatedly have sought them, will not join the light when
in the first (foremost) resurrection, will take part in this kingdom in they die. They throw themselves headlong down into the abyss, whe-
their immortal bodies. But only those entering this kingdom in their re a terrible inner fire torture their consciences. Their fate is terrible
mortal bodies are still not perfected. These will reach advanced ages, beyond description, they have become so corrupted that they see-
but are still mortal, Isa 65:20, 22. mingly lack any wish to repent, even though angels and saints try to
Since those entering the kingdom do not have any criminal records persuade them.
from their former lives, they cannot bear guilt from their ancestors But many seem to find themselves in a lower heaven where they are
transgressions (or their own transgressions from former incarnations). able to grow into a higher form of existence (George G. Ritchie: Return
The Sabbath rest from Tomorrow). Many alternatives have opened up for people who
have been dead for a short moment. What our mind is attached to se-
Relating to the tribulation of the end of this age, John hears a voice
ems to direct our destination. It is possible to change attitude after
death, but if you have tied up yourself in bitterness it makes it really
Rev 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Bles-
sed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” hard. If we enjoy living with God while on earth having our innermost
says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds beings renewed day by day, we will enter a higher sphere and com-
follow them!” munity with others who belong to Christ.
Why are they blessed from now on? Are they not just as blessed if Many who have reached their preexistence during regression thera-
they die in the Lord before this time? Of course, all who are ingrafted py have testified about an existence in groups with people being in an
into Christ should rejoice over the fact that their sins are forgiven. But approximately equal state of spiritual development. You are conse-
maybe we cannot rest from our work yet. The Sabbath (the millennial quently not necessarily in heaven or hell, even though some use the
day of rest) is not here until the kingdom is established: term heaven for this state of being, since it is experienced as a period
52 29
of rest. ration. Finally, when his sin has filled up its measure, judgment fol-
We can make friends here on earth and have them follow us to the lows. In Israel their measure of sin was filled up when the leaders re-
spiritual sphere. Everything we do here, affects how we continue after fused to repent after being convicted by Jesus of their condition. As I
death. see it, the sin had been cultivated during generations. The fairest way
Luk 16:9: And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of to such consequences would be the same persons having reincarna-
unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into ting within their Jewish tribe (or having come back after excursions
the eternal dwellings. among other people) and having had many opportunities to repent. If
Our choice to incarnate not, what is the meaning of what Jesus tells us here?
Mat 23:29-31: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For
According to testimonies from people, mostly during regressions to you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of
former lives, many choose if they want to incarnate, but not everyone. the righteous, saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we
Some are persuaded or even compelled. If you choose for yourself, it would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the
may be because you want to grow in experience and build your cha- prophets.’ Thus you witness against yourselves that you are sons of
those who murdered the prophets.
racter. Some come to earth to meet hard circumstanses due to unsett-
led relations from former lives, sometimes to live with people they Instead of identifying themselves with their forefathers confessing
have wounded or help those who wounded them. If you hate a group their sins (as Daniel did, Dan 9:4, 20) they distanced themselves from
of people or you are unsympathetic against people with worse qualifi- their ancestors. Thereby they testified that they lacked self-awareness.
cations, it is likely you become one of them in your next life. But it is They were like their ancestors, but refused to admit this. But why
also possible to come with a special calling to help Creation. You may were they as their ancestors? Had they inherited something from
be chosen for a special task before you were born, like the prophet Je- them that they now were breeding? Reflect on what Jesus meant:
remiahh, Jer 1:5. Joh 10:26: but you do not believe because you are not among my
Before you make this choice you will receive guidance. It is given by
So they had not the nature that characterizes Jesus’ sheep. If those
holy people who have reached higher wisdom. There are some indica-
contemporary with Jesus had been created at conception and then had
tions that people who have lived evil lives sometimes reincarnate so
come to earth for the first time, suddenly had become so hardened
quickly they do not have time to listen to guidance before they return
that they wanted to kill the Lord, it seems both strange and unfair. In
to earth, while those who have lived with higher purposes are given
such case the devil would have had free access to influence them, whi-
time to rest before they make a new experience on earth. Often you
le the people nearby the Jews would have had better protection. Many
are given several suggestions of a birth-nation, parents etc. You may
of them received the gospel. We may just think of how such a large
choose what kind of challenges you prefer. Maybe you choose hard
crowd came to believe in Jesus when the Samaritan woman witnessed
circumstances to help yourself overcome flaws in your character.
to her people about him (Joh 4).
Some take upon themselves too big challenges. In many cases you are
given the choice, but it seems there are exceptions. Of course this is If we think reincarnation Jesus’ words about his generation’s re-
only a glimpse of reality. sponsibility for their ancestors’ sins become compatible with the
commandment prohibiting punishment of the children because of the-
An hint to a free choice is given in Jesus’ statement about Judas Isca-
ir forefathers’ sins. This also explains the many statements from Jesus
that the harvest takes a long time to ripen, in this case the harvest of
Matt 26:24: The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to
that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been evil. They had bred it over many generations.
better for that man if he had not been born.
30 51
make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another So it seems like Judas chose to come in spite of supposedly being
for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to dissuaded. Jesus’ statement seems to indicate arrogance, a character I
make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of
wrath prepared for destruction? think I can sense in Judas’ life.
At first sight it seems like God is unpredictable in the text above, but At the betrayal of Jesus he obviously did not want him condemned:
that is an absurd hypothesis. You do not become hardened by coinci- Matt 27:3-5: Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was con-
demned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of
dence. That is the result of stubborn rebellion. In Rom 10:21 God is silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, “I have sinned by be-
said to have stretched forth his hands to Israel all day long, which traying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? See to it yo-
should refer to a whole age. So they received many chances to repent urself.” And throwing down the pieces of silver into the temple, he
before they were made to dishonourable vessels, i e were given bodies departed, and he went and hanged himself.
for destruction. Then why did he betray Jesus? Probably because he wanted to help
Let us now compare the Bible passages below with each other: the Messiah to enter his high position as king over Israel and liberate
Mat 23:35-36: so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed them from the Roman empire. He does not seem to have listened care-
on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah fully to Jesus, but had his own way of promoting the Messiah. He
the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary knew that Jesus easily could have freed himself from the guard that
and the altar. Truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this came to arrest him in Gethsemane. Jesus had earlier walked right
through a mob that intended to throw him down a steep slope. So
Abel called, after being murdered, to the Lord for restitution (Gen
now Jesus would have his life’s chance to prove his power. The thirty
4:10, Hebr 12:24). And so did Zechariah: shekels Judas received for his ”service” he probably thought were a
2 Krön 24:22: Thus Joash the king did not remember the kindness
that Jehoiada, Zechariah's father, had shown him, but killed his son. fair payment for such a genious promotional plan.
And when he was dying, he said, “May the LORD see and avenge!” We could say Judas was not very teachable. And that is what we
So Jesus said that the generation living contemporary with him wo- have to be to benefit from our life here on earth. Readiness to learn is
uld be responsible for – pay for – the transgressions their forefathers close to humility. If you think you know better than God how Jesus
had inflicted upon these persons, and also all other righteous persons should be promoted or the gospel be presented you are presump-
they had murdered between these two points in time. That means tuous. Presumption combined with pride seems to be what prevented
almost from creation until about 800 BC. But how do we reconcile this Judas from repenting after his treachery. This seems to be the reason
with the passage below? Jesus had to point out that it had been better for Judas not to come to
Deu 24:16: Fathers shall not be put to death because of their earth. However an ignorant Judas still fulfilled his task. God’s plan of
children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. his suffering Messiah was fulfilled. Skripture says he was forordained
Each one shall be put to death for his own sin. to betray Jesus (Joh 13:18; 17:12; Act 1:16-17). This predestination also
Jesus considered the whole law in the Old Testament divinely inspi- shows that Judas had some sort of life before the one recorded in the
red (Matt 5:18). So we conclude that he did not contest the law. I can- Bible. How else could he be predestined? To fulfill God’s requirement
not see any other way to unite these Bible passages than reincarna- of man having a free will, the predestination must have been depen-
tion. Those contemporary with Jesus were guilty from their former li- dent of Judas’ choice at some moment of his existence. Thus his trea-
ves of these murders of righteous persons in the Old Testament. chery could be considered a natural consequence of his spiritual state
Before the sinner harvests fully, he is usually given some time to re- at the moment of his incarnation. Jesus’ statement indicates that he
pent. Sometimes this time of grace extends over more than one gene- was not ready for earth right then, but still chose to come.

50 31
If we think of life as our own choice all trials become more meaning- giveness will cancel this cycle. But what will happen then, if we do
ful. Life is about overcoming something. Each life is a new possibility not forgive, repent and receive forgiveness? Then we will remain in
to grow, mature and learn. The grade of maturity we reached in our some sort of prison. It may be in the flesh or in Hades (hell).
former life remains within us as a subconscious memory. Matt 5:25-26: Come to terms quickly with your accuser while you are
The Scripture tells of the Pharaoh living contemporary with Moses going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge,
and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison. Truly, I say to
that God chose him to resist God’s emissary, to thereby prove his po- you, you will never get out until you have paid the last penny.
wer. Such a selection may be caused by bad choices this Pharaoh had Also compare Luk 12:58! Jesus did not tell us what this prison is
made in one or more earlier lives on earth. His earthly life as God’s made of or what it looks like. Some have then made the conclusion
opponent became a chastisement. He could thereby taste what conse- that it referes to an eternal hell. But in that case, we would not be able
quences such a life results in, and understand that in the end God al- to pay the last penny. It would also be a punishment out of propor-
ways is the winner. tion. Jesus took the sins of the whole world upon himself on the cross
Exo 4:21: And the LORD said to Moses, “When you go back to Egypt,
see that you do before Pharaoh all the miracles that I have put in your
(2 Cor 5:19, Col 1:20), without enduring eternal suffering. That makes
power. But I will harden his heart, so that he will not let the people it impossible that the sinner would have to endure sufferings being
go. even harder. No one can make more transgressions than what is con-
Rom 9:17: For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I tained in the whole world.
have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my
name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” But a prison in form of reincarnations where we are compelled to
live over again with those we have transgressed against would be a
Similar reasons are conceivable to the fates God gave Isaac’s two
fitting chastisement. Probably we will encounter problems of the
same sort as in the former incarnation. This is a prison, a discipline,
Rom 9:11-15: though they were not yet born and had done nothing
either good or bad — in order that God's purpose of election might an instalment, an opportunity for reconciliation, an opportunity to
continue, not because of works but because of him who calls — she learn and mature, and therefore it is also grace!
was told, “The older will serve the younger.” As it is written, “Jacob I Now it does not seem like God is imposing this, at least not after Je-
loved, but Esau I hated.” What shall we say then? Is there injustice on
God's part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on sus atoned the world with God, but rather the higher self of man. No
whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have com- one escapes, when he comes to the spiritual sphere, to feel the pain he
passion.” has inflicted upon others, and so there is a sense of necessity to find
The Scripture tells us that this choice was made before they were reconciliation with them. But if they have forgiven wholeheartedly no
born. So it had nothing to do with their deeds in the recorded earthly further reconciliation is needed.
lives. Of course we do not know the causes to these divine roles. Since Maybe the vessels God has made for less honourable use have been
God is not unfair there must be reasons, and I suspect it had so- given this function because they have earned it in former lives? In
mething to do with what had happened before their earthly lives. eternity’s perspective they would certainly profit from such an experi-
When God chooses someone to an honourable mission, the person ence. Note that it is the vessel, that is the body, and not the man’s spi-
may have some flaws as we see it, maybe so big that we are tempted rit, which in the text below is made for dishonourable use.
to despise him. But there must be some level of maturity in such a Rom 9:18-23: So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he
person’s spirit, making him adequate for the mission. In many cases hardens whomever he wills. You will say to me then, “Why does he
still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man,
this maturity is hidden för most people, who judge after their own to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why
measures, and so they miss out on the blessings from this servant of have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to
32 49
rusalem to the idol Zeus in the 160ies BC, prohibited worship of Jahvé God.
and sacrificed a pig on the temple’s altar. Under his command a mas-
sacre on the Jews was executed. But the description of him includes
future fulfillments, especially that of antichrist, modelled by Antiocus. What we need to strive for is perfection. Let us consider the mea-
ning of this concept.
Jesus refers to Daniel’s prophecy when he says:
Fil 3:15: As many, therefore, as are perfect – let us think this, and if in
Matt 24:14-15: And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed
anything ye think otherwise, this also shall God reveal to you (YLT)
throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then
the end will come. So when you see the abomination of desolation Heb 11:40: since God had provided something better for us, that
spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the apart from us they should not be made perfect.
reader understand)... Heb 12:23: and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in
heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the
So we may well imagine that the beast of Revelation will be a rein- righteous made perfect.
carnation of Antiocus. He is probably in the Abyss now, where the Even Jesus had to be perfected:
worst of the evil spirits are held captive, before he is allowed to incar- Heb 2:10 For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things
nate on earth again. exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their
In Rev 12:9, 13 we are informed that the devil and his angels will be salvation perfect through suffering.
cast down on earth as a part of the process in overcoming them. The Jesus was obedient unto death. He took part in our sufferings. He
question is how this will be performed. These spirits are now acting as was tested in everything, Hebr 4:15, and he overcame all trials and
”powers of the air” (Ef 2:2) and influence the whole world suppressing temptations. That gave him the position he was intended for. He was
our minds. But they will lose this position just before they are thrown exalted over everything, Php 2:9. Reaching full maturity is the meaning
into the lake of fire (Rev 20:10; 21:8). Does that mean that they will in- of perfection. Jesus was in a sense perfect at birth, because he was
carnate as humans? At least we see in Rev 16:11 that the people of the without the fleshly nature from Adam, but he was not yet tested and
endtime fully demonstrate the devil’s nature. So this short time of tri- had not yet matured through sufferings. For us perfection means that
bulation might be caused by a large number of evil spirits incarnating we become images of Christ. Engrafted in him we overcome tempta-
before they are defeated as humans. tions and reach our full capacity. Then we are qualified for greater
missions in the kingdom of God.
The children’s responsibility for their fore fathers’ sins Matt 19:21: Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what
How do you think about the following? you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in
Num 14:18: The LORD is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast heaven; and come, follow me.”
love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means Jesus meant that the man could be perfected. But his heart was atta-
clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to ched to riches, and that blocked his ripening. Jesus was rich without
the third and the fourth generation.
shackles. Twice he fed the multitudes (Matt 14:17fv and 15:32fv). He
”The third and fourth generation” could possibly mean ”the third had his savings in heaven, and from there he gave to the hungry. That
and fourth incarnation”. But even though we do not know if this is a wealth was without limit.
correct interpretation, the question is if it may be God’s justice that
Just before Jesus returns the world will lose its glory and thus help
those who are afflicted with sufferings are harvesting what they have
us understand that only in God we can have true treasures. This will
sowed in one or more former lives. At least it is not always so, accor-
help us to reach perfection.
ding to what Jesus told us in Joh 9.
When we are engrafted in Christ we take part in his perfection. This
But if we assume that this could be the case in some instances, for-
48 33
gift is free. We just confess Jesus as our saviour and Lord and so be- now and believe his promises. Even now we can cooperate with him
come children of God. Then the very life of God is then instilled in us. for a better world.
Sufferings we thereafter may encounter are intended to free us from The apostle Paul hoped to reach resurrection after his life at that
our fleshly nature and strengthen the new nature from God. When we time by becoming like Jesus both in his sufferings and his victory over
meet hardships we should look upon them as opportunities to grow sin. He realised that it is possible to reach that glory only if the flesh
inwardly into the likeness of Christ. suffers and our innermost being, where the holy Spirit abodes, grows
1 Petr 4:13: But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that in strength.
you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed... Fil 3:10-11: that I may know him and the power of his resurrection,
Php 1:29: For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ and may share [greek: κοινωνία, koinonia: have communion with] his
you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible
This suffering is called grace (gift) because it enables us to reach I may attain the resurrection from the dead. [by implication: the fo-
higher glory when the world is born again, Mat 19:28, 2 Cor 4:17. This remost or first resurrection, taking place at the return of Christ].
is not referring to suffering from diseases, but because we do what is Paul was probably not referring to his future martyrdom, but rather
righteous and act in unselfish love. When we choose acts filled with death from his selfish life – separation from the sinful nature’s limita-
empathy, thruth and love from God, even though this may short- tions that blocked the image of Christ to manifest in his life. Compare
termly disfavour ourselves, we are suffering in the flesh and mature in Rom 6:10-12! But how many venture as wholeheartedly as Paul?
spirit. We become ”perfected”.
Maturity of the harvest and the beast
It seems logical then, that if we have not got the opportunity to ma-
How come the harvest is not ripe until the end of the age, Matt 13:29-
ture to perfection in a first life, we may have more possibilities. Those
30, 39; Rev 14:15? Why is it so difficult to separate the wheat and the
taking part in the first resurrecion at the coming of Christ enter the
weed before that time?
thousand year Kingdom of peace as perfected, while those entering
this kingdom in their mortal bodies have the possibility to mature Obviously the servants in Mat 13:24fv thought they could see the
there. The latter will reach high age, maybe as before the flood, but difference between the two types of plants. If not, they would not
they do not receive eternal life yet (see Isa 65:20, 22). Since people in have suggested the weed to be torn away. They must have seen that
this kingdom will reach so high age, it will not be possible with as not only wheat came up in the field. The wisest action would then
many reincarnations as before. If that would happen, the earth would normally be to get rid of the weed before it can spread. But this was
soon be overpopulated. All entering the Kingdom of peace have come not common weed.
to a certain degree of maturity, but the quality of that maturity will be Could it be that certain people need more lives before they find Je-
tested at the end of this period (Upp 20:7). sus and even more lives before they reach perfection?
But Jesus will not give up until he has put all under himself and then However some seem to ripen into evil during the course of the age.
united them with the Father: The beast, Rev 11:7 and 17:8, indeed embodies evil in an incarnation
1 Cor 15:28: When all things are subjected to him, then the Son him- from the Abyss. The beast has been on earth before (”it was, and is not,
self will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection un- and is about to rise from the bottomless pit”).
der him, that God may be all in all. The beast is interesting, since much is written about him in the
Therefore there is a fire that Jesus kindled on earth: Scripture. First he is mentioned in the book of Daniel 11:31 ff. This
Luk 12:49: I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were prophecy about the abomination was fulfilled a first time with the Se-
already kindled! leucid king Antiochus Epiphanes, when he dedicated the temple of Je-
34 47
of the purpose of earthly life. We must realise that everything we do This fire is God’s fire of sanctity, a fire continually purifying us, bur-
will be harvested. We must realise that nobody is living for himself, ning the chaff in us until there is nothing left to clean:
but everything we do to each other returns to ourselves, since in the Luk 3:16-17: John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with wa-
spiritual dimension we are all parts in a divine creation. ter, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose san-
dals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit
It will be revealed to all what we have said and done on earth: and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor
Luk 12:(2)-3: Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with
heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms unquenchable fire.”
shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
We see again that God’s purification continues to at least the end of
This is entirely in accordance with both NDE:s and regression expe- the age, since the fire is not quenched. (However it will be active also
riences into the spiritual world. In that dimension you know eve- after the coming age.) The chaff is our fleshly nature, all within us that
rything about a person by looking at him. That makes it important is of no use in the kingdom of God. This part of us is already on fire
how we live. Above all we need to be perceptive and listen lovingly to and will not stop burning until it is gone forever. The wheat kernel
everyone. (what is born of God within us) will be gathered into God’s barn (the
God has decided that in the end all will be one in Christ. He took eternal abodes).
upon himself everyone’s sufferings. Misuse of our tongue may aggravate this cleansing by setting the
1 Cor 15:28 When all things are subjected to him, then the Son him- course of life on fire (Jas 3:6). The tongue is set on fire by Gehenna, a
self will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection un-
der him, that God may be all in all. picture of evil. (See Tidens fullbordan!) The course of life is a cycle of
Eph 1:9-10: making known to us the mystery of his will, according to some kind, in this case of evil and its consequences. Such a cycle may
his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of be in action during our present life, and not necessarily pertain to fu-
time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. ture lives, but certainly it does not exclude a cycle of rebirth.
It is not until time is complete that all things will be united in On the other hand Scipture testifies of those who by entering the
Christ. For this to happen, we must become like our master: rest of God here on earth do not need reincarnation in mortal bodies:
Luk 6:40: A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is Heb 11:13-15: These all died in faith, not having received the things
fully trained will be like his teacher. promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and ha-
This objective is what most Christians are in despair of ever rea- ving acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the
ching. Nevertheless it is what Jesus aimed at. We are supposed to be earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking
a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they
like our master. Think about it! We will be perfect in love and wisdom. had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return.
We will have the fullness of faith. Just contemplate on that! Imagine
The heroes of faith had an opportunity to return. To what? To the
yourself engrafted in Jesus right now! If you are able to keep this in
land they came from, and it seems to be their earthly homeland. Noah
your heart, it will automatically grow to maturity within you (Mark
could hardly return to the world he had left behind, since that world
did not exist anymore. It seems rather to pertain to a possible reincar-
It takes a living revelation of the heart, a trust in God that he always nation on the earth after the flood. It looks like Abraham could have
is with us and protects us. And maybe it takes more than one life on received God’s land of promise by reincarnating when it was time for
earth. It is not until the end of the age the harvest is ripe. the promise to be fulfilled. But none of them used such an opportuni-
Ps 22:28: All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the ty, since they had reached further in spiritual maturity. Instead they
LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.
are waiting for their heavenly home, the city coming down from hea-
But there is no benefit in waiting so long. Let us turn to our Creator
46 35
ven to earth, Hebr 13:14, Rev 21:2. This homeland is now in existence carnations.
in the heavenly sphere, awaiting its positioning on earth.
The unity of creation
The Lord lingers The Scripture reveals that we are united with each other, and there-
Apg 17:30-31: The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he fore others’ sins influence us. It is obvious from our responsibility for
commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a our forefathers’ sins and those we cooperate with. You may for ex-
day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man
whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance [greek; ample read about Daniel’s prayer for his people (Dan 9), where he
πίστις, pistis; faith, conviction] to all by raising him from the dead.” identified himself with his people and their sins, or Israels’ failure
So God has overlooked man’s ignorance, meaning he has not puni- when they attempted to invade Ai (Josh 7). In the same manner, all
shed anybody who is a victim to ignorance. But since no one can be who have been born again in Christ are linked together in one spiritu-
restored except through Christ, he now tells everybody to repent. It is al body. The righteousness of Christ permeates our communion and
likely then that people are given new opportunities on earth. Moreo- influences us in a positive direction, but unbelief and sins among us
ver, the text says that everyone will have an invitation to believe before will also pull us down to a lower spiritual level, so that the power of
Jesus returns to judge the world. God does not manifest among us to heal and convict people of their
As said before, the fact that the Scripture tells us that the Lord is wa- saviour.
iting until everyone has got opportunity to repent before he returns, 2 The physicists’ latest findings reveal a unity between everything.
Petr 3:4, 9, this is a hint to reincarnation. People not being drawn to The Higgsfield permeates the whole universe, and gives all elementary
him in one life may be drawn to him in another life. The same could particles mass. Without this field all mass would cease to exist, in spi-
be understood in the following quotation: te of the atoms. The Bible tells us: ”he [Jesus] upholds the universe by
1 Cor 5:5: ... you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction the word of his power” (Hebr 1:3), “in him all things hold together”
of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. (Col 1:17) and ”In him we live and move and have our being” (Act
This sinner would have more chances to repent if he did not want to 17:28). We cannot do anything without moving within God. Of course
do it in his life at the current time. In this case it seems like he did re- God’s glory is not perceptible for the evildoer, but he borrows from
pent (2 Cor 2:7), but that does not cancel what Paul said about more God’s energy, and it reacts on himself, since he is moving inside the
opportunities later. The day of the Lord is yet in the future. same energy field.
Of course, these Bible passages do not have to be fulfilled just by It seems like each life’s experiences are added and get us closer to
more opportunities on earth, but may also imply a chastisement in spiritual maturity, depending on our willingness to learn. According
Hades, from where one might receive grace to exit. to many having undergone regression therapy with focus on life bet-
1 Sam 2:6: The LORD kills and brings to life; he brings down to Sheol ween incarnations this is clearly observed during the time in the spiri-
and raises up. tual sphere. Then we remember all our lives. Even so, a deeper memo-
This is not talking about resurrection. The word for raises up in the ry seems to remain during our earthly lives. Sometimes we become
Septuaginth16 is ζωογονέω (zoogoneo), i e obtain the God-kind of life. aware of this by intuition. Negative memories may give a seemingly
So the Lord gives man’s spirit life from Sheol (the underground). irrational fear for certain phenomena. At other times a déja vù-
However it must be said that the most natural explanation of 2 Petr experience may unveil the hidden memory. As said before, small child-
3:4, 9, and maybe also 1 Cor 5:5, is reincarnation, because it is hard to ren sometimes testify of clear memories from earlier lives, successive-
imagine that the day of the Lord, which means the return of Jesus, ly fading when they become older.18
would affect Hades. In contrary his return will highly affect life on If we open our eyes to see this, we open for a deeper understanding
36 45
one, Hes 16:49. Their violent sexual behaviour seems to be a conse- earth. Those not being ready for him, will ”faint with fear” Luk 21:26.
quence of their closed hearts toward needy people and strangers for When Jesus spoke about the importance of preparing for the end of
many generations, and that they did not value knowing their Crea- this age he spoke to those who were listening. He could have said so-
tor.17 mething like ”Those who are alive at that time should pray…”, but in-
Maybe you take offense by the thought of having to harvest deeds stead he said:
from a former life. You think that the consequences can only make a Mat 24:20-25: Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sab-
sinner repentant if he remembers what he has done. If so, you ignore bath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been
from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And
that reincarnation has been known since immemorial times. Moreo-
if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be sa-
ver, our spirit remembers. But we have to bring it up, Pro 20:5. We see ved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Then if
the connection clearly between our earthly lives. anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not
However punishment is not the purpose with harvesting our works. believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform
great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the
The purpose is to learn something from our deeds and lives, and at the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.
same time have an opportunity to overcome hardships, and so reach Actually, it seems like Jesus anticipated that some of those he spoke
maturity. If you do not want to learn this by listening to your spirit’s
to will be on earth when his prophecy is fulfilled. Otherwise, would it
testimony and take Jesus as a model, you must learn by hardships of not have been more logical to ask his disciples to write down what fu-
many lives. When it is written that God’s wrath is revealed against all
ture generations should prepare for?
ungodliness, this is an expression for the fiery nature of God, his pas-
sion working against the darkness in people until it is overcome. He And it seems like God is going to let it take some time, since he
wants us to exercise listening when we search for him.
lets us feel what we do against creation. But if you confess your own
Act 17:26-27: And he made from one man every nation of mankind to
and your forefathers’ sins, forgiveness and rehabilitation will come to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods
you (Dan 9). and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek
When God let fire and sulphur (symbols of purification) rain over God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is
Sodom and Gomorrah you may indeed see this as an act of mercy, sin- actually not far from each one of us.
ce their sinful lives were cut short by this. And so it became a warning If we are supposed to feel our way toward God, it may take some
for all who saw it or read about it. Here we see that God’s grace is inc- time, maybe more than one life on earth. God awaits our maturity ob-
luded in the harvest of our deeds: tained by trial and error, and that we begin to long for him. The pur-
Ps 62:11-12: Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that po- pose of this is of course not that it should be as difficult as possible to
wer belongs to God, and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love. find him and walk with him, but rather that our hearts must be pre-
For you will render to a man according to his work. pared to open up for him. He does not want to break our hearts open.
Jes 63:4: For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and my year of This is also the reason he chooses to open some people’s hearts, while
redemption had come.
he lets others wait. An example is Lydia i Act 16:14. The Lord opened
So, wages for our deeds can be combined with grace. And divine her heart – implicitly not the others who listened. She was prepared.
vengeance belongs to redemption. It aims at transformation of the
I think of how Rick Joyner received from God that it takes many life-
sinner. When God ordered Israel to kill the citizens of Jericho and
times to absorb God’s treasures (The Final Quest).
other places where the ”iniquity of the people was complete” (Gen
15:16), we see in this the grace of God, if we understand that he may Wages at the end of the age
have given the citizens new possibilities to start over again in new in- Revelation associates both the fullness of sanctification and its op-
44 37
posite – maturity of evil – with Christ’s return. Both will mature up to wonder if causes can be found further back. We have already mentio-
his coming, before the salary is determined. ned painful experiences with the opposite gender in former lives. Of
Upp 22:11-12: Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, course, such experiences also may occur in present life.
and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy. Behold, I am The wording in verse 21; ”they became futile in their thinking, and
coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for
what he has done. their foolish hearts were darkened” indicate a longer period than
Then it seems logical that everyone will be given time to mature up childhood and adolescence, the period when gender identity usually is
till then. And it is not likely that this maturing takes place solely in the considered developing.
spiritual sphere after death, because earth is the place where we have Look up in your Bible and note that Paul from Rom 1:21 speaks
the necessary resistance to work out endurance, love and trust. Ho- about actions in past time, even antiquity, to turn to present time in
wever, those who in their present life reach maturity – perfection – do verse 29, seemingly of the same persons! He describes how they have
not need more lives. been caught up in all sorts of unrighteousness and indulged in all
Since God does not call all people at the same time, the wages will kinds of sin. Then, in 2:1 he writes that they are without excuse if they
be equal for those called at the beginning of the age of grace and tho- judge, because they live in the same manner. To whom is he refer-
se called at the end of this age. When you read the text below you ring?
should think of ”the kingdom of heaven” as a paraphrase for the king- It seems to be about those who are judgemental without examining
dom of God – the kingdom of peace – already invisibly present in the themselves. They feel better if they can project their incapability on
hearts of Jesus’ disciples but established in its fullness here on earth others. In addition, it is suggested that their sins have been cultivated
when Jesus returns. The reason for the paraphrase is that Matthew in several generations. Interesting! Regressions have revealed that pa-
wrote to the Jews, for whom God’s name was so holy that they hesita- tients in former lives have acted the same way they now condemn
ted to pronounce it. with others. I 2:5 Paul then tells us that they heap up wrath until the
Matt 20:1-16: “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house ”day of wrath”. Which day? I interpret that meaning the day of the
who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his Lord’s return. If that is correct, they accumulate wrath in many lives,
vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a denarius a day, he but they also have time to repent until then. God’s surrendering them
sent them into his vineyard. And going out about the third hour he into all kinds of sin is thus meant to make them open their eyes and
saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to them he said,
‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So be saved on ”the day of the Lord” (1 Cor 5:5).
they went. Going out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour, Returning to homosexuality, we dare say that those suppressing
he did the same. And about the eleventh hour he went out and found truth do not always become homosexuals. Paul’s mentioning of this
others standing. And he said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all
day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to may indicate that it had been cultivated during generations. That se-
them, ‘You go into the vineyard too.’ And when evening came, the ems to be the case in Sodom, where all men craved to rape Lot’s gu-
owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the laborers and pay ests homosexually, Gen 19:4-5. Surely, behaviours are contagious, so
them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first.’ And when those who lived there must have influenced each other to this behavi-
those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a
denarius. Now when those hired first came, they thought they would our too. But if that would be the only explanation, we must wonder
receive more, but each of them also received a denarius. And on why God let people be born into that setting to their own destruction.
receiving it they grumbled at the master of the house, saying, ‘These If they had sown ungodliness in several generations, the harvest se-
last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who ems more reasonable. And the basic sin of Sodom was not homosexua-
have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ But he
replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not
lity and rape, but haughtiness combined with disrespect for the needy

38 43
same life, but if they are reborn they may go through it. An alternative agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go. I
interpretation is of course that Jesus just reminded Peter about what choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. Am I not allowed to
do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my
the law in the OT said of such an act, Gen 9:6, and did not imply har- generosity?’ So the last will be first, and the first last.”
vesting the act. But I must say that such an interpretation feels far- God’s vineyard is where we are raised and work, and here we hasten
fetched, especially as it is repeated in Revelation: the ripening of the ”grapes”. We work until the time of harvest, and
Upp 13:10: If anyone gathers captivity, into captivity he goes. If
anyone will kill by a sword, by a sword he must be killed. Here is the
then the angels take over according to Mat 13:39. At that time this age
patience and the faith of the saints. (LITV) has ended. Then, not primarily at our physical death, we receive the
During regression therapy the patient may receive living recollec- wages for all effort.
tions from a former life when he mistreated or killed somebody, and Note, that those called in the beginning of our age have to work all
then memories from a late life when he had to take upon himself the day long. ”The day” is here a symbol for the whole age. ”The day”
role of the victim. Those having come in touch with such memories cannot pertain to a man’s lifetime, since the expression represents the
have testified that it is not meant as a punishment, but rather a ne- whole period during which the Lord calls servants. When the Lord
cessary correction making the person able to mature. But of course, it says that the last will be the first (cf also Mat 19:30 and 10:31) this
is still a harvest of what has been sown. tells us that those called to workers in the vinyeard close to the end of
Maybe confusion or deviation of gender could be a harvest of this age in many cases will become the foremost in the coming king-
what is sown in a former life. In Rom 1st chapter Paul describes a dom. They ripen faster. In this coming kingdom they receive life age-
judgment affecting those who do not value knowing God, those who during (not ”eternal” as some translators have interpreted the text in
quench their inner testimony. for example Mat 25:46 and Luke 18:30), that is they receive physical
Rom 1:18: For God's wrath is revealed from Heaven on all ungodli- life in the next age.
ness and unrighteousness of men, holding the truth in unrighteous- Those who have worked all day long have laboured more, but also
ness... used more time to ripen. This indicates several incarnations. It started
Rom 1:26-28: For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable pas- long ago. During the Old Testament era God called people to work in
sions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are
contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations his vineyard. Israel was his vineard (Jes 5:7). That vineyard did not
with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men bear ripe fruit when Jesus arrived, and still does not. Even if you have
committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the been called to follow God and Christ, it does not mean that you auto-
due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknow- matically ripen during one life. This depends on how deeply you get to
ledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought
not to be done… know God’s heart and so become his image.
Eph 3:16-19: [Paul prays] that according to the riches of his glory he
If we study the causes to homosexuality we rarely find it starting by may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in
suppressing truth and not wanting knowledge about God. Probably your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
there is more than one cause, and the same applies to the prevalent – that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to
unability to feel at home in ones gender. In autobiographies by men comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and
height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses
drawn to their own gender, I have noticed a pervading character in knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
their family of origin – dad has had too little time with his son or not
Is it really reasonable to believe that this prayer of Paul was fulfilled
listened actively to him in a confident relation, or he has been absent.
during just one earthly life? Maybe for some, but it does not seem like
The son’s longing for his father has then been expressed in an attrac-
many people yet know the depth of God’s love. If so, the church would
tion to other men. But I do not believe this to be the whole truth. I
42 39
be filled with the whole fullness of God, we read. Yeah, no one would a selection exclusively dependent upon our spiritual maturity. In other
be able to get close to God’s holy ones with sin in his heart without words – when we have reached a certain degree of maturity after se-
falling down on his face in true repentance in such a holy atmosphere. veral incarnations God can mold us into his Son’s likeness.
Since we must assume that Paul’s prayer was not in vain, and since he Rom 8:29-30: For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be
included all saints then living in Ephesus, our conclusion is that many conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the
firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he
of them will be filled with God’s fulness in a later life. Actually it could also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those
happen in the spiritual sphere after physical death, but here on earth whom he justified he also glorified.
is where we work out love, since here is the resistance, and here we Predestination does not imply that God neglects all other people or
learn living in faith. Also, God wants to fill the earth with his glory. So dispatch them to an eternal hell, but is an expression for whom God
it is not likely Paul’s prayer is supposed to be fulfilled in heaven. finds ripen to unite with Christ. Viz the gospel is hidden for those who
Firstfruits and predestination are wise according to the measure of this age:
People now having come to perfection and been given eternal life Mat 11:25: At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise
are called firstfruits in the Bible. This term includes a continued har- and understanding and revealed them to little children.
vest, always much more comprehensive. All not yet ripe, will be called later, maybe after having lived thro-
Jas 1:18: Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, ugh more lives and trials making them willing to humble themselves.
that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
Rev 14:4: It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, Joh 12:32: And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all
for they are virgins [pure, faithful to God]. It is these who follow the people to myself.
Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind Only those committing the sin unto death, blasphemy against the
as firstfruits for God and the Lamb. holy Spirit, will not be called anymore in this age. All others will be
So we understand that God awaits ripening of his harvest. It is ripe drawn to Christ before he returns (Mat 12:31-32, 24:14, Joh 12:32) and
at the end of the age. We can imagine that people then have had time be offered to unite with him.
to be pruned and mature through many lives. And as it seems, more If they who now know God would choose to reincarnate later, they
ages will follow thereafter, and make the harvest even more compre- will not risk their unity with Christ, since their spirit beings are in
hensive, even though it is best to be part of God’s first harvest. communion with God, and they know him.
Before endtime God sends times of harvest now and then, saving a Joh 10:27-29: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they
part of the whole. We know these times as revivals. Between these follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no
times we have to work with what have been entrusted us from the one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them
to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the
Lord. We have a good example of this in John’s report from the well in Father's hand.
Sychar in Samaria (John 4). The woman Jesus met there told the whole
city that she had met the Messiah. Many people from that city became Harvest in future lives
believers because of that, and Jesus talked about the fields having Fulfillment of some passages in Scripture seem possible only by
whitened ready for harvest. But he also told his disciples that others reincarnation. For example:
had worked before this happened. Should we make the interpretation Mat 26:52: Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its
that they had worked with the same people, although in different in- place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword...” (cf Joh
carnations until the harvest finally ripened?
All who take the sword will obviously not be killed violently in the
Predestination (God’s preordination) makes sense, if we think of it as
40 41

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