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3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.

COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Start Cargo dimensions Loading Pallets Equipment Packing Result

Amount of containers to be used: 1 * Container-20'DC + 8 * Container-40'HC

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces Pieces
loading total

Advertisement with Product 2 103


Air / Water service signage 21 156

Car Service / Car Wash sign 1 39

Cashier 18 18

Cladding on canopy 7 1344

Cut Out letters (OASIS) 13 13

Gondola Impulse (wood) 3 35

Heavy vehicle pole 8 13

Illuminated ORYX Logo 4 66

Lubricant display 8 92

Pump Number 84 260

Rack 20 108

Service display 2 119

Totem Including welcome 13 34

sign 2..

Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 1020 28620

Cubic Meter 74.418 76.286

Load centimeter 1201 1203.5

Pieces 204

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3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces Pieces
loading total

Advertisement with Product 9 103


Air / Water service signage 29 156

Cladding on canopy 7 1344

Gondola Impulse (wood) 5 35

Heavy vehicle pole 5 13

Illuminated ORYX Logo 2 66

Lubricant display 1 92

Pump Number 172 260

Rack 27 108

Totem Including welcome 13 34

sign 2..

Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 1350 28620

Cubic Meter 73.958 76.286

Load centimeter 1200 1203.5

Pieces 270

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3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces Pieces
loading total

Advertisement with Product 26 103


Air / Water service signage 55 156

Car Service / Car Wash sign 2 39

Cladding on canopy 6 1344

Gondola (wire mesh) 2 38

Gondola Impulse (wood) 7 35

Lubricant display 4 92

Pump Number 4 260

Rack 24 108

Totem Including welcome 8 34

sign 2..

Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 690 28620

Cubic Meter 71.919 76.286

Load centimeter 1200 1203.5

Pieces 138

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3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces Pieces
loading total

Advertisement with Product 40 103


Air / Water service signage 2 156

Car Service / Car Wash sign 6 39

Cladding on canopy 1 1344

Gondola (wire mesh) 3 38

Gondola Impulse (wood) 3 35

Illuminated ORYX Logo 3 66

Lubricant display 18 92

Rack 33 108

Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 545 28620

Cubic Meter 72.887 76.286

Load centimeter 1200 1203.5

Pieces 109

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3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces Pieces
loading total

Advertisement with Product 26 103


Air / Water service signage 44 156

Bumper 1 125

Car Service / Car Wash sign 5 39

Cladding on canopy 4 1344

Gondola Impulse (wood) 8 35

Illuminated ORYX Logo 14 66

Lubricant display 27 92

Rack 4 108

Tobbacco and small items 6 18


Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 695 28620

Cubic Meter 72.783 76.286

Load centimeter 1202 1203.5

Pieces 139

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3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces Pieces
loading total

Air / Water service signage 5 156

Car Service / Car Wash sign 15 39

Cladding on canopy 7 1344

External Oryx Logo 1 27

Gondola (wire mesh) 10 38

Gondola Impulse (wood) 9 35

Illuminated ORYX Logo 18 66

Lubricant display 34 92

Service display 4 119

Service Sign 1 39

Table coffee 24 32

Tobbacco and small items 12 18


Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 700 28620

Cubic Meter 70.614 76.286

Load centimeter 1202 1203.5

Pieces 140

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Show 3D equipment model Page 6 of 11
3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces Pieces
loading total

Bumper 57 125

Car Service / Car Wash 10 39


Cladding on canopy 78 1344

External Oryx Logo 26 27

Gondola (wire mesh) 23 38

Illuminated ORYX Logo 25 66

OASIS white logo 15 23

Service display 113 119

Service Sign 38 39

Table coffee 8 32

Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 1965 28620

Cubic Meter 70.372 76.286

Load centimeter 1203 1203.5

Pieces 393

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3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

Equipment type: Container - 40' HC

Cargo name Pieces loading Pieces total

Bumper 67 125

Cladding on canopy 1008 1344

OASIS white logo 8 23

Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 5415 28620

Cubic Meter 72.315 76.286

Load centimeter 1200 1203.5

Pieces 1083

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Equipment type: Container - 20' DC

Cargo name Pieces loading Pieces total

Cladding on canopy 226 1344

Total Maximum

Weight (payload) in KG 1130 28200

Cubic Meter 11.39 33.196

Load centimeter 224 589.8

Pieces 226

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Full loading list

Group Equipment name Name PCS Weight total Lenght Width Height

1 Container - 40' HC Advertisement with Product indication and vehicle type 2 10 60 90 240

1 Container - 40' HC Air / Water service signage 21 105 5 55 250

1 Container - 40' HC Car Service / Car Wash sign 1 5 7 55 150

1 Container - 40' HC Cashier 18 90 3 28 175 Page 8 of 11
3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

1 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 7 35 8 100 63

1 Container - 40' HC Cut Out letters (OASIS) 13 65 5 150 44

1 Container - 40' HC Gondola Impulse (wood) 3 15 30 51 120

1 Container - 40' HC Heavy vehicle pole 8 40 60 90 380

1 Container - 40' HC Illuminated ORYX Logo 4 20 6 281 128

1 Container - 40' HC Lubricant display 8 40 44 94 168

1 Container - 40' HC Pump Number 84 420 7 30 50

1 Container - 40' HC Rack 20 100 10 90 215

1 Container - 40' HC Service display 2 10 50 50 105

1 Container - 40' HC Totem Including welcome sign 2 Products - 5 Services 13 65 20 220 710

2 Container - 40' HC Advertisement with Product indication and vehicle type 9 45 60 90 240

2 Container - 40' HC Air / Water service signage 29 145 5 55 250

2 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 7 35 8 100 63

2 Container - 40' HC Gondola Impulse (wood) 5 25 30 51 120

2 Container - 40' HC Heavy vehicle pole 5 25 60 90 380

2 Container - 40' HC Illuminated ORYX Logo 2 10 6 281 128

2 Container - 40' HC Lubricant display 1 5 44 94 168

2 Container - 40' HC Pump Number 172 860 7 30 50

2 Container - 40' HC Rack 27 135 10 90 215

2 Container - 40' HC Totem Including welcome sign 2 Products - 5 Services 13 65 20 220 710

3 Container - 40' HC Advertisement with Product indication and vehicle type 26 130 60 90 240

3 Container - 40' HC Air / Water service signage 55 275 5 55 250

3 Container - 40' HC Car Service / Car Wash sign 2 10 7 55 150

3 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 6 30 8 100 63

3 Container - 40' HC Gondola (wire mesh) 2 10 20 60 117

3 Container - 40' HC Gondola Impulse (wood) 7 35 30 51 120

3 Container - 40' HC Lubricant display 4 20 44 94 168

3 Container - 40' HC Pump Number 4 20 7 30 50

3 Container - 40' HC Rack 24 120 10 90 215

3 Container - 40' HC Totem Including welcome sign 2 Products - 5 Services 8 40 20 220 710

4 Container - 40' HC Advertisement with Product indication and vehicle type 40 200 60 90 240

4 Container - 40' HC Air / Water service signage 2 10 5 55 250

4 Container - 40' HC Car Service / Car Wash sign 6 30 7 55 150

4 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 1 5 8 100 63

4 Container - 40' HC Gondola (wire mesh) 3 15 20 60 117

4 Container - 40' HC Gondola Impulse (wood) 3 15 30 51 120

4 Container - 40' HC Illuminated ORYX Logo 3 15 6 281 128 Page 9 of 11
3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

4 Container - 40' HC Lubricant display 18 90 44 94 168

4 Container - 40' HC Rack 33 165 10 90 215

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5 Container - 40' HC Advertisement with Product indication and vehicle type 26 130 60 90 240

5 Container - 40' HC Air / Water service signage 44 220 5 55 250

5 Container - 40' HC Bumper 1 5 50 90 70

5 Container - 40' HC Car Service / Car Wash sign 5 25 7 55 150

5 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 4 20 8 100 63

5 Container - 40' HC Gondola Impulse (wood) 8 40 30 51 120

5 Container - 40' HC Illuminated ORYX Logo 14 70 6 281 128

5 Container - 40' HC Lubricant display 27 135 44 94 168

5 Container - 40' HC Rack 4 20 10 90 215

5 Container - 40' HC Tobbacco and small items display 6 30 60 260 120

6 Container - 40' HC Air / Water service signage 5 25 5 55 250

6 Container - 40' HC Car Service / Car Wash sign 15 75 7 55 150

6 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 7 35 8 100 63

6 Container - 40' HC External Oryx Logo 1 5 5 215 55

6 Container - 40' HC Gondola (wire mesh) 10 50 20 60 117

6 Container - 40' HC Gondola Impulse (wood) 9 45 30 51 120

6 Container - 40' HC Illuminated ORYX Logo 18 90 6 281 128

6 Container - 40' HC Lubricant display 34 170 44 94 168

6 Container - 40' HC Service display 4 20 50 50 105

6 Container - 40' HC Service Sign 1 5 5 208 60

6 Container - 40' HC Table coffee 24 120 75 75 110

6 Container - 40' HC Tobbacco and small items display 12 60 60 260 120

7 Container - 40' HC Bumper 57 285 50 90 70

7 Container - 40' HC Car Service / Car Wash sign 10 50 7 55 150

7 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 78 390 8 100 63

7 Container - 40' HC External Oryx Logo 26 130 5 215 55

7 Container - 40' HC Gondola (wire mesh) 23 115 20 60 117

7 Container - 40' HC Illuminated ORYX Logo 25 125 6 281 128

7 Container - 40' HC OASIS white logo 15 75 5 185 55

7 Container - 40' HC Service display 113 565 50 50 105

7 Container - 40' HC Service Sign 38 190 5 208 60

7 Container - 40' HC Table coffee 8 40 75 75 110

8 Container - 40' HC Bumper 67 335 50 90 70

8 Container - 40' HC Cladding on canopy 1008 5040 8 100 63

8 Container - 40' HC OASIS white logo 8 40 5 185 55 Page 10 of 11
3D Load Calculator - PIER2PIER.COM 2020/03/11, 17:06

9 Container - 20' DC Cladding on canopy 226 1130 8 100 63

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