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Group 3

Leader: Sumague, Clarisse Anne I.

Assistant Leader: Nuguid, Byron Michael C.

Secretary: Arandela, Judea B.

Members: Batarlo, Shianell C.

Borabo, Princess Miles

Celzo, Caille Euby

Cueme, Althea Mae L.

Porlage, Angela Francesca P.

Ventura, Rouel T.
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Fast food is popular because it's convenient, it's cheap and it tastes good but, the

real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu (Schlosser, 2017). The fast food

industry has been around since the 1950s and has grown rapidly over the years. It has

been a popular choice among students due to its convenience, affordability, and social

appeal. In today's fast-paced world, people are constantly on the go, and this often

means sacrificing the time and effort required to cook a healthy and nutritious meal at

home. For students, making their own meals can be particularly challenging, as they are

often juggling a variety of responsibilities, including schoolwork, extracurricular activities,

and part-time jobs. Fast food is often perceived as being more affordable than cooking

at home. While this may not always be the case, fast food restaurants often offer low-

priced meals and value deals that can be appealing to students on a tight budget.

Additionally, the cost of groceries and cooking supplies can add up quickly, and for

students living on their own for the first time, this may be a daunting expense.

There have been research conducted related with this topic, and those are

examining the reasons why students choose fast food chains over homemade meals,

the influence of fast food consumption on students' health, and ways to encourage

healthier eating habits among students. The prevalence of fast food consumption
among students has been a great concern for some time, as it has been connected with

an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and other health problems. However, it is

important to note that not all students choose fast food meals over homecooked meals,

and many are making an effort to eat healthier. Overall, the severity of the issue

depends on various factors, such as the frequency and quantity of fast food

consumption among students, the availability of healthy food options, and the

effectiveness of education and intervention programs aimed at promoting healthier

eating habits.

Here in the Philippines, most of the students often go to different fast food chains

rather than at home and make their own meals. Fast food is generally cheaper than

other types of food, making it more accessible to the masses who can’t afford a lot

(Simpao, 2022). With long study hours and busy schedules, students may not have the

time nor energy to prepare a meal from scratch. Fast food restaurants, on the other

hand, offer quick and easy options that can be ready in minutes, with no preparation

required. This research aims to give substance to the students' perspective on

consuming fast foods rather than homemade meals. The results of this study will be

used as basis for more learning purposes. The researchers chose this topic to gain

more knowledge about the factors and trends that affects students decisions in choosing

between fast food meals and homemade meals. The purpose of this study is to inform

policy and programmatic interventions aimed at promoting healthier food choices and

reducing the prevalence of fast food consumption among students.

Objectives of the Study

Investigating the factors that influence students' daily food decisions whether they

prefer fast food or home made meals is the main problem of this study. This study will

answer the question, “What are the factors that drive students to choose fast food

chains over homemade meals?”

The objectives of the study are:

1. To find out why students are attracted toward fast food chains.

2. To identify the impact of fast food chains on students' daily lives.

3. To determine the basis of students in choosing their daily foods.

Significance of the Study

In this study, the researchers aim to identify the students' perspective toward

choosing fast food chains over homemade meals. As it will be significant to participants,

business, parents, and future researchers.

To the participants. this study will be beneficial for them since they are the

center of the examination that will develop. All of them have been eating in fast food

chains, especially after school time and break time. They are packing orders and

making their own meals most of the time for lunch and snacks.
To the fast food chains. this research will be beneficial for them since in this

study, many ideas can be gathered that will help the target costumers of the business

grow. The food that they will produce will be consumed properly and the business will

gain more profit.

To the parents. this study could help parents think if it's worth it to put effort into

making and serving meals to their children or just let them eat at fast food chains. the

different perspectives about what is more efficient and beneficial in this study will help

the parents in guiding their children in what daily foods should be consumed.

To the future researchers. this study would help aspiring researchers to have a

reference and a basis if they need any information to put on their paper related to this

topic. Future researchers can also use the research to know the students' perspective

between homemade meals and fast food chain meals.

Scope and Limitations

The focus of this study is on the students' viewpoint in choosing fast food chain

over homemade meals. The participants in this study will be the students from Grade 11

and Grade 12 of TRACE College aged 16-20 years old . The researcher will gather the

data through interviews with the respondents regarding to their views towards choosing

fast food chains than choosing homemade meals. The researchers have no control

when it comes to the time limit in completing this study and the possible bias views of

the respondents. The respondents are inclined to agree or disagree with the
researchers' inquiries as necessary. The researchers will solely concentrate on the

senior high school students of Trace College, a private school in Batong Malaki, Los

Baños, Laguna, who preferred fast food chains over homemade meals and will make

unified effort to secure respondents. The questions are designed to elicit information

that will help researchers achieve their research goals.

Definition of Terms

The researchers provide both conceptual and operational definitions below for

each term in order to appreciate the content of the study.

Affordability. according to oxford learner's dictionaries, it is how affordable something

is. An inexpensiveness of food that drives costumers to buy.

Convenience. according to merriam-webster, it is a fitness or suitability for performing

an action or fulfilling a requirement. The status of being able to be done easily and

without having a hard time of doing it.

Cost. according to cambridge dictionary, it is the amount of money needed to buy, do, or

make something. The total of money or effort that participants must be expended in

order to obtain or purchase food.

Fast food. according to merriam-webster, fast food is specializing in food that can be

prepared and served quickly. An item that's served to the costumers with high quality.
Fast paced world. according to oxford learner's dictionaries, it is moving, changing or

happening very quickly. The rapid passage of time and different food products.

Meal. according to, it is the food served and eaten especially at one of

the customary, regular occasions for taking food during the day, as breakfast, lunch, or

supper. Food that the participants consume on a daily basis.

Nutrition. according to collins dictionary, nutrition is the process of taking food into the

body and absorbing the nutrients in those foods. It is something on how to ingest and

use food and refreshments to maintain well-being, development, physical and mental

performance of a person.

Perspective. according to collins dictionary, a particular perspective is a particular way

of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or

experiences. The way participants see and understand the fast food chains and

homemade meals.

Rapid. according to merriam-webster, it is a marked by a fast rate of motion, activity,

succession, or occurrence. A quick action of an individual.

Students. according to, students are those who formally engaged in

learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college; pupil. The participants who help

in conducting this study by giving insights toward choosing fast food chains over

homemade meals.

Time. according to, it is the duration regarded as belonging to the

present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity; finite duration. A measure of
the time period between the process of making meals or the point at which an event



Simpao, R. (2022) Why Filipino Loves to Try Fast Food and Restaurants
Léopold, T. (2021) Purchasing Intentions toward Fast Food: The Mediating Role of
Consumer Attitudes toward Fast Food.
Schlosser, E. (2017) “Fast food is popular because it’s convenient, it’s cheap, and it
tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu.”
Retrieved from:
RR, (2021) Meal Preference: Fast Food vs. Home-Cooked Meals
%20Preference&text=Ta king%20into%20consideration%20the
%20people's,takeaways%20for%20their% 20own%20convenience.

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