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How will the enemy behave in battle?

d50 This enemy...

1. Is racist against Elves. It will attack a randomly chosen elf in
the party, or whoever looks most like an elf.
2. Is racist against Dwarves. It will attack a randomly chosen
dwarf in the party, or whoever looks most like a dwarf.
3. Is afraid of monsters. It will attack any randomly chosen
tiefling, dragonborn, or other monster-like race in the party.
4. Thinks humans are the real monsters. It will attack any
randomly chosen human in the party, or whoever looks most
5. Is attracted to bright colors. It will attack whoever is the
most flamboyantly dressed.
6. Is enraged by the color red. It will attack whoever is
wearing the most red (including red skin and tattoos).
7. Is easily distracted by shiny objects. It will attack whoever
is wearing/carrying the most precious metal, gems, or other
shiny material.
8. Is a slut-shamer. It will attack whoever is showing the most
exposed skin.
9. Can’t stand the trends of this generation. It will attack
whoever has the most tattoos and/or piercings.
10. Is in a blind panic. Roll randomly to decide who it attacks
each turn.
11. Has a vicious bloodlust. Roll randomly to decide who it
attacks first, and it will not stop attacking until they are dead.
12. Has a thirst for revenge. It will attack the first person who
makes an attack against it and won't stop attacking until they
are dead.
13. Has a short-term memory. It will attack the last person who
made an attack against it, whether it hits or misses.
14. Wants the pain to stop. It will attack whoever has dealt the
most damage to it during the battle.
15. Hates/fears magic. Will attack anybody it sees using a spell,
focusing on whoever is closest.
16. Has tunnel vision. Will attack whoever is closest to it.
17. Is nearsighted. Will only attack melee opponents, and seems
to not understand where ranged attacks are coming from.
18. Has trouble seeing up close. Will try to move away from
melee attackers, and prefers to attack ranged opponents.
19. Knows how to cripple a party. Will attack anyone it sees
using a healing spell, and won't let up until they are dead.
20. Can smell blood. It will attack whoever in the group has the
lowest current HP.
21. Can’t smell enough blood. It will attack whoever in the
group has the highest current HP.
22. Can sense easy prey. It will attack whoever in the group has
the lowest max HP.
23. Recognizes easy targets. It will attack whoever in the group
has the lowest AC.
24. Enjoys a challenge. It will attack whoever in the group looks
the most dangerous/threatening.
25. Recognizes that the bigger they are, the harder they
fall. It will attack whoever is physically the largest.
26. Laughs at its puny opponents. It will attack whoever is
physically the smallest.
27. Thinks it can destroy the tank. It will attack whoever has
the highest AC.
28. Gives up too easily. It will attack whoever is closest, but will
switch to the next closest target if its attack misses.
29. Is misogynistic. It will attack the closest female character.
30. Is misandristic. It will attack the closest male character.
31. Fears what it doesn’t understand. It will attack the most
androgynous-looking character, who can’t be identified as male
or female.
32. Is extremely far-sighted. It will charge at whoever in the
group is furthest away.
33. Goes after slow targets. It will attack whoever in the group
is last in the initiative order.
34. Makes a snap judgment. It will attack whoever in the group
moves first.
35. Is threatened by fast movements. It will attack whoever in
the group moved the furthest distance in the last round.
36. Can’t keep track of moving targets. It will attack anybody
who stands still during their turn.
37. Believes in the power of teamwork. It will only attack party
members who are already being attacked by one of its allies.
38. Fears fire. It will attack whoever uses a fire-based attack, or
is carrying a torch or other exposed flame.
39. Is extremely jealous of beauty. It will attack whoever in the
party is the most beautiful, attempting to scar them.
40. Wants to beautify the world. It will attack whoever in the
party is the most ugly.
41. Has a sensitive nose. It will attack whoever in the party
smells the worst.
42. Can’t stand the smell of alcohol. It will attack whoever was
most recently drunk.
43. Is startled by loud voices. It will attack whoever talks/yells
the loudest.
44. Distrusts those who keep quiet. It will attack whichever
character spoke the least this round.
45. Had a cruel ex-lover with long, beautiful hair. It will attack
whichever character has the longest hair.
46. Is a tool for the DM to pettily enforce their table rules. It
will attack whichever player (in real life) last looked at their
phone or computer.
47. Was a high school bully who never grew out of it. It will
attack whoever has high Intelligence and low Strength, or
seems the most ‘nerdy’.
48. Was bullied as a child and is resentful. It will attack
whoever has low Intelligence and high Strength, or seems the
most like a dumb jock.
49. Thinks it’s unnatural and wrong for people to fly. It will
attack whoever flies in the air (or just jumps really high).
50. Is afraid of sharp objects. It will move away from anybody
brandishing a sword or axe, and will prefer to attack enemies
carrying blunt weapons.

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