Carte 1

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SPECIAL CREW: MASTER GUNNER ‘A Master Gunner is a special crew member, represented by a counter in the same way as a Commander or Physician. The Master Gunner allows you to employ treble shotting the first time you fire a broadside. Treble shotting follows all of the rules for double shotting, but also allows you to re-roll any scores of a 1 to hit. In addition, if'a Master Gunner is on board a Ship of the Line, that ship may employ rapid firing! The ship may choose to fire twice with its light and heavy cannons (not carronades), but at -1 to hit. Carronades are not affected by this penalty. Rapid firing may not be combined with double or treble shorting SHARPSHOOTERS Whenever your ship is involved in a boarding action, roll a D6, On the score of a 4+, the enemy vessel los 1 Crew Point. On the score of a 6, you may target one of the enemy's special crew members, or sharpshooters if any are present - choose which if there are several options. The enemy player may take a saving throw as if rolling for a low location ~ if the saving throw is failed, the special crew member is killed (or the sharpshooters upgrade is stuck from the roster). If the save is successful, he removes a normal Crew point instead OVERGUNNED (TYPE) Adds +2 Heavy Cannon to broadsides for Ist Rate Ships of the Line, +1 Heavy Cannon to broadsides for all other Ships of the Line and Frigates, and +1 Light Cannon to Unrated vessels. In addition, an overgunned vessel receives a +1 bonus to its Crew rating. This upgrade often applies to a specific ship type rather than a whole category, as specified in the Fleet list upgrades. SPECIAL SHOT: CHAIN SHOT ted to Heavy and Light cannons only. Carronades may not fire in the same turn as Chain Shot, Chain Shot may only be fired high. All shots are at an additional -1 to hit, but a successful unsaved hit inflicts double damage (2 points for every I hit), and adds +1 0 rolls on the High Critical Hits table SWIVEL GUNS. ‘These small cannon were often mounted along the sides of ships, as a visible deterrent to enemy boarders. This ship rolls an extra dice when working out its Defence value against boarders. It must choose the highest roll, as described on page 29. CHASERS, BOW Choose either 2 light cannons or 1 heavy cannon ~ you must specify the type before the battle begins. May fire at target within a 30-degree arc directly forwards measured from the end of the bowsprit (use the template provided at the back of the book). Chasers may not be combined with special ammunition, nor are they affected by damage to low locations. CHASERS, STERN Choose either 2 light cannons or 1 heavy cannon, May: fire at a target in a 30 degree arc directly aft, measured from the centre point of the stern (use the template provided). Chasers may not be combined with special ammunition, nor are they affected by damage to low locations. SPECIAL CREW: SHIP'S PHYSICIAN ‘This learned man is much more than a mere surgeon. Roll a dice during the ‘repairs’ part of the End phase. A score of a 6 restores a single lost Crew point. This may never take your Crew points above their starting level

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