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International Journal of Microelectronics Engineering(IJME)

ISSN:2455 – 2945

Scope& Topics

International Journal of Microelectronics Engineering invites high quality manuscripts in the

researchareas of analog and digital circuit design methodologies. This journal provides a worldwide,
regularand comprehensive update on microelectronics engineering. Journal invites significant
research andapplication papers in all the areas listed below. The comprehensive review papers
covering recentdevelopmentswillalso beconsidered.


 SemiconductorDevicesandModeling
 Mixed-DomainSimulationandDesign
 MicroelectronicsandVLSICircuits
 Deposition/Growth,Photolithography/Patterning
 DeviceSimulationandModelingofVLSI/CMOS/UnconventionalDevices
 EmergingandAdvancedFabricationMethodologies
 Logic,Architectural andSystemLevel Synthesis
 Area,PowerandThermal Evaluation
 NewDeviceStructures
 NonconventionalDevices:OTFTs,CNTFETs,MultigateFETsTunnel FETs
 DisplayTechnology
 OrganicandMolecularFlexibleElectronics
 EmbeddedSystems
 EmergingDevicesandCircuits
 DesignofSemiconductorMemories
 Systemon Chip Design
 Testing,DesignforTestability
 LowPowerVLSIDesign
 QuantumComputingand Nano-Technology
 MicroSensorsandMEMS
 BeyondCMOSDevices


 Submission Deadline :September 23, 2023

 Authors Notification : October 20, 2023
 Registration & Camera-Ready Paper Due : October 25, 2023
 PublicationDate:DeterminedbytheEditor-in-Chief


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