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~ri -1 a"fflo N. PQngqr.


Understanding the lives of professionals (Wang, DeMaria, Goldberg,

problem gamers: The & Katz, 2016). They have also been found
meaning, purpose, and to support student learnin\ by
influences of video gaming
stimulating their engagement in field
Jing Shi, Rebecca Renwick, Nigel E. Turner,
Bonnie Kirsh, observations (Hwang & Chen, 2017),

Volume '17, 2019, Pages 291-303, ISSN 0747-5632, improve visual-spatial cognition,(Spence

The popularity of playing video games & Feng, 2010), arithmetic, memorization,

has grown immensely over the past leadership, and team functioning
decade. Approximately llialf of Ameri~ (Thirunarayanan & Vilchez, 2012).
play v@eo gam~ on various electronic However, it is also known that\probl§s7
devices while 10~ of those who play se]g may arise when video game playing is
~ n!ioc_~ing a gamerjsomeone who excessive. In Canada, a survey study NcQa1,red
consistently plays video games and
r bf
using the Problematic Videogame Playing s.,rvc.y
identifies with the gaming community) (Tejeiro Salguero & Moran, 2002)
(Pew Research Centre, 2016). A growing found that 9-4% of adolescent gamera
body of research has found positive uses experience problematic gaming with 1.9%,
for video games (Ferguson, 2010), being described as having severe ,
including reducing flashbacks problems (Faulkner, Irving, Adlaf, &

een e. ~i+s from posttraumatic stress Turner, 2014; Turner et al., 2012).
disorder (Holmes, James, Coode-Bate, & Although there is an ongoing debate
Deeprose, 2009), reducing chronic pain lnter,urtion~
regarding the inclusion of gaming
(Jones, Moore, & Choo, 2016), and disorder in the.!£Q:u van Rooij et al., o4 Oi11q,es
training of health care 2018), it is generally understood that
1",9fec rvif h incl~~,· • .
P. . 1,__;., 119 !JJMl()J d1,1>rcier itt Ht ICD -/1.
rob/tA«fie "rtl1 lea,, l'lill'lf -\ci o~\-.en b~t 1, . ( / _1
b· . . . l!ltony t'Cl,U1Q
1.99er pri>b/t,,,.. It "'fl., 8°"'".J 11,lc!,clion f~ct½ CCJtJ'I C.\1(.!st severe
do"''ae fo 6<7r,eon,'s /if e
Import(;()\- { problem gaming is not necessarily ~al11imd§-often ep~ in that it may
10 Qck,,o..,\,cl,e "addicted" gannng.
appear and disappear quickly from one's

life (Rothmund, Klimmt, & Gollwitzer,

Problem gaming can be defined as aJ
persistent and recurrent involvement "¼'

video gaming that results in psychological t Gamers have been found to play for a

distress and functional impairment f variety of reasons. In a qualitative


(American Psychiatric Association, study, Snodgrass et al. (2014) found

2013; Shapira et al., 2003). Recent ~roblematic play was a response to lifE\f

longitudinal studies demonstrated str~ where using video games I con

re late
conflicting views of the stability of excessively was a diversion that lead toj

problem video gaming. A 3-year pro6lel11!1 In a survey of non-problem

longitudinal study conducted among MMORPG gamers, Yee (2006) found

adolescents in 5'!_ede1rfound:prooleiiil three overarching motivations- gaming'toig relatixely~stafile_over nm§ achievement, immersion, and a social

tropi c:11 ff ere11t
C01111¼ri,~ (Vadlin, Aslund, & Nilsson, 2018). A 5- component. Other stuclies with a small
coritrorcl,'di" year longitudinal study among adults in percentage of problem gamers found

c.iiiadahad contradiaiiig:JiilcimM escapism/coping, mechanics, a social

from Vadlin et al. (2018) where itfouncl component, experiencing fantasy, and

obtaining in-game wealth/achievements

igam,1J11 (Thege, Woodin, Hodgins, & were motivations to gaming (King, Herd,

Williams, 2015). Furthermore, a & Delfabbro, 2018; Kuss, Louws, & Wiers,

correlational panel study of lGermaii 2012; Laconi, Pires, & Chabrol, 2017).

ia9Ql~tsJilsQ:found-that excessiw Although several studies have examined

,oblCJII 3Mers & ho1t!A
be -\\-it- prif'O'f ~1i~eck

gaming motivations, few have Polatajko, 2013, pp. 71-80). Boredom is a

intentionally sampled only problem lack of engagement in meaningful activity
gamers to obtain first-hand accounts. and consequently a lack of function.
How f.,,d,·•ofl'i I '"'F""'r"'nr
· · ..1. 1, linlt-eA to ~l,lc111•hc. -
1.1. Gaming as "occupation" and impact aruiiaiIDJ is described as a featiirifofJ
on function [~ ~ t l i Ucl&band the
111SIG."'0(APA, 2013; World Health
Occupations are everyday activities that
Organization, 2017). The importance of
people engage in that bring meaning and
functional impairment has also been
purpose to life (World Federation of ·
highlighted in recent debates regarding
Occupational Therapists, 2016). Humans
the disorder (Billieux et al., 2017). Studies
are naturally occupational beings who
have demonstrated thal fwtctionalf
need to use time in a meaningful and
impairment is present in problem1
purposeful way (Wilcock, 1993). ['h~
'gameii Functional impairment was also
activities contribute to identity, l
emphasized by gamers in a mixed-
motivation, and routinet CWasmuth,
methods study conducted at a video game
f Cra~tree~ Seo
. ti, 2014). The activity of
convention in the USA, in which gamers
I LrgRJ11fflg]as b.eerr.ctserimt~ ~ agreed that lfiiiltl'_ojijl;jmpmment:mw
&ar1i~ hG\S lfuiiandfiiei""'nmgfqractiyity (Rogers,
Serv~A (ffie.fopiijglrnt}mJblemati~ g~
Woolley, Sherrick, Bowman, & Oliver,
~) pr 1ftlQf'{

(Colder Carras et al., 2018). Among the

tccreq1ion"l 1 2017). It is particularly important to have 4
ao\-i~i\t ~ arissu:e,ireported were:
activities in life that offer choice and I
controCto prevent occupational ~ ~ e i r own needs~

deprivation (or boredom) (Townsend & ~ nst~ fies and a loss of interest in
H~,flJ the previous nobtiies,'activities (Colder
{recdo111 ot ch01t.('
. con
redt-Ct one's shes.,.
Carras et al., 2018). Several other studies a pragmatism worldview that was used to

haveidentified'iffi&lucnvityJ swesJ1g guide this study. The social ecological

LWiiifa'iictschoi>I (Cole & Griffiths, model provides a holistic conceptual

2007; Gentile, Lynch, Linder, & Walsh, framework that human behaviors, Ofl f,0Pl111! .
environmental cond"1t1ons,
. and weII-be". mg/ .,-,~
2004; Hastings et al., 2009; Hellstrom,

Nilsson, Leppert, & Slund, 2012). are inter-related (Stokols, 1996). Applied

Although the implications of functional to problem gaming, it proposes that the

impairment in activities relating to forces underlying the problem are not

gamers' lives have some very practical solely based in the individual gamer but

repercussions and are directly related to also on.the interrelationship§_b~een

well-being, directly addressing gamer and his/her surrounding_s.l

function through the examination of daily

Examining factors outside of the
activities has generally not been the focus
individual found reciprocal
of research studies.
relationships within family dynamics

1.2. Thematic anchors and study aims where J!()Orer .()arental relationships were I ihc .lisc:~
associated_with increase probleIILgamingf •t ,5QJ"ldl'.S
Qualitative research focuses on obtaining +. pc:,,ono,I
and long-term problem gaming had rcla\ioul,irl
an in-depth understanding of a specific
negative effects on the family (Schneider,
set of experiences with in real-world
King, & Delfabbro, 2017). Furthermore,
contexts,(Creswell, 2009; Mays & Pope,
a systematic review of longitudinal trends
2000). Hence, the social ecological model
with those who experienced Internet use
as a guiding model for this study
and problematic Internet use examined
demonstrates excellent compatibility with
issues occurring at the individual, peer,

family, and classroom levels (Anderson, examin~ n"d:_ctl:fCIJttfits from

Steen, & Stavropoulos, 2017). This study problem gamers\Wftliout fii"jiiiifrom non-

found an interplay between these internal problem gamers. The aim of this study is

to gain a more complex understanding of

and contextual factors that moderate and
the activities in the daily lives of problem
individual's engagement in Internet use.
video gamers, particularly: 1) What
However, such studies group gaming with
activities are important to them? 2) What
other Internet-related activities such as
motivates gaming? 3) What supports/
social media use and online
constraints to engagement they
gambling. Snodgrass et al. (2 014) used a
experience in other life activities?
culturally-sensitive approach that found
I agree
"- that ~rob~m:•-~IB ~nacontinuum Reference
~ with_Qos1tive glay ex_Qenences7
Shi, J., Renwick, R, Turner, N. E., &
r Conclusion - - - - - -
rfhe social and environmental forces/ Kirsh, B. (2019). Understanding
associated with problem video gaming
the lives of problem gamers: The
need to be considered in combination
meaning, purpose, and influences
with individual ones 49 reveal a mor~

~ D!P~ picture of p..rnblem vickQ gamingJ of video gaming. Computers in

that the current literature has not yet
Human Behavior, 97, 291-303.
captured. Currently, alii111ijij:ni~~Iatio.n of

how problem gaming impacts the daily https: //

9""''/lj lives of gamersfis:l~ Moreover,
~qi bee,-, j .chb.2019,03.023
over looks,J there has been a la.ckc ilstudies that focug
{or 01 lon.9
time fii(fiiitctian"<tCCl!:tiuitie!t and aim to

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