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In this ever-evolving world, thanks to the continuous advance of technology, the omnipresence

of distance learning has become the norm among people. Whilst this phenomenon is deemed harmful
to society, others believe that it is advantageous for both learners and educators. From my perspective,
I am of the opinion that online learning does wonders for users as a whole, and the following essay will
raise my voice on this matter.
To commence, it is an axiomatic fact that online education plays a pivotal role in assisting
students living in remote places. By using online learning platforms, students and teachers all over the
world are interconnected, allowing students to learn irrespective of how far they are from teachers.
Likewise, not only students in far-flung places but also busy learners can study thanks to online
education, which grants them access to courses from teachers and institutes globally. To exemplify,
with the use of Khan Academy, students can gain access to a wide array of courses in various subjects
and tests, fostering their learning experience and allowing them to learn whenever they can.
Despite the aforementioned benefits, many people still believe that distance learning is
detrimental to students. They would contend that studying online can diminish students’ learning
productivity since many websites or apps are distracting them from studying. A living example of this
can be Facebook, which is commonly known to sidetrack students into surfing and checking messages,
thus making them unable to concentrate on studying and lowering their academic performance.
However, I still believe that students can learn more beyond pure knowledge. One justification for this
is that by learning online, students need to develop time-management and concentration skills, which
force them to split time equally for learning and relaxation to learn as effectively as possible, preparing
students for their professional lives in the future. For this reason, it greatly depends on learners whether
they can make the best use of online education.
In the final analysis, although I acknowledge some demerits encountered by students when
learning online, I believe that they can learn not only knowledge but also life skills to tackle them. By
studying in the correct method, students can make the most of distance education and are better
equipped for their future lives.

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