Syllabus For Term I For Grade Xii

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Part-1 : Chap 01 :
Geography :
Chapter 1: Financial 1. Nature
Reading Skills Nature and Scope Unit 1
Chapter 6: 1:Sexual Statements of a and Theme-1. Contemporary World-
Unseen Passage Chapter 1: Part-1 : Chap 02 : Managemen
Haloalkanes reproduction in Company. Significance Bricks,Beads And Politics
Writing skills Electric 1. Money and The World Chapter 1: t of Sporting
and flowering plants 2: Financial of Bones Chapter 1 The End of 1. MySQL
Notice Writing Charges and Banking. Population Variations 1. Python Event
1. Matrices Haloarenes Chapter 2: Statement Managemen Theme- Bipolarity Revision Tour 1. Matrices
Literature Fields. 2. Government Distribution, in Revision Tour
QT-I 2. Chapter 7: Human Analysis. t. 2.Kings,Farmers Politics in India since 2. MySQL 2.
Last Lesson Chapter 2: Budget and the Density and Paychologi 2. Functions Unit 2
Determinants Alcohols, reproduction 3: Accounting 2. Principles And Towns Independence Functions Determinants
Lost Spring Electrostatic Economy Growth cal Children &
Phenols and Chapter For Share of Theme- Ch.1Challenges of
My Mother At Sixty-six Potential and Part 2 – Chap 01 : Attributes Women in
Ethers 3:Reproductive Capital.( till Managemen 3.Kinship,Caste Nation-Building
The Third Level Capacitance. Population Sports
health Consideration t And Class
other than cash)
Density, Growth
and Composition

Contemporary World
Politics: Ch. No. 1 – The
End of Bipolarity
Politics in India since
Part – I
Independence: Ch.
Reading Lesson 1- Bricks,
PART A: No. 1 – Challenges of
Comprehension: Beads and Bones Part 01 : Chap 01 :
INTRODUCTORY Nation Building
• Unseen passage Lesson 2 – Kings, Human
MACROECONOM Contemporary World
(factual, descriptive Farmers and Towns Geography :
ICS Politics: Ch. No. 2 –
or literary/ discursive Chapter 1: Lesson 3- Kinship, Nature and Scope
UNIT 1: National Alternative Centres of
or persuasive) Electric 1. Financial Caste and Class Part 01 : Chap 02 :
Chapter 4. Income and Power
• Case Based Unseen Charges and Statements of a Lesson 4 – Thinkers, The World Chap 1:
The d and f Related Politics in India since
(Factual) Passage Fields Company Beliefs and Population Variations
block Aggregates Independence: Ch.
Chapter 2: 2. Financial Buildings Part 01 – Chapter In
elements UNIT 2: Money No. 2 – Era of One-
Creative Writing Skills : Electrostatic Statement Part – II 04 : Human Psychologi 1.
Chapter 5. And Banking Party Dominance 1. MySql 1. Matrices
Short Writing Tasks Potential and Analysis 1. Nature Lesson 5 – Through Development cal Managemen
1. Matrices Coordination UNIT 4: Politics in India since Revision Tour 2.
• Notice Writing Capacitance 1. Sexual a. Comparative and the Eyes of Part 01 : Chapter Attributes t of Sporting
2. compounds Government Independence: Ch. 2. MySql Determinants
Long Writing Task Chapter 3: Reproduction in Analysis. Significance Travellers 05 : Primary Chap 2 : 1. Python Events
Determinants Chapter 6. Budget and the No. 3 – Politics of Functions 3.
• Letter to an Editor Current Flowering Plants b. Common-size of Lesson 6 – Bhakti – Activities Self And Revision Tour 2. Children
3. Continuity Haloalkanes Economy Planned Development 3. Querying Differentiatio
(giving suggestions or Electricity 2. Reproduction Analysis. Managemen Sufi Traditions Part 01 : Chapter Personality 2. Functions & Women in
and and UNIT 5: Balance Contemporary World using MySQL n
opinion on issues of Chapter 4: in Humans 3. Accounting t Lesson 7 – An 06 – Secondary Chap 3 : 3. File Sports
Differentiabilit Haloarenes of Payment Politics: Ch. No. 3 – 4. Python 4.
public interest) Moving 3. Reproductive For Share 2. Principles Imperial Capital – Activities Meeting Handling 3. Yoga as
y Chapter 7. PART B: INDIAN Contemporary South Pandas 1 Application
• Article Writing Charges and Health Capital of Vijaynagara Part 02 – Chap 01 : Life 4. Data Preventive
HYA 4. Relations Alcohols ECONOMIC Asia 5. Python of Derivatives
Magnetism 4. Principles of 4. Issue of Managemen Lesson 8 – Population Challenges Structure - Measure for
and Functions Phenols and DEVELOPMENT Politics in India since Pandas 2 5. Numbers
Literature : Chapter 4: Inheritance and Debenture t Peasants, Distribution, Stacks lifestyle
5. Inverse Ethers UNIT 6: Independence: Ch. 6. Plotting Quantificatio
Book-Flamingo (Prose) Magnetism Variation 5. Fundamentals 3. Business Zamindars and the Density Chap 4: 5. Database Disease
Trigonometric Chapter 8. Development No. 4 – India’s External with Pyplot n and
• The Last Lesson and Matter 5. Molecular of Partnership Environment State Part 02 – Chapter Psychologi Management 4. Physical
Functions Aldehydes Experience (1947- Relations 7. Numerical
• Lost Spring Chapter 6: Basis of 6. Valuation of 4. Planning Part – III 04 : Human cal System Education
6. Application ketones and 90) and Contemporary World Introduction Application.
• Deep Water Electromagnet Inheritance Goodwill 5. Organising Lesson 10 – Settlement Disorders and Sports
of Derivatives carboxylic Economic Politics: Ch. No. 4 – to Computer 6. Numerical
• The Rattrap ic Induction 6. Evolution 7. Changes in 6. Staffing Colonialism and Part 02 – Chapter Chap 5 : for CWSN
acids Reforms since International Network Inequalities
Book-Flamingo Chapter 7: Profit Sharing the Countryside 05 : Land Therapeuti 5. Sports &
Chapter 9. 1991 Organisations
(Poetry) Alternating Ratio among Lesson 11 – Rebels Resource and c Nutrition
Amines UNIT 7: Current Contemporary World
• My Mother at Sixty- Current Existing Partners and the Raj Agriculture Approache
Chapter 10. challenges Politics: Ch. No.5 –
Six Chapter 8: 8. Admission of Lesson 13 – Part 02 – Chapter s
Biomolecules facing Indian Security in the
• A Thing of Beauty Electromagnet Partners Mahatma Gandhi 06 : Water
Economy Contemporary World
• Keeping Quiet ic Waves and the Resources
(Human capital Politics in India since
Book-Vistas (Prose) Nationalist Part 02 – Chap 07 :
formation and Independence: Ch.
• The Third Level Movement Mineral and
Employment) No. 5 – Challenges to
• The Tiger King Lesson 15 – Energy Resources
an Restoration of the
• Journey to the End Framing the
Congress System
of the Earth Constitution
Politics in India since
Independence: Ch.
No. 6 – The Crisis of
Democratic Order

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