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Title : Analysis of Beams

Intended Learning Outcomes :

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to :
1. Identify Internal Force in a cut-section of a truss
2. Calculate the Support Reactions for a truss system
3. Calculate truss forces using the method of joints
4. Calculate truss forces using the method of sections

Discussions :
A truss member is a structural member are typically two-force members that can resist axial
forces whether tension or compresion. Typical trusses in roof are part of a truss system which
include trusses, purlins, and cross-bracings.

A. Assumptions in Truss Members

The following assumptions are typically
followed in the analysis of truss members.

1. A Truss member is a two-force member.

2. The joints are frictionless hinges.

Not carrying a moment.

A. Method of Joints
|The determination of the magnitude of forces in a truss members can be obtained using the
method of joints. The method of joints uses equilibrium equations at a joint to determine the
unknown forces.
∑Fx = 0 , ∑Fy = 0 , ∑Fz = 0

B. Method of Sections
|The determination of the magnitude of forces in a truss members can be obtained using the
method of sections. The method of sections uses a cutting plane to expose the truss forces. In doing
so, and additional equation can be used
∑Fx = 0 , ∑Fy = 0 , ∑Fz = 0 , ∑M = 0

The sign convention is positive for Tension and negative for Compression.
C. Illustrative Problem (Plane Truss)
The truss is made of equilateral triangles. Neglect the weight of the truss. Determine the bar
forces for members BF and BC.
a. Use the method of joints
b. Use the method of sections

1. Determine the support reactions.
∑ Fx = 0 ; HA = 0

∑ MD = 0;
6VA = 10(4)
VA = 6.66 KN ↑

∑ MA = 0;
6VD = 10(2)
VD = 3.33 KN ↑

2. Use the method of joints

Consider joint A
∑ Fy = 0
0 = FAE sin60o + 6.66
FAE = -7.698 KN

∑ Fx = 0
0 = FAE cos60o + FAB
0 = (-7.698) cos60o + FAB
FAB = 3.849 KN

Consider joint E
∑ Fy = 0
0 = FAE sin60o + FBE sin60o
0 = (-7.698) sin60o + FBE sin60o
FBE = 7.698 KN

Consider joint B
∑ Fy = 0
0 = FBE sin60o + FBF sin60o -10
0 = (7.698) sin60o + FBF sin60o -10
FBF = 3.849 KN (Answer)

∑ Fx = 0
0 = -FAB + -FBE cos60o + FBF cos60o + FBC
0 = -(3.849) + -(7.698)cos60o + (3.849) cos60o + FBC
FBF = 5.774 KN (Answer)

3. Use method of sections

Consider left of cutting plane

∑ Fy = 0
0 = 6.66 + FBF sin60o - 10
FBF = 3.849 KN (Answer)

∑ MF = 0
0 = 6.66(3) - 10(1) - FBC (1.732)
FBF = 5.774 KN (Answer)

D. Analysis of Space Truss

A space truss is a truss in 3D. There are three equations of equlibrium available per joint. The
force F in a truss member can be resolve into three orthogonal components namely Fx, Fy, and Fz.
Consider the truss member shown below. The total length LAB can be calculated if we can identify the
x,y,z coordinates of both ends.
∆x = xB – xA
∆y = yB – yA
∆z = zB – zA
then L AB= √ (∆ x) +(∆ y) +( ∆ z )
2 2 2

Component forces in resolved into components

F x= F
F y= F
F z= F

E. Illustrative Problem (Space Truss)

A space truss has members forming an equilateral base and all members has a 2m length. The
members are supported at the base by ball-and-socket. The members meet at joint D. A 5 KN
parallel to z-axis is applied at joint D. Neglect the weight of the truss.
MEMBER ∆x (m) ∆y (m) ∆z (m) L (m)
AD 0.0 1.6331 1.1546 2
BD 1.0 1.6331 0.5774 2
CD 1.0 1.6331 0.5774 2

Solution :
Consider Joint D
∑ Fx = 0
1 1
0= F CD− F BD
2 2

∑ Fy = 0
1.6331 1.6331 1.6331
0= F CD + F BD + F AD
2 2 2
using F CD = F BD

∑ Fz = 0
0.5774 0.5774 1.1546
0= F CD+ F BD+ F AD−5
2 2 2

using F CD = F BD and 2FCD =−F AD

0=0.5774 F CD +1.1546 (−F CD )−5

F CD =3.8304 KN

F AD =−7.6608 KN (Compression)
F. Self-Learning Assessment
Detemine the all bar forces in the trusses shown.
1. 2.

References :
1. Kassimali, A.(2015), Structural Analysis 5th Edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd, Taguig City
2. http:// accessed : September 2020

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