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Correlation of the Board of Directors/ Trustees, Trustees – shall be elected for a term not exceeding 3
Officers and Stockholders years from among the members of the corporation
- Under Corporation Code, stockholders or members Trustee who ceases to be a member
periodically elect the board of directors or trustees¸ Both Directors and Trustees – Shall hold the office until
who are charged with the management of the the successor is elected and qualified
corporation. The board, in turn periodically elects
officers to carry out the management functions on
a day-to-day basis

Acts of management and ownership

Where do corporate-powers reside

- One of the most important rights of a qualified
shareholder or member is the right to vote either
personally or by proxy for the directors or trustees
who are to manage the corporate affairs
- The right to choose the persons who will direct, - An independent director is a person who, apart
manage and operate the corporation is significant from shareholdings and fees received from
because it is the main way in which a stockholder corporation, is independent of management and
can have the voice in the management of the free from business or other relationship which could
corporate affairs, or which a member in a nonstock reasonably perceived to materially interfere with
corporation can have say on how the purposes and the exercise of independent judgment carrying out
goals of the corporation may be achieved the responsibilities as a director
- Once the directors or trustees are elected, - Independent directors must be elected by the
stockholders or members renounce corporate shareholders present or entitled to vote in absentia
powers to the board in accordance with law during the election of directors.
- Independent directors shall be subject to rules and
What is business judgment rule regulations governing their qualifications,
- Contracts intra vires entered into by the board of disqualifications, voting requirements, duration of
directors are binding upon the corporation and the term, term limit, maximum number of board
courts will not interfere unless such contracts are memberships, and other requirements that
unreasonable and oppressive as to amount to Commission will prescribe to strengthen their
wanton destruction to the rights of minority as independence and align with international best
when the plaintiffs claim that the defendant have practices
concluded a transaction among themselves as will
result in serious injury to plaintiffs Governing body of a corporation
- Is board of directors
SECTION 22: Board of Directors or Trustees of a - The concentration in the board of the powers of
Corporation; Qualification and Term control of corporate business and appointment of
- Unless otherwise provided in Code, the board of corporate officers and managers is necessary for
directors or trustees shall exercise the corporate efficiency in any large organization
powers, conduct all business, and control all - Stockholders are too numerous, scattered and
properties of corporation unfamiliar with the business. Thus, the plan of
corporate organization is for the stockholders to
Directors – shall be elected for a term of 1 year from choose the directors who shall control and
among the holders of stocks registered in the supervise the conduct of the business
corporation’s books. Director who ceases to own at
least one share of stock
The board shall exercise good faith share of stock or trustee who ceases to be a member of
- The board shall exercise good faith, care, and the corporation shall cease to be such.
diligence in the administration of the affairs of the
Board of Director/Trustees, Officers, and Stockholders
corporation, and protect not only the interest of
Acts of management and ownership:
the majority but also to the minority of the stock • Acts of management pertain to the board and those
- In case corporate directors are guilty of a breach of of ownership, to the stockholders or member. In the
trust – not a mere error of judgment or abuse of latter case, the board cannot act alone, but must seek
discretion, a stockholder may institute a suit in approval of the stockholders or members.
behalf of himself and other stockholders and for Where do corporate power reside?
the benefit of the corporation, to bring remedy of • Once the directors or trustees are elected, the
stockholders or members relinquished
the wrong inflicted directly upon corporation, and
corporate powers to the board in accordance
indirectly to shareholders with law.
• The governing body of a corporation is its
Derivative suit Board of Directors.
- In case of mismanagement where the wrongful
acts are committed by the directors or trustees, a The authority of the board of directors or trustees is
shareholder or member may find that that he has restricted to the management of the regular business
affairs of the corporation, unless more extensive power
no remedies because the former are vested by law
is expressly conferred.
with the right to decide whether or not the The Corporation's board of directors is
corporation should sue, and they will never be understood to be that body which exercises:
willing to sue themselves - All powers provided for under the corporation code;
- Because of the frequent occurrence of such a - Conducts all business of the corporation; and
situation, the common law gradually recognized the - Controls and holds all property of the corporation.
(Sec. 22, par. 1)
right of a stockholder to sue on behalf of a
corporation which is also known as derivative suit
Authority of the board of directors
- It has been proven to be an effective remedy of the
- With the exception only of some powers expressly
minority against the abuses of management. Thus,
granted by law to stockholders/members, the board
an individual stockholder is permitted to institute a
of directors/trustees has the sole authority to
derivative suit on behalf of the corporation
determine policies, enter into contracts, and
wherein he holds stock in order to protect
conduct the ordinary business within the scope of
corporate rights, whenever officials of the
its charter
corporation refuse to sue or are the ones to be
- The authority of the board of directors is restricted
sued or hold the control of the corporation
to the management of the regular business affairs
- In such actions, the suing stockholder is regarded as
of the corporation, unless more extensive power is
the nominal party, with the corporation as the
expressly conferred
party in interest
- The main reason behind the giving corporate
powers on the board of directors is not lost on the
Qualifications of Board of Directors/Trustees (re sec 22
court, but the concentration in the board of
and 26)
For a stock corporation, ownership of at least 1 share of powers of control of corporate business and of
the capital stock of the corporation in his own name. appointment of corporate officers and managers is
For non-stock corporation, only members of the necessary for efficiency in any large organization
corporation can be elected. - Stockholders are too numerous, scattered, and
- It must be registered in Corporation's book. unfamiliar with the business and conduct directly,
- The director or trustee must be capacitated.
thus they will choose someone to be a board of
- The director or trustee must be of legal age.
- Other qualifications as may be prescribed in the by- directors
laws of the corporation
Corporation exercises its powers through its board of
Term of Office directors
Directors shall be elected for a term Of one (1) year - Corporation exercises its powers through board of
from among the holders of stocks registered in the directors or its duly authorized officers and agents,
corporation's books, while trustees shall be elected for
except in instances where Corporation code
a term not exceeding three (3) years from among the
members of the corporation. Each director and trustees requires stockholder’s approval of certain specific
shall hold office until the successor is elected and acts
qualified. A director who ceases to own at least one (1)
the corporation has caused persons dealing with the
officer or agent to believe that it has conferred.

May corporate powers be directly conferred upon

- Its members have been characterized as trustees or
corporate officers?
directors clothed with a fiduciary character
- Directors of the corporation shall elect its
- Directors may appoint officers and agents, and as
corporate officers
incident to this power of appointment, they may
- It is clear that corporate powers may be directly
discharge those appointed
granted upon corporate officers or agents by
- Unless duly authorized, a treasurer, whose powers
statute, the articles of incorporation, the by-laws or
are limited, cannot bind the corporation in sale of
by resolution or other act of the board of directors
its assets
- An officer who is not director may also appoint
other agents when authorized by the by-laws or by
the board of directors, which are called express
- There are also powers incidental to express power
- It is fundamental principle in the law of agency that
every delegation of authority, whether general or
special, carries with it, unless the contrary be
expressed, implied authority to do all those acts,
naturally and ordinarily done in such cases, which
are reasonably necessary and proper to be done in
order to carry into effect the main authority
Power to decide whether a corporation can enter into
Note: A juridical person who is not a stockholder cannot
a binding contract
be a director, but it can be an ex officio member without
- A corporation, as a juridical entity, primarily acts
voting rights in the board
through its board of directors, which exercises its
corporate powers
Qualifications of a board of director/ trustee
- Generally, in the absence of authority from the
1. For stock corporation, ownership of at least 1
board of directors, no person, not even its officers
share of the capital stock of the corporation in
can validly bind the corporation
his own name. For a non-stock corporation, only
- The power and responsibility to decide whether a
members of the corporation can be elected
corporation can enter into a binding contract
2. Director or trustee must be capacitated
depends with the board of directors
3. Director or trustee must be of legal age
4. Other qualifications as may be prescribed in the
Note: Corporate officer or agent may represent and
by-laws of the corporation
bind the corporation with 3rd persons to the extent that
the authority was given to him, and this includes
powers which have been intentionally conferred, ang
also such powers as, in the usual course of the particular
business, are incidental to, or may be implied from, the
powers intentionally conferred, powers added by
custom and usage, as usually pertaining to the
particular officer or agent, and such apparent powers as
Independent Director
- A person who, apart from shareholding and fees
received from the corporation, is independent of
management and fee from any business or other
relationship which could reasonably be perceived to
materially interfere with the exercise of
independent judgment in carrying out the
responsibilities as director

SECTION 23: Election of Directors or Trustees

- Except when the exclusive right is reserved for Requirements for the election of director or trustees
holders or founder shares, each stockholder or
member shall have the right to nominate any
director or trustee who possesses all the
qualifications and none of the disqualifications set
- At elections of directors or trustees, there must be
present, either in person or through a
representative authorized to act by written proxy,
the owners of majority of the outstanding capital
stock, or majority of members entitled to vote
- When so authorized in the bylaws or by a majority
of the board of directors, the stockholders or
members may also vote through remote
communication or in absentia: Provided that the
right to vote through such modes may be exercised
in corporations vested with public interest, SECTION 24: Corporate Officers
notwithstanding the absence of provision in the - Immediately after their election, the directors of a
bylaws of such corporations corporation must formally organize and elect
- Stockholder or member who participates through a. President, who must be a director
remote communication or in absentia, shall be b. Treasurer, who must be a resident
deemed present for purposes of quorum c. Secretary, who must be a citizen and resident of
- Election must be by ballot if requested by any PH
voting stockholder or member d. Other officers as provided in bylaws

- If the corporation vested with public interest, the

board shall also elect a compliance officer. The
same person may hold two or more positions
concurrently, except that no one shall act as
president and secretary or as president and
Methods of Voting- Election of Directors (Sec. 24) treasurer at the same time, unless otherwise
Stockholders have the option to adopt any of the allowed by Code
following: - Officers shall manage the corporation and perform
1. Straight Voting — every stockholder "may vote
such duties as may be provided in the bylaws
such number of shares for as many persons as
and/or resolved by the board of directors
there are directors" to be elected.
2. Cumulative Voting for One Candidate — a Corporate Officers
stockholder is allowed to concentrate his votes
and "give one candidate as many votes as the - This position must be expressly mentioned in the
number of directors to be elected multiplied by by-laws in order to be considered as corporate
the number of his shares shall equal." office
3. Cumulative Voting by Distribution — a
stockholder may cumulate his shares by GR: Acts of corporate officers within the scope of their
multiplying also the number of his shares by the authority are binding on the corporation
number of directors to be elected and distribute
the same among as many candidates as he shall EXPN: If the acts exceeds the scope of authority, unless
see fit. it has ratified such acts or is estopped from disclaiming
Note: Cumulative voting is not available in non-stock them
corporations unless provided for in the by-laws.
Requirements for the Election of Board of the date of scheduled election. The report shall
Directors/Trustees specify a new date of election, which shall not be
later than 60 days from the scheduled date
- Notwithstanding any provision of the articles of
incorporation or bylaws to the contrary, the shares
of stock or membership represented at such
meeting and entitled to vote shall constitute a
quorum for purposes of conducting an election
- Director, trustee or office die, resign or in any
manner cease to hold office, the secretary, or the
director/trustee or officer of the corporation shall
report in writing such fact to the Commission
within 7 days from knowledge

Objective of the Report of Election

- All corporations duly organized pursuant are

required to submit within the period stated (30
days) to the SEC the names, nationalities,
shareholdings, and residences of the directors,
trustees or officers elected
- The objective is to give the public information,
under sanction of oath responsible officers, of the
nature of the business, financial condition and
operational status of the company together with
the information on its key officers or managers so
that those dealing with it and those who intend to
What is quorum at the meeting of directors and
do business with it may know or have the means of
knowing facts concerning the corporation’s financial
- A majority of the directors or trustees, as fixed in resources and business responsibility
the articles of incorporation, shall constitute a
SECTION 26: Disqualification of Directors, Trustees, or
quorum for the transaction of corporate business
(unless the articles of incorporation or the bylaws
provide for greater majority

GR: Majority of the number of directors or trustees, as

fixed in the articles of incorporation, shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of corporate business and
every decision of at least a majority of the directors or
trustees present at a meeting which there is a quorum
shall be valid as a corporate act except for the election
of officers which shall require the vote of a majority of
all members on the board

EXPN: If the articles of incorporation or by-laws provide

for a greater majority
SECTION 27: Removal of Directors or Trustees
SECTION 25: Report of election of directors, trustees
Power to remove directors or trustees
and officers, non-holding of election and cessation
from office - This power belongs to the stockholder or members
- Within 30 days after the election of directors,
- However, the SEC shall upon verified complaint,
trustees or officers, secretary or other officers shall
and after due notice of hearing, order the removal
submit to the Commission the names,
of a director or trustee elected despite the
nationalities, shareholdings, and residence
disqualification or whose disqualification is
addresses of the directors, trustees and officers
discovered subsequent to an election
- Removal of a disqualified director shall be without
- Non-holding of elections and the reasons shall be
prejudice to other sanctions that the Commission
reported to the Commission within 30 days from
may impose on the board of directors or trustees emergency or upon election of the replacement
who, with knowledge of the disqualifications, director or trustee. whichever comes earlier. The
failed to remove such director or trustee corporation must notify the Commission within
three (3) days from the creation of the emergency
GR: Removal of directors or trustees may be with or board, stating therein the reason for its creation.
without cause
- Any directorship or trusteeship to be filled by
EXPN: Removal without cause may not be used to reason of an increase in the number of directors or
deprive minority stockholders or members of the right trustees shall be filled only by an election at a
of representation to which they may be entitled regular or at a special meeting of stockholders or
members duly called for the purpose, or in the
same meeting authorizing the increase of directors
or trustees if so stated in the notice of the meeting.

- In all elections to fill vacancies under this section,

the procedure set forth in Sections 23 and 25 of this
Code shall apply.

Filling of Vacancies in the Board

1. By the stockholders or members —
2. Removal by the stockholders or members;
3. Expiration of term;
Note: Removal of officers can be done by the board of
4. Increase in the number of directors or trustees
directors due to amendment of the articles of
SECTION 28: Vacancies in the Office of Director or
5. Other than the removal or expiration of term,
Trustee; Emergency Board like death, resignation, abandonment, or
- Any vacancy occurring in the board of directors or disqualification, if the remaining directors or
trustees other than by removal or by expiration of trustees do not constitute a quorum for the
term may be filled by the vote of at least a majority purpose of filling the vacancy.
of the remaining directors or trustees, if still 6. By the members of the board Of directors or
constituting a quorum; otherwise, said vacancies trustees.-
 If still constituting a quorum, at least a
must be filled by the stockholders or members in a
regular or special meeting called for that purpose. majority of them are empowered to fill
any vacancy occurring in the board
- When the vacancy is due to term expiration, the other than by removal by the
election shall be held no later than the day of such stockholders or members or by
expiration at a meeting called for that purpose. expiration Of term.
 Replacement Director/Trustees.
A director or trustee elected to fill the
- When the vacancy arises as a result of removal by
vacancy shall be referred to as
the stockholders or members, the election may
replacement director or trustee and shall
held on the same day of the meeting authorizing
serve only for the unexpired term of the
the removal and this fact must be so stated in the
predecessor in office.
agenda and notice of said meeting. In all other
cases, the election must be held no later than forty-
SECTION 29: Compensation of Directors or Trustees
five (45) days from the time the vacancy arose.
- In the absence of any provision in the bylaws fixing
their compensation, the directors or trustees shall
- A director or trustee elected to fill a vacancy shall
not receive any compensation in their capacity as
be referred to as replacement director or trustee
such, except for reasonable per diems: Provided,
and shall serve only for the unexpired term of the
however, That the stockholders representing at
predecessor in office.
least a majority of the outstanding capital stock or
majority of the members may grant directors or
- However, when the vacancy prevents the
trustees with compensation and approve the
remaining directors from constituting a quorum
amount at a regular or special meeting.
and emergency action is required to prevent grave,
substantial, and irreparable loss or damage to the
- In no case shall the total yearly compensation of
corporation, the vacancy may be temporarily filled
directors exceed ten percent (10%) of the net
from among the officers of the corporation by
income before income tax of the corporation
unanimous vote of the remaining directors or
during the preceding year.
trustees. The action by the designated director or
trustee shall be limited to the emergency action
- Directors or trustees shall not participate in the
necessary. and the term shall cease within a
determination of their own per diems or
reasonable time from the termination of the
trustee for the corporation and must account for
- Corporations vested with public interest shall the profits which otherwise would have accrued to
submit to their shareholders and the Commission, the corporation.
an annual report of the total compensation of each
of their directors or trustees. Three-Fold Duties of Directors
1. Duty of obedience. — to direct the affairs Of
Compensation... the corporation only in accordance with the
 The provision on compensation of directors purposes for which it was organized (Or restrict
does not include corporate officers who are not their acts within the scope of the Powers of the
directors. Corporation).
GR: Directors or Trustees shall not receive any
compensation, as such directors or trustees, except for 2. Duty of Diligence. — Directors and Officers are
reasonable per diems. required to exercise due care in the
performance of their functions (Or due
EXPN: diligence that a reasonably prudent man would
1. When it is fixed by corporation's by-laws; or exercise in the conduct of his personal affairs or
2. When the stockholders, representing at least in similar circumstances.
majority of the outstanding capital stock, or
majority of the members, vote to grant the 3. Duty of Loyalty. — the director or officer owes
same. loyalty and allegiance to the corporation — a
loyalty that is undivided and an allegiance
Limitations on Compensation: (obligation of fidelity /faithfulness) that
 In No case shall the total yearly compensation influenced by no consideration other than the
of directors exceed 10% of the net income welfare of the corporation.
before income tax of the corporation during the
preceding year. Grounds for liability to pay damages:
1. By willingly or knowingly voting for or assenting
Note: Directors or trustees shall not participate in the to patently unlawful acts of the corporation.
determination of their own per diems or compensation. 2. By being guilty of gross negligence or bad faith
Corporation vested with public interest shall submit to in directing the affairs of the corporation.
their shareholders and the Commission, an annual 3. By acquiring any personal or pecuniary interest
report of the total compensation of each of their in conflict with their duty as such director or
directors or trustees. trustees.

The Grounds are: Nature of liability: Joint and several, (i.e., solidary).
1. The grants of bonus should either appear in the • To whom Liable? — to the corporation, its
by-laws, or stockholders or members or other persons who suffer
2. Should be approved by the stockholders damages resulting from the acts abovementioned.
representing at least a majority of outstanding
capital stock of Corporation approved in a Liability of directors, trustees or officers for secret
regular and special meeting of stockholders; profits
3. The bonus (or other form of compensation not - A director, trustee or officer shall be liable as
per diems) should not exceed ten percentum trustee for the corporation and must account for
(10%) of the net income before tax of the the profits which otherwise would have accrued to
Corporation during the preceding year. the corporation when he attempt to acquire or
acquires, in violation of his duty, any interest
SECTION 30: Liability of Directors, Trustees or Officers adverse to the corporation in respect of any matter
- who willfully and knowingly vote for or assent to which has been reposed in him in confidence, as to
patently unlawful acts of the corporation or who which equity imposes a disability upon him to deal
are guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in in his own behalf.
directing the affairs of the corporation or acquire
any personal or pecuniary interest in conflict with
their duty as such directors or trustees shall be
liable jointly and severally for all damages resulting
therefrom suffered by the corporation, its
stockholders or members and other persons.

- A Director, Trustee or Officer shall not attempt to

acquire, or acquire any interest adverse to the
corporation in respect of any matter which has
been reposed in them in confidence, and upon Examples when Solidary Liability Directors, Officers or
which, equity imposes a disability upon themselves Employee
to deal in their own behalf; otherwise, the said 1. When directors and trustees or, in appropriate
director, trustee or officer shall be liable as a case, the officer of a corporation:
a. vote for or assent to patently unlawful acts a. The presence of such director or trustee in the
of the corporation; board meeting in which the contract was
b. act in bad faith or with gross negligence in approved was not necessary to constitute a
directing the corporate affairs; quorum for such meeting;
c. are guilty of conflict of interest to the b. The vote of such director or trustee was not
prejudice of the corporation, its necessary for the approval of the contract;
stockholders or members and other c. The contract is fair and reasonable under the
persons; (Sec. 30, RCC) circumstances;
d. In case of corporations vested with public
2. When a director or officer has consented to the interest, material contracts are approved by at
issuance of watered stocks or who, having least two-thirds (2/3) of the entire membership
knowledge thereof, did not forthwith file with of the board, with at least a majority of the
the corporate secretary his written objection independent directors voting to approve the
thereto (Sec 64); material contract; and
3. When a director, trustee or officer has e. In case of an officer, the contract has been
contractually agreed or stipulated to hold previously authorized by the board of directors
himself personally and solidarily liable with the
corporation; or
4. When a director, trustee or officer is made by Where any of the first three (3) conditions set forth in
specific provision of law, personally liable for the preceding paragraph is absent, in the case of a
his corporate action. contract with a director or trustee, such contract may
be ratified by the vote of the stockholders representing
Error in Business Judgment at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital
- If the cause of the losses is merely error in business stock or at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in a
judgment not amounting to bad faith or meeting called for the purpose. Provided, That full
negligence, director and/or officers are not liable. disclosure of the adverse interest of the directors or
- For them to be held accountable, the trustees involved is made at such meeting and the
mismanagement and the resulting losses on contract is fair and reasonable under the
account thereof are not the only matters to be circumstances.
proven; it is likewise necessary to show that the
directors and/or officers acted in bad faith and with Self-dealing directors/trustees/officers — those who
malice in doing the assailed acts. personally contract with the corporation in which they
are directors. It is discouraged because the directors,
trustees and officers have fiduciary relationship with the
Business Judgement Rule corporation and there can be no real bargaining where
- Courts cannot undertake to control the discretion the same is acting on both sides of the trade.
of the board of directors about administrative
matters as to which they have the legitimate power GR: A contract of the corporation with one or more of
of action and contract intra vires entered into by its directors or trustees, officers or their spouses and
the board of directors are binding upon the their relatives within the fourth civil degree of
corporation and the courts will not interfere unless consanguinity or affinity is voidable, at the option of
such contracts are so unconscionable and such corporation.
oppressive as to amount to a wanton destruction EXPN:
of the rights of minority. 1. That the presence of director or trustee in the
- Question of Policy or of Management are left board meeting in which the contract was
solely to the honest decision of the board as the approved was not necessary to constitute a
business manager of the corporation, and the court quorum for such meeting.
is without authority to substitute its judgement for 2. That the vote of such director or trustee was
that of the board, and as long as it acts in good not necessary for the approval of the contract;
faith and in the exercise of honest judgment in the 3. That the contract is fair and reasonable under
interest of the corporation, its orders are not the circumstances;
reviewable the courts. 4. In case of corporation vested with public
interest, material contracts are approved by at
SECTION 31: Dealings of Directors, Trustees or Officers least two-thirds 2/3 of the entire membership
with the Corporation of the board, with at least a majority of the
independent directors voting to approve the
- A contract of the corporation with one (I) or more material contract; and
of its directors, trustees, officers or their spouses 5. That in case of an officer, the contract has been
and relatives within the fourth civil degree of previously authorized by the board of directors
consanguinity or affinity is voidable, at the option
of such corporation, unless the following conditions Ratification by SH on Self-dealing Directors/ Trustees/
are present: Officers
- A contract of the Corp. with directors or trustees or
officers may be ratified by the vote of stockholders
representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock. This
stock or at least 2/3 of the member in a meeting provision shall be applicable, notwithstanding the
called for the purpose. The REQUISITES are: fact that the director risked one's own funds in the
1. Any of the first three conditions set forth in the venture.
first paragraph of Section 31 is absent;
2. Full disclosure of the adverse interest of the Doctrine of Corporate Opportunity
directors or trustees involved is made in such - A director, by virtue of his office, acquires for
meeting; and himself a business opportunity which should belong
3. That the contract is fair and reasonable. to the corporation, thereby obtaining profits to the
prejudice of such corporation, he must account to
SECTION 32: Contracts Between Corporations with the latter for all such profits by refunding the same.
Interlocking Director - The act of a director violating the doctrine of
- Except in cases of fraud, and provided the contract corporate opportunity can be ratified by a vote of
is fair and reasonable under the circumstances, a the stockholders owning or representing at least
contract between two or more corporations having two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock
interlocking directors shall not be invalidated on
that ground alone: Provided, that if the interest of The "Corporate Opportunity" Doctrine
the interlocking director in one (1) corporation is - Under this doctrine, a director who, by virtue of his
substantial and the interest in the other office, acquires for himself a business opportunity
corporation or corporations is merely nominal, the which should belong to the corporation, thereby
contract shall be subject to the provisions of the obtaining profits to the prejudice of such
preceding section insofar as the fatter corporation corporation, is guilty of disloyalty and should,
or corporations are concerned. therefore, account to the latter for all such profits
• Stockholding exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the by refunding the same, notwithstanding that he
outstanding capital stock shall be considered risked his funds in the venture.
substantial for purposes of interlocking directors. - Under Section 33, the guilty director will only be
exempted from the liability to the corporation if his
Interlocking Directorate, Concept disloyal act is ratified by the vote of the
- There is interlocking directorate when one, some or stockholders owning or representing at least 2/3 of
all of the directors of one corporation, is/are also the outstanding capital stock (Sec. 30 and 33)
directors of another corporation or other
corporations. Or
- There is interlocking directorate when a director
holds seats in the board of directors of two or
more corporations.
- Interlocking director by itself is not prohibited
under the Revised Corporation Code. However, the
by-laws may contain provisions that disallow
interlocking directors.

GR: A contract between two or more corporations

having Interlocking directors shall not be invalidated on
that ground alone.
• These Contracts are valid provided that-
a) The contract is not fraudulent; and
b) The contract is fair and reasonable under the

EXPN: However, if the interest of the interlocking

director in one Corporation is substantial, i.e., his SECTION 34: Executive, Management and Other Special
stockholdings exceed 20% of the outstanding capital Committees
stock and the other merely nominal the rules of section
- lf the bylaws so provide, the board may create an
32 on self-dealing directors shall apply insofar as the executive committee composed of at least three (3)
latter corporation is concerned. SECTION 31 applies directors. Said committee may act, by majority vote
of all its members , on such specific matters within
SECTION 33: Disloyalty of a Director the competence of the board, as may be delegated
- Where a director, by virtue of such office, acquires to it in the bylaws or by majority vote of the board,
a business opportunity which should belong to the except with respect to the:
corporation, thereby obtaining profits to the (a) approval of any action for which shareholders'
prejudice of such corporation, the director must approval is also required;
account for and refund to the latter all such profits, (b) filling of vacancies in the board;
unless the act has been ratified by a vote of the (c) amendment or repeal of bylaws or the adoption of
stockholders owning or representing at least two- new bylaws;
(d)amendment or repeal of any resolution of the board
which by its express terms is not amendable or
repealable; and
(e) distribution of cash dividends to the shareholders.

Note: The board of directors may create special

committee of temporary or permanent nature and
determine the members' term, composition,
compensation, powers, and responsibilities.

Executive Committee
- It is a body created by the by-laws and composed of
not less than three members of the board which,
subject to the statutory limitations, has all the
authority of the board of directors to the extent
provided in the by-laws.
Limitations on the power of Executive Committee:
1. Approval of any action for which a shareholders'
approval is also required;
2. Filling of vacancies in the board;
3. Amendment or repeal of by-laws or the
adoption of a new by-laws;
4. Amendment or repeal of any resolution of the
board which by its express terms is not
amendable or repealable; and
5. Distribution of cash dividends to the

Quorum and Voting

GR: Quorum is the same as that of the Board of
Directors. A majority of a Committee member
constitute a quorum.
• To bind the corporation, it is essential that the
Executive Committee acts "by majority vote of all its
• If the Executive Committee is not validly constituted,
the members thereof may be considered as de facto

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