5 - Analysis of Beams

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Title : Analysis of Beams

Intended Learning Outcomes :

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to :
1. Identify Internal Forces in a cut-section of a beam
2. Calculate the Support Reactions for a given loadedbeam
3. Draw the Shear Diagram for a given loaded beam
4. Draw the Moment Diagram for a given loaded beam

Discussions :
A beam is a structural member (usually horizontal) that can resist axial forces, shear forces
and bending moment at various cross-sections along its length. Typical beams in structures include
purlins in truss systems, girders in buildings, and precast I-sections in bridges.

A. Analysis of Internal Forces of a Cut-Section

A beam cross-section can wthstand axial forces, shear forces , and bending moments.
Consider the pin and roller beam shown in Figure A-1 below. It is carrying a 10-KN concentrated
load at 2m right of the pin support. Lets us consider a cross-section at midspan of the beam(Figure
A-2). Replace the supports with their corresponding support reactions. Vertical reactions V1 and V2
are assumed acting up and horizontal reactiom H1 is to the right.

Sample Problem 1. Detemine the internal forces at a cut -section through the nidspan.

Determine the magnitudes of support reaction using equations of equilibrium.

∑FH = 0; H1 = 0

∑M1 = 0; V2 (6) = 10(2) , V2 = 3.33 KN ↑

∑M2 = 0; V 1 (6) = 10(4) , V1 = 6.66 KN ↑

Isolate the left portion of the beam to expose the internal forces and bending moment. Follow this
sign convention for analyis of beams.
The Axial Force A can be Tension or Compression. The Shear Force V is the sum of all
vertical forces left of the cut-section. The bending moment M represents the sum of all moments left
of cut-section. Clockwise moment is considered positive.
∑FH = A; ∑FV = V; ∑Mc = M;

Calculate the magnitudes of A, V, and M in the given sample beam.

∑FH = A = 0; (no external horizontal force, H1 = 0)

∑FV = V
V = V1 - 10
V = 6.66 - 10
V = -3.33 KN
∑Mm = M (pivot at midspan)
M = V1 (3)- 10(1)
M = 6.66 (3) - 10
M = 10 KN-m

B. Relations among Load, Shear, and Bending Moment

Relationship 1. The change of shear between between sections A and B is equal to the area of
the load diagram between sections A and B.
Relationship 2. The change in bending moment between sections A and B is equal to the area
of the shear diagram between sections A and B.

C. Drawing Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams

To draw the shear and bending moment diagrams, draw cut sections at various sections of the
beam. Define a distance "x" from the leftmost end of the beam. Derive the relationship of the shear
to the distance "x". This will be repeated at multiple segment of the beam depending on the nature of
the loads/location. To illustrate, consider the beam below.
Sample Problem 2. Draw the shear and bending moment for the entire length of the beam. Neglect
the weight of the beam .
Solution :
1. Determine the support Reactions
∑FH = 0; HC = 0

∑MB = 0; VC(4) = 2(4)(2) – 5(2), VC = 1.5 KN ↑

∑MC = 0; VB(4) = 2(4)(2) + 5(6), VB = 11.5 KN ↑

2. Write the shear and moment equations. Consider beam segment AB.
Introduce a cutting plane in between points A and B.

V = - 5 KN

M = -5x KN-m

3. Write the shear and moment equations. Consider beam segment BC.
Introduce a cutting plane in between points B and C.

V = -5 - 2(x-2) + 11.5 KN
V = 10.5 - 2x KN

M = -5x + 11.5(x-2) -2(x-2)2/2 KN-m

M = -23 + 6.5x - (x-2)2 KN-m

4. Introduce points along the bean for plotting the curves

x(m) Segment V(KN) M(KN-m) type
0 AB -5 0 Free end
1 AB -5 -5
2 AB -5 -10 support
2 BC 6.5 -10 support
3 BC 4.5 -4.5
4 BC 2.5 -1
5 BC 0.5 0.5
6 BC -1.5 0 support

5. Determine the maximum shear and bending moment

max. +V = 6.5 KN
max. -V = -5 KN
max. -M = -10 KN-m
max +M occurs in between 4 and 5m of the beam
Use V = 0 at segment BC to locate the maximum +M.
V = 10.5 - 2x = 0
x = 5.25 m
Substitute the x = 5.25 m in the moment equation.
M = -23 + 6.5x - (x-2)2
M = -23 + 6.5(5.25) – (3.25)2
max. +M = 0.5625 KN-m
5. Draw the Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams
based on the given points

Self Learning Assessment

Draw the shear and Bending Moment Diagrams for the Beams shown below
Neglect the weight of beams.
1. 2.

3. 4.

References :
1. Kassimali, A.(2015), Structural Analysis 5th Edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd, Taguig City
2. http://https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_(structure) accessed : September 2020

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