Day 1 Lesson SPR

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Lesson Plan: Introduction to the Alphabet and Letter Names

Grade Level: Kindergarten or Early Elementary

Objective: Students will learn about the alphabet, recognize each letter, and learn the
names of each letter.
Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Large alphabet chart/poster
Individual mini-alphabet cards for each student
Whiteboard and markers
Letter-themed coloring sheets
Interactive alphabet games (online or physical)
Introduction (10 minutes):
Gather students in a circle and start with a brief discussion about letters and words. Ask
questions like, "What are letters?" and "How do we use letters to make words?"
Show the large alphabet chart/poster to the students. Point to each letter while saying
its name. Encourage students to repeat after you.
Alphabet Song (5 minutes):
Teach the students the alphabet song. Sing it together a few times.
Letter Recognition Activity (10 minutes):
Distribute the mini-alphabet cards to each student. Ask them to hold up the letter you
call out. Go through the entire alphabet randomly, ensuring that every student gets a
chance to participate.
Main Activity (15 minutes):
Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of letter-themed coloring
sheets and crayons/markers.
Assign a letter to each group and ask them to color the objects on the sheet that start
with that letter's sound. For example, if the letter is "A," they can color an apple, an
astronaut, etc.
Encourage discussion within groups about the objects they are coloring and the sounds
of the letters.
Interactive Games (5 minutes):
Use an interactive alphabet game (online or physical) to engage the students further.
You could play a game where they have to find and click on the correct letter, or use
flashcards to match letters with objects that start with the corresponding sound.
Closure (5 minutes):
Gather the students again and review the alphabet chart/poster. Have each student say
their favorite letter and a word that starts with that letter.
Reinforce the concept of letters and their importance in forming words.
Homework (Optional): Provide each student with a printable worksheet containing the
entire alphabet. They can color each letter and draw or paste pictures of objects that
start with each letter's sound.
Assessment: Observe students' participation in the letter recognition activity and the
main activity. Listen to their responses during discussions to ensure they are correctly
associating letters with their sounds.
Extension Activities: For more advanced students, introduce simple three-letter words
and ask them to identify the letters that make up those words. You can also explore
uppercase and lowercase letter forms and discuss the difference between them.
Rubric for Letter Recognition and Main Activity:

Needs Not
Criteria Excellent (3) Satisfactory (2) Improvement (1) Demonstrated (0)

Student correctly Student correctly Student correctly Student struggles

Letter identifies all identifies most identifies some to identify
Recognition assigned letters. assigned letters. assigned letters. assigned letters.

Student actively Student

participates in participates but Student
discussions and lacks enthusiasm participates Student does not
Engagement activities. or engagement. minimally. participate.

Student accurately Student mostly

matches and colors matches and Student struggles
Letter-Object objects that colors objects to match and Student does not
Matching (Main correspond to the correctly, with color objects complete the
Activity) assigned letter. minor errors. correctly. activity.

effectively within Student
the group, participates in Student struggles
contributes ideas, group work but to work Student does not
Group and listens to has limited effectively in the contribute to
Collaboration others. interaction. group. group work.

Excellent (3): The student consistently meets or exceeds the criteria with a high level of
understanding and engagement.
Satisfactory (2): The student meets the criteria adequately, demonstrating a reasonable
level of understanding and engagement.
Needs Improvement (1): The student partially meets the criteria but shows room for
improvement in understanding and engagement.
Not Demonstrated (0): The student does not meet the criteria or fails to demonstrate
understanding and engagement.

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