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Test Bank for Aging the Individual and Society, 9th Edition: Hillier

Test Bank for Aging the Individual and Society, 9th

Edition: Hillier

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Chapter 7
Intimacy and Sexuality


1. The concept of ____________ refers to the need to be close to, part of, and familiar with
another person.
a. companionship
b. intimacy
c. sexuality
d. friendship
ANS: B PG: 172

2. Which of the following is an aspect of the process, in contrast to the structure, of friendship
a. the size of the friendship network
b. the proportion of friends that know one another
c. how similar the network members are
d. the activities conducted
ANS: D PG: 172

3. Which of the following is part of the structure, in contrast to process, of a kin relationship?
a. family size
b. generational composition
c. marital and parenthood status
d. All of these choices
ANS: D PG: 172

4. Of the over 65 population in the U.S., _______ are married and live with a spouse.
a. one-fourth
b. almost one-third
c. just under half
d. just above two-thirds
ANS: C PG: 173

5. Compared to older men, older women

a. have a shorter life expectancy.
b. are almost half as likely to be married.
c. are more likely to marry someone younger than they are.
d. are more likely to be widowed.
ANS: B PG: 174
6. Research findings regarding marriage show
a. marriage is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease for men.
b. the longevity advantage of marriage is greater among women than men.
c. elderly couples are less financially stable than elderly singles.
d. widowed women are at less risk for a fatal cardiovascular event than married women.
ANS: A PG: 174

7. Studies of caregiving for a spouse found

a. caregiving of a spouse with cognitive impairment can demonstrate a gift of love that
is deeply satisfying for both parties.
b. feelings of emotional closeness inevitably declined with a functional impairment
such as incontinence.
c. spouses were more effective caregivers of spouses with a cognitive impairment if
they were not as emotionally close to the spouse.
d. stress was less in caring for chronically ill, than acutely ill, spouses.
ANS: A PG: 175

8. Recent research on retirement suggests

a. retirement is a life crisis.
b. retirement is a process.
c. adjustment is harder for people who voluntarily rather than involuntarily retired.
d. Type B personalities are more likely to retire involuntarily.
ANS: B PG: 176

9. Studies of the effects of retirement on marriage shows

a. retirement generally enhances marital satisfaction for the wife and reduces it for the
b. marital conflict is more likely to occur if the wife is still employed.
c. most women report their housework decreases because household division of labor
becomes more equitable.
d. women are dissatisfied if their husband begins to assume their traditional roles, such
as cooking.
ANS: B PG: 177

10. Marital satisfaction tends to

a. gradually decline after the early years of marriage.
b. increase through middle-age and then decrease as couples enter old age.
c. decline after the early years, level off in the middle years, and increase during the
post-retirement years.
d. increase during the early years, level off in the middle years, and then increase even
beyond the early years after retirement.
ANS: C PG: 177
11. A husband and wife’s opportunity to share time and common interests that develop greater
mutual respect and understanding
a. tends to increase over the time of the marriage.
b. resembles a bell curve over the time of the marriage, i.e., is highest in the middle
c. tends to decrease over the time of the marriage.
d. resembles an inverted bell curve over the time of the marriage, i.e., is lowest in the
middle years.
ANS: D PG: 177

12. Gender comparisons of marriage and widowhood statuses reveal

a. marriage is the predominant life-style of both men and women over the age of 75.
b. two-thirds of women over age 75 are widows.
c. a man has an even chance of being widowed only when he reaches the age of 95.
d. widowhood is the predominant life style of both men and women over the age of 75.
ANS: B PG: 177

13. Grief work

a. refers to the healthy confrontation and acknowledgment of the emotions brought
about by death.
b. involves the reorganization of the life of the remaining spouse.
c. keeps the widowed from coping with the finality of the loss of their spouse.
d. is best achieved by the widow quickly resuming her past social activities after the
death of her spouse.
ANS: A PG: 178

14. Lopata identified 4 stages of widowhood. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. episodes of crying
b. recognition of the event
c. re-engagement
d. temporary withdrawal
ANS: A PG: 178

15. Research indicates which of the following regarding widowhood?

a. Widowhood increases contact between siblings.
b. Friends can offer useful support by not trying to speed recovery and a new identity
for the recent widow.
c. Most widows do not lean heavily on anyone for managing basic tasks of daily living
until they are in advanced age or poor health.
d. Independence and self-sufficiency will not cause social isolation.
ANS: B PG: 180

16. Which of the following widows are likely to suffer the most from the death of her spouse?
a. a woman in a traditional marriage
b. a woman with a college degree
c. a woman who was involved in community organizations
d. a woman who had an active social life
ANS: A PG: 180
17. A widow who experiences identity foreclosure is likely to
a. refuse to date or consider remarriage.
b. date but not consider remarriage.
c. focus her identity around her former relationship to her deceased spouse.
d. transform her personal identity.
ANS: D PG: 181

18. The Widowed Persons Service (WPS) is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
a. it offers outreach services to widows and widowers.
b. it is a program of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).
c. it is made up mostly of college student volunteers.
d. it conducts special outreach to minorities and other groups.
ANS: C PG: 182

19. Widowers are more likely than married men to die from
a. suicide.
b. accidents.
c. heart disease.
d. All of these choices
ANS: D PG: 182

20. A longitudinal study of widowhood found that

a. long-widowed men and women were as satisfied with their lives as married elders.
b. it was more stressful to be bereaved.
c. both married elders and long term widowed men and women suffered more
loneliness than married individuals.
d. it took the young-old longer than the old-old to adjust to their spouse’s death.
ANS: C PG: 182

21. Which of the following illustrates gender differences upon the loss of a spouse?
a. Males become more aware and appreciative of friends and relationships.
b. Males are more likely than females to be “in search of themselves.”
c. Females are more likely than males to be “in search of others.”
d. Females become less confident and more dependent.
ANS: A PG: 182-183

22. By 2010, the proportion of people 65 or over who have been divorced is projected to be
________ percent.
a. 25
b. 35
c. 50
d. 70
ANS: C PG: 183 Formatted: English (United States)

23. In _______ of all married-couple households, at least one spouse had a previous marriage
that ended in divorce or widowhood.
a. 1/8
b. 1/4
c. 1/3
d. 1/2
ANS: C PG: 183
24. At the end of the 19th century, the average length of marriage when one spouse died was 28
years; now it is over ________ years.
a. 34
b. 45
c. 53
d. 60
ANS: B PG: 183

25. For the elderly person who is remarried, the risk of that marriage ending in divorce is _____
times that of an elderly person who is in his or her first marriage.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 10
ANS: D PG: 183

26. According to Cain, a longer marriage for divorced older adults contributed to what?
a. post divorce despair and slow recovery
b. pre divorce despair
c. speedy recovery and newfound friends
d. quick remarriage
ANS: A PG: 184

27. Elder never-married singles

a. tend to be unhappy and lonely.
b. report parallel levels of life satisfaction with married persons.
c. have more close friends than married elders.
d. almost always wish they were married and feel they have missed out on something.
ANS: B PG: 184

28. Studies of remarriages among older people show

a. remarriage among elders are unlikely to be successful.
b. there is an increased use of prenuptial agreements in elder remarriages.
c. remarried elders have problems coping with the strain of being stepparents.
d. remarriage fails to provide the steady and caring companionship of first marriages.
ANS: B PG: 186

29. Research on sexuality shows

a. sexual identity is static over the life course.
b. sexuality is more about satisfying biological drives than loving and bonding.
c. sexual relationships in later life are similar regardless of culture or age cohort.
d. sexuality is central to our lives even in chronic illness or death of a spouse.
ANS: D PG: 187
30. According to Sheehy, the ________________, characterized by fierce competition,
individualism, and hard work, challenged gender roles and shifted the rules for marriage and
a. WWII generation (those between the ages of 16 to 19 from 1937 to 1944)
b. “Vietnam generation”
c. “me generation” (born 1956 to 1965)
d. “endangered generation” (born 1966 to 1980)
ANS: B PG: 187-188

31. Sexuality of older people is largely invisible for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. for many older people, sex and sexuality are intensely private matters.
b. our cultural focus on youth and that which is not young or new is no longer
c. the majority of older people have lost the desire and physiological capacity to have
d. suggestions of sex among elders is received with derision, condescension, humor, or
ANS: C PG: 188

32. A study of body attitudes and self-esteem found

a. Self-esteem of the young and old was based predominantly on their body image.
b. Men and women with good self-esteem also had good body attitudes regardless of
c. Almost all elderly were ashamed of their body image, regardless of self-esteem.
b. Body image was unrelated to self-esteem.
ANS: B PG: 189

33. The teachings of St. Augustine in Christian Catholicism was associated with all of the
following EXCEPT
a. the sex act was considered an expression of love and source of pleasure.
b. a man’s masculinity was measured by the number of children he fathered.
c. a woman’s femininity was measured by her ability to bear children.
d. an association between sexuality and procreation.
ANS: A PG: 189

34. Studies show that nursing homes can address sexuality by doing what?
a. improving privacy and educating staff
b. restricting male and female contact
c. constructing a policy regarding it
d. enforcing rules about public displays of affection
ANS: A PG: 196-197

35. From his classic and landmark studies of sexuality, Kinsey concluded that
a. until about age 80, sexual desires increase.
b. rate of sexual activity gradually declines with age.
c. sexual activity for married couples peaks about age 40 then progressively declines.
d. sexual desire was unrelated to age.
ANS: B PG: 191

36. In their studies of sexuality, Masters and Johnson found that as men age
a. it takes longer for them to get an erection.
b. the erection is more firm.
c. ejaculation is more forceful.
d. the erection lasts longer after ejaculation.
ANS: A PG: 192

37. Masters and Johnson found in their study of sexuality that older women
a. have a larger clitoris.
b. have larger vaginal canals.
c. have thick vaginal walls.
d. take longer to lubricate.
ANS: D PG: 192

38. In the Duke Longitudinal Study,

a. the number of elders who were sexually active decreased substantially over the ten
year period.
b. about half of the people who survived into their 80s and 90s reported having sexual
c. actual sexual activity was about equal to sexual interest for most elders.
d. in about 35 percent of the sample, sexual activity increased over the 10 year period.
ANS: B PG: 193

39. At any age which health problems interfere with sexual function?
a. colds and depression
b. diabetes, alcoholism, and anxiety
c. knee and hip replacements
d. arthritis Formatted: French (France)
ANS: B PG: 194

40. Medications for what ailment in men commonly causes sexual dysfunction?
a. heart disease
b. arthritis
c. hypertension
d. diabetes Formatted: French (France)
ANS: C PG: 196


1. Ascribed relationships are chosen networks and non-kin relations.


2. A friend is an achieved relationship.


3. Studies show no elderly live together without being married.

4. Reorganization of the life of the widow begins immediately after the funeral of the deceased

5. According to Taylor and Brown, positive illusions about their support networks assisted
widows in adapting.

6. Remarriage is a strong way of building kin networks.


7. Family sociologists agree that wives experience greater difficulty in coping with the death of
a spouse.

8. Studies cited in your text showed that post-divorce and despair was greater the longer the

9. There is more support today for divorced than widowed elders.


10. Greater knowledge about sexuality and later life is associated with more permissive sexual

11. The silent generation is the last modern generation to respect the authority of American

12. Because of homophobia and discrimination, most older lesbians say they regret their sexual

13. Christian Catholicism embodies that idea of sex for young adults as well as elders.

14.. Masters and Johnson found that although advanced aging causes slower body processes,
older couples feel as though sexual intimacy shouldn’t cease.

15. The Kinsey study of sexuality has been criticized for its cross-sectional methodology that
compares old people raised in conservative times with young people raised in more
permissive times.
Test Bank for Aging the Individual and Society, 9th Edition: Hillier

1. How does retirement affect marriage, according to the research studies mentioned in your
PG: 177

2. Explain how loss of a spouse may affect older women and factors that influence their
adjustment to widowhood.
PG: 177-178

3. Explain how the effects of widowhood differ by gender.

PG: 182

4. Why is divorce a particularly difficult event for older people today?

PG: 183-184

5. Why is the sexuality of older people largely invisible?

PG: 188

6. What factors make aging a particularly difficult time for gay men and lesbians?
PG: 189-191

7. How does sexuality of men and women change with aging according to the research reported
in your text?
PG: 191-195

8. What can nursing homes do to foster healthy sexual expression among their residents?
PG: 196-197

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