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sch Guomuaip Rieter * Email: MVN GROUT 725 GP Vira rét géc xi-mang, bu co ngét Hydraulic cement - based mineral aggregate non shrink grout M6 ta Description MVN Grout 725GP Ia vita rot géc ximang, bu co ngot cé dé linh dong va thoi gian cho phép thi cong thich hop cho cac hang muc. MVN Grout 725GP dugc thiét ké nhu Ia loai \vira rot bu co ngot 4@ stv dung trong cac linh, jvyc nhu dinh vi bu-lon, bé may , thi céng chan dé cét thép, géi cau, dau cét trong két! Icdu xdy dyng. Ngoai ra MVN Grout 725GP, Icon duge st dung trong muc dich tram stra \chira cdc 16 hdng, khe hé, va cdc muc dich \stra chtra bé mat bé-téng khac. MVN Grout 725GP is a hydraulic cement- based mineral aggregate non-shrink grout with extended working time. MVN Grout 725GP is ideally suited for grouting machines or plates requiring precision load-bearing support, it also used for grouting of precast wall panels, beams, columns, curtain walls, concrete systems and other structural and non-structural building components. MVN Grout 725GP can be placed for repairing concrete, including grouting voids and rock pockets. Tiéu chuan ky thuat - Tiéu chuan ky thuat ASTM C1107 - TCVN 9204 : 2012 Standard Compliance - Meets the requirements of ASTM C1107 - Meets the requirements of TCVN 9204: 2012 Thong tin san pham Product Information - Dang san phdm — bot mau xam |- Déng gdi25kg/bao - Bao quan — Noi khé rao, thoang, han ché| bi anh hung truc tiép bdi nang, mua - Thdi han sir dung — Téi thiéu 6 thang trong, tinh trang bao quan ding cach , bao chua mo. Form/Color — Gray powder Packaging 25kg/bag Storage - Keep in cool, clean and dry condition Shelf life - 6 months when properly ‘stored and unopened ACCA RorpuntoRhater MVN GROUT 725 GP Vira rét gdc xi-mang, bu co ngét * Email: Hydraulic cement - based mineral aggregate non shrink grout Uu diem Product Highlight '- BU co ngét béi phy gia tao bot khi thich hop - Cuong a6 khang nén va khang uén cao '- Duy tri dac tinh linh déng theo thoi gian thich hyp cho thi cing - Dé dang thi céng theo phuong phap dé rot hoac bom | Khéng tach nuéc, khéng phan tang. - Kha nang chiu tng xuat cao, dam bao. kha nang truyén tai tét cho cac khdi lién két - Gaseous expansion system compensatesfor shnnkage and settlement in the plastic state. - High compressive strength and flexural strength, - Extended working time - Pumpable - Non bleeding, segregation, or settlement shrinkage to provide maximum effective bearing area for optimum load transfer. Thi cong * Chuan bj bé mat - Chuan bi b8 mat: B8 mat phai sach, bén. chdc, khéng dinh dau m6, byi ban, néu phat hién co khuyét tat hoac cac vét tap chat mém yéu, can cat bo dé bao dam bé mat tiép xuc luén et¢ng chdc, can lam bao héa nuée cae b& mat b&ng cae giai php thich hgp truéc: khi rét viva it nhat 2 gid. - Khuén, cép-pha phai bao dam kin tranh bi 1 ri vat ligu, nuéc khi thi cong va trong qué trinh ninh két. Sir dung dau béi khudn thich hop va du liéu lvong cho bé mat cép-pha + Tron vira: Tuy theo lueng vira yéu cau cho céu kién, cn chon khéi lvong mé trén thich hop dé dam bao qué trinh thi céng duoc lién tuc. ‘Voi khéi lwong mé trén khac nhau cing can chon giai phap trén cho phii hop. Trong tat cae trudng hyp, nén str dung c6i trén| canh khudy voi t6c 43 400 — 500 vong/phiit dé cé duoc hén hop vira tt nhat. Cho lvong nuéc cn ding (3.1 — 3.5 lit cho mét bao, vita) vao ci tron, thém tir tir bot vira MVN Grout 725GP va khudy trén cho d&n khi dat dugc hén hop vira phi hgp cho qua trinh thi ‘c6ng thdi gian tron khoang 3-5 phut. Application Instructions “ Surface preparation All substrate surfaces shoul be sound, clean and free from dust, oil, grease or any loosely adherent ‘materials. If the substrate surface is defective or contaminated it must be cut back to a sound base. After preparation is complete, saturate the surface with clean water for a minimum of four hours prior to grouting. Care should be taken to remove all ‘surplus water prior to grouting. The formwork must be leak-proof, and suitable release agent should be applied fo all surfaces of formwork. * Mixing Place estimated water (use potable water only) into the mixer, then slowly add the grout. For a fluid consistency, start with 3.1 — 3.5 kg of water per 25 kg bag. The water demand wil depend on mixing effciency, materia, and ambienttemperature condions. Adjust the waler to achieve the desired ffow. Mix grout between 3 and § minutes afterall material and water is in the mixer until a homogenous consistency is achieved. For best result a mechanically power mixer should be used. Mix the composition with medium speed 400 — ‘500(qom) to get propery freshly grout. ACCA RorpuntoRhater MVN GROUT 725 GP Vita rét géc xi-mang, bu co ngot * Email: Hydraulic cement - based mineral aggregate non shrink grout Thicéng: Sau khi cé duoc hén hop vita déng nhét, tién hanh rét vita vao khuén qua phéu rot d& chuan bi s&n, nén rét via lién tuc va rot tl mét phia ca van khuén nham tranh tinh trang bi ng&m bot khi trong cu kién duoc rot vita. Voi khdi long vira thi céng lon cho méi cdu kién, 06 thé ap dung giai phap bom vira vao khuén qua phéu thao lap, duoc ché tao thich hop cho cau kién. Cac loai bom mang, bom truc vit va bom day pit-tong déu 6 thé dung thich hop cho bom vira. * Bao dwong: ‘Can bao duéng ngay cac phan bé mat jcdu kién vira sau khi hoan tat bang hop ichat bao dudng viva, bé-téng géc xi- mang, git? 4m cau kién bang cac loai vai \day tham uét nu@c lién tuc. + Vé sinh: ; Cc dung cy thi céng can vé sinh nga bang nudc sach sau khi thi céng dé d dang loai bé vira bam dinh trén dung cy * An toan: Vat ligu c6 tinh kiém cao trénh tiép xtc try tiép vat ligu voi da, hoac roi vao mat. Mang gang tay, ting, kinh bao hd, khdu trang khi thi céng. Tranh lam béc, phat tan bui nhiéu khi trén vita “© Placement Pour the mixed grout from only one side of the void, to eliminate the entrapment of air. The pouring side should be raised by means of a hopper or grout box to maintain a minimum 150mm head of grout at all mes. For larger pours the grout may be placed into a removable hopper. With large volumes have to be placed the grouting should be camied out by pump. A heavy duty diaphragm pump is recommended for this purpose. Screw feed and piston pumps may also be suitable. * Curing It is necessary to cure all exposed surfaces. The use of a concrete curing membrane, wet hessian or continuous water spray is recommended, * Cleaning All tools and equipment should be rinse with water immediately after use, clean and| remove all traces of grout. ‘ Health and Safety During use, avoid inhalation of dust and| contact with the skin and eyes. Wear! suitable clothing, gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment For further information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and read the product label carefully before use. ACCA RorpuntoRhater MVN GROUT 725 GP Vira rot géc xi-mang, bi co ngot Hydraulic cement - based mineral aggregate non shrink grout Thong sé ky thuat * Email: Déo Twlen Ham lvong nude 0.42 0.14 ‘Dé chy dan = 110% = 130(%) DO chay khéng dan 2 210(mm) Bat dau thr Shr két thic Shr Shr Co ngét Khong Khong i Ngay 225 MPa 222 MPa 3 Ngay > 35 MPa. >30 MPa. TNgay = 55 MPa 245 MPa 28 Ngay = 70 MPa| = 60 MPa Technical Data Consistency Plastic Flowable Water content 0.12 0.14 Flow Table 110% = 130(%) Flow Cone (cylinder) = 210(mm) Initial Thr Shes Final Shis Shrs ‘Shrinkage one none day 325 MPa 3 22MPa 3 days > 35 MPa > 30MPa 7 days > 55 MPa > 45 MPa 28 days = 70 MPa = 60 MPa

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