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sch RorpundtoRbaer MVN GROUT 925 SP Vira rot géc xi-mang, bu co ngét * Email: Hydraulic coment based mineral aggregate non shrink grout M6 ta Description MVN Grout 925SP Ia vira rét géc ximang, ‘bu co ngét co thdi gian cho phép thi céng kéo dai MVN Grout 925SP duoc thiét k& voi muc! dich truy€n tai bé mat higu qua va an toan, Ikét hop voi nhieng dac tinh chéng mai mon, ‘phat trién créng 46 udn va nén cao. MVN Grout 925SP duge thiét ké nhu Ia loai \vira rét chinh xac dé str dung trong cac linh’ vue nhw dinh vi bu-lon, bé may va thiét bi, tuoc-bin, thap nghién, may phat, ...MVN Grout 925SP cdn duoc str dung nhu’ [a loai \vira rét danh cho thi céng cdc loai chan dé ‘cOt thép, bé dudng ray, g6i cdu, cot dam duc s&n, cdc lop dém chan cét, dau cét| trong xay dung. Ngoai ra MVN Grout 925SP icdn duoc str dung trong mue dich tram stra ichiva cc 15 hdng, khe ho va céc muc dich ‘stra chira bé mat bé-tang khac. MVN Grout 925SP is a hydraulic cement- based mineral aggregate non-shrink grout with extended working time. MVN Grout 925SP is an ultra-high performance grout designed to transfer load effectively and safely, ensuring long service time of the grouted item. It is a non- corrosive, nonmetallic, mineral-based precision grout, developed to have high initial and ultimate flexural and compressive strengths MVN Grout 925SP is ideally suited for grouting machines or plates requiring precision load-bearing support, it can used for steel columns, bearing plates, anchor bolts, it also used for grouting of precast wall panels, beams, columns, curtain walls, concrete systems and other structural and non-structural building components. MVN Grout 925SP can be placed for repairing concrete, including grouting voids and rock pockets, Tiéu chuan ky thuat Standard Compliance - Tiéu chuan ky thuat ASTM C1107 - TCVN 9204 : 2012 Théng tin san pham - Meets the requirements of ASTM C1107 - Meets the requirements of TCVN 9204: 2012 Product Information ~ Dang san pham— bot mau xam - Déng g6i25kg/bao - Bao quan — Noi kh6 réo, thoang, han ché bi anh hudng truc tiép bdi nang, mua - Thdi han st» dung — T6i thiu 6 thang trong tinh trang bao quan dung cach , bao chuaméd. - Form/Color — Gray powder Packaging 25kg/bag - Storage — Keep in cool, clean and dry| condition - Shelf life — 6 months when properly stored! and unopened sch RorpundtoRbaer MVN GROUT 925 SP Viva rot géc xi-mang, bu co ngot Hydraulic cement based mineral aggregate non shrink grout * Email: Uu diém Product Highlights = C6 thé sir dung dé dang duéi cdc dang déo,tu Ién, long tay theo muc dich = Cuong 46 khang nén va knang uén rat cao '~ Khéng co ngét, kich thuéc én dinh, ~ Duy tri dc tinh linh d6ng theo thdi gian thich hop cho bién phép thi cong kéo dai - Dé dang thi céng theo phuong phap dé rot hoc bom + Kha nang chiu ing xuat cao, dm bao kha nang truyén tai t6t cho cac khdi lién két. - May be mixed to plastic, flowable, and fluid consistencies for ease of application. - Very high compressive strength and flexural strengths. - Extended working time - Suitable for pumping or pouring over large range of applications. - Non bleeding, segregation, _ or settlement shrinkage to provide maximum effective bearing area for optimum load transfer. Thi cong > Chudn bj bé mat: B& mat phai sach, bén chdc, khéng dinh| dau m6, bui ban, néu phat hién cé khuyét tat hoac cdc vét tap chat mém yéu, can cat) bo dé bao dam bé mat tiép xtc Iuén cng) chac, can lam bao hda nuéc cac bé mat bang cac giai phap thich hop. Khuén, cép- pha phai bao dam kin tranh bi ré ri vat liu, nwéc khi thi cong va trong qua trinh ninh két. St? dung dau béi khuén thich hop va du’ ligu lwong cho bé mat cép-pha. * Tron vira: Tuy theo lvong vira yéu cau cho cdu kién, cn chon khéi lvong mé tron thich hop dé dam bdo qua trinh thi céng duge lién tuc. Véi khéi long mé tron khac nhau cing can chon giai phap tron cho phi hop. Trong tat ca cc truéng hop, nén str dung o6i trén canh khuay voi toc d6 400 — 500 vong/phut dé cO duoc hén hop via tét nhat. Cho luong nuéc can dung (3.1 - 3.5 lit cho mot bao vira) vao céi trén, thém tir tir bét vira MVN Grout 925SP va khudy trén cho dén khi dat duoc hén hop vite ph hop cho qua trinh thi cOng thei gian trén khoang 3-5 phat. Application Instructions + Surface preparation All substrate surfaces should be sound, clean and free from dust, oil, grease or any loosely adherent materials. If the substrate surface is defective or contaminated it must be cut back to a sound base. After preparation is complete, saturate the surface with clean water for a minimum of four hours prior to grouting. Care should be taken to remove all surplus water prior to grouting. The formwork must be leak-proof, and suitable release agent should be applied to all surfaces of formwork. % Mixing Place estimated water (use potable water only) into the mixer, then slowly add the grout. For a fluid consistency, start with 3.1 = 3.5 kg of water per 25 kg bag. The water demand will depend on mixing efficiency, material, and ambient-temperature conditions. Adjust the water to achieve the desired flow. Mix grout between 3 and 5 minutes after all material and water is in the mixer until a homogenous consistency is achieved. For best result a mechanically power mixer should be used. Mix the composition with medium speed 400 — 500(rpm) to get properly freshly grout. sch RorpundtoRbaer MVN GROUT 925 SP Vita rét géc xi-mang, bi co ngét Hydraulic cement based mineral aggregate non Sen orout are * Email: + Thi cong: Sau khi cé duoc hén hop vita déng nhat, tién hanh rét vita vao khuén qua phéu rot! 4a chuan bi sn, nén rot vita lién tuc va rot) tr mét phia cia van khuén nham tranh tinh trang bi ngam bot khi trong cdu kién duoc| rot vita. V6i khéi Ivong vita thi céng lon cho méi cu kién,cé thé Ap dung gidi phap| bom vita vao khuén qua phéu thao ldp,| duge ché tao thich hop cho cdu kién. Cac) loai bom mang, bom truc vit va bom day) pit-tong déu co thé dung thich hop cho bom| via. + Bao duéng: Can bdo duéng ngay céc phan bé mat céu kién vita sau khi hoan tat bang hop chét bdo duéng vita, bé-tong gdc xi- mang, git? Am cau kién bang cac loai vai day thdm ut nude lién tuc. * Vésinh: Cée dung cy thi céng can vé sinh ngay bang nu@c sach sau khi thi céng dé dé dang loai bé vira bam dinh trén dung cu * An toan: Vat ligu cé tinh kiém cao tranh tiép xue true tiép vat ligu voi da, hoc roi vao mat. Mang gang tay, Ung, kinh bao hé, kndu trang Khi thi céng, Tranh lam béc, phat tan bui nhidu khi tron vira. + Placement Pour the mixed grout from only one side of the void, to eliminate the entrapment of air. The pouring side should be raised by means of a hopper or grout box to maintain @ minimum 150mm head of grout at all times. For larger pours the grout may be placed into a removable hopper. With large volumes have to be placed the grouting should be carried out by pump. A heavy duty diaphragm pump is recommended for this purpose. Screw feed and piston pumps may also be suitable. * Curing It is necessary to cure all exposed surfaces. The use of a concrete curing membrane, wet hessian or continuous water spray is recommended. “ Cleaning All tools and equipment should be rinse with water immediately after use, clean and) remove alll traces of grout. * Health and Safety During use, avoid inhalation of dust and| contact with the skin and eyes. Wear| Suitable clothing, gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment. For further information consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and read the product label carefully before use. sch Commute Rist MVN GROUT 925 SP Vita rét géc xi-mang, bi co ngét Hydraulic cement based mineral aggregate non * Email: Théng sé ky thuat chit Dio, wien chay Ham Weng nue a 1“ 48 chy ol Hox 0% ray ena a “oR Thora ony ior aia oh aia ie mr he ie ar gt pro 3 [Gueng 3 thang nen Naa aoa ESDP F25Na Noe e2hiPa— 2a0 MPa ‘35a Naby a faa pare nay OTP Technical Data Consistency Plastic | Flowable Flu ser con om 074 ore ‘iow Tabi 110% 130% “iow Cone (de) roman io ie of ea) 3s Seting ie Tia Tie hs ‘es Fal Sirs Sire Tas ‘Snags none mane rene Canpressve sieroth Tey =40MPa |=32MPs |S 25MPS sare Sa2uPa = 4OMPs |S 3BMPa Peay Glia /ES5MPa—*| 4 MPe eae =00MPa = 76MPa | S62MPa

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