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Dechosa, Renzie Sophia



Direction: Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer for each item of the questions
provided below.

1. "My sister speaks good English." Which word is a verb?

A. sister

B. speaks

C. good

2. Verbs are one type of word, and ______ are another type of word.

A. nouns

B. letters

C. sentences

3. How many different types of word, or "parts of speech", does English have?

A. five

B. seven

C. nine

4. Different parts of speech have different jobs. What do verbs like "run" and "learn" do?

A. express things

B. express actions

C. tell us more about a noun

5. "Let's watch a funny movie." Which word is a noun?

A. watch

B. funny

C. movie

6. "Do you like your new teacher?" Which word is an adjective?

A. like

B. new

C. teacher
7. Adjectives are words like "hot" and "loud" that tell us more about.

A. a noun

B. a verb adverb

8. Another part of speech is the adverb. These are words like "quickly" and "quietly" that tell us more

A. a noun

B. a verb

C. an adjective

9. "I always study hard before a test." In this sentence, which word is an adverb?

A. study

B. hard

C. test

10. "The test wasn't difficult, so I passed easily." The word "difficult" is?

A. a verb

B. an adverb

C. an adjective


She was wearing really beautiful earrings.

A. Adjective

B. Adverb

C. Noun

2. Wow, you have got a great score.

A. Conjunction

B. Interjection

C. Pronoun

3. The baby crawled under the bed.

A. Preposition

B. Conjunction
C. Adverb

4. She quickly packed her bag and left.

A. Noun

B. Adjective

C. Adverb

5. This is a depressing time to be living in London as people are arguing over the election.

A. Interjection

B. Adjective

C. Adverb

6. Take your first left then go over the bridge.

A. Noun

B. Preposition

C. Verb

7. There is a party next week though I don’t think I can go.

A. Preposition

B. Conjunction

C. Adverb

8. He thinks we will arrive at roughly 5pm.

A. Pronoun

B. Preposition

C. Conjunction

9. The music is very loud.

A. Adjective

B. Interjection

C. Noun

10. He goes to Spain often not only for the sun but also for the food.

A. Conjunction

B. Adverb

C. Preposition

1. He will visit his grandparents for two weeks this summer.

A. adverb

B. conjunction

C. noun

D. pronoun

2. Silently read your book.

A. adjective

B. adverb

C. preposition

D. verb

3. Hey! Put that down!

A. adjective

B. adverb

C. interjection

D. noun

4. Liam brought his notebook to class.

A. adverb

B. conjunction

C. noun

D. pronoun

5. Your test scores were almost perfect.

A. adjective

B. adverb

C. noun

D. pronoun

6. Please join us for the birthday party this afternoon.

A. conjunction

B. interjection
C. pronoun

D. verb

7. French onion soup is on the lunch menu.

A. adjective

B. adverb

C. conjunction

D. noun

8. The coach jumped for joy.

A. adjective

B. conjunction

C. preposition

D. verb

9. Classes will resume in the fall.

A. noun

B. preposition

C. pronoun

D. verb

10. I understand the directions.

A. interjection

B. noun

C. preposition

D. verb

11. Fathers and sons enjoy taking long fishing trips to the lake.

A. adverb

B. conjunction

C. noun

D. preposition

12. The postman will deliver it to your house

A. conjunction
B. interjection

C. pronoun

D. verb 1

3. She wore a beautiful dress to the party.

A. adjective

B. adverb

C. interjection

D. noun

14. Wow! That was scary.

A. interjection

B. noun

C. preposition

D. verb

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