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Level Sapphire base valid total gift valid final income

Target salary date hour split day

S <4000M 3000000 22 80 65% base salary+gift

idr:196$ split

SS ≥4000M 4500000 22 88 70% ≥60 base salary+gift

idr:294$ min split

SSS ≥7500M 7500000 0 0 72% base salary+gift

idr:490$ split

Notes : anchor belongs to the S level, or the SS or SSS level, which is

determined by the anchor's income

If the anchor's income is less than 4000M sapphire, but the time target of

22 days and 80 hours is not completed, the anchor's income will be

calculated according to the komisi of ordinary anchors;If the anchor's

income is less than 4000M sapphire, but the time target is met, the

anchor's income=base salary+gift split =3,000,000idr+total income*65%

If 4000M ≤sapphire<7500M, the anchor belongs to the SS level, the

anchor income=base salary+gift split =4,500,000idr+total income*70%,

and the anchor does not need to complete any time goals, and live

broadcast freely

If the anchor's income is greater than or equal to 7500M sapphire, the

anchor belongs to the SSS level, the anchor's income = base salary+gift

split =7,500,000idr+total income*72%, and the anchor does not need to

complete any time goals, live broadcast freely, and get additional

rewards for popular positions, H5 Home recommendation, etc.

An additional point: Hosts above SS and SSS levels will receive official

dreamlive traffic support, create a star program, get more help, contact

the administrator, etc. The administrator will keep in touch with the host,

listen to opinions, etc. More benefits will continue in the future Increase

S Policy Host Qualification Acquisition Channel: The administrator unilaterally

invites the host to join

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