As You Like It

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The time when France used to be divided into provinces/dukedoms,

there reigned an usurper(one who siezes power through unrighful
means) Duke Fredrick who had removed the rightful duke, his own
bro,from the thrown.
The rightful duke thus was dragged away from his dukedom and he
went to the forest of Arden with fellow faithful followers. There, he
lived with his loved ones who put themselves into this voluntary exile
just for his sake hence their properties and revenues came under
Duke Fredrick.
they all led a carefree life with ease which was sweeter than the
uneasy and pomp(show of magnificence) splendour(grandeour) of
a courtier's life
They all lived like Old Robin Hood of England
In summers, they would lay in the shade of large trees, enjoying the
playful sports of wild deers, they were really fond of those poor
spotted fools (native inhabitants of the forest) they would feel sad to
kill them for venison ( meet of deer).
during winters, the duke patiently endures the cold winds and say,"
these chilling winds that blow over my body are my true
counsellors: they don't flatter and honestly introduce me to my
reality and though they bite sharply ( they cause pain) their teeth is
better than unkindness and ingratitude. I think that though some
people speak against adversity ( ) some sweet uses can be
derived from it like the jewel(that's imp in medicines) which is taken
from the head of the venomnous toad."
the duke saw a useful moral in everything he saw and it can be
claimed by: "he could find tongues in trees, books in running
brooks(streams), sermons( ) in stones and good in everything"
Celia used to strive by every means in her power to make amends to
Rosalind for what her(celia's) father did to hers(rosalind's).
Rosalind spoke so kindly to him with such consideration for the
danger he was about to undergo, all his thoughts shifting from
backing out from the match to making him distinguish as a
courageous man in Roaalind's(referred as lovely lady) eyes.
he refused them with utmost graceful and modest words- " I am
sorry to deny such fair and beautiful ladies anything but let your
fair eyes and gentle wishes go with me to my trial. I shall do my
friends no wrong as I have no one who would lament (express grief
for) and I would cause no injury to the world as I have nothing in it.
I only fill up a space which will be better if it is empty."
his loneliness, wish to die made Rosalind think that he is also
unfortunate just like her and she pitied him badly, took a really deep
interest in his danger while he was wrestling : SHE FELL IN LOVE
the ladies' kindness gave him courage and strength, MIRACLE, he
conquered the antagonist who has so much hurt that he could move
or speak for a while.
Rosalind- "if only I had known that this man is the son of Sir
Rowland de Boys, I would have added tears to my entreaties before
he ventured for the wrestling."
after the match, the ladies spoke kind and encouraging words for
him and while they were going away, Rosalind turned and spoke
more civil and kind things + gave him a chain taking off from her
neck and said- " brother, wear this for meh, I'm out of suits with
fortune (not so rich) or I would have given you a more valuable
Fredrick was furious at Orlando which reminded of the many
people which followed the rightful duke and his malice broke
against Rosalind bcz people praised her for her virtues and pitied
her for her misfortune and her father's sake + he decided to banish
her from the dukedom.
Celia- " I entreat you to let her stay bcz before I was too young to
value her but now that I know her worth and the fact that we have
slept, ate, played, learned together, I cannot live without her
company. "
Fredrick- " she's too subtle for you, her smoothness,silence,
patience, the way she speaks to people make others love and pity
her. You're a fool if you beg for her bcz you will be more bright and
virtuous if she's gone so don't speak in her favour as the curse that
I have put upon her is irrevocable(irreversible) "
the two ladies decided to dress as countrymaids for their safety nd
rosalind thought that it would be safer if one of them was man and
as Rosalia was taller, she disguised herself as a man named as
Ganymede and his disguised sister, Aliena.
Forest of Arden was beyond the duke's dukedom.
Ganymede and Aliena bought the house and sheep of the shepherd
and so lived in a cottage with well supplied provisions and decided
to stay there only until they find the part of the forest where the
duke resided.
While dying, Sir Rowland de Boys charged Oliver with the
responsibility to provide Orlando a good education and raise him to
be a dignified person of their ancient house but Oliver proved to be
an unworthy brother. (he kept Orlando completely neglected and
Oliver envied Orlando for his divine manners so much that he tried
destroying him.
He set some people on Orlando to persuade him into fighting against
the famous wrestler who had killed a number of men
The neglect of Oliver made Orlando think of dying as the only
family he has wanted him dead so he felt quite friendless.
After he found out that Orlando was successful in defeating the
mighty wrestler, he decided to set fire in his chamber while he’s
He was overheard making his vow by an old friend of Sir Rowland
(name: Adam) so Adam went out to meet Orlando & said – “ O my
gentle master, my sweet master! O ye memory of Sir Rowland! Why
are you victorious? why are u so gentle strong and valiant? Why
would you be so fond to overcome the famous wrestler?”
When Orlando was searching for food for Adam( he was really
tired) he came to the place where the duke lived & at that time, the
duke and his mates were having their dinner( duke seated on the
grass under no canopy other than the shady covert of some large
Orlando drew his sword intending to grab some food forcefully &
said “Forebear and eat no more, I must have your food”
Hearing this the duke said if distress had made him so bold or he
was a rude despiser of good manners?
Orlando told that he was dying of hunger so the duke asked him to
sit down and eat with them.
The duke and his folks fed Adam and Orlando, cheered his heart, he
revived and recovered his strength and power.
The duke took him and Adam into his protection when he found out
his parentage.
Ganymede and Aliena were surprised to see GANYMEDE carved
on trees and love sonnets attached to them, while they wandered
through the forest wondering who could this be, they met Orlando.
When they met, Orlando found some similarity b/w Ganymede and
Rosalind but had no dignified deportment of Rosalind
Ganymede observing the forward manners in young men talked to
Orlando with archness and humor and said – “who haunts our
forests and spoils the young trees with carving “Rosalind” upon
their barks ____________________________ all praising the same
Rosalind if I could find this lover I would give him some advice/
counsel to cure him with his love”
The cure Gany told Orlando was that he had to come to the cottage
where gany and aliena lived and gany would fake himself as
Rosalind and Orlando had to court her just the way he would
actually talk to Rosalind , in return, Gany would give a response to
Orlando’s kind words how ladies give to their lovers
This way they talked every day with fine words but this didn’t
actually help Orlando cure with his love, Rosalind
Ganymede liked this play bcz she knew that all these kind words
were reaching the right person.
Good Aliena let her have fun and didn’t care to remind Gany that
lady Rosalind hasn’t introduced herself to her father, the duke yet.
Once ganymede met the duke and the duke asked him about his
parentage and gany replied that he came from a family that was as
good as his. This made the duke smile and ganymede decided that it
would be appropriate to disclose further explanations after some
Once when orlando was going to meet ganymede he saw a man lying
asleep and a snake twisted around his ankle when he got closer, the
snake glided away in the shrubs and Orlando saw a lioness watching
the sleeping man with cat-like watch wanting him to wake up as
lions don’t prey for something that’s dead or sleeping. He realized
that the sleeping man was his own bro oliver who have tried killing
him and once thought of leaving him with his fate with the lioness
but brother’s affection took over his anger, he drew his sword and
attacked the lioness and slew her, he saved his bro’s life both from
the snake and the lioness though he saved his life the lioness had
torn one of Orlando’s arm with her sharp claws.
Shame and remorse seized Oliver when he saw that his brother,
whom he mistreated, was saving his life from the wild beast.
Orlando forgave him after seeing his genuine remorse and from that
time, Oliver loved his brother even though he had come to the forest
to destruct Orlando
The sincere sorrow that Oliver expressed for his wrongdoings
instantly made Aliena fall for him and Oliver, who deeply observed
how Aliena pitied him for the distress he felt for his past actions,
also, instantly fell for her.
Oliver had thought of marrying Aliena, living as a shepherd and
settle his house and estate upon Oliver
While Ganymede and Orlando were talking about the sudden love
that grew between Aliena and Oliver, Orlando told him how deeply
he wishes to marry Rosalind on the same day.
Ganymede said that he would engage to make Rosalind come to the
wedding in person and also agree to marry Orlando.
Ganymede said that he would do so with the help of magic that he
had learnt from his uncle who was a famous magician.
Ganymede- “therefore put on your best clothes and bid the duke
and his friends to your wedding, for you if desire to be married to
her, Rosalind shall be here.”
The duke hearing that his own daughter has to be brought here in
that strange manner asked Orlando if he believed the shepherd boy
After Ganymede took the consent of Rosalind’s marriage from duke
and Orlando
Ganymede and Aliena then went out together and Ganymede left his
manly attire and got dressed in woman’s clothing and became
Rosalind with the power of magic and Aliena changed her
countrymaid clothes and again dressed in her richly garments.
When she went back to the crowd, she threw herself on the knees
before her father, seeking his blessings told him all about her story:
the banishment, residing in a cottage disguised as a shepherd boy
and her cousin, Celia pretending to be sister.
The couples were married at the same time though there was no
grand wedding but no other wedding was happier than this.
While the good duke and the couples were having venison as their
food an unexpected messenger came to inform that the good duke’s
dukedom has been restored.
Duke Fredrick was furious at his daughter for leaving the dukedom
for the sake of Rosalind which reminded him of the intellectual men
who would serve as a great resource for the dukedom but had quit
the life just to join the lawful duke in his exile. Envying his brother,
he headed a force and marched towards the forest of Arden to seize
his brother and kill him and his followers (by his sword)
His evil intention was soon destroyed after he met a hermit in the
skirts of the forest whom he talked to and at the end of the
conversation, his wicked heart was purified.
He decided to spend some days at a religious house
The first act of his penitence was to send a messenger to the rightful
duke offering him his dukedom
This joyful news heightened the festive of the weddings
Celia congratulated Rosalind for her good fortune even though she’s
no longer the heir after her father gave the dukedom to Rosalind’s
father but still they was no jealously or envy mixed in their

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