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There are many different types of management, each with its own unique approach to achieving

organizational goals. Some of the most common types of management include:

Autocratic management: This type of management is characterized by a top-down approach, with the
manager making all of the decisions and employees simply following orders. Autocratic management
can be effective in some situations, such as when quick decisions need to be made or when employees
need clear direction. However, it can also lead to employee dissatisfaction and low morale.

Autocratic managementOpens in a new window

Autocratic management

Democratic management: This type of management is characterized by a more collaborative approach,

with the manager and employees working together to make decisions. Democratic management can be
effective in building employee engagement and trust, but it can also be slower and more time-
consuming than autocratic management.

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Democratic management

Laissez-faire management: This type of management is characterized by a hands-off approach, with the
manager giving employees a lot of freedom to make their own decisions. Laissez-faire management can
be effective when employees are highly motivated and self-directed, but it can also lead to chaos and
confusion if employees are not properly managed.

Laissez-faire managementOpens in a new window

Laissez-faire management

Transformational management: This type of management is characterized by a focus on inspiring and

motivating employees to achieve great things. Transformational managers are often charismatic and
visionary, and they are able to create a sense of excitement and purpose among their employees.
Transformational management can be very effective in driving organizational change and innovation.

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Transformational management
The best type of management for a particular organization will depend on a number of factors, including
the size of the organization, the industry it is in, and the culture of the organization. There is no one-size-
fits-all approach to management, and managers need to be flexible and adaptable in their approach.

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