2022-23 Biography Dos and Donts

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Biography Guidelines – Do’s and Don’ts

Prepared by Syllabus Unit

Things to consider while doing your Biography:
1. Your teachers check and give you feedback on your biography tasks so update your
work accordingly.
2. Do all tasks on the dates assigned. If you do it after, your tasks will be considered late.
3. Think carefully and be honest when you complete the self-reflection form.
4. Your progress is also a part of assessment criteria so
a. Use your teachers’ feedback and correct your mistakes regularly (i.e., don’t
leave it to the submission date)
b. Consider student self-reflection task and your teachers’ feedback for speaking
& writing and identify your weak areas that you need to work on
c. Work on your weak areas by;
 Making a study plan & updating regularly
 Using suggested extra practice resources (see pages learning outcomes)
5. Record your biography speaking tasks and upload them on Moodle. If not, your
speaking tasks will be considered incomplete.
6. Follow the word and time limits for the speaking and writing tasks
7. Take the full responsibility of your work

1. If you are absent and miss any of the scheduled speaking tasks, your teachers will
arrange for you to do your task(s) again and upload on Moodle or it/they will be
considered incomplete.
2. Don’t expect your teacher to remind you to complete your missing tasks. They are
your responsibility
3. Don’t write down your dialogues, discussions and read them out-loud.
4. Don’t cheat or copy from a friend and/or the Internet. If you do so, your task(s) will
not be graded.
5. Your biography is officially graded once a semester. However, there are on time
submission deadlines throughout the semester. If you submit assignments after the on
time submission deadline you will be penalized so don’t submit your work late!

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