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What is steady
state theory
steady-state theory, in cosmology, a view that the
universe is always expanding but maintaining a
constant average density, with matter being
continuously created to form new stars and
galaxies at the same rate that old ones become
unobservable as a consequence of their increasing
distance and velocity of recession.

What is the difference

between bigbang and
steady-state theory?
The difference between the two is that the Big Bang
theory assumes that the universe is expanding, but
still cooling down from the event of the big bang
millions of years ago; the steady-state universe
theory merely assumes that the universe is
expanding but not only in size, in the number of its
galaxies as well.

What is the
difference between
Steady State Theory discusses that the universe
has always been there and will always be present. Steady state and
Oscillating Universe Theory discusses that the oscillating theory
universe is expanding and will contract once all
the energy after the Big Bang is used up. The
collapsing of the universe will then lead to the
formation of a new universe.

Who is
nt of steady
propon Fred Hoyle was the champion of the
tate theory?
s Steady State theory. He, Tommy Gold,
and Hermann Bondi developed this
theory after seeing the movie Dead of
Night, which ends the way it begins.
Hoyle thought that the universe could
be unchanging but dynamic

Drawback of
steady state - Radio galaxies and quasars that are
theory. only observed at high redshifts & not

-it is also violate the law of

conservation of mass and energy.

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