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Assignment 1 - The Dengvaxia Controversy

Based on the news report of Failon Ngayon about the Dengvaxia Controversy, answer the
following questions:

a. What do you think is the impact of this controversy on the overall promulgation of
Healthcare in the Philippines?
I think this controversy has led to people not trusting the credibility of filipino healthcare
workers for a while.

b. Who do you think should be responsible for the mess that happened? Why do you think
It is whoever approved of dengvaxia to be distributed and given to people. Because if he or she
hasn’t approved of it then it would not have been given to medical centers throughout the
country, thus preventing people from dying in vain.

c. What possible solutions can you provide or suggest to solve this controversy?
This controversy would have been avoided if only they tested it more and found out it was lethal
to people who already had dengue.

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