Paper 3 (Unit 3) - Grade 6 - F4 - ELTP - English Code

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Name : _________________ (Paper 3 Unit 3) D. Read and complete.

sell loss earn price

A. Read and choose. products profit advertisement
1. You must / should start a small business.
1. Before you ________________ a product, you must first
It's a good idea.
think of a suitable ________________.
2. You mustn’t / must push the other players. Pushing
2. You can ________________ money in many different ways
isn't acceptable.
than just selling.
3. You must / should buy a ticket before the event or you
3. When business people make a ________________, they
can't enter.
usually invest it in something clever.
4. You must / shouldn’t charge high prices at first.
4. If people don't buy your ________________, then you report
You can raise them later when your business is more
a ________________
5. You can get more customers if you put an ________________
B. Read and complete.
has to don’t have to doesn’t have to have to E. Read the situation and ask for help.
1. You are a tourist in London. You want to go to the
National Art Gallery, but you don't know where it is.
1. Children ___________________ pay to enter the fair.
Ask someone to help you. ________________________________
It's free.
2. You ___________________ pay with cash. We don't accept
cards. 2. You want to carry your grocery shopping to the car, but
3. She ___________________ go to the fair if she doesn't want the bags are too heavy. Ask your friend for help.
to. ______________________________________________________________
4. He ___________________ bring prizes for the competition 3. You forgot your cell phone and must send a text
he organizes. People expect prizes. message to your mom. Ask your teacher to use his/her
phone. ______________________________________________________
C. Look and complete the sentences using the words
in the box. F. Read the requests and respond politely.
1. A tourist stops you in the street and says: "Excuse me,
School Book Fair
could you tell me where the bus station is?"
Prices: Adults 50 cents Children FREE! ______________________________________________________________
You can only buy tickets from your teacher.
2. You are entering the bank and an elderly lady says to
Don’t forget to bring old books to sell on the stalls.
It's very important. you: "Would you please hold the door for me?"
Do volunteer on a stall to help the school if you have time. ______________________________________________________________
Please remember to invite all your family!
3. You are in the post office writing something on a piece
It’s a good idea to be enthusiastic when selling the books.
It’s not a good idea to eat next to the book stalls. of paper and a man asks: "Could I borrow your pen for
Don't do this. a second, please?"
don’t have to (2) have to must
mustn’t should (2) G. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
advertisement cash invent price save spend
1. Adults _______________ pay 50 cents but children
1. Don't ________________ all your money on candy.
_______________ pay anything.
________________ your money for something special!
2. You _______________ remember to bring old books.
2. Our teacher asked us if anyone could ________________ a
3. You _______________ volunteer but you _______________ tell
game for the competition.
your family about the book fair.
3. Are all the paintings the same ________________?
4. You _______________ be enthusiastic when selling the
4. I'd like to start a business and make some extra
5. You _______________ eat at the book fair.
5. I made an ________________and many people saw it.
H. Complete the sentences with one word in each M. Read and complete the polite questions.
space. 1. You are at school. You want to draw but don't have any
1. Children __________________ wait in line to get their food at coloring pencils. You would like to borrow some from a
the school cafeteria. friend.
2. Would you do me a _______________ and give me a pen, Could ______________________________________________, please?
3. You __________________ put a coat on, because it might get 2. You need to print the advertisement that you made, but
cold at night. you don't know how to use the printer. You ask a friend
4. Eric doesn't __________________to go to university if he to help you.
doesn't want to. Would you do me a favor and _____________________________,
5. __________________ I borrow your book for a moment, please?
3. You are doing a school project. You need to interview
I. Put the words in order. someone for it. Ask a friend.
1. please? / open / you / the door / would
Could ______________________________________________, please?
2. money / some / borrow / could / please? / I 4. You are at the school fair. You want to enter a
______________________________________________________________ competition. Ask the person at the stall.
3. for me / you / read / please? the sign / could
Could ______________________________________________, please?
4. would / do me a favor / you / and / please? help me N. Look at the pictures and match to the rules.
You must tell the
J. Read and choose.
teachers what you
1. Would you / I do me a favor and pass me that glass,
are selling at the fair.
2. Would / Could I borrow a dictionary, please?
3. Could we / you see your sources for the article, please?
4. Could you / I do me a favor and close the window,
5. Could / Would we work together on the project, You should buy
please? tickets before the
fair day.
K. Read and match.
price when you put money away
for a special reason
save to create something new
advertisement a way to let people know You must tell the
about something teachers what you are You have to put
cash how much a thing costs selling at the fair. prices on things.
earn when you make money by
invent another word for money

L. Read and complete.

invent product have price earn
shouldn’t save spend advertisement must Your prices
shouldn’t be high.
In order to become successful and ________________ money,
you ________________ plan your business well. First, you
________________ only think about profit. You ________________ to
think of a ________________ and ________________ something
new. Then, you need to work out the ________________ of what
you will sell and how much you will ________________ to make You must come to
it. Then, it's a good idea to have an ________________ on the the playground
before the fair
internet and of course, ________________ some money to
create something else!

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