Tugas Dialog - Muhammad Irham Malik

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Muhammad Irham Malik

Asking and Offering
One day in the national library, Irham met his classmates Malik
Irham : Hi Malik, what’s up?
Malik : Oh hi, great to see you. I’m good.
Irham : Nice to hear that.
Malik : uhmmm….Do you come here often?
Irham : Yup, library is my favorite place, this place is really good
to rest my mind and read some book. What about you?
Malik : Well uhmm…Actually it’s my first time here, I’m so amazed by
this library. Its massive and beautiful.
Irham : It is…. That’s the other reason why I love this library. By the
way, you look so confuse. Need help?
Malik : Yeah, I am searching the Creative Industry book, Mr. Rifqan
gave me extra assignment to bring that book because I got 50
on my exam.
Irham : Ah I see… Follow me, I’ve seen that book in third floor.
Malik : Woah….Thanks for your help, I don’t know what happen to
if I don’t meet you. Maybe I’ll get punishment tomorrow. And
I’ve been here for 2hours because I can’t find that book LOL.
Irham : Hahaha….Don’t be like that, that’s what friend to do.

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