Classical Hallucinogens As Antidepressants - A Review of Pharmacodynamics and Putative Clinical Roles

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TPP0010.1177/2045125314527985Therapeutic Advances in PsychopharmacologyD Baumeister, G Barnes

Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology Review

Classical hallucinogens as antidepressants?

Ther Adv Psychopharmacol

2014, Vol. 4(4) 156­–169

A review of pharmacodynamics and putative DOI: 10.1177/


clinical roles
© The Author(s), 2014.
Reprints and permissions:

David Baumeister, Georgina Barnes, Giovanni Giaroli and Derek Tracy

Abstract: Hallucinogens have been part of spiritual practice for millennia, but controversy
surrounding their mind-manifesting effects led to their proscription by the mid-20th century,
largely without evidence of harm or toxicity and despite nascent data suggesting therapeutic
utility in treating depressive illnesses. This review explores their pharmacodynamic actions
and the current limited data on their clinic effectiveness. These drugs appear to exert their
psychedelic effects through their agonist or partial agonist activity at the serotonergic
5-HT2A receptor, though they also have affinity for other metabotropic serotonin receptors.
Hallucinogen binding affects a wide range of intracellular signalling pathways, the precise
nature of which remains incompletely understood. They alter the serotonergic tone of
brainstem raphe nuclei that project through the brain; they interact with receptors in the
prefrontal cortex altering connectivity patterns and intracellular functioning; and they
disrupt inhibitory control of sensory input via the thalamus to the cortex. The serotonergic
system has long been implicated in anxiety and depressive disorders, and is a major target of
Correspondence to:
most existing antidepressants. Classical hallucinogens alter the functioning of this system, Derek Tracy, MB BCh BAO
but not in the same way current medications do: whilst there are identified receptors and MSc MRCPsych
Consultant Psychiatrist,
neurotransmitter pathways through which hallucinogens could therein produce therapeutic Oxleas NHS Foundation
Trust, Princess Royal
effects, the neurobiology of this remains speculative at this time. There is currently an University Hospital,
extremely limited but growing literature on hallucinogen safety and clinical application. Orpington, BR6 8NY,
UK and Cognition,
The drugs appear well tolerated by healthy controls and clinical populations, and the rapid Schizophrenia and Imaging
Laboratory, Department
tolerance to repeated administration might reduce the possibility of dependency. Clinical trials of Psychosis Studies, the
reported over the past decade have generally shown positive therapeutic potential, but they Institute of Psychiatry,
King’s College London, UK.
are notably few in number. Legislative policy has had a freezing effect on evaluation of these derek.tracy@oxleas.
compounds, a better understanding of which might improve our knowledge of the processes
David Baumeister, BSc
involved in consciousness, the neuropathology of depression, and potentially open up new MSc
pharmacological therapies. Stress, Psychiatry and
Immunology Lab, Institute
of Psychiatry, Department
of Psychological Medicine,
Keywords: 5-HT2A, antidepressants, anxiety, depression, hallucinogen, LSD, psilocybin Kings College London,
London, UK
Georgina Barnes, BSc MSc
Cognition, Schizophrenia
and Imaging Laboratory,
Department of Psychosis
Studies, the Institute of
Introduction political response to an emerged counter-culture. Psychiatry, King’s College
London, UK
Hallucinogens have been employed entheogeni- A historical legacy of the United Nations Giovanni Giaroli, MD
cally in human spiritual practice for several mil- Convention on Psychotropic Substances [United MRCPsych
Cognition, Schizophrenia
lennia, often in shamanistic approaches to healing Nations, 1971] has been significant obstacles and and Imaging Laboratory,
or as a gateway for communication with deities. hurdles for scientific research using and investi- Department of Psychosis
Studies, the Institute of
Despite, or perhaps in reaction to, this rich tradi- gating hallucinogens, whose neuropharmacology Psychiatry, King’s College
tion, judicial processes in the 1960s and 1970s have remained incompletely understood London, UK
North East London
criminalized these substances without a clear sci- [Vollenweider and Kometer, 2010]. Recently, it Foundation Trust, London,
entific rationale, but more as a societal and has been argued that the scientific community UK

D Baumeister, G Barnes et al.

Table 1. Classical hallucinogens divided into the three biochemical classes of tryptamines, lysergamines and phenethylamines.
Psilocin, DMT and mescaline are naturally occurring, the rest are synthetic: this table is illustrative, and other compounds have been

Tryptamines Lysergamines Phenethylamines

Psilocin LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) Mescaline
DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine) LSP (lysergic acid 3-pentylamide) DOI (2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine)
5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-N,N- ETH-LAD (6-ethyl-6-nor-lysergic acid DOB (dimethoxybromoamphetamine)
dimethyltryptamine) diethylamide) 2C-B (4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine)
DET (N,N-diethyltryptamine) AL-LAD (6-allyl-6-nor-lysergic acid 2C-E (2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylphenethylamine)
5-MeO-DALT (N,N-diallyl-5- diethylamide) 25I-NBOMe (4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxy-N-(2-
methoxytryptamine) ALD-52 (N-acetyl-LSD) methoxybenzyl)phenethylamine)

itself must lead the case for change in policies, as discovered in the last decades) [Geyer et al. 2009].
current drug laws severely limit scientific explora- They appear to exert their effects through the ser-
tion of both neurobiological mechanisms and otonergic system, and there is a small but growing
clinical effects that may prove valuable in the body of research indicating that they may have
understanding of consciousness and mental ill- therapeutic effects in treating depressive and anxi-
ness, and offer novel therapies [Nutt et al. 2013]. ety disorders. This present paper will review recent
findings on neuropharmacological actions of these
Evaluation of acute drug effects demonstrate that drugs, consider how such pharmacodynamics
the term ‘hallucinogen’ is actually a misnomer, as might have clinical potential, and thereafter review
subjective effects do not include true hallucina- the current literature on trials in both healthy
tions, but rather perceptual alterations of real human participants and clinical populations. The
stimuli. However, although other names have paucity of recent research rendered a systematic
been suggested over the decades, ‘hallucinogens’ review of the topic not feasible, and a narrative
remains the most commonly used name for this description of the topic has been utilized.
class of substances [Nichols, 2004] and will be
adhered to in this review. Although several other
agents that may induce altered states of con- Pharmacodynamics and molecular biology
sciousness have been sometimes referred to as Despite the biochemical delineation of classical
hallucinogens, such as the psychotomimetic hallucinogens, there is extensive evidence that
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor antag- most of these substances, for example psilocybin
onist ketamine, the stimulant 3,4-methylenedi- and LSD, produce cross-tolerance [Nichols,
oxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) or the 2004]: pharmacodynamic research strongly indi-
dissociative opioid-κ agonist salvinorin A, these cates that the common psychedelic mechanism of
appear to be mediated by different receptor sys- action of these chemicals is through agonism on
tems, produce different neuropharmacological the serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptor [Presti and
and subjective psychological effects, and are Nichols, 2004] (see Figure 1) and the selective
beyond the scope of the present review: we refer 5-HT2A antagonist ketanserin and the partial
the interested reader to our recent meta-analysis antagonist risperidone have been shown to block
on ketamine [Caddy et al. 2014]. subjective psychedelic effects of psilocybin
[Vollenweider et al. 1998]. Classical hallucino-
Classical hallucinogens are typically divided in gens generally display a similar potency as ago-
three groups (see Table 1): tryptamines, such as nists for 5-HT2C and 5-HT1A receptors, although
psilocin (the psychoactive metabolite of psilocy- phenethylamines do not have high affinity for the
bin, contained in ‘magic’ mushrooms) and N,N- latter, as well as some degree of action on most
dimethyltryptamine (DMT, the psychoactive other serotonin receptor classes [Nichols, 2004].
compound of ayahuasca); lysergamines (a sub- Nonetheless, LSD, despite being one of the most
group of tryptamines), prominently lysergic acid potent of these agents, is only a relatively weak
diethylamide (LSD); and phenethylamines, such partial agonist on 5-HT2A [Nichols, 2004] and
as mescaline (the psychoactive compound of the further the partial 5-HT2A agonist lisuride has a
peyote cactus) and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphet- higher affinity for both 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C
amine (DOI, one of many synthetic hallucinogens receptors than LSD but nonetheless produces no 157
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 4(4)

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the psychedelic effects of classical hallucinogens. 1. Normal serotonergic
tone in the brain is maintained by the Raphe nuclei that have numerous projections to the prefrontal cortex
and subcortical structures. Classical hallucinogens may disrupt this through several mechanisms, including
binding with Raphe nuclei presynaptic 5HT1A receptors, altering serotonergic output to the rest of the
brain. 2. Hallucinogen binding with postsynaptic 5HT2A receptors in cortical neurons, particularly at cortical
layer V, may alter prefrontal glutamatergic signalling, and change cellular functioning through alteration of
protein expression, with complex manifestations in consciousness. 3. The prefrontal cortex ordinarily limits
sensory input through activation of intermediary GABAergic neurons in the reticular nucleus. Hallucinogen
binding disrupts this process through binding with reticular postsynaptic 5HT2A receptors, altering sensory
information to the cortex and the intrinsic activity of the sensory cortices.

hallucinogenic effect [Egan et al. 1998], suggest- pathway(s), although the broader biochemical
ing that whilst activation of 5-HT2A may be a cru- principle of signalling divergence and conver-
cial mediator of hallucinogenic effects it is not gence mean there is significant crossover between
sufficient for the emergence of psychedelic phe- subtypes, and no one receptor utilizes a single
nomena. Classical hallucinogens are also associ- transduction mechanism [Millan et al. 2008]. The
ated with a rapid induction of tolerance upon so-called ‘5HT2 family’ all use phospholipase C
repeated administration that is hypothesized to be (PLC) via Gq/11 as their major signalling route,
a result of 5-HT2A receptor downregulation, and and it consists of A, B and C subtypes. Activation
it has been argued that this property makes of the 5-HT2A receptor subtype stimulates phos-
dependence and frequent use less likely than pholipase C (PLC), which leads to downstream
other illicit drugs, as the psychoactive effects of, activation of protein kinase C (PKC) as well as
for example, LSD are abolished after 4 days of increased release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores
daily administration [Nichols, 2004]. [Brown and Tracy, 2013].

Serotonin receptors are a phylogenetically ancient, Serotonin receptors contain sites that can induce
heterotrimeric G-protein coupled receptor post-translational modification and thence the
(GPCR) class that is preserved in a very wide alteration of signal transduction. Noteworthy,
range of species. Its activation alters several differ- PKC isozymes alpha and/or epsilon appear to
ent intracellular secondary cascades [Wang et al. mediate the desensitization of 5-HT2A receptors
2013]. Receptors are divided into ‘families’ during intermediate (2–6 hours) but not later
depending upon their primary signalling (>24 hours) phases of DOI exposure [Roth et al.

D Baumeister, G Barnes et al.

1995]. PKC inhibition in the presence of ligand- side-to-side head movement rodents typically
binding prevents internalization, whereas specific exhibit in response to classic hallucinogens, and
activation of PKC in the absence of ligand-bind- DOI injection led to expression of c-fos in both
ing leads to internalization and subsequent recy- mGluR2-KO and wild-type mice, however egr-2
cling of 5-HT2A receptors to the membrane expression was abolished in mGluR2-KO mice
surface, suggesting endocytosis to be mediated by only. These findings suggest hallucinogenic
PKC [Bhattacharyya et al. 2002]. Interestingly, effects are mediated by co-activation of 5-HT2A
whilst serotonin-induced endocytosis has been and mGluR2, as well as Gi/o proteins and their
shown to lead to recycling of 5-HT2A receptors to downstream cascades.
the cell surface within 2.5 hours, activation of the
receptors by agents such as DOI prolongs the 5-HT2A receptors are located throughout several
recycling process to 7.5 hours, potentially depend- brain areas, most notably on the apical dendrites
ent on receptor dephosphorylation by protein of pyramidal neurons of Layer V projecting into
phosphatase 2A [Raote et al. 2013]. Although the Layer I of the cortex, as well as in the thalamus,
PLC pathway was originally assumed to be the specifically in the reticular nucleus, which regu-
main signalling pathway activated by hallucino- lates processing of signals from the thalamus to
gens, increasing evidence has emerged there is the cortex [Nichols, 2004]. The reticular nucleus
also independent stimulation of phospholipase A2 sends GABAergic projections to the thalamus,
(PLA2), which leads to the formation of arachi- inhibiting its activity and potentially allowing for
donic acid [Nichols, 2004]. more sensory information to pass through to
cortical areas. Psilocybin decreases metabolic
Further, long-term changes to intracellular sig- activity of parts of the thalamus in human sub-
nalling pathways may occur due to drug-induced jects [Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al. 1999; Carhart-
alterations in gene expression, with evidence Harris et al. 2012], and may thus underlie the
suggesting DOI may increase expression of sev- sensory alterations associated with hallucino-
eral genes including c-fos, arc, sgk, ania3 and egr- gens: it appears feasible to suggest that as the
2 [Leslie et al. 1993; Pei et al. 2000; Nichols and thalamic filtering of information decreases, the
Sanders-Bush, 2002]. In mice, Gonzalez-Maeso infamous ‘doors of perception’[Huxley, 1954]
and colleagues obtained evidence that gene open wider.
expression differs depending on the hallucino-
genic properties of 5-HT2A agonist effects, with Despite the common shared mechanisms, indi-
data suggesting that whilst both LSD and lisu- vidual agents vary in their exact pharmacody-
ride induce expression of c-fos in several brain namic activities regarding both receptor affinity
regions, including the prefrontal cortex (PFC), as well as the degree of subsequent activation of
cingulate cortex and somatosensory cortex, egr-1 intracellular signalling pathways, commonly
and egr-2 signalling in the same regions is acti- termed functional selectivity [Nichols, 2004;
vated only by LSD [Gonzalez-Maeso et al. Wacker et al. 2013]: the importance of these vari-
2007]. Pretreatment of cell cultures with pertus- ations is incompletely understood, although drug
sis toxin (PTX), which prevents the ability of consumers have long anecdotally recognized and
PTX-sensitive Gi/o proteins to interact with reported differences in their effects. Further, the
GPCRs, affected only gene expression pathways half-life of the substances also differs slightly, with
elicited by LSD, but not lisuride. Downstream psilocybin staying psychoactive for 4–6 hours in
effects of Gi/o proteins include activation of Src, human participants, whereas LSD can last for up
inhibition of which also led to attenuation of to 12 hours [Nichols, 2004].
LSD-specific gene response patterns [Gonzalez-
Maeso et al. 2007]. Moreno and colleagues elab-
orated on this showing that a complex of 5-HT2A Electrophysiological and neuroimaging data
with the metabotropic glutamate receptor Recent electroencephalography (EEG) data
mGluR2 may underlie the hallucinogen-specific [Kometer et al. 2013] evaluated cortical excitabil-
signalling cascades and some of the cellular and ity and early visual-evoked P1 and N170 poten-
behavioural effects [Moreno et al. 2011]: when tials in 17 healthy participants administered either
compared with wild-type mice mGluR2-knock- psilocybin (215 µg/kg) or placebo, having been
out (KO) mice injected with LSD and DOI did pretreated with either the 5HT2A antagonist ket-
not show the head-twitch response, a rapid anserin or placebo. The electrophysiological 159
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 4(4)

results demonstrated that psilocybin significantly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
altered visual processing, and the authors argued remain incompletely understood. There are (at
this may demonstrate that 5HT2A agonism leads a least) 14 5HT receptor subtypes, with differen-
large increase in spontaneous neuronal excite- tial serotonin affinity, varying localization presyn-
ment modulated by increased α oscillations, aptically and postsynaptically and topographically
which overwhelms cortical excitation from exter- through the brain, although all, except for the
nal stimuli. 5HT3 receptor, are GPCRs [Millan et al. 2008;
Vitalis et al. 2013]. An influential model, though
With the shift towards sensory awareness, self- not without criticism, is the so-called Deakin/
referential processes may decrease. Evidence Graeff hypothesis [Deakin and Graeff, 1991]
recently obtained through functional magnetic that posits that specific serotonergic networks
resonance imaging (fMRI) in 15 healthy volun- have a role in coordinating physiologically com-
teers showed significant decreases in cerebral plex evolved responses to stress, which, depend-
blood flow in the thalamus, hypothalamus, the ing upon environmental circumstances and
anterior and posterior cingulate cortices and large pathway activation, may be either anxiogenic or
parts of the PFC including the medial PFC anxiolytic. Further, differential dysfunction of
(mPFC), lateral orbitofrontal cortex and the fron- these pathways may lead to mental illnesses. A
tal gyri following intravenous injection of 2 mg of refined version of this model, based upon the
psilocybin [Carhart-Harris et al. 2012]. Further recent review by Paul and Lowry [Paul and
analysis of the sample revealed increased func- Lowry, 2013], states the following.
tional connectivity of the so-called default-mode
network (DMN), comprised of the posterior cin- •• The median dorsal raphe forebrain bundle
gulate cortex, mPFC and lateral inferior parietal projects to the hippocampus and limbic
cortex, and the task-positive network (TPN), system, and released serotonin binds pri-
comprised prefrontal and parietal structures marily with postsynaptic 5HT1A receptors
[Carhart-Harris et al. 2013]. These anticorrelated in these brain regions. This pathway has
networks are associated with non-goal-orientated putative roles in developing tolerance or
introspection and goal-directed attentional tasks, resilience to chronic stressors, allowing hip-
respectively [Tracy and Shergill, 2013]. pocampally mediated behavioural adaption.
Dysfunction is hypothesized to be associ-
The single positron emission tomography (PET) ated with depression.
study on cortical changes induced by psilocybin •• The lateral dorsal raphe nuclei act as an
[Vollenweider et al. 1997] demonstrated a global inhibitory restraint, diminishing ‘fight or
increase in cerebral activity, markedly so in fron- flight’ reactions to stressors, primarily via
tomedial, frontolateral, anterior cingulate and 5HT1A and 5HT2A receptors. Such a reac-
temporomedial cortices, as well as the basal gan- tion might afford more nuanced anticipa-
glia and thalamus. Notably, current research on tory anxiety response to more distal threats.
neurological effects induced by classical halluci- Dysfunction, and thus failure to inhibit
nogens in healthy volunteers is too sparse to be such responses, may be linked with panic
able to draw more definite conclusions about the attacks.
effects of classical hallucinogens on neural •• The caudal aspects of the dorsal raphe
activity. nuclei that project to the limbic system,
hippocampus and prefrontal cortex enhance
stress-related processes in reaction to stress-
Pharmacotherapeutic models for classical ors, primarily via 5HT2A/2C and 5HT3
hallucinogens receptors. Such a response might be most
appropriate when faced with imminent
The Deakin/Graeff hypothesis dangers. Dysfunction may be associated
A role for the serotonergic system in anxiety and with anxiety disorders.
depressive disorders is long established though
the precise physiological roles of the subsystems, Whilst there is good empirical evidence to sup-
their varying dysfunction in mental illnesses, and port this physiological model, linkage with mental
the exact therapeutic mechanisms of action of illness, and the precise effects of medications
actions of even very well studied drugs such as remain only partially understood. We refer the

D Baumeister, G Barnes et al.

interested reader to Deakin’s reappraisal of his inhibits dopaminergic neurons in the ventral
hypothesis [Deakin, 2013]. tegmental area [De Deurwaerdere et al. 2004],
which, next to issues of tolerance, may contrib-
ute to the low addictive potential of classical
Post-mortem studies hallucinogens.
There is evidence for increased cortical 5-HT2A
receptor expression in post-mortem samples of
depressed and suicidal patients [Pandey et al. Animal models: 5HT1A
2002; Mendelson, 2000; Shelton et al. 2009], but 5-HT1A receptors can have roles as presynaptic
also decreased 5-HT2A binding in hippocampal autoreceptors on serotonergic neurons and thus
areas of depressed patients [Sheline et al. 2004]. inhibit neuronal firing and release of vesicular
The 5-HT2A receptor may thus play a role in the serotonin. However, the receptor type is also
regulation of mood state, particularly evidenced expressed postsynaptically, with high densities
by modulation of anxiety behaviours in animal in the hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala
models [Weisstaub et al. 2006]. Notably, induc- and cingulate and entorhinal cortices [Celada
tion of learned helplessness in rats is associated et al. 2013]. PET has consistently shown
with 5-HT2A upregulation in cortical areas reduced postsynaptic binding potential in the
[Dwivedi et al. 2005]. Moreover, increased amygdala, hippocampus and medial PFC of
5-HT2A receptor densities in post-mortem PFCs depressed patients, receptor agonists such as
of depressed patients are associated with buspirone have been shown to exert antidepres-
decreased activity of protein kinase A, but not sant and anxiolytic effects, and further 5-HT1A
PKC [Shelton et al. 2009]. Although the psyche- KO mice show increased anxiety resistant to
delic effects of classical hallucinogens appear antidepressant treatment [Savitz et al. 2009].
likely to be due to agonist action on the 5-HT2A Further, activation of the 5-HT1A receptor may
receptor, binding to 5-HT2C and 5-HT1A recep- have analgesic effects on acute, tonic and
tors [Nichols, 2004] have also been implicated in chronic nociceptive pain in animal models simi-
depressive and anxiety disorders and treatment lar to those of opiate-based agents [Colpaert
thereof. et al. 2006]. The modification of the various
serotonin receptor activities by classical halluci-
nogens may thus hypothetically impact on
Animal models: 5HT2C mood and exert potential therapeutic effects
Increased expression of 5-HT2C receptors in the through these mechanisms, although this issue
forebrain is associated with anxiety-like behav- remains speculative.
iours and reduced activity in animal models,
whilst knockout mice show a blunted response
of the amygdala in response to anxiety stimuli Modulation of glutamatergic functioning:
[Kimura et al. 2009]. Conversely, post-mortem altering BDNF and neurogenesis
investigation in depressed patients has found Several studies have presented evidence that
decreased 5-HT2C densities in prefrontal cortex there is an increase of glutamate-dependent
[Pandey et al. 2006]. Activation of 5-HT2C activity in prefrontal areas, induced by agonism
receptors in the paraventricular nucleus of the of 5-HT2A receptors by classical hallucinogens
hypothalamus increases secretion of corticotro- [Aghajanian and Marek, 1997, 1999; Beique
pin-releasing hormone and may thus form a link et al. 2007]. Based on this finding, Vollenweider
between serotonergic systems and activation of and Kometer have suggested that the indirect
the HPA axis, based on observations in knock- activation of glutamate networks by classical hal-
out mice [Heisler et al. 2007]. However, there is lucinogens enhances neuroplasticity, specifically
also evidence that agonist action on 5-HT2C so via the AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-
may have antidepressant-like effects in animal 4-isoxazole-propionic acid) receptor, with subse-
models, as reported by Rosenzweig-Lipson and quent downstream increases in the cellular
colleagues acute administration of the selective protein brain-derived neurotrophic factor
agonist WAY-163909 decreased immobility in (BDNF) [Vollenweider and Kometer, 2010].
the forced swim test as well as aggression in res- This is supported by the finding that agonist
ident-intruder settings, suggesting a rapid onset action on the 5-HT2A receptor may lead to
of effects [Rosenzweig-Lipson et al. 2007]. increased expression of BDNF in prefrontal areas
Interestingly, activation of 5-HT2C receptors [Kometer and Vollenweider, 2010]. 161
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 4(4)

BDNF, amongst other proteins that may enhance 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO) to metabolize tryptophan,
neuroplasticity, has been implicated in neuro- the precursor of serotonin, along the kynurenine
trophic theories of depression and treatment pathway. This competing pathway has been impli-
thereof [Penn and Tracy, 2012; Caddy et al. cated in regulation of the innate immune system
2013], with robust evidence that serum BDNF as well as potential neurotoxicity through NMDA
levels are decreased in depressed individuals and receptor activation by the downstream metabolite
that treatment with antidepressants normalizes quinolinic acid [Dantzer et al. 2008], which medi-
levels of BDNF [Sen et al. 2008]. BDNF may ates cytokine-induced inhibition of neurogenesis
play a vital role in adult neurogenesis [Bath et al. in human hippocampal progenitor cell lines
2012] and there is evidence that depression is [Zunszain et al. 2012]. Interestingly, activation of
partially linked to insufficient neurogenesis and the 5-HT2A receptor by DOI rapidly suppresses
neurotrophic activity [Krishnan and Nestler, the mediation of inflammatory processes by
2008]. tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), including the
transcription of IL-6, thus leading to a reduced
Interestingly, Catlow and colleagues have investi- inflammatory response [Yu et al. 2008]. Thus,
gated the effects of psilocybin, 25I-NBOMe (a 5-HT2A-mediated inhibition of TNF-α may lead
synthetic phenethylamine) and ketanserin admin- to neuroprotective effects as well as increased bio-
istrations on hippocampal neurogenesis and availability of tryptophan, allowing for augmented
extinction of fear conditioning in adult rats serotonergic activity. However, agonist action on
[Catlow et al. 2013]. Low single doses of psilocy- the 5-HT2A receptor also causes the serotonergic
bin (once per week over the course of 1 month) neurons of the raphe nuclei to cease firing
led to more rapid extinction of cued fear condi- [Nichols, 2004], which may cause a temporary
tioning and increased neurogenesis when com- paucity of serotonin in the brain; a finding not
pared to saline control. However, administration easily coalesced with the increased serotonergic
of high doses of psilocybin, 25I-NBOMe and ket- functioning brought on by antidepressants.
anserin all led to decreased neurogenesis, suggest-
ing a biphasic, dose-dependent relationship that
needs to be researched further. Nonetheless these Alteration of cortical networks
findings support the assertion that hallucinogens Therapeutic actions might also occur at a broader
may have some potentially similar effects to that level of cortical connectivity. Failure to inhibit
of antidepressants, as there is evidence that SSRIs activity of the DMN and broader dysconnectivity
increase neurogenesis [Ohira et al. 2013] and that between this and the extrinsic networks has been
behavioural effects of antidepressants can be robustly associated with mental illness, most
blocked by directly disrupting neurogenesis notably so the self-referential processes in depres-
[Santarelli et al. 2003]. sion that may be difficult to disengage, such as
rumination [Whitfield-Gabrieli and Ford, 2012;
Caddy et al. 2013]. Mindfulness-based therapies,
Modulation of the immune system which intend to foster nonjudgmental awareness
Messengers of the innate immune system, notably of the present moment and sensory experience
interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, interferon-α and other thereof whilst avoiding undue thought about
cytokines, may bring on symptoms associated future or past events, have been shown effective
with both depression and sickness, such as leth- in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety
argy, low mood, irritability, loss of appetite, frag- and reducing the risk of depressive relapse
mented sleep and mild impairments of attention [Fjorback et al. 2011; Hofmann et al. 2010].
and concentration [Dantzer et al. 2008], and it Interestingly, dampening of DMN activity
has thus been suggested that dysregulation of [Brewer et al. 2011] and upregulation of net-
cytokines can contribute towards depressive ill- works associated with processing of sensory
ness. Indeed, there is robust evidence for increased information [Baerentsen et al. 2010] have also
levels of cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor- been observed in experienced meditators during
α (TNF-α) and IL-6 in major depression [Dowlati practice. Moreover, suppressive changes to
et al. 2010] and it has been shown that in patients mPFC activity are associated with a list of effec-
receiving amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant, tive treatments for depression, including SSRIs
treatment response is associated with a significant [Kennedy et al. 2001] and cognitive-behavioural
decrease in TNF-α [Lanquillon et al. 2000]. therapy [Goldapple et al. 2004], raising the some-
Furthermore, TNF-α can stimulate indoleamine what speculative question as to whether the

D Baumeister, G Barnes et al.

pharmacologically induced similarities in neural double-blind RCT evaluating the psychological

activation bear similar potential. effects of psilocybin [Griffiths et al. 2006, 2008].
Although acute effects on mood included some
increases in anxiety, the most pronounced changes
Clinical effects were in terms of joy/intense happiness and peace/
harmony. Further, a questionnaire assessing mys-
Studies on healthy populations: turn on, tune in, tical experiences showed that 22 out of 36 partici-
drop out? pants had a strong mystical type experience,
There are data to support the safety and therapeu- suggesting that psilocybin can induce spontane-
tic effects of classical hallucinogens. Studerus and ous, spiritually significant states. Indeed, both at a
colleagues performed a pooled analysis of acute 2-month follow up and at 14 months, the major-
and long-term psychological effects of psilocybin ity of participants rated the experience among the
in 110 healthy volunteers from 8 separate double- top five of their most personally meaningful expe-
blind randomized controlled trials (RCTs) con- riences, attributing improvements in mood, atti-
ducted by the authors [Studerus et al. 2010]. tudes and behaviours to it. In a subsequent study
Participants received 1–4 oral doses of very low to on the same sample, MacLean and colleagues
high doses of psilocybin (45–315 μg/kg of body reported that these experiences led to increases in
weight). All studies included the Altered States of the personality trait of ‘openness’, although the
Consciousness Rating Scale, which comprises sev- clinical effectiveness of such phenomena is open
eral dimensions including oceanic boundlessness to debate [MacLean et al. 2011].
(a measure combining insightfulness, religious
experience, experience of unity and blissful state), Grob and colleagues investigated a sample of 15
anxious ego dissolution (referring to a combina- individuals who regularly ingest the DMT-
tion of anxiety, impaired control and disembodi- containing brew ayahuasca as part of spiritual
ment), visionary restructuralization (referring to a ceremonies in organised spiritual practice [Grob
combination of elementary visual alterations, et al. 1996]. Ayahuasca also contains a monoam-
audio–visual synaesthesia, vivid imagery and ine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), which allows the
changed meaning of perceptions) as well as altera- DMT to be orally ingested. Given that MAOIs
tions of auditory perceptions and cognitive vigi- are used as antidepressants this is a confounding
lance. Psilocybin had a significant effect on all of variable, however members of the groups typically
these dimensions, however with a much smaller ingest the brew twice a month, making an antide-
effect for anxious ego dissolution. Adverse psycho- pressant-like effect of the MAOI properties
logical effects were only observed in a minority of unlikely. Results showed that ayahuasca users
participants, who could be all calmed down ver- performed mildly better on cognitive measures
bally rather than through emergency medication. and exhibited less harm avoidance on personality
Further, these adverse effects occurred only measures, when compared with 15 ayahuasca-
among those who were administered high doses. naïve individuals. Further, whilst none of the aya-
Only one participant consulted the research team huasca users met criteria for an active psychiatric
after the experiment regarding adverse effects, as disorder, five had previously suffered from alco-
it became apparent that suppressed memories had hol abuse disorder, two from major depressive
resurfaced. The participant was reported to have disorder and three from anxiety disorders.
subsequently successfully resolved this issue Amongst the controls, only one participant had
through psychotherapy. Follow-up questionnaires previously recovered from an alcohol abuse disor-
provided no evidence of any mental impairment der, whilst two other met criteria for an active
or distress resulting from psilocybin exposure. one. Qualitative life history interviews with aya-
However, as the authors excluded any participants huasca users revealed that they unequivocally
with a personal or family history of schizophrenia, attributed improvements in their mental well-
major depression, bipolar disorder, borderline being to the religious and ceremonial practice.
personality disorder, neurological disorders or
alcohol or substance abuse, the significance of Some of these results were confirmed in a larger
these findings may not be easily transferred to sample of religious ayahuasca users: Bouso and
broader clinical populations. colleagues provided interesting evidence regard-
ing long-term use of classical hallucinogens by
Elaborating on the spiritual aspect of hallucino- comparing 127 regular ayahuasca users to 115
gens, Griffiths and colleagues conducted a actively religious controls who were followed up 163
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 4(4)

over 1 year [Bouso et al. 2012]. Regular halluci- the utility of psilocybin in obsessive–compulsive
nogen users showed lower scores on all psychopa- disorder (OCD), Moreno and colleagues adminis-
thology scales as assessed by the Symptom tered this compound to nine OCD patients who
Check-List-90-Revised, as well as on measures of had failed to respond to at least one therapeutic
harm avoidance and self-directedness. However, trial of a SSRI [Moreno et al. 2006]. Doses rang-
they scored higher on a measure of psychosocial ing from very low to high (25–300 μg/kg of body
well-being, and performed better on the Stroop weight) were administered on four testing days at
test (an indicator of resistance to emotional inter- least 1 week apart. Following administration, par-
ference) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (a ticipants listened to standardized music in a com-
measure of working memory). These data were fortable room and wore eyeshades for 8 hours, in
reconfirmed at a 1-year follow up, demonstrating the presence of two sitters who ensured safety and
that there was no deterioration of mental health in well-being but maintained minimal interaction.
regular users. Analysis of OCD symptoms showed a significant
effect of psilocybin on OCD symptom scales, with
Further evidence in line with this finding was all of the participants responding in one or more
obtained by Krebs and Johansen in a population- sessions and reductions of 23–100% in symptoms
based analysis of a nationwide Norwegian drug- scores as assessed by the Yale–Brown Obsessive
use survey, with data from 21,967 participants Compulsive Scale (measured immediately before
[Krebs and Johansen, 2013]. Whilst it is not pos- administration, then at 4, 8 and 24 hours). The
sible to assign causality in such work, it was note- effect lasted for more than 24 hours and interest-
worthy that 13.4% of respondents reported ingly appeared independent of dose, suggesting
lifetime use of hallucinogens, and no negative even subpsychedelic amounts of psilocybin (deter-
relationship was observed between lifetime sub- mined as 25 μg/kg) may alleviate symptoms: the
stance-use documentation, of any psychedelic, authors postulated that agonist activity on 5-HT1A,
and any mental health outcome. In contrast, sev- 5-HT2A and/or 5-HT2C underlay efficacy. Scores
eral indicators of better mental health on items on the Hallucinogen Rating Scale were signifi-
relating to psychotic symptoms, generalized anxi- cantly increased at the 8-hour measurement point,
ety disorder, rates of psychiatric medication and and the only adverse reaction recorded was one
inpatient treatment were observed, albeit with participant showing mild and temporary hyper-
marginal yet significant differences and in specific tension at one point in time, but unrelated to anxi-
sample subgroups (e.g. lower rates of psychiatric ety. Although these results shed an optimistic light
medication was only apparent in older adults). on the clinical application of hallucinogens, the
available data are limited by a lack of control, ade-
quate sample size and most critically long-term
Studies on patient populations follow up. All participants, through study proto-
The initial surge of clinical research that took col, had at least one prior exposure to indole-based
place between the mid-1950s and 1960s in psychedelics, and two had reported previous ther-
response to the synthesis of LSD and psilocybin apeutic responses to similar drugs.
produced more than 1000 studies, involving tens
of thousands of participants [Grinspoon and Grob and colleagues investigated administration
Bakalar, 1981]. However, as pointed out by of psilocybin to advanced-stage, mood-disordered
Vollenweider and Kometer, there were difficulties cancer patients on measures of depression, state–
with these studies [Vollenweider and Kometer, trait anxiety and mood states [Grob et al. 2011].
2010]: the substances were little understood, their A total of 12 patients participated in two experi-
effects were difficult to control and different ther- mental sessions similar in setting utilized by
apeutic approaches utilized them in different Moreno and colleagues, being administered a
manners, and therefore the present review will moderate dose of psilocybin (200 μg/kg of body
refrain from considering evidence obtained in weight) on one occasion and an active placebo of
these studies. 250 mg of niacin, which induced a mild physio-
logical reaction of flushing, on the other in a dou-
Since the criminalization of these drugs there have ble-blind procedure [Moreno et al. 2006].
only been three studies that the present review Reported subjective effects of psilocybin were sig-
could identify investigating classical hallucinogens nificantly increased for several items such as posi-
in clinical settings, all published in the last decade. tive mood, positive derealization and elementary
Following anecdotal early case studies on hallucinations, but not anxious derealization and

D Baumeister, G Barnes et al.

thought disorder. Neither physical nor psycho- commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs such as
logical adverse effects occurred. At a 6-month methadone and benzodiazepines. There have
follow up the study found a significant decrease been no reported fatalities directly due to psilocy-
in Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores bin [Jerome, 2007]. Nevertheless, existing study
(p = 0.03), which had declined during the months sample sizes are generally small, and as the drugs
following psilocybin administration, whereas can produce psychosis-like symptoms and have
reductions in trait anxiety as measures by the served as a serotonergic model of psychosis
State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) reached [Vollenweider et al. 1998; Halberstadt and Geyer,
significance at a 1-month follow up (p = 0.001). 2013; Murray et al. 2013], questions remain
These data are seemingly impressive in the con- about how much this might limit any potential
text of a single dosing schedule, but the work has clinical application remains uncertain.
methodological limitations in terms of sample
size, variation in the cancer types, independent
control, and variations of dosage and sessions. Conclusion
Hallucinogens have been used and valued for mil-
Most recently, Gasser and colleagues utilized lennia for their well-recognized mind-altering
LSD as an adjunct to psychotherapy for anxiety properties, but initial interest in their therapeutic
from life-threatening illness in a double-blind, potential in the 20th century was rapidly stymied
randomized, active placebo-controlled design by counter prevailing political and social currents.
[Gasser et al. 2014]. Eight participants received However, over the past few years a renewed inter-
200 μg, based upon early studies from the 1970s, est in their neurobiology has emerged, not uncon-
in two experimental sessions as part of a psycho- nected with the pressing need to open new
therapeutic intervention, whilst the four control avenues for treatment options in mood and anxi-
participants received 20 μg of LSD as an active ety disorders. The emerging neuroscientific and
placebo posited to produced detectable but mini- clinical literature on serotonergic hallucinogen-
mal subjective effects. Results revealed a statisti- like agents shows promise, and a reasonably good
cally significant reduction of state anxiety on the side-effect profile, although the marked sparsity
STAI (p = 0.02) and a trend towards reduction of of data and methodological caveats mean much
trait anxiety at both 2- and 12-month follow up. future work is necessary. Animal models are add-
However, no changes on the Hamilton Depression ing to our knowledge but the unique mind-mani-
Rating Scale were observed. No drug-related seri- festing nature of these drugs may hinder the
ous adverse events occurred and all other adverse applicability of this, and studies on humans are
reactions, such as feeling abnormal or anxious, required.
were self-limiting, transient and required no
intervention. Despite its promising findings, the The drug pharmacodynamics indicate that hallu-
research is again marked by a lack of sample size cinogens might not require daily ingestion:
rendering the present evidence as of preliminary depending on the frequency required this may be
quality. potentially beneficial for adherence, although
some individuals might find intermittent dosing
regimens confusing. It has been argued that the
Risk data on classical hallucinogens unique mind-manifesting properties of these
None of the studies reviewed here that utilized drugs might offer synergistic effects to psycho-
classical hallucinogens reported any significant logical care as compared with existing antidepres-
adverse effects, whether physiological or psycho- sants, and indeed hypothetically potentially novel
logical. Indeed, even when not consumed in con- mechanisms of action might make them comple-
trolled settings where in an emergency ketanserin mentary when coprescribed with current antide-
could be used to block all psychedelic effects, the pressant drug classes. At the very least it seems
risks associated with classical hallucinogens reasonable to posit that ongoing examination of
appears to be low: in an influential paper Nutt these drugs is warranted to further our insights
and colleagues estimated the cumulative risk of into the neurobiology of depression.
20 drugs of abuse and found psilocybin to carry
the least risk with a 12-fold difference to alcohol, Legislation on hallucinogens, with regards to sci-
the most harmful one [Nutt et al. 2010]. LSD was entific research, is outdated: LSD and psilocybin
found to be the third least harmful, showing these remain classified as ‘schedule I’, indicating that
hallucinogens to be less harmful than other they have high potential for abuse, no accepted 165
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 4(4)

medical usage, and lack of safety when used under Baerentsen, K., Stodkilde-Jorgensen, H.,
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harm to recreational drug consumers appears processes supporting meditation. Cogn Process 11:
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prescribed medications [Nutt et al. 2010]; moreo- control of adult SVZ neurogenesis. Dev Psychobiol 54:
ver the freezing effect this has on clinical research 578–589.
is harmful, and with an untold cost. A recent Beique, J., Imad, M., Mladenovic, L., Gingrich,
review by Nutt and colleagues noted that three J. and Andrade, R. (2007) Mechanism of the
out of 7000 UK hospitals have the necessary 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor-mediated
licence to research such drugs; that the cost of a facilitation of synaptic activity in prefrontal cortex.
licence is expensive and only lasts 1 year; and that Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104: 9870–9875.
it necessitates police reviews [Nutt et al. 2013]. It Bhattacharyya, S., Puri, S., Miledi, R. and Panicker,
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This research received no specific grant from any
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Caddy, C., Giaroli, G., White, T., Shergill, S.
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Derek Tracy has received honoraria for educa- glutamatergic antidepressant: pharmacodynamics
actions, and a systematic review and meta-analysis of
tional talks, and had travel and conference
efficacy. Ther Adv Psychopharmacol, in press.
expenses paid, from Lilly UK and Roche UK.
Giovanni Giaroli has received honoraria for serv- Carhart-Harris, R., Erritzoe, D., Williams, T.,
ing on a speaker’s bureau for Eli Lilly, FlynnPharma Stone, J., Reed, L., Colasanti, A. et al. (2012) Neural
and Jannsen. He has also received reimbursement correlates of the psychedelic state as determined by
for travel expenses and conference attendance fMRI studies with psilocybin. Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A 109: 2138–2143.
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